Develop Positive and Respectful Relationships With Children Task 2

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CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children: AT1: Theory Tasks 002

CHCECE007 Develop positive and

respectful relationships with

Theory Assessment Task

Assessment Instructions
Students are required to complete a range of assessment tasks throughout the training period to
demonstrate competency in each relevant unit.

Attempting assessment tasks

Students are required to provide appropriate responses to the indicated questions for each task.

Assessment Conditions
Assessment must demonstrate consistent capable performance:

1. Knowledge assessment can be partially or fully completed in a self-study environment via

word/ pdf documents.
2. The student must complete the required assessment to a Satisfactory level
3. Where students require further evidence to determine competency, the trainer is to
identify the evidence/ additional tasks that are needed to be complete in order to
determine Competency.

Assessment Outcomes
The Early Childhood Education and Care training packages are vocational qualifications that are
competency based. For each assessment undertaken you will be assessed as Satisfactory or Not
Yet Satisfactory. Where students are assessed as ‘Not Yet Satisfactory’ the trainer/assessor will
provide the student with feedback and guidance regarding what needs to be completed for

Reasonable Adjustment
Students may apply for reasonable adjustment to assessment tasks. If you feel ‘reasonable
adjustment’ may apply to you, please discuss further with you trainer/assessor.

CHCECE007 – Assessment Task 1.002 V1 2019
Faculty of Health, Community & Life Sciences: Box Hill Institute
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CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children: AT1: Theory Tasks 002

Student Appeals
Students have the right to appeal an unfavourable decision or finding during assessment. All
student appeals must be made in writing to the Course Co-ordinator and specify the particulars of
the decision or finding in dispute. Appeals must be lodged within 28 days of the decision or finding.

Submitting tasks – Uploading to Studentweb

Students are required to submit all completed assessment tasks via upload to Studentweb. This
ensures your work will not be lost.

By uploading tasks online, students are declaring the origin of their work is authentic, through use
of a private student account, including an individual user name and secure password.

Accessing Required Readings

Students will need to access the Required Readings throughout the assessment process. These
readings provide important underpinning knowledge and key information to help students provide
appropriate responses to assessment tasks. It is important that each student reads these to build
a better understanding of the Early Childhood requirements and how to effectively contribute to
the Education and Care of young children.

Students are able to access these readings online.

CHCECE007 – Assessment Task 1.002 V1 2019
Faculty of Health, Community & Life Sciences: Box Hill Institute
© MyECC ECEC 2018 v3
CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children: AT1: Theory Tasks 002

CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships

with children
Unit Purpose
The assessment tasks within this unit provides you with the opportunity to demonstrate
evidence of the required knowledge and skills to ensure you can develop and maintain effective
relationships and promote positive behaviour.

The following elements define the essential outcomes of this unit:

Element 1 Communicate positively with children

Element 2 Interact positively with children

Element 3 Support and respect children

Element 4 Maintain the dignity and rights of children

Assessment Requirements
001: Communicate and interact positively with children
002: Support, respect and maintain the dignity and rights of children

Required Readings
In order to complete this unit of competency you are required to access the following key


Kearns, K. (2017). Birth to Big School: Working in Early Childhood Education and Care
Series (4th ed.). Victoria: Cengage Learning Australia.

Kearns, K. (2017). The Big Picture: Working in Early Childhood Education and Care Series
(4th ed.). Victoria: Cengage Learning Australia.

Core Documents

Guide to the National Quality Standard. (2017). Australian Children’s Education and Care
Quality Authority. ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.

A summary of the rights under the Convention on the Rights of the Child. (2014).
Australia: UNICEF.

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CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children: AT1: Theory Tasks 002

Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia.
(2009). Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and
Workplace Relations. Canberra: DEEWR.

002 Support, respect and maintain the dignity

and rights of children
CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children

Element 1 Communicate positively with children

Element 2 Interact positively with children

Element 3 Support and respect children

Element 4 Maintain the dignity and rights of children

Performance Evidence

Knowledge Evidence

The following tasks require you to demonstrate your knowledge of the educator practices that
can be used to guide, manage and support positive behaviours while maintaining the dignity and
rights of children.

To assist you with these tasks you must refer to your textbooks ‘The Big Picture’ and ‘Birth to Big

You must also refer to your following Core Documents:

Guide to the National Quality Framework

Belonging, Being, Becoming. The Early Years Learning Framework
A simplified version of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

To assist you with this question, go to pp. 354-355 of your textbook, ‘The Big Picture’.

Question 1
a. Explain why it is useful for educators to consider the concept of ‘mistaken behaviour’
rather than ‘misbehaviour’.

CHCECE007 – Assessment Task 1.002 V1 2019
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CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children: AT1: Theory Tasks 002

According to Gartrell the mistaken behavior concept it is important because it suggests that
the child’s behavior is a result of incomplete development of a skill, such as a cognitive or
language error.

b. Harlow (1975) uses the term ‘relational patterns’ in relation to behaviour. Read each
statement and identify the level of relational behaviour that could be applied in each
situation and how the educator should respond. Provide a reason for your choice.

Level 2: Socially
Level 1: Experimentation Level 3: Strong needs

Level:2 Socially influenced

Educator Response:

Axel (4yrs) is in the sandpit with his friend. Let the child know that behavior it is not
They are digging a hole. When Axel’s mother acceptable but also using a positive tone to
arrives to collect him with his 7-year-old enforce your rule as an educator.
brother, Axel begins to show off by flicking
sand at other children, which he knows is not
allowed. Reason:

The child knows that his behavior in not

allowed to the kindergarten setting.

Level:3 Strong Needs

Educator Response:

Talk to the child and give options concerns

Jayden (5yrs) often takes things from the
to the child’s attitudes, offering food to he
bags of other children when they are not
and advising him to come to the educator
looking. He has also been seen placing food
when he feels hungry. Speak with the
in his pockets. Jayden lives in poverty - he
coordinator and tr
has very few toys at home and regularly
comes to the service hungry. Reason:

The child have an inconsistency experience

of poverty and lack of food nutrition at

CHCECE007 – Assessment Task 1.002 V1 2019
Faculty of Health, Community & Life Sciences: Box Hill Institute
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CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children: AT1: Theory Tasks 002

Level:1 Experimentation

Educator Response:

Restating guidelines for behavior in a

Ester (3yrs) has been asked by the educator
friendly tone offering the child an alternative
not to walk on the plastic blocks, explaining
that they might break. Ester stops, looks
away and then continues to walk on the Reason:
The child might be allowed to explore the
environment but the natural consequences
must be indicated. The child also trying to
push barriers.

To assist you with this question, go to p. 362 of your textbook, ‘The Big Picture’.

Question 2
Match each behaviour to an educator management strategy and provide an example of what the
educator could do.

Teach a Offer an Follow through Set clear limits Teach conflict

new skill alternativ on the stated and standards resolution
e consequences for behaviour skills

a. Mitchell (4yrs) is swinging on his chair Strategy:Set clear limits and standards for

when it tips backwards. Mitchell hits his behaviour.

head on the floor.
Example: remind the child about not swinging
on the chair because that may cause accidents.

b. Kahlill (4.9yrs) screws up his picture and Strategy:Teach a new skill

throws it on the floor. ‘I can’t write my

name and now I spoiled my picture!’ Example: the educator can sit next to the child
and help by showing how does he can write his

c. Educator Josh reminded the children that if Strategy:Follow through on the stated

they continued to throw the blocks they consequences

CHCECE007 – Assessment Task 1.002 V1 2019
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CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children: AT1: Theory Tasks 002

would have to leave the block area.

Example: by telling the children the
consequence of their acts the educator may
keep his/her promise and bring them to another
area due to the fault.

d. The preschool children are all eager to Strategy:Offer an alternative

participate in finger painting, however

there is only room for four children at any Example: the educator can create an alternative
one time. activity with the others children, like choosing
the kind of draw each they would paint.

e. Three girls in the dramatic play hair salon Strategy:Teach conflict resolution skills

are arguing over who will be the

Example: the educator can show the children
other options as an alternative, like being the
client and taking turns.

To assist you with this question, go to pp. 363-364 of your textbook, ‘The Big Picture’.

Question 3
Read each scenario and identify the most probable cause of the behaviour. To assist you with
this task an example has been provided.


Educator Jake is annoyed. His colleagues have not followed through on the agreed strategies
to manage Molly’s behaviour.

Probable cause: Educators fail to work collaboratively- educators are not implementing
appropriate strategies to support the child as part of the plan.

a. Several of the toddlers are crying because the educator told them to sit still and listen to the

CHCECE007 – Assessment Task 1.002 V1 2019
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CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children: AT1: Theory Tasks 002

Educators does not have a realistic age-appropriate expectations for children. Understanding
the stress of a hungry or tired babies and toddlers.

b. There are 12 children crowded in the block-construction area – several children begin arguing
over space.

Educators must understand how the physical environment and daily routines influence
children’s behavior.

c. Today, educator Sam crossly tells a group of preschool children they can’t take the plastic
animals outside. Yesterday educator Kelly allowed the plastic animals to be taken outside.

Educators does not have the ability of communicate effectively with colleagues, children,
families and outside agencies.

d. Educator Eden has her favorites among the preschool group - she does not reinforce the
general rules of behaviour with these children.

Educators must be consistent, fair and reliable in their treatment of children.

To assist you with this question, go to pp. 368-370 of your textbook, ‘The Big Picture’.

Question 4
Read each statement and select an appropriate educator response.

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CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children: AT1: Theory Tasks 002

Manage and guide toddler behaviors

Behaviour Educator practice

Toddlers Erin and Marcus are both crying as EXAMPLE

they both hold tightly to the doll.
Redirect and provide multiples of
equipment- find another doll

Even though she has been asked not to do so, Show - demonstrate desired behavior, avoid
Layla (20mths) repeatedly throws the teddy power struggles move away the object.
into the water.

When asked, Wyatt (15mths) puts the balls Praise/reinforce - saying thank you when the
back into the basket. child doe6ts that action.

Toddler Mason starts to cry when he notices Offers reassurance with your physical
that the educator moves away. presence and attention - stay nearby the child
to reinforce your easily access.

Mia (18mths) cuddles Emile (9mths) when he Help children to recognize the kindness of
begins to cry. others - reinforce desired kindness.

Manage and guide preschool behaviors

Caleb (3.6yrs) barges into the block area Help children to see how their actions affect
knocking over Anna’s tower others - talking to the child and showing how
Anna is feeling.

Muhammad (4yrs) runs across the room to be Remind children of behavior rules and apply
first at the table for morning tea. consistent limits - advising the child that we
do not need to run but just walk to access the

CHCECE007 – Assessment Task 1.002 V1 2019
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CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children: AT1: Theory Tasks 002

Luna (5yrs) swears when she accidentally Provide an age-appropriate explanation - by

spills water on her painting. letting the child know that her behavior is not

Even though asked not to do so, Mateo Be firm and decisive when needed. Explain to
(4.9yrs) repeatedly runs along the verandah him that he may not disturb the children who
disturbing children who are playing quietly. are playing quietly in the veranda.

To assist you with this task, refer to pp. 368-369 of your text, ‘The Big Picture’.

Question 5
Read the scenario and answer the related questions.


Rory (2.11yrs) has just moved up from the 2-3’s room to the 3-4’s room. He is still developing
his self-regulation skills. He finds it difficult to share play materials and play spaces and has
limited social skills. If he wants something he will simply take it and then become upset if
another child objects. The educator observes Rory take a train and some carriages from the
track that Evan and Zavier (3.6yrs) are building.

Evan jumps up and takes the train and carriages off Rory. ‘Give them back. We had them first!’
Rory attempts to snatch them back and when this fails he throws himself on the floor, crying

CHCECE007 – Assessment Task 1.002 V1 2019
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CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children: AT1: Theory Tasks 002

and screaming.

a. What should the educator take into account when responding to Rory?

The educator should take into account that; he is a young child, he has a limited social skills
abilities according to his age group.

b. How can the educator respond to Rory’s distress in a way that demonstrates respect,
reassurance and kindness?

Redirect the child by giving another option such as different area, alternative toy or activity.
Assist the child to understand cause and effect of his action.

Question 6
Read the scenario and draw on the knowledge you have acquired from the text to answer the
related questions.

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CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children: AT1: Theory Tasks 002

Story Time

Every day before lunch the educator gathers the children together in the 3’s room to read
stories and sing songs/rhymes. The educator knows that this has a calming effect on the
children and helps them to settle down for the afternoon period. Before she begins her story the
educator comments about the morning program.
“We’ve had a very busy morning. I saw Jonty and Ellam and Cooper, building roads in the
sandpit. I saw Nell and Maisy climbing to the top of the climbing frame.” (The educator
continues until each child has been mentioned).
Today the educator reads a favourite, “Where’s the green sheep?” The children happily join in
the story.
Next the educator uses a range of picture props for the monkey rhyme which the children also
love – they shout out the repetitious section of the rhyme on cue.
As the educator is working with the children she uses a range of tones in her voice and uses a
number of different facial expressions.
The educator also makes eye contact with the children as she scans the group.
When Milly stands and moves closer to the lounge the educator simply continues with the story.
Milly has just moved up to the 3’s room from the 2’s group.
When children make comments or talk to others, the educator continues as she knows the
children will return their attention to her.
To conclude the session the educator asks Callum to nominate a song to sing. “Callum, it’s your
turn today to pick a song for us to sing. Can you think of what song you would like?”
Callum does not immediately so other children begin to make suggestions.
Educator: “Thank you for all your good ideas. That might help Callum as he’s thinking.”
Callum then says, “Let’s sing the cowboy song!”
Educator: “Great choice Callum!”

a. What does the educator do to make every child feel ‘special’ and included?

The educator has been mentioned every child one by one using their name and saying the
action during the morning before the story time.

b. How does the educator engage the children in the story time session?

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CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children: AT1: Theory Tasks 002

The educator uses questions such as “ where is the green shaped”, and also use pictures,
songs and voices tones during the story telling time to make that experience more attractive
to the children.

c. Explain why the educator does not ask Milly to sit down but allows her to stand nearby?

Milly is probably on her transition time to that age group setting. The educator may help the
child when it is necessary giving some time to the child getting in tune with the new setting.

d. The educator has a strategy in place which allows each child in turn to suggest a song/rhyme
for the group to sing. How does this support the children’s sense of belonging?

The educator promote the sense of belonging when the children are allowed to participate in
same decisions like choosing the song. That idea supports the child to build and maintain his
or her self- esteem.

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CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children: AT1: Theory Tasks 002

To assist you with this task refer to the Blue Bay Early Learning Centre Behaviour
Management Policy on pp. 358-360 of your textbook, ‘The Big Picture’ and
‘Supporting children’s mental health’ (p. 153) of your textbook, ‘The Big Picture’.

You will also need to refer to your Core Documents:

Guide to the National Quality Framework

Belonging, Being, Becoming. The Early Years Learning Framework

Question 7
Read the scenario and answer the related questions.

Scenario: Well. It’s not me!

It is mid-October and the 4.9 – 5.4 years age group at Blue Bay Childcare Centre are all moving
on to ‘big school’ next year. Recently, the educators have struggled with a rise in the amount of
unacceptable and very challenging behaviors. The issue is raised at a staff meeting and several
suggestions are made about how the children’s behaviour could be managed and what should
be the consequences for unacceptable behaviour. It is suggested that the children be consulted
and involved in the process. Lisa, the Room Leader, is excited by this idea and decides to
implement it straight away!

The next day, Lisa introduces a discussion with the children at Group Time. She begins by
saying “You know, lately there has been lots of behaviour that is against our rules. We have
seen children hurting each other and making other children get upset.” Several of the children
call out things like “Yeah. Well it’s not me!” or “Max is the one who does it all!”

Lisa says “Well, Sophie (the other educator in the room) and I have decided that we are going
to ask for your help to fix the problem. Do you think you can do that?” The children agree so
Lisa moves on. “Good. The first thing we need to decide is what behavior we don’t want to see.
You tell me what you think and I’ll write it on this big piece of paper I have here.”

“Now let’s talk about the behaviors we do want to see.”

As the discussion proceeds Lisa and Sophie ensure that each child is given the opportunity to
make a contribution. “Thank you, Leah. Now it’s Caleb’s turn. Would you like to say something
Caleb?” All responses are recorded without criticism.

“Wow! You’ve come up with some really good ideas!”

“Let’s see if we can make some rules that we can all follow.”

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CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children: AT1: Theory Tasks 002

a. Explain how the decision to involve the children in a discussion, about how they can better
manage their behaviour, reflects the objective of the Blue Bay Early Learning Centre
Behaviour Management Policy?

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CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children: AT1: Theory Tasks 002

Deciding with the children how the rules would be applied and each rules the might follow the
children will be able to follow the rules, it will also help them to develop their well-being and
self-esteem, self regulation.

b. Explain how the decision to involve the children in a discussion reflects NQS, QA5
Relationships with children. (Do not simply cut and paste elements – you must explain how
the elements reflect the discussion process.)

5.1.1 Positive educator to child interactions - the educator build the rules with the children
showing them what should not be acceptable as preschool children. By setting those rules the
children feels more responsible.

c. What strategy did Lisa and Sophie use to ensure everyone was included in the discussion?

They use visual support of the paper to write down everyone ideas and opinions to disposal
later in the classroom environment, then they could refer that later on.

d. Explain how the educators approach to the behaviour concerns supports children’s mental
CHCECE007 – Assessment Task 1.002 V1 2019
Faculty of Health, Community & Life Sciences: Box Hill Institute
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CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children: AT1: Theory Tasks 002

The educator does not judge their opinion, modeling their empathy by getting everyone the
opportunity of being heard and having the chance of speak.

e. Name one of the principles of the EYLF that is reflected by the educator’s approach to the
behaviour concerns. Give a reason for your choice of principle.

Secure, respectful and reciprocal relationships. Positive interactions with the child during their
learning development. The educator praise the kids after their comments, building relationship
with children.

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CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children: AT1: Theory Tasks 002

To answer this question, you will need to refer to your Core Document:

A summary of the rights under the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

f. List one Article of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child that is reflected in
the strategy used by the educators to enable the children to contribute to the discussion and
share their ideas.

Article 12 - you have the right to give your own opinion, and for adults to listen and take it.

To assist you with this task, refer to p. 220 of your text, ‘Birth to Big School’.

Question 8
Read the scenario and answer the related questions.

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CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children: AT1: Theory Tasks 002

Natural and Logical Consequences

Isla (4.3yrs) can be bossy and demanding with her peers. She is a natural leader but has not yet
developed an awareness of how her behaviour impacts on others. Isla sits at the table where a
bowl of leaves, sticks and flowers have been placed along with white dough. There are two
other children (Tessa and Jordan) at the table who are arranging various objects on their piece
of dough.

‘That’s not what you do! You have to put all the flowers together and all the leaves together
and all the sticks together!’

The other children ignore Isla. Isla then reaches across the table and takes the dough from the
other children. ‘I’ll show you what to do.’

Tessa yells at Isla, ‘Give it back!’

Jordan moves around the table and tries to retrieve his dough. ‘You’re not the boss Isla!’

Both Isla and Jordan try to grab the dough. Tessa goes to the educator and says, ‘Isla took our
dough and won’t give it back! We don’t want to play with her.’

When the educator approaches Isla says: ‘Jordan and Tessa won’t let me play!’

a. If the educator was aware of this sequence of events what natural consequences could be
imposed on Isla?

The natural consequence would be have no friends to play with her. She must try to be
friendly and gentle.

b. To reinforce this natural consequence what can the educator say to Isla?

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CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children: AT1: Theory Tasks 002

The educator could say that; she might share the play materials with everyone and let the
others to choose what they want do or not. Otherwise she would not find other to joying her.

c. If the educator was aware of this sequence of events what logical consequences could be
imposed on Isla?

Adult intervention, the educator could point out the facts and give her the logical
consequences like if she want play by her own rules she probably would play by herself, but if
she want her friends to joying her she must be more flexible.

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