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The main cause of morbidity and mortality in children and toddlersmis cronic
malnutrition ( stunting). Malnutrition is very influntial and hierarchy. The causes
of the most (priximate) deterinants are poor diet and the underlying factos.
Knowledge about the prevalence and causes important to develop planing strategy
of prevention. According to the fact that children aged under five years old the
range of stunting. Children who lived at home and less care and also the event of
conflict in the family is the leading cause of stunting. The likelihood of stnting
was about four times higher among children whose mothres were married. The
likelihold of stunting was two times higher among children with repeated attack of
acute respiratory, tract infection than their counter parts. This might be due to that
during illness nutritional reqriremet increases despite loss of appetite which later
on exposed the child for stunting. This might be due to the fact that feeding breast
for less than the recommended two years and above time exposed children for
nutritional deficiency.

Referensi :

Dewana, Z., Fikadu, T., Facha, W. & Mekonnen, N. (2017). Prevelence and
Predictors of Stunting among Children of Age between 24vto 59 Months in
Butajira Town and Surrounding District, Guragr Zone, Southern Ethiopia, Health
Science Journal, II (4), 518

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