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D isinfection
Disinfection is an important step in ensuring that water is safe to drink. Water systems
add disinfectants to destroy microorganisms that can cause disease in humans. The
Surface Water Treatment Rule requires public water systems to disinfect water obtained
from surface water supplies or groundwater sources under the influence of surface water.

Primary methods of disinfection are chlorination, chloramines, ozone, and ultraviolet

light. Other disinfection methods include chlorine dioxide, potassium permanganate,
and nanofiltration. Since certain forms of chlorine react with organic material naturally
present in many water sources to form harmful chemical by-products, the U.S. Environ-
mental Protection Agency has proposed maximum levels for these contaminants.

Disinfection Keeps Water Safe

Why disinfect drinking water? concerns. However, some—such as Giardia

lamblia and various viruses, which can be

Disinfection kills or inactivates disease-causing

organisms in a water supply and must provide present in water supplies—are extremely

harmful and can cause disease in humans.

a 99.9 percent inactivation of Giardia lamblia

cysts and enteric viruses to protect health and These disease-causing organisms are known

as pathogens.

to comply with the U.S. Environmental Protection

Agency (EPA) regulations. There are two kinds

Because pathogens can be present in drinking

of disinfection: primary disinfection achieves water supplies, disinfection is very important—

the desired level of microorganism kill or

the EPA requires it for surface water and

inactivation, while secondary disinfection main- groundwater under the influence of surface

tains a disinfectant residual in the finished water

water. Disinfection treatment methods include

that prevents the regrowth of microorganisms. chlorination, chlorine dioxide, chloramines,

ozone, and ultraviolet light.

What regulations govern it?

When combined with conventional treatment,

The EPA Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR)

such as coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation,

requires systems using public water supplies and filtration, good results have been obtained.

from either surface water or groundwater under

Direct filtration, slow sand filtration, and

the direct influence of surface water to disinfect. diatomaceous earth filtration, along with

Also, since some disinfectants produce disinfection, have been just as successful.

chemical by-products, the dual objective of Groundwater systems that disinfect may have

disinfection is to provide the required level of

to add filtration if the water contains iron and

organism destruction and remain within the manganese. In fact, insoluble oxides form when

maximum contaminant level (MCL) for the

chlorine, chlorine dioxide, or ozone are added to

SWTR disinfection set by EPA. At this time, these systems. Both ozonation and chlorination

an MCL is set for only Total Trihalomethanes,

may cause flocculation of dissolved organics,

and proposed for additional disinfection by-


thus increasing turbidity and necessitating

products. filtration. The effectiveness of disinfection is

judged by analyzing for an indicator organism one


How is disinfection achieved? (total coliform bacteria). This organism is

Our natural environment contains numerous considered harmless, but its presence indicates

that pathogens may also have survived.

microorganisms. Most of these present no


Comparing Disinfectants:

Chlorination (Gas) Chlorination (Sodium Chlorination (Solid

At normal pressures, elemental hypochlorite solution) calcium hypochlorite)

chlorine is a toxic, yellow-green gas, Sodium hypochlorite is available as a

Calcium hypochlorite is a white solid
and is liquid at high pressures.

solution in concentrations of 5 to 15 that contains 65 percent available

percent chlorine, but is more chlorine and dissolves easily in water.

expensive than chlorine gas (as

Chlorine is very effective for removing available chlorine). ADVANTAGES

almost all microbial pathogens and is When packaged, calcium hypochlo-

appropriate as both a primary and ADVANTAGES

rite is very stable, allowing a year’s

secondary disinfectant. Sodium hypochlorite is easier to supply to be bought at one time.

handle than gaseous chlorine or


calcium hypochlorite. LIMITATIONS

Chlorine is a dangerous gas that is Calcium hypochlorite is a corrosive

lethal at concentrations as low as LIMITATIONS

material with a strong odor that

0.1 percent air by volume. Sodium hypochlorite is very corrosive requires proper handling. It must be

and should be stored with care and kept away from organic materials

kept away from equipment that can

such as wood, cloth, and petroleum

Chlorine gas is released from a liquid be damaged by corrosion. Hypo- products. Reactions between calcium

chlorine cylinder by a pressure reduc- chlorite solutions decompose and

hypochlorite and organic material can
ing and flow control valve operating

should not be stored for more than generate enough heat to cause a fire

at a pressure less than atmospheric. one month. It must be stored in a or explosion. Calcium hypochlorite

The gas is led to an injector in the cool, dark, dry area.

readily absorbs moisture, forming

water supply pipe where highly chlorine gas. Therefore, shipping

pressurized water is passed through PROCESS
containers must be emptied com-

a venturi orifice creating a vacuum Sodium hypochlorite solution is

pletely or carefully resealed.

that draws the chlorine into the water diluted with water in a mixing/holding

stream. Adequate mixing and contact tank. The diluted solution is injected PROCESS

time must be provided after injection

by a chemical pump into the water Calcium hypochlorite may be

to ensure complete disinfection of supply pipe at a controlled rate. dissolved in a mixing/holding tank

pathogens. It may be necessary to Adequate mixing and contact time

and injected in the same manner as

control the pH of the water.

must be provided. sodium hypochlorite. Alternatively,

where the pressure can be lowered


to atmospheric, such as at a storage

A basic system consists of a chlorine A basic liquid chlorination system, or tank, tablets of hypochlorite can be

cylinder, a cylinder-mounted chlorine hypochlorinator, includes two

directly dissolved in the free flowing

gas vacuum regulator, a chlorine gas

metering pumps (one serving as a

water by a proprietary device that

injector, and a contact tank or pipe. standby), a solution tank, a diffuser provides flow-proportional chlorina-

(See Diagram A on page 4.) Prudence (to inject the solution into the water),

tion with gravity feed of the tablets.

and/or state regulations would require

and tubing.

that a second cylinder and gas EQUIPMENT

regulator be provided with a change- CHEMICALS

The equipment used to mix the

over valve to ensure continuity of Sodium hypochlorite solution is solution and inject it into the water is

disinfection. Additional safety and readily available.

the same as that for sodium hypo-

control features may be required.

chlorite. Solutions of 1 or 2 percent

Sodium hypochlorite can also be available chlorine can be delivered by

A gas chlorinator should be installed generated onsite by electrolysis of

a diaphragm-type, chemical feed/

in a room or chamber with direct sodium chloride solution in special- metering pump or by tablet chlorinator.

emergency access to outside air ized proprietary equipment. The

and fitted with an exhaust fan

only supplies required are common


ventilation system. salt and electricity. Hydrogen is Calcium hypochlorite can be

given off as a by-product and must

purchased in granular, powdered,

Federal and state safety regulations

be safely dispersed. or tablet form.

must be observed. If not onsite, self-

contained breathing apparatus and

a chlorine cylinder repair kit should


be available within a reasonable All chlorine added to drinking water must meet American National Standards

time frame and/or distance.

Institute (ANSI), and NSF International, formerly the National Sanitation

two Foundation (NSF) standards. ANSI/NSF Standard 60: Drinking Water


Chemicals—Health Effects covers water treatment chemicals.


Chlorine gas is supplied as liquid in

high pressure cylinders.

ONE • JUNE 1996

Chloramine Ozonation Ultraviolet Light (UV)

Chloramines are formed when water Ozone, an allotrope of oxygen having Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is generated

containing ammonia is chlorinated or 3 atoms to each molecule, is a by a special lamp. When it penetrates

when ammonia is added to water powerful oxidizing and disinfecting the cell wall of an organism, the cell’s

containing chlorine (hypochlorite or agent. It is formed by passing dry genetic material is disrupted and the

hypochlorous acid). air through a system of high voltage cell is unable to reproduce.



An effective bactericide that produces UV radiation effectively destroys

fewer disinfection by-products, Requiring shorter contact time and bacteria and viruses. As with ozone,

chloramine is generated onsite. dosage than chlorine, ozone is widely a secondary disinfectant must be

Usually, chloramine-forming reactions used as a primary disinfectant in used to prevent regrowth of micro-

are 99 percent complete within a many parts of the world—but is organisms. UV radiation can be

few minutes. relatively new to the U.S. Ozone does attractive as a primary disinfectant

not directly produce halogenated for small systems because:


organic materials unless a bromide • it is readily available,

Chloramine is a weak disinfectant. It ion is present. • it produces no known

toxic residuals,

is much less effective against viruses

or protozoa than free chlorine. • it requires short contact times, and

Chloramine is appropriate for use as Ozone gas is unstable and must • the equipment is easy to

a secondary disinfectant to prevent be generated onsite. A secondary operate and maintain.

bacterial regrowth in a distribution disinfectant, usually chlorine, is

system. Nitrogen trichloride appears required because ozone does

to be the only detrimental reaction. not maintain an adequate residual UV radiation may not inactivate

It may be harmful to humans and in water. Giardia lamblia or Cryptosporidium

imparts a disagreeable taste and cysts, and should be used only by

odor to the water. The use of the groundwater systems not directly

proper amounts of each chemical The five major elements of an influenced by surface water—where

reactant will avoid its production. ozonation system are: there is virtually no risk of protozoan

• air preparation or oxygen feed; cyst contamination. UV radiation is

• electrical power supply; unsuitable for water with high levels

Chlorine (gaseous solution or sodium • ozone generation—usually using a of suspended solids, turbidity, color,

hypochlorite) is injected into the corona discharge cell consisting of or soluble organic matter. These

supply main followed immediately two electrodes; materials can react with or absorb

by injection of ammonia (gaseous • ozone contact chamber; and the UV radiation, reducing the

solution or as ammonium hydroxide). • ozone exhaust gas destruction. disinfection performance.

As before, adequate mixing and

contact time must be provided. The

mix of products produced when Ozonation equipment includes air The effectiveness of UV radiation

water, chlorine, and ammonia are preparation equipment; an ozone disinfection depends on the energy

combined depends on the ratio of generator, contactor, destruction unit; dose absorbed by the organism,

chlorine to ammonia and the pH of and instrumentation and controls. The measured as the product of the

the water. Chlorine-to-ammonia ratios capital costs of ozonation systems lamp’s intensity (the rate at which

of 5:1 should not be exceeded. If the photons are delivered to the target)

are relatively high. Operation and

pH drops below 5, some nitrogen maintenance are relatively complex. and the time of exposure. If the

trichloride may be formed. Electricity represents 26 to 43 percent energy dosage is not high enough,

of total operating and maintenance the organism’s genetic material


costs for small systems. might only be damaged instead

The generation of chloramines of destroyed. To provide a safety


requires the same equipment as factor, the dosage should be higher

chlorination (gaseous or aqueous For many applications, pure oxygen than needed to meet disinfection

hypochlorination), plus equipment is a more attractive ozone feed gas requirements.

for adding ammonia (gaseous or than air because:

aqueous). • it has a higher production density,

• it requires lower energy UV lamps and a reactor (See

consumption, Diagram B on page 4.)

Chemicals used to generate chloram- • it doubles the amount of ozone that



ine from ammonia and chlorine gas can be generated per unit, and

depend on the ammonia-based • it requires smaller gas volumes No chemical oxidant required;

chemical used. Anhydrous ammonia for the same ozone output, thus therefore, microorganisms can be three


is the least expensive, while ammo- lowering costs for ancillary killed without generating by-products

nium sulfate is the most expensive. equipment. of chemical oxidation or halogenation.


How do you control disinfection

Diagram B

Ultraviolet Water Purifier

A number of factors can affect the formation of

disinfection by-products. These include the


types and concentrations of organic materials GERMICIDAL LAMP

present when chlorine is added, the dosage of IN QUARTZ SLEEVE

chlorine, the temperature and pH of the water, ULTRAVIOLET RAYS

and the reaction time.


To control the formation of halogenated

by-products (compounds formed by the


reaction of a disinfectant, such as

chlorine with organic material in INLET


the water supply) during CHAMBER

chlorination, EPA has identified OW

these three strategies: REMOVABLE HEAD

1. Remove the by-products OW

after they are formed,


which can be difficult

and costly. WIPER KNOB

2. Use alternative disinfec- ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE

tants that do not produce



undesirable by-products, O

which is often the most ST

Reprinted with permission from Atlantic Ultraviolet Corporation

cost-effective strategy.

3. Reduce the concentration of organics in

Where can I find more information

the water before oxidation or chlorination

Information on disinfection was primarily

to minimize the formation of by-products.

obtained from two sources: Environmental

This will provide the highest quality

Pollution Control Alternatives: Drinking

finished water.

Water Treatment for Small Communities,

EPA/625/5-90/025; and Technologies for

Upgrading Existing or Designing New Drinking

Water Treatment Facilities, EPA/625/4-89/023.

Diagram A

Both can be ordered free from the EPA Office of

Cylinder-Mounted Chlorinator

Research and Development at (513) 569-7562.

These publications also can be ordered from the


VACUUM SEAL National Drinking Water Clearinghouse (NDWC);


LEAD however, copying costs apply. The first book,


CONNECTION item #DWBKGN09, an 82-page publication, costs

VALVE VALVE $11.82; and the second, item #DWBKDM04, a

VACUUM 209-page book, costs $30.05. Shipping and
CLAMP RATE INDICATOR handling charges apply.
For further information or to order addi-
REGULATING CHECK VALVE tional copies of “Tech Brief: Disinfection,”
ASSEMBLY item #DWBRPE47, or the above publications
call the NDWC at (800) 624-8301.



Reprinted with permission from Capital Controls Company, Inc.

ONE • JUNE 1996

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