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Iara I.


Dear human resources department of Eternit S.A. I am applying for the position of
manager assistant position in Quito, Ecuador.

I have two years of experience as an Assistant for Project Management for Duracero Cia
Ltda, and believe I am ready to move up to the next step to manager assistant position.
During the time I worked in Duracero, I learned, and was teached by professional
engineers to know how to management a project. Working on projects help you to
develop your teamwork skills and I believe I have learned it well, additionally I believe
I am good facing challenges that during the process could present.

My undergraduate courses have prepared me to what I am looking to get. The civil

engineering classes I took prepared me to this job with the knowledge and skills. I
speak two languages; my native language is Spanish, and I consider I am in an
intermediate level in English.

I am very interesting to get this opportunity to work with such a good team as you all
are, I consider myself good at teamwork and hope to develop me well with the rest of
the workers. I truly believe this opportunity will help me to grow up a lot and get
experience in this area. Eternit S.A. is such an outstanding company and I would like to
be to the level. If honestly, I do not know anything, I will ask for help to learn or
prepared by myself to get better at it.

If you would like to discuss my qualifications, please contact me at any time you want. I
am attaching my CV. Thank you for your time.

Kind Regards,
Iara Gordillo

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