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come is the stock's fair market value on date of distribution. qualify, the bonds must be issued after December 31, 1989,
Similarly, the shareholder's basis for the dividend shares the purchaser of the bonds must be the sole owner of the
will be equal to their fair market value on date of distribu- bonds (orjoint owner with his or her spouse), and the
tion (10 x $60 = $600). owner(s) must be at least twenty-four years old before the
bond's issue date. To exclude the interest the redemption
I.B.10. Interest Income
proceeds must be used to pay the tuition and fees incurred
IS. (c) . The requirement is to determine the correct by the taxpayer, spouse, o~ dependents to attend a college or
statement(s) regarding the amortization of bond premium on university or certain vocational schools.
a taxable bond. The amount of premium amortization on 20. (d) The requirement is to determine the amount of
taxable bonds acquired by the taxpayer after 1987 is treated tax-exempt interest. Interest on obligations of a state or one
as an offset to the amount of interest income reported on the of its political subdivisions (e.g., New York Port Authority
bond. The method of calculating the annual amortization is bonds), or a possession of the US (e.g., Puerto Rico Com-
determined by the date the bond was issued, as opposed to monwealth bonds) is tax-exempt.
the acquisition date. If the bond was issued after Septem-
ber 27, 1985, the amortization must be calculated under the 21. (c) Stone will report $1,700 of interest income.
constant yield to maturity method. Otherwise, the amortiza- Interest on FIT refunds, personal injury awards, US savings
tion must be made ratably over the life of the bond. Under bonds, and most other sources is fully taxable. However,
the constant yield to maturity method, the amortizable bond interest on state or municipal bonds is generally not taxable.
premium is computed on the basis of the taxpayer's yield to
22. (d) The requirement is to determine how Don Raffs
maturity, using the taxpayer's basis for the bond, and com-
$500 interest forfeiture penalty should be reported. An in-
pounding at the close of each accrual period.
terest forfeiture penalty for making a premature withdrawal
16. (c) The requirement is to determine whether two , from a certificate of deposit should be deducted from gross
statements are true concerning the exclusion of interest in- income in arriving at adjusted gross income in the y':ear in
come on US Series EE Bonds that are redeemed to pay for which the penalty is incurred, which in this case is 2009.
higher education. The accrued interest on US Series EE 1.B.12. Scholarships and Fellowships
savings bonds that are redeemed by a taxpayer is excluded
from gross income to the extent that the aggregate redemp- 23. (c) The requirement is to determin which pay-
tion proceeds (principal plus interest) are used to finance the mentes) must be included in a recipient's gross income. A
higher education of the taxpayer, taxpayer's spouse, or de- candidate for a degree can exclude amounts received as a
pendents. Qualified higher educational expenses include scholarship or fellowship if, according to the conditions of
tuition and fees, but not room and board or the cost of the grant, the amounts are used for the payment of tuition
courses involving sports, games, or hobbies that are not part and fees, books, supplies, and equipment required for
of a degree program. In determining the amount of available courses at an educational institution. All payments received
exclusion, qualified educational expenses must be reduced for services must be included in income, even if the services
by qualified scholarships that are exempt from tax, and any . are a condition of receiving the grant or are required of all
other nontaxable payments such as veteran's educational candidates for the degree. Here, the payment to a graduate
assistance and employer-provided educational assistance. assistant for a part-time teaching assignment and the grant to
a Ph.D. candidate for participation in research are payments
17. (a) The requirement is to determine the amount of
for services and must be included'in income.
interest subject to tax in Kay's 2009 tax return. Interest
must generally be included in gross income, unless a specific 24. (c) The requirement is to determine the amount of
statutory provision provides for its exclusion (e.g., interest scholarship awards that Majors should include as taxable
on municipal bonds). Interest on US Treasury certificates incomein 2009. Only a candidate for a degree can exclude
and on a refund of federal income tax would be subject to amounts received as a scholarship award. The exclusion
tax on Kay's 2009 tax return. available to degree candidates is limited to amounts received
for the payment of tuition and fees, books, supplies, and
18. (c) The requirement is to determine the amount of
equipment required for courses at the educational institution.
interest income taxable on Charles and Marcia's joint in-
Since Majors is a candidate for a graduate degree, Majors
come tax return. A taxpayer's income includes interest on
can exclude the $10,000 received for tuition, fees, books, ,
state and federal income tax refunds and interest on federal
and supplies required for courses. However, the $2,000
obligations, but excludes interest on state obligations. Here,
stipend for research services required by the scholarship
their joint taxable income must include the $500 interest on
must be included in taxable income for 2009.
federal income tax refund, $600 interest on ,state income tax
refund, and $800 interest on federal government obligations, I.B.16. Lease Improvements
but will exclude the $1,000 tax-exempt interest on state gov-
ernment obligations. Although a refund of federal income 25. (a) The requirement is to determine a lessor's 2009
tax would be excluded from gross income, any interest on a gross income. A lessor excludes from income any increase
refund must be included in gross income. in the value of property caused by improvements made by
the lessee, unless the improvements were made in lieu of
19. (a) The requirement is to determine the condition rent. In this case, there is no indication that the improve-
that must be met for tax exemption of accumulated interest ments were made in lieu of rent. Therefore, for 2009, Parley
on Series EE US Savings Bonds. An individual may be able should only include the six rent payments in income: 6 x
to exclude from income all or a part of the interest received $1,000 = $6,000.
on the redemption of Series EE US Savings Bonds. To

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