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Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation

Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics

UE SPM-PHY-S07-101
Gaussian Beams

N. Fressengeas

Laboratoire Matériaux Optiques, Photonique et Systèmes

Unité de Recherche commune à l’Université Paul Verlaine Metz et à Supélec

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N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 1

Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics

Further reading
[KL66, GB94]

A. Gerrard and J.M. Burch.

Introduction to matrix methods in optics.
Dover, 1994.
Laser beams and resonators.
Appl. Opt., 5(10):1550–1567, Oct 1966.

N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 2

Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics

Course Outline

1 Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation

Gaussian beams vs. plane waves
The fundamental mode
Higher order modes

2 Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics

Linear algebra for geometrical optics
A few simple matrices
Matrix method for Gaussian beams

N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 3

Gaussian beams vs. plane waves
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
The fundamental mode
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Higher order modes

Plane waves do not exist

Waves carrying an infinite amount of energy cannot come into existence

Planes waves
Plane wave have a homogeneous transversal electric field
Ponting’s vector norm, and power density, are also
Total carried power is infinite
Practical use of plane wave theory: usual unsaid approximation
Plane waves of finite extent are often used
Strictly speaking, they are not plane waves
To what extent can we assume they are plane waves ?

N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 4

Gaussian beams vs. plane waves
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
The fundamental mode
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Higher order modes

Plane waves, Gaussian beams. . . what else ?

Solutions of the wave equations: one finds only those he was searching for

−−→ −

1 ∂2 E
Solving the wave equation △E = c 2 ∂t 2
Vectorial Partial Derivatives Equations
Solutions are numerous
An ansatz1 is needed to seek solutions
Gaussian beams as an ansatz
We will find another family of solutions
We never pretend to get them all

An ansatz is an a priori hypothesis on the form of the sought solution.
N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 5
Gaussian beams vs. plane waves
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
The fundamental mode
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Higher order modes

Gaussian ansatz
Plugging the ansatz into the wave equation builds the envelope equation

Introducing a space dependent envelope

→ −
→− →
Plane wave: E0 × e −ı̇ k · r
Gaussian ansatz : u (x, y , z) →

ex × e −ı̇kz
u (x, y , z) : complex beam envelope

ex unit vector
The envelope u (x, y , z) is our new unknown
Envelope equation
Scalar harmonic wave equation: △E + k 2 E = 0
Envelope equation: △u − 2ı̇k ∂u
∂z = 0

N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 6

Gaussian beams vs. plane waves
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
The fundamental mode
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Higher order modes

The paraxial approximation

Also known as Gauss conditions, Slow Varying Envelope. . .

Non Paraxial Beam Paraxial Beam

N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 7

Gaussian beams vs. plane waves
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
The fundamental mode
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Higher order modes

Paraxial approximation and partial derivatives

Assuming small angles is equivalent to neglecting z derivatives

Transversal variation vs. longitudinal variation

Non Paraxial Beam Paraxial Beam

Transversal Laplacian
∂2 ∂2
≪ △ ≈ △⊥
∂z 2 ∂x 2

N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 8

Gaussian beams vs. plane waves
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
The fundamental mode
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Higher order modes

A first solution to the paraxial wave equation

The simplest one, though probably the more important

Wave Propagation Equation A simple ansatz

∂u “

△⊥ u − 2ı̇k =0 u=e
−ı̇ P(z)+ 2q(z)
Complex beam radius q (z)
Real part: phase variations Phase shift P (z)
Imaginary part: intensity Phase shift with respect to the
variations plane wave
Plugging ansatz: q ′ = 1 qP ′ + ı̇ = 0
Integration: q (z) = q (0) + z

N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 9

Gaussian beams vs. plane waves
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
The fundamental mode
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Higher order modes

The complex beam radius q (z) “ ”

k r2
−ı̇ P(z)+ 2q(z)
A closer look to the signification on a complex parameter u=e
A complex parameter is linked to two real ones
1 1 λ
q = R − ı̇ πW 2

The ansatz re-written

“ ”
−ı̇ P(z)+k 2R(z) − r 2
u=e W (z) e


N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 10

Gaussian beams vs. plane waves
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
The fundamental mode
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Higher order modes

Spherical wavefront of radius R at abscissa z

Phase at abscissa z R radius spherical wavefront

Constant phase on sphere d
Phase ∝ d, r ≪ R

d = R − R2 − r 2 r
d≈ 2R
R z
Gaussian ansatz
“ ”
−ı̇ P(z)+k 2R(z) − r 2
u=e e
W (z)

N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 11

Gaussian beams vs. plane waves
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
The fundamental mode
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Higher order modes

Gaussian Beam Complex Amplitude

Where the Gaussian beam amplitude is derived from the ansatz and q ′ = 1

A quick summary
“ ”
−ı̇ P(z)+ 2q(z) r2
Ansatz : u = e
1 1 λ
Complex beam radius : q = R − ı̇ πW 2

Beam radius equation : q ′ = 1 q (z) = q (0) + z

Assuming a plane wavefront for z = 0
q (0) = ı̇ λ
W 2 (z)= W02
1 + πW 2
  2 2 
R (z) = z 1 + λz0

N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 12

Gaussian beams vs. plane waves
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
The fundamental mode
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Higher order modes

Gaussian »Beam Intensity

– “ ”2
W 2 (z) = W02 1 + λz

W 0
γ λz λz
≫1 ⇒ W (z) ≈ πW0
γ= πW0

W0 : Beam Waist

N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 13

Gaussian beams vs. plane waves
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
The fundamental mode
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Higher order modes



R (z) = z 1 + λz

Plane and spherical limits

W 0

For small z : R = ∞
plane wavefront
For high z : R ≈ z
spherical wavefront

N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 14

Gaussian beams vs. plane waves
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
The fundamental mode
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Higher order modes

The Rayleigh length

A quantitative criterion to decide whether a Gaussian beam is plane or spherical
Plane for small z πW02

W (z) ≈ W0
lim R (z) = ∞
Spherical for high z πW02
λz LR
W (z) ≈
R (z) ≈ z
The Rayleigh length is the limit
LR =

N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 15

Gaussian beams vs. plane waves
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
The fundamental mode
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Higher order modes

The homogeneous
“ ”
phase shift P (z)
−ı̇ k r2
P(z)+ 2q(z)

Recall the equation

qP ′ + ı̇ = 0 ⇔ P ′ (z) = −
z + ı̇LR
Integrate it
W0 z
P (z) = ı̇ ln W (z) − tan−1 LR

Complex phase meaning

Real part : Phase shift with respect to plane wave
Imaginary part: WW(z)
factor to ensure energy conservation

N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 16

Gaussian beams vs. plane waves
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
The fundamental mode
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Higher order modes

The fundamental Gaussian mode

General expression
„ «
1 k
W0 −ı̇[kz+P(z)]−r 2 W (z)2
+ı̇ 2R(z)
E (r , z) = e
W (z)
With, in (nearly) the order of appearance on the screen
W 2 (z) = W02 1 + LzR
R (z) = z 1 + LzR
P (z) = −tan−1 LzR
Rayleigh length LR = λ
λ W0
Diffraction half angle: γ ≈ πW0 = LR

N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 17

Gaussian beams vs. plane waves
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
The fundamental mode
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Higher order modes

High order Hermite-Gaussian modes

A Cartesian family of higher order modes

    “ ”
x y k
−ı̇ P(z)+ 2q(z) (x 2 +y 2 )
u(x, y , z) = g h e
W (z) W (z)
Plugged into the wave equation
q′ = 1
∂g ∂g
∃m ∈ N, − 2x + 2mg = 0
∂x 2 x
∂h ∂h
∃n ∈ N, 2
− 2y + 2nh = 0
∂y y
qP ′ + (1 + m + n)j = 0

N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 18

Gaussian beams vs. plane waves
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
The fundamental mode
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Higher order modes

Behavior of Hermite-Gaussian modes

Each mode is a mere space modulation of the fundamental

q′ = 1
Same equation for q as in the fundamental mode
W (z) and R (z) retain their meanings and properties
Rayleigh length and diffraction angle are unchanged
∂x 2
− 2x ∂g
x + 2mg = 0
∂y 2
− 2y ∂h
y + 2nh = 0
Solutions are, by definition, the orthogonal Hermite
H0 = 1, H1 = x, H2 = 4x 2 − 1, H3 = 8x 3 − 12x . . .
Hn has degree n
    √  √ 
g Wx(z) h Wy(z) = Hm 2 Wx(z) Hn 2 Wy(z)

N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 19

Gaussian beams vs. plane waves
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
The fundamental mode
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Higher order modes

Intensity profiles of Hermite Gaussian (HG) modes

The intensity if proportional to the squared envelope

N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 20

Gaussian beams vs. plane waves
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
The fundamental mode
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Higher order modes

High order Laguerre-Gaussian modes

A cylindrical family of higher order modes

  “ ”
r k
−ı̇ P(z)+ 2q(z) r 2 +lφ
u(r , φ, z) = g e
W (z)
Plugged into the wave equation
q′ = 1
∂2g ∂g
∃ (l, p) ∈ N2 , r 2
− (l + 1 − x) + pg = 0
∂r x
qP ′ + (1 + 2p + l)j = 0

N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 21

Gaussian beams vs. plane waves
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
The fundamental mode
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Higher order modes

Behavior of Laguerre-Gaussian modes

Each mode is a mere space modulation of the fundamental

q′ = 1 same as HG modes
Same equation for q as in the fundamental mode
W (z) and R (z) retain their meanings and properties
Rayleigh length and diffraction angle are unchanged
r ∂∂rg2 − (l + 1 − x) ∂g
x + pg = 0
Solutions are, by definition, the orthogonal generalized
Laguerre polynomials
(l) (l) (l) x2
L0 = 1, L1 = −x +l +1, L2 = 2 −(l + 2) x + (l+1)(l+2)
Lm has degree m
  √ l  
(l) 2
g Wr(z) = 2 Wr(z) Lp 2 Wr2 (z)

N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 22

Gaussian beams vs. plane waves
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
The fundamental mode
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Higher order modes

Intensity profiles of Laguerre Gaussian (LG) modes

The intensity if proportional to the squared envelope

LG (0, 0) LG (0, 1) : vortex LG (0, 2)

N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 23

Gaussian beams vs. plane waves
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
The fundamental mode
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Higher order modes

Intensity profiles of other Laguerre Gaussian (LG) modes

The intensity if proportional to the squared envelope

LG (1, 2) LG (1, 3) LG (2, 3)

N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 24

Gaussian beams vs. plane waves
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
The fundamental mode
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Higher order modes

Homogeneous phase shift is different for high order modes

qP ′ + (1 + m + n)j = 0 qP ′ + (1 + 2p + l)j = 0

A small phase difference between modes around the beam waist

Slightly different optical paths for different orders
Slightly different oscillating frequencies in lasers
Usually forgotten

N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 25

Linear algebra for geometrical optics
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
A few simple matrices
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Matrix method for Gaussian beams

Geometrical optics framework

Where is is shown that rays are not so thin as you may think

Geometrical optics do not deal with thin rays

A thin ray has a thin waist: it should diffract γ= πW0
Thin rays are seldom alone: their meaning is collective
A ray is a Poynting vector curve
A bunch of rays describes a wavefront
Do geometrical optics deal with plane and spherical waves ?
Parallel rays imply a plane wavefront
Converging or diverging rays imply a spherical wavefront
But neither of them has an infinite extension !

N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 26

Linear algebra for geometrical optics
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
A few simple matrices
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Matrix method for Gaussian beams

Geometrical optic is Gaussian optics

Transversely limited plane waves Parallel rays

Gaussian Beams within their Rayleigh zone

Transversely limited spherical waves Con(Di)verging rays

Gaussian Beams far from their Rayleigh zone

Orders of magnitude
He-Ne laser: W0 ≈ 1mm, λ = 633nm, LR ≈ 5m
GSM Antenna: W0 ≈ 1m, λ ≈ 33cm, LR ≈ 10m

N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 27

Linear algebra for geometrical optics
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
A few simple matrices
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Matrix method for Gaussian beams

Geometrical optics is linear

Geometrical optics stems entirely from Descartes law n1 sin (θ1 ) = n2 sin (θ2 )

Descartes made paraxial

Paraxial approximation : θ ≪ 1 n1 θ1 ≈ n2 θ2
Geometrical optics is linear algebra
Paraxial Descartes is linear
Straight line propagation is linear
The behavior of a ray through any optical system can be
described linearly

N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 28

Linear algebra for geometrical optics
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
A few simple matrices
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Matrix method for Gaussian beams

Matrix geometrical optics

A 2 dimensional linear algebra framework

The ray vector v=
y : distance from the axis y
θ : angle to the axis

An optical system v ′ = Mv
M is a 2 × 2 real matrix v
It can describe any centered
paraxial optical system v′

N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 29

Linear algebra for geometrical optics
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
A few simple matrices
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Matrix method for Gaussian beams

Optical system composition

Optical system composition reduced to matrix product

Optical System Composition

v M1 M2

v′ v ′′

Matrix Composition
v ′ = M1 · v Complex systems
v ′′ = M2 · v ′ Compose simple systems
v ′′ = M2 M1 · v

N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 30

Linear algebra for geometrical optics
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
A few simple matrices
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Matrix method for Gaussian beams

Propagation in a homogeneous
„ «
„ «
y′ y
= Md
θ′ θ

Light propagates in straight line

No direction change: θ′ = θ d
y ′ = y + d sin (θ)
Md y′
y 1 d y
θ′ 0 1 θ θ′ = θ

N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 31

Linear algebra for geometrical optics
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
A few simple matrices
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Matrix method for Gaussian beams

Passing through a plane„interface

« „ «
y′ y
= Mp
θ′ θ

No propagation: y ′ = y
n sin (θ) = n′ sin (θ′ )
θ′ ≈ n θ′
n′ θ θ
y 1 0 y
′ = n n n′
θ 0 n′ θ

N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 32

Linear algebra for geometrical optics
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
A few simple matrices
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Matrix method for Gaussian beams

Passing through a thin lens

„ « „ «
y′ y
= Ml
θ′ θ

Two characteristic rays

No propagation: y ′ = y
Blue ray: y = 0 ⇒ θ′ = θ
Red ray: θ = 0 ⇒ θ′ = − f1 y
y 1 0 y
θ ′ − f1 1 θ

N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 33

Linear algebra for geometrical optics
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
A few simple matrices
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Matrix method for Gaussian beams

Passing through a (thin)„ spherical

« „ «
y′ y
= Ms
θ′ θ

Thin interface
No propagation: y ′ = y n n’
Blue ray: y ≈ Rθ ⇒ θ′ =θ
Red ray: y = 0 ⇒ θ′ ≈ n′ θ

y 1 0 y
′ = n′ −n n
θ n′ R n′

N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 34

Linear algebra for geometrical optics
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
A few simple matrices
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Matrix method for Gaussian beams

Unfolding the light

Plane mirrors as if they did not exist

y 1 0 y
θ′ 0 1 θ

Spherical Mirrors are thin lenses

y 1 0 y
θ′ − R2 1 θ

N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 35

Linear algebra for geometrical optics
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
A few simple matrices
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Matrix method for Gaussian beams

Matrix property
A determinant property stemming from all the simple matrices determinants

n: start index n′ : stop index

∀M, det (M) = ′

N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 36

Linear algebra for geometrical optics
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
A few simple matrices
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Matrix method for Gaussian beams

Gaussian modes, propagation and lenses

A Gaussian mode does not change upon propagation of by passing through thin interfaces
or lenses

“ ”
(x 2 +y 2 )
−ı̇ P(z)+ 2q(z)
g x
W (z) h Wy(z) e
z independent modulation of the fundamental mode
Free space q ′ = 1 common property
Thin lens does not change mode profile

Common R (z) and W (z) behavior

All the modes share the same laws on q (z), R (z) and W (z)

N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 37

Linear algebra for geometrical optics
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
A few simple matrices
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Matrix method for Gaussian beams

Gaussian beam propagation: the ABCD law

The transformation of the complex radius q for simple optical systems
Free space q′ = 1 Thin lens 1
= 1
− 1
R′ R f
q′ = q + d 1 1
  q′ − f1 ⇒ q ′ =
= q
− f1 q+1
1 d
Md =  
0 1 1×q 0
Ml =
− f1 1
Plane interface n/n′ = R/R ′
q′ n′ 1×q Kogelnik’s ABCD law
q =⇒ q′ =
n n  
n′ A B Aq + B

1 0
 M= ⇒ q′ =
Mp = C D Cq + D
0 nn′

Geometrical and Gaussian optics are linked through paraxial approx.

Gaussian beam propagation can be evaluated, for any mode, using
simple matrix geometrical optics
N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 38
Linear algebra for geometrical optics
Fundamentals of Gaussian beam propagation
A few simple matrices
Matrix methods for geometrical and Gaussian optics
Matrix method for Gaussian beams

Focal lens example

Using the ABCD law to verify that parallel rays do converge on the focal plane
Parallel input beam
Input plane : just before lens
Output plane : after length d
Input beam at waist: q0 = ı̇LR0
Propagation matrix
−f + 1 d
Md · Mf =
− f1 1
ABCD law
d for plane wavefront: imaginary q1
df + ı̇(f − d)LR0
q1 = f
f − ı̇LR0 d=  2
1 + LfR

N. Fressengeas Gaussian Beams, version 1.0, frame 39

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