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Answering the Call of Change

by RCDMendoza


A six-letter word that makes everything complicated. If I were to mention a few: change as the only thing
constant in the world, change as something longed for by countries during elections, change as a phenomenon
for which a simple explanation seems insufficient.

And to top the cake, change is something that does not happen overnight.

With all of these endless clichés, what makes longing for change so irresistible?

If I were to get a borrowed answer, perhaps Victor Frankl comes to mind. Man’s endless search for meaning,
that is. Unless a person finds his ultimate meaning, he, too, will not stop seeking change. Oh, man, where are
you leading yourself?

Brushing aside Frankl if one finds it too philosophical, change seems to be a bait for everyone. Take the case of
Obama’s election catchphrase: ‘Change we need’, or that of the current administration: ‘Change is coming’. On
the eyes of someone with his eyes on politics, the word ‘change’ is a staple for election statements. With that,
a politician wins his hard-earned votes.

Yes, I can sense your uneasiness. You find my explanations too philosophical or too political. That, I must say, is
a best situation to use when explaining what change really means.

Change, my dear friend, is not an instantaneous act. It takes much thinking and acting, yes.

But does it have to be a collective action? Not at the first instance. Because it should start with you. Yes, you.
Another cliché as it may sound, but yes, you should always take the first step.

So, when should one begin? Perhaps when he has the means and the voice?

You already have it. You may be young, you may not have your own means yet, but yes. You can start change.
Since you cried your first in this world, you already brought change, to your parents who were overjoyed at a
sight of a new life and to those who are fortunate to see your coming to this world, that cry changed their

Before I forget, change also happens when you choose not to go on the same path as others do. Think of
situations where people will only base their thoughts on what is popular, they would stick to what the majority
is doing at the moment. Truth, I must say, is not defined by a mere majority vote. When you go against this tide,
that also triggers change. Change is when you opt no to go with what is popular, but when you choose to do
what is right, and just.

There are still numerous situations to think of, but these words would not suffice to include them. But these
things we mentioned, I believe, explains why we are all called, especially you, dear young people, are called to
be advocates of change. Let even your simplest acts or words be a reverberating voice as a response to society’s
unquenchable thirst for change. These may only sound like a dropped needle to the world, but this little sound
is enough to call about the change we need, or the change to come. But more than just a mere search for
ultimate meaning or even a political statement, let this six-letter word be a resounding call, once and for all.

So, don’t just be the change that you want to see in the world, but be the change that will even make Mahatma
Gandhi proud of you.

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