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Narrative report

In this world, every person has their needs and wants in life. Sometimes our wants won over our
needs. In everyday living, we did not forget to buy products that is important for us. In the market,
wherein we can find what we need and want. The consumer is the one that makes the marketer
have a product in mind that could satisfy their expectations. Every consumer wants a market that
would provide all their needs and wants. Therefore, the consumer and the marketer should have a
good relationship for them to have a progressive market. In order to achieve this goal, the marketer
should always consider the consumers’ expectation. Especially right now that we have a large and
growing population that has different likes so we should know it to determine the appropriate
product that we would create or innovate.
In order to find out the consumers’ expectation and basis on the product that they want and need,
I conducted a survey that has 15 questions that would help me figure out what they expect from a
product. I gathered all the answers that I got according to the results from the survey. Regarding
to the survey, out of 20 respondents, 16 said that they need snack every day and this snacks satisfy
them as well. Aside from these, all of them wants to try new snacks. In addition, out of 20
respondents, 18 said that the taste and price matters when it comes to their snack. Also, out of 20
respondents, 15 said that they consider the nutrition facts that their snack has. 13 out of 20
respondents, said that the snack helps their performance in class. Out of 20 respondents, 9 of them
said that they have 20 pesos below budget for snack and another 9 said that they have 30-50 pesos
while the remaining 2 have 50 pesos above. 8 out of 20 respondents, said that they considered the
price of the product while the 7 chose quality and the remaining 5 chose taste. All of them prefer
sweet snacks.
After I saw the result on the survey, I could say that most of the consumers like a home-made
product. The consumer wants nutritious snack that would help them have good performance in
class. I can say that the consumers have an estimated budget in buying products. I observed that
consumer has a high expectation about a product that they need or want. In this generation I noticed
that snacks matter I their daily living.
I extremely recommended to the marketers to make a snack that is home-made. A snack that has
an affordable price, nutritious and has a high quality. Also a snack that would be available for all
the consumers from morning to afternoon. A snack that has a twist for the consumers to notice it.
And I think this product would reach the expectation of the consumers and satisfy them.
Narrative report
Every individual has an endless needs and wants in their daily living particularly when it comes to
foods. We do not want to forget the products that we need when we go to supermarkets, groceries
and etc. consumers do not rush when they are choosing a product they need and want. They always
choose the one that has good quality and at the same time it is affordable. Satisfying and meeting
consumers’ expectations are the marketer’s job. They are the ones who make an action to meet
them, but how can the marketers meet and satisfy the consumers’ need and expectation when they
do not know their preferred product and their basis when choosing them?
In order to figure out what does the consumers’ preferred product and their basis, I decided to take
and conduct a survey that has 15 questions for 20 respondents to know what are the in demand
products for the consumers and based from the result of my survey, 18 out of 20 respondents said
that they preferred home-made food than processed food when eating meal. 10 out of 20
respondents said that they always eat their preferred food, the 9 respondents said that they eat it
sometimes only and the remaining one said that she just eats it rarely. Also, 18 out of 20
respondents said that their preferred food is affordable while the remaining 2 said that it is not. 11
out of 20 respondents said that they eat their preferred food 3-4 times a day while the remaining 9
said that they only eat it 1-2 times a day. 17 respondents also said that the food they prefer is
suitable for all ages while the remaining 3 said that it is not. All of the respondents said that they
are satisfied with their preferred food. In addition, 19 out of 20 respondents said that they consider
the nutrition they get from their preferred food. 10 out of 20 respondents chose their preferred food
because of the quality rather than its affordable price. All of the respondents also said that they are
willing to try different and new foods.
In conclusion, home-made food products are the best choice for consumers. I noticed that many
consumers have enjoy eating home-made foods that are rich in nutrients and has good benefits.
Consumers are seeking for a home-made food that is high in quality but affordable and can satisfy
them. This would be a better idea to make a home-made food product since it is already in trend
to some consumers.
I highly recommend to the marketers that they should make a home-made food product that has
high quality and very affordable especially for students. They should make it unique and at the
same time, it can satisfy the consumers’ expectations and desire. It must also have healthy benefits
that is good to anyone who will try this food. It would be also good for those who are health
conscious people to eat such healthy and nutritious food and aside from that, it is suitable to
Narrative report
In our modern generation, market has a big contribution in our society right now, before having a
good marketing development, there are things that they need to consider first before finalizing
their decision. Needs and wants of the possible consumer, this two term helps a lot for taking
strategic decision by knowing the needs and want of our possible consumer it is essential of having
a good marketing development. Future marketer must know about the needs want of possible
consumer by conducting a survey is essential to identify who are or how many possible consumers
that would be interested in your product, the given data or information is very valuable, because it
can be your basis of taking up of finalization of your decision.
By knowing the needs and wants of the consumer, I conducted a market survey to be able to have
a farther information of the student needs and wants as a consumer. To start my survey, I prepare
15 questions among the 20 students that I selected as my respondent. After I finish my survey I
gathered all the answers that they provide on the questionnaire. As a result, out of 20 students, 10
of them preferred a home-made product, and 8 student chose the nutritious food while the rest of
the student selected the last option which is processed food. Based on the survey that I conducted
majority of them has an estimated budget and they prefer an affordable food, also 19 out of 20
respondent agreed that there preferred food that can contribute a strength to sustain their everyday
life and just only one disagree about it. According to my survey there is 11 out of 20 student
preferred average taste of food, and 8 of them preferred a sweet food and only one chose the sour
taste. Another among all of the 20 respondent 9 of them chose the quality as their main basis of
buying any food product and 5 of them chose price and the 6 remaining respondent choose the
taste as the main basis before buying a food product. Another 15 respondents also agreed that they
would still buy these products even if it costly and 5 respondents only disagree about it. All the
respondent also agreed that they want to buy it easily or very convenient. Majority of my
respondent consider first the benefits that they when they chose the food product. 20 respondents
also agreed that the ingredient and content is important to them and also they all agreed that they
check first the expiration date of the product which a good consumer must be needed to be like
Therefore, I conclude that a home-made product has become popular choice which it can be a good
choice for us for providing a product because these kind of food product would be in demand right
now especially in every student. Another is because of our target costumer are students, we must
think a product that can have a good quality but at the same time very affordable. Except of being
affordable the product must be nutritious and tasty. Product that can satisfy the need and wants of
the consumer. Many of students preferred an average food, so in order to have a good marketing,
marketers should make a product that reach the expectation of his/her consumer.
I highly recommended that marketers need to make a home-made product together with its
nutritious ingredients which can be a benefits for the student to eat healthy food rather than eating
junk food or any inorganic food.
Narrative report
Every consumer has the right to choose when it comes to products that they need or they
order for us to know what specific products they really need and want. I decided to conduct a
survey about the needs and wants of the consumer. We all know that some consumers have their
common basis when it comes in buying our society nowadays we have a lot of
entrepreneurs that offers different products that can help to satisfy the expectations of the
consumer. Maybe some consumers depend to the quality cost or price that have in specific products
they need and wants.
I conducted a market survey in order to figure out the needs and want of the consumer. I found out
that all out the 20 people that I conducted a survey 9 of them usually buy sweets food product,
while the remaining 11 people chose junk food and bread. Among of the 20 respondents 12 of
them considered the quality of the products before buying it, the remaining 8 people 7 of them
considered the price of the product and the rest 1person considered the brand. According to my
survey some consumer usually picks a moderate price when buying a food products and they said
that food products that has a high quality has usually in a high price. Some of the food products
they need can usually buy in sari-sari store and grocery store. Among of the 20 people as a
respondent of my survey 9 of them chose bread as their preferred breakfast, while 7 of them
preferred to eat rice and the remaining 4 person chose coffee as their preferred breakfast. Out of
20 people 12 of them cannot afford to buy some food products that has a high price. The estimated
budget in buying their preferred food products is 50 pesos above and 16 people say that it is the
estimated amount to spend for buying food products, while4 of them said that 300 pesos above is
their estimated amount. Almost 14 people out of 20 chose to eat nutritious food while the others
prefer delicious food.
As a result of my survey, I found out that almost 10 people out of 20 preferred to eat sweet foods.
Almost of them considered to buy sweet food products with a high quality and at the same time
with total cost that belongs in moderate price in order for them to afford it. I also found out that
they can purchase their preferred food products in all living sari-sari store and grocery store.
Therefore, I can say that I should make sweet food product because it’s very in demand especially
to those consumers who love eating sweet foods.
I highly recommended to create a sweet and tasty foods and at the same time nutritious, so that
some consumers attempt to buy these kind of foods.

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