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Dictation number 2 is a chart note. Returns today for follow up evaluation.

Her headaches have been

pretty well under control with Inderal LA 60 milligrams capsules. Her main problem now is one of the
mid thoracic well localized back pain. Just to the right of midline and unassociated with any type of
radiating different seizures or numbness extending from the back, interiorly in a dermatome pattern.

She has had no legs symptomatology and no change invalid bladder control. She has had a CT of the
cervical spine in the past or a neck injury and this was unremarkable, because of a mild range.She also
had a CT in the head which is unremarkable. She really feels as though this is some sort of a local
mechanical back problem and I tend to agree. She has not had planes to find x-rays yet.

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