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The 9 Steps of Core

The 9 Core Steps:

1. Show the Plan If you want your business to grow, show the plan a minimum of 1-
2 times per week.

2. Personal Use Use the products. If you use the products, your downline will use
them too.

3. Retail Clients You should have a minimum of eight retail clients.

4. CDs Being on standing order and listening to at least one CD per day is
an important step to help keep your business on track.

5. Books Read success principle books at least 15 minutes per day.

Attend the functions. The education and motivation from the

6. Functions functions will help keep your business on track. Were business at-
tire and leave children at home.

7. Counsel Counsel with your active upline on a regular basis. Provide your
upline with a counsel sheet when you counsel.

8. Accountability Be a person of your word and do what you say your going to do. Be
financially responsible. Be on time.

9. Communication Use the best plan to get maximum communications ability with
your upline and downline. Communication is integral to the suc-
cess of your business. Learn to use TWT’s effectively.

Cardinal Rules.
· Never pass negative downline.
· Never do anything for the first time without checking upline.
· Never embarrass or put down anyone.
· Never mess with anyone's money.
· Never mess with anyone's spouse.

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