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property is disposed of, regardless of when the property is ($1,000), cost of insuring household goods and personal
disposed of during the year. Answer (b) is incorrect because effects during move ($200), cost of shipping household pets
allowing one-half month's depreciation for the month that ($100), and cost of moving household furnishings and per-
property is placed in service or disposed of is known as the sonal effects ($3,000) are deductible. Indirect moving ex-
"rnidmonth convention." penses such as premove househunting, temporary living
expenses, and meals while moving are not deductible.
85. (c) The requirement is to determine the portion of
the $814,000 cost of the machine that can be treated as an 90. (c) The requirement is to determine Martin's de-
expense for 2009. Sec. 179 permits a taxpayer to elect to ductible moving expenses. Moving expenses are deductible
treat up to $250,000 (for 2009) of the cost of qualifying de- if closely related to the start of work at a new location and a
preciable personal property as an .expense rather than as a distance (i.e., new job must be at least fifty miles from for-
capital expenditure. However, the $250,000 maximum is mer residence) and time (i.e., employed at least thirty-nine
reduced dollar-for-dollar by the cost of qualifying property weeks out of twelve months following move) tests are met.
placed in service during the taxable year that exceeds Here, both tests are met and Martin's $806 cost of moving
$800,000. Here, the, maximum amount that can be expensed his personal belongings is deductible. However, the $300
is [$250,000 - ($814,000 -, $800,000)] = $236,000. penalty for breaking his lease is not deductible.
11. "Above the Line" Deductions 91. (a) Only the direct costs incurred for transporting a
86. (d) The requirement is to determine the amount to taxpayer, his or her family, and their household goods and
be reported in Mel's gross income for the $400 per month personal effects from their former residence to their new
received for business automobile expenses under a nonac- residence can qualify as deductible moving expenses. The
countable plan from Easel Co. Reimbursements and ex_o indirect moving expense costs incurred for meals while in
pense allowances paid to an employee under a nonaccount- transit, house hunting, temporary lodging, to sell or purchase
able plan must be included in the employee's gross income a home, and to break or acquire a lease are not deductible.
and are reported on the employee's W-2. The employee II.F. Contributions to Certain Retirement Plans
must then complete Form 2106 and itemize to deduct
business-related expenses such as the use of an automobile. 92. (d) The requirement is to determine the incorrect
statement concerning a Roth IRA. The maximum annual
87. (c) The requirement is to determine the correct
contribution to a Roth IRA is subject to reduction if the tax-
statement regarding a second residence that is rented for 200
payer's adjusted gross income exceeds certain thresholds.
days and used 50 days for personal use. Deductions for
Unlike a traditional IRA, contributions are not deductible
expenses related to a dwelling that is also used as a resi-
and can be made even after the taxpayer reaches age 70Y2.
dence by the taxpayer may be limited. If the taxpayer's
The contribution must be made by the due date of the tax-
personal use exceeds the greater of 14 days, or 10% of the
payer's tax return (not including extensions).
number of days rented, deductions allocable to rental use are
limited to rental income. Here, since Adams used the sec- 93. (c) 'The requirement is to determine the maximum
ond residence for 50 days and rented the residence for 200 amount of adjusted gross income that a taxpayer may have
days, no rental loss can be deducted. All expenses related to and still qualify to roll over a traditional IRA into a Roth
the property, including utilities and maintenance, must be IRA. A conversion or rollover of a traditional IRA to a Roth
allocated between personal use and rental use. Answer (d) is IRA can occur if the taxpayer's AGI does not exceed
incorrect because only the mortgage interest and taxes allo- $100,000, the taxpayer is not married filing a separate re-
cable to rental use would be deducted in determining the o1 turn, and the rollover occurs within sixty days of the
property's net rental income or loss. Answer (a) is incorrect, IRA
since depreciation on the property could be deducted if Ad- distribution. For purposes of the determining eligibility, the
ams' gross rental income exceeds allocable out-of-pocket $100,000 AGI ceiling is determined by including taxable
rental expenses. social security and is determined before the exclusions for
interest on Series EE bonds used for higher education, em-
88. (a) The requirement is to determine the amount of ployer provided adoption assistance, and foreign earned
unreimbursed employee expenses that can be deducted by income. The IRA conversion or rollover amount is not
Gilbert if he does not itemize deductions. Gilbert cannot taken into account in determining the $100,000 AGI ceiling.
deduct any of the expenses listed if he does not itemize de-
ductions. The unreimbursed employee business expenses 94. (d) The requirement is to determine which statement
are deductible only as itemized deductions, subsequent to concerning an education IRA is not correct. Contributions
the 2% of AGI floor. to an education IRA are not deductible, but withdrawals of
earnings will be tax-free if used to pay the qualified higher
II.E. Moving Expenses
education expenses of the designated beneficiary. The
89. (c) The requirement is to determine the amount of maximum amount that can be contributed to an education
moving expense that James can deduct for 2009. Direct IRA for 2009 is limited to $2,000, but the annual contribu-
moving expenses are deductible if closely related to the start tion is phased out by adjusted gross income in excess of
of work at a new location and it distance test (i.e., distance . certain thresholds. Contributions generally cannot be made
from new job to former residence is at least fifty miles fur- to an education IRA after the date on which the designated
ther than distance from old job to former residence) and a beneficiary reaches age eighteen.
time test (i.e., employed at least thirty-nine weeks out of 95. (a) The requirement is to determine the Whites'
twelve months following move) are met. Since both tests allowable IRA deduction on their 2009 joint return. For
are met, Jarnes' unreimbursed lodging and travel expenses married taxpayers filing a joint return for 2009, up to $5,000
can be deducted for contributions to the IRA of each spouse

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