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1. FMC Faculty in the Main Campus

2. DMC Department in the Main Campus
3. RGSC Rajivi Gandhi South Campus
4. MMV Mahila Maha Vidyalaya
5. AMPGC Arya Mahila Post Graduate College
6. DAV DAVPG College
7. VKM Vasant Kanya Mahavidyalaya
8. VCW Vasanat College for Women
FACULTY OF SCIENCE 181 [B.Sc. (Hons.) (Maths Group)]
1. PMC Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry
2. PMS Physics, Mathematics, Statistics
3. PMG Physics, Mathematics, Geology
4. PMGr Physics, Mathematics, Geography
5. PMK Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science
6. SMK Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science
FACULTY OF SCIENCE 182 [B.Sc.(Hons.) (Bio Group)]
1. BZC Botany, Zoology, Chemistry
2. BGC Botany, Geology, Chemistry
3. BCI Botany, Chemistry, Industrial Microbiology
4. GGC Geology, Geography, Chemistry
5. ZCPsy Zoology, Chemistry, Psychology
6. BHC Botany, Home Science, Chemistry
Faculty of Social Sciences Subject Codes for 132 [B.A. (Hons.)-Social Science]
1. ECO Economics
2. HIS History
3. POL Political science
4. SOC Sociology
5. PSY Psychology
6. MAT Mathematics
7. STA Statistics
8. GEO Geography
9. TTM Tourism & Travel Management
Faculty of Arts 131 [B.A. (Hons.)-Arts]
1. AIH Ancient Indian History Culture & Archaeology
2. ARA Arabic
3. ARC Archeology & Museology
4. AST Applied Statistics
5. BEN Bengali
6. CHN Chinese
7. DAN Dance
8. EDU Education
9. ENG English
10. FRN French
11. GEO Geography
12. GER German
13. HIN Hindi
14. HME Home Science
15. HOA History of Art
16. JAP Japanese
17. LIN Linguistics
18. MAR Marathi
19. MUI Music Instrumental
20. MUV Music Vocal
21. NEP Nepali
22. OMT Office Management & Secretarial Practice
23. PAL Pali
24. PER Persian
25. PHI Philosophy
26. PHY Physical Education
27. PNT Painting
28. PSY Psychology
29. RUS Russian
30. SAN Sanskrit
31. STA Statistics
32. TEL Telugu
33. TML Tamil
34. TTM Travel & Tourism management
35. URD Urdu

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