Tổng hợp đề cương HKII-7

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A. Theory
1. The Simple Past tense: ( Thì quaù khöù ñôn)
a. Caùch söû duïng:
Duøng töø dieãn taû moät hoaït ñoäng ñaõ xaûy ra vaø ñaõ keát thuùc trong quaù khöù.
b. Caùc traïng töø chæ thôøi gian:
Yesterday, last ( night, week, month, year, vacation, summer…); …ago ( 2 days ago,
a week a go…)
+ in + thôøi gian trong quaù khöù ( in 1990) in 2006).
c. Hình thöùc – caáu truùc.
 Ñoäng töø TOBE.
ÔÛ thì quaù khöù ñôn, ñoäng töø TOBE coù 2 daïng ñoù laø: Was/were.
 Theå khaúng ñònh:

S ( I/ She / He / I + ) chuû töø soá ít) + was…..

S ( you / We / They / chuû töø soá nhieàu) + were….
Ví duï: Yesterday, I was sick.
Yesterday, Ba and Nam were late for school.
 Theå phuû ñònh:

S + was not ( wasn/t) + …

S + were not ( weren/t + …
Ví duï: Liz wasn/t tired after the trip
They weren/t sick yesterday.
 Theå nghi vaán:
 Yes / No questions:

Was / Were + S + ….?

Yes, S + was / were / No, S wasn/t/weren/t
Ví duï: + Was Nha Trang beautiful?
Yes, they were / No, they weren/t.
 WH. Questions:
WH + was / were + S + …?
S + was / were…
Ví duï: + How was Nha Trang?
It was beautiful.
+ How were the people in Nha Trang?
They were friendly.
 Ñoäng töø thöôøng.
Ñoäng töø thöôøng ôû thì quaù khöù ñôn cuõng coù 2 loaïi:
+ Ñoäng töø theo quy taéc ( + ed)
+ Ñoäng töø baát quy taéc ( coät 2) trong baûng ñoäng töø baát quy taéc.
 Moät soá ñoäng töø baát quy taéc:
1. go went 11. be was / were
2. do did 12. make made
3. see saw 13. meet met
4. buy bought 14. sing sang
5. begin began 15. sit sat
6. come came 16. speak spoke
7. drink drank 17. take took
8. have had 18. tell told
9. know knew 19. think thought
10. give gave 20. wite wrote.
( Xem theâm ôû trang 177 – SGK).
 Theå khaúng ñònh:
S + V (ed / V2 )
Ví duï: Hoa went to Nha Trang last vacation.
Lastweek, Ba visited his grandparents in Hue.
 Theå phuû ñònh:
S + didn/t + Vinf
Ví duï: Nam didn/t go to school yesterday.
Hoa didn/t watch TV last night.
 Theå nghi vaán:
 Yes / No. questions.
Did + S + Vinf ?
Yes, S + did /No, S + didn/t.
Ví duï: + Did you buy a lot of souvenirs in Nha Trang?
Yes. I did / No, I didn/t.
+ Did she heve a headache last night?
Yes, she did / No , she didn/t.
 WH . questions
WH – did + S + Vinf ?
S + V (ed / V2).
Vi duï: + Where did you visit last summer?
I visited HaLong Bay…
+ What did she do last night?
She watched TV.
B. Exercises
I. Choose the best answer.
1. Nha Trang ……………..beautiful and the people ……………friendly.
a. be/be b. was/were c. were/were d. visit/bought
2. Liz ……….. Nha Trang last vacation and she …………….. a lot of souvenirs
a. visits/buys b. visited/buyed c. visited/bought d. visit/bought
3. Where …………..you visit when you were in HaLong?
a. do b. did c. will d. is
4. Did you…………any photographs there?
a. take b. takes c. took d. taking.
5. My aunt cut my hair yesterday. She is a….
a. teacher b. dressmaker c. hairdresser d. doctor.
6. Mis Mai made a dress for Hoa last night. She is a ….
a. dressmaker b. hairdresser c. teacher d. neighbor.
7. Hoa learns how …….a sewing machine.
a. use b. user c. using d. to use.
8. Your parents look very……….
a. happily b. happiness c. happy d. to be happy.
II. Make questions for the underlined words.
1. Dalat was beautiful.
2. The people in Dalat were very helpful.
3. Ba visited PhongNha cave last vacation
4. My aunt made a new dress for me last week.
5. She arrived home at 6 o/clock yesterday.
6. Hoa/s family visited HaLongBay last summer.
7. Yes. She bought a lot of souvenirs for her friends
8. No. He didn/t go to school yesterday.

III. Write the correct for in of the verbs in the brackets

1. I (be)………………………………………. born in 1945.
2. Ba (watch) …………………………….TV late last night.
3. Nam (not go)……………. to school yesterday. He (go)……………. to the dentist.
4. My aunt (buy)…………………………………. a new house last month.
5. Her family (live)……………………………….. in QuiNhon 5 years ago.
6. My friends (take)………………………… me to see NhaTrang beach last summer.
7. Bao (not play)…………… soccer yesterday. He ( play)……………. table tennis.
8. Three years ago, most things in QuiNhon (not be) ………………very expensive.


A. Theory.
1. Hoûi vaø traû lôøi xem ai ñoù coù vaán ñeà gì, hay bò laøm sao.
What + be + the matter with + O (tân ngữ)
What + be + wrong with + O (taân ngöõ) ?
S + V (have / has / had / be) + a / an + tên bệnh.
Moät soá danh töø chæ beänh thöôøng gaëp:
+ headache: ñau ñaàu
+ toothache: ñau raêng
+ stomachache: ñau buïng – daï daøy
+ cold: caûm laïnh
+ flu: cuùm.
Ví duï1: What is the matter with Lan
What is wrong with Lan ?
She has a headache.
Ví duï2: What was the matter with him?
What was wrong with him?
He had a toothache.
Ví duï3: What was the matter with her yesterday?
What was wrong with her yesterday?
She was sick / ill.
2. Caáu truùc vôùi “why”
S + be + adj – why?
Why + be + S + adj?
Ví duï1: Minh is happy.Why?
Why is Minh happy.
Ví duï2: They are nervous. Why?
Why are they nervous?
S + V + … Why?
Why + do + / does / did) + Vinf ?
Ví duï1: Minh/s tooth hurts. Why?
Why does Minh/s tooth hurts ?
Ví duï2: Ba went to the doctor’s yesterday. Why?
Why did Ba go to the doctor’s yesterday?
3. Caâu hoûi vaø traû lôøi veà chieàu cao:
How + tall + be + S ?
What + be + S’s + height?
S + be + chiều cao
Ví duï1: How tall are you?
What is your height ? -> I am one meter and forty.
Ví duï2: How tall is she?
What/s her height? -> She is one meter and fifty
Ví duï3: How tall is Nam?
What is Nam/s height? -> He is 1meter 55 centimeters.
4. Caâu hoûi vaø traû lôøi veà caân naëng.
How + heavy + be + S ?
What + be + S/s + weight?
S + be + cân nặng
Ví duï1: How heavy is he?
What is his weight? He is 45 kilos.
Ví duï2: How heavy is Nga?
What/ is Nga/s weight? …………. She is 48 kilos
5. Lôøi yeâu caàu:
Would you + Vinf , please?
Ví duï: Would you stand up, please?
Would you open the window, please?
B. Exercises.
I. Choose the best answer
1. I know how to take care ………..myself
a. in b. on c. of d. at
2. Hoa/s parents are busy ……………it is nearly-harvest time again.
a. so b. because c. but d. and
3. My mother wants me …………..early and take morning exercise
a. get up b. getting up c. got up d. to get up
4. Her parents want her not………….too much candy.
a. eats b. eating c. to eat d. ate
5. What is the matter with you, Minh? ………..have a toothache
a. I b. She c. He d. Minh
6. What was wrong with Lan? She…………a stomachache
a. have b. has c. having d. had
7. …………..is Minh nervous? Because he is seeing the dentist.
a. What b. Why c. when d. who
8. Would you ………….the door, please?
a. open b. to open c. opened d. opening
9. Would you …………..the TV, please?
a. turns on b. turn on c. turned on d. turning on
10. What is your height? How………….. are you?
a. heavy b. height c. tall d. weight
11. How heavy is she …………..is her weight?
a. how b. What c. When d. where
12. Minh is healthy. He feels very…………
a. happy b. happily c. happiness d. to be happy
II. Make questions for the underline words
1. Hoa went to the dentist last week because she had a toothache
2. Minh had a terrible headache
3. Ba is one meter 45 centimers tall
4. Hoa is 45 kilos
5. Lan didn/t come to school because she was ill
6. Nam feels very worried

III. Rewrite the following sentences

1. What/s the matter with Lan?
2. Lan is nervous. Why?
3. Ba feels happy. Why?
4. Hoa went to the doctor yesterday. Why?
5. Nam and Hoa didn/t go to school this morning. Why?
6. How tall is he?
7. What is her weight?
8. My mother wants me not to get up late.
My mother doesn/t……………………………………………………………………………………..

Unit 12: LET/S EAT !

A. Theory:
1. So, too: dieãn taû söï ñoàng tình trong caâu khaúng ñònh:
Nghóa: cuõng vaäy.
S1 + be . S2 + be , too
S1 + be . So + be + S2
Ví duï1: I am a student. She is ( a student), too.
So is she.
S1 + V ( s/es ) . S2 + V (s/es) , too
S1 + V ( s/es ) .S2 + do/does s2
Ví duï2: She likes oranges. He likes oranges, too
He does, too
So does he.
2. . Neither, either: ( cuõng vaäy, cuõng khoâng) duøng ñeå dieãn taû söï ñoàng tình trong
caâu phuû ñònh.)
S1 + be not. S2 + be not, either
S1 + be not. Neither + be + S2
Ví duï1: Nam is not a student . Ba is not ( a student ), either
Neither is Ba
Ví duï2: I don/t like fish. My mother doesn/t ( like fish), either
Neither does my mother
S1 + don/t/doesn/t + V. S2 + don/t / doesn/t + V
S2 + don/t / doesn/t , either
Neither + do / does + S2.
3. Imperatives: ( meänh leäänh caùch)
Ví duï: First, slice the beef.
Next, stirfry the beef
Then, and the onions and green peppers
After that, add some salt
Finally, taste the beef
B. Exercise:
I. Choose the best answer.
1. Ba likes chicken. Nam likes chicken, ……………………..
a. So b. too c. either d. neither
2. Hoa likes oranges and ……………..does Nga
a. So b. too c. either d. neither
3. The pineapples are not ripe. And …………………are the papayas
a. So b. too c. either d. neither
4. My mother doesn/t like watching TV. My father doesn/t,………………..
a. So b. too c. either d. neither
5. What did you eat last night? I ………………..fish, rice and soup.
a. eat b. eats c. ate d. eating
6. For breakfast yesterday, she ………….bread, beef and milk.
a. have b. had c. has d. having
7. A balaneed diet means: “ you should eat…………….meat and ……………….vegetables and fruits.
a. a lot of/a little b. a little/a lot of c. a few/a lot of
8.First……………………….the onions and green peppers
a. slice b. sliced c. to slice d. slicing
II. Rewrite the following sentences
1. Mr Thanh is a doctor. Mrs Thanh is a doctor, too.
Mr Thanh is a doctor. And so ………………………….
2. Hoa likes beef and so does Nga.
Hoa likes beef and Nga………………….
3. I don/t like pineapple. Neither does Ba.
I don/t like pineapple and Ba………………..
4. Lan doesn/t like Math and I don/t like Math, either.
Lan doesn/t like Math and neither………………………….
4. My brother and I go to that school
I go to that school and so ……………………


A. Theory.
B. 1. Tính töø ( adjectives) vaø traïng töø ( adrerbs)
a. Vò trí cuûa tính töø:
+ Ñöùng sau ñoäng töø TOBE.
Ví duï: She is beautiful
This book is very interesting
+ Ñöùng tröôùc danh töø ñeå boå nghóa cho danh töø ñoù.
Ví duï: She is a good student
Ba is a skillful tennis player
b. Vò trí cuûa traïng töø:
+ Ñöùng sau ñoäng töø thöôøng
Ví duï: They play soccer well.
Nam runs quickly.
+ Ñöùng tröôùc ñoäng töø thöôøng
Ví dụ: You should carefully listen to the teacher.
They suddenly had an accident
c. Moät soá tính töø vaø traïng töø thöôøng duøng.
Adjectives Adverbs
- good well tốt
- bad badly xấu,tệ
- skillful skillfully khéo tay, tài giỏi
- quick quickly nhanh
- slow slowly chậm
- careful carefully cẩn thận
- careless carelessly bất cẩn,cẩu thả
- strict strictly nghiêm khắc, chặt chẽ
- clear clearly sạch
- safe safely an toàn
- interesting interestingly thú vị
- beautiful beautifully đẹp
- sudden suddenly đột ngột
2. Ñoäng töø khieám khuyeát.
+ can: coù theå: noùi ñeán khaû naêng ôû hieän taïi
+ could: coù theå: noùi ñeán khaû naêng trong quaù khöù
+ must: phaûi: noùi ñeán söï baét buoäc phaûi laøm ñieàu gì.
+ have to/has to phaûi : noùi ñeán traùch nhieäm , boån phaän phaûi laøm gì ought
+ should: neân: khuyeân ai neân laøm gì
+ may: coù leõ, coù theå: duøng ôû hieän taïi
+ might: coù leõ, coù theå: duøng trong quaù khöù
 Theå khaúng ñònh:
S+ have to/has to + Vinf.
Ought to

Ví duï: I can swim very quickly.

You should finish your homework first
She has to help her mom.
 Theå phuû ñònh.
Can not / could not
Must not
S+ don’t have to/doesn’t have to + Vinf
Ought not to
Should not
May not / might not
Ví duï: You must not go when the lights are red.
Tam don/t have to do homework to day.
You shouldn/t drive carelessly.
B. Exercises:
I. Choose the best answer
1. What ………….do you like? I like table tennis.
a. schools b. sports c. books d. music
2. Nam is a good soccer player. He plays soccer……………………….
a. good b. goodly c. well d. badly
3. Hoa is a skillful tennis player. She plays tennis……………….
a. skillfully b. wel c. quickly d. safely
4. Lan is a quick runner. She …………quickly
a. swims b. runs c. plays d. cycles
5. Children should always…………..with an adult
a. swim b. swiming c. to swim d. swam
6. You should drive…………….
a. careful b. carefully c. careless d. carelessly
7. Students ……………..clean the classroom everyday.
a. have to b. has to c. had to d. having to
8. Come and ……………basketball, Nam
a. do b. go c. play d. see
9. Before the invention of the special breathing equipment, man…………..stay under water for long.
a. can b. could c. can/t d. couldn/t
10. Can a diver stay under water for long?
a. yes, he can b. No, he can/t c. yes, he could d. No, he couldn/t
II. Rewite the following sentences
1. Ba is a good badminton player
2. Lan is a slow runner
3. Mr. Thanh is a quick swimmer
5. Mrs Vui is a safe cyclist
6. Lan/s fathe is a careful taxi driver
7. My mother is a good cook
8. My sister is a beautiful dancer
9. Nam and Ba are skillful soccer players
10. Mr Tuan and Mr.Nam are careless driver
10.We should finish our homework first
We must…………………………………………………………………………………………….
11.Lan must tidy the house everyday
Lan has to…………………………………………………………………………………………..
12.Ba ought to cook lunch for his mother
Ba has to……………………………………………………………………………………………
A. Theory.
I. Hoûi vaø traû lôøi xem ai ñoù thích xem gì?
What + would + S + like to see/watch?
S + /d like to see/watch………….
Ví duï1: What would you like to see?
I/ d like to see a cowboy movie
Ví duï2:What would Lan like to watch?
He/d like to watch a detective movie.
2.Caáu truùc vôùi “like/prefer/sound”
a. Like: thích.
S + like(s) + Ving
To V
Ví duï: I like watching TV
She likes to watch TV
They like history
b. Prefer: thích hơn.
S + Prefer(s) + to Vinf
Ví duï: I prefer taking part in sports
He prefers to listen to music
Mai prefers coffee
*Note: diễn đạt so sánh thích cái gì hơn cái gì
Ví dụ: Lan prefer reading books to listening to music
Like+noun/V-ing+better than+noun/V-ing
c. Sound: coù veû, döôøng nhö:
Sound + adj (tính toán)
Ví duï: That sounds boring
That sounds interesting.
4. Hoûi vaø traû lôøi xem ai ñoù thích chöông trình naøo treân ti vi.
What kinds of programs + do/does +S + like?
S + like(s) programs about + teân chöông trình.
Ví duï1: What kinds of programs do you like?
I likes programs about cartoon
Ví duï2: What kinds of programs does Lan like?
She likes programs about teenagers in other countries.
B. Exercises
I. Choose the best answer.
1. Would you like ………………….dinner at my house tonight?
a. have b. to have c. has d. having
2. Lan watches TV every night. She ………………..watches TV
a. sometimes b. never c. always d. often
3. Hoa likes………………..to music
a. listening b. listens c. listen d. listened
4. My mother prefers fish …………………………meat
a. in b. on c. to d. at
5. Nam prefers…………………in sports
a. take part b. taking part c. to take part d. both b & c
6. That sounds……………………………..
a. interesting b. interestingly c. more interesting d. less interesting
7. What kinds of programs do you like? I like programs…………………………..cartoons and music shows.
a. on b. in c. about d. at
8. Thirty years ago in VietNam, very few people……………………..TV sets
a. have b. has c. having d. had
9. Today, a lot of people ………………….TV sets
a. have b. has c. having d. had
10. Many teenagers around the world…………………………..to the radio.
a. watch b. play c. listen d. do
II. Rearrange the following sentences
1. Would / go / you / to/ like / the / to / movie / tonight?
2. She/ to / is / see / going / detective movie / her / with / parents
3. Neighbors / to / gathered / watch / black and white / the / programs
5. Nga/ programs / likes / teenagers / about / othe / in / countries .
6. Teenagers / to / liker / to / listen / pop / latest / music.

Unit 15: GOING OUT

I. Choose the best answer
1. ………………………..do you go to the amusement center? A week.
a. How long b. how far c. how many d. how often
2. Children shouldn/t spend much time ………………………..video games
a. in b.on c. at d. for
3. children should play ………………….with their friends
a. indoors b. out doors c. at home d. at school
4. video games can be………………………..
a. good b. beautiful c. addictive d. boring
5…………………….spend much time in the arcade playing games
a. don/t b. doesn/t c. didn/t d. Isn/t
6. The noise in the cirty …………………….me awake at night.
a. lets b. makes c. keeps d. puts
7. Lan hates……………………..the road most
a. crosses b. cross c. crossing d. crossed
8. Lan usually reads books in the library…………………….an hour
a. on b. in c. for d. of
II. Rearrange the following sentences
1. Nam / going/ play/ is / to / videogames / the / in / arcade.
2. Children / not / spend / should / the / in / arcade/ much / playing / time / games
3. Life / different / in / city/ is / the
4. I / the noise / hate / the busy roads / and / the / in / city
7. Hoa / got / soon / to / user / the / city / busy / traffic


1. Some countries and capital cities in Asia.
Countries Capital Cities
1. ThaiLan BangKok
2. Cambodia PhnomPenh
3. China Beijing
4. Indonesia Jakata
5. Myanmar Yangon
6. Laos Vientiane
7. Malaysia KualaLumpur
8. Singapore Singapore
9. Japan Tokyo
10. Korea Seul.
2. Some adverbs of frequency:
- always - usually – often – sometimes / occationally – rarely / seldom - never
- How often + do/does + S + Vinf ?
S + adverbs ( always………….) + V(inf / + S / es)…….
How often does Mr.Nam fly to BangKok?
He usually flies to BangKok.
B. Exercises:
1. Uncle Nghia is a ………………………….He usually flies to othe countries.
a. Pilot b. doctor c. teacher d. engineer
2. Jakarta is in ………………………………..
a. China b. Indonesia c. Cambodia d. ThaiLand
3. Beijing is in ……………………………………….
a. China b. Laos c. Myanmar d. Malaysia
4. The Battle of DienBienPhu…………………………the Indochina war
a. opened b. ended c. leaded d. marked
5. Hans Christian Andersen was a ………………………author
a. Denmask b. Denish c. Dane
6. Are you interested …………………ancient monuments?
a. in b. on c. at d. of
7. He is famous for …………………………….his team to the victory in the Champion League.
a. lead b. Leads c. leading d. to lead
8. He wrote the fairy tales …………………..1835 and 1872
a. next to b. before c. after d. between
9……………………were you born? In a small villaga in VietNam.
a. When b. Where c. what d. why
10. thomas Edison was a famost…………………………….
a. invent b. inventor c. invention d. inventing
II. Rearranga the following sentences.
1. Vientiane / laos / is / in.
2. My / usually / brother / to / flies / as well as / HongKong / BangKok.
3. VoNguyenGiap / famous / a / is / General.
4. I / really / am / in / interested / history.
5. The / of DienbienPhu / battle / ended / Indochina / War / the.

The Second Semester English Test

Grade 7 ( 45 minutes )

I/ Circle the letter representing the correct answer : (2ms)

1. He plays soccer very ___________

a. good b. goodly c. well d. welly
2. My father is a ________ volleyball player .
a. skill b. skillful c. skilly d. skillfully
3.___________ something to drink ?
a. Would you like b. Do you like c. Do you would like d. You like
4. Would you like to go to the movie tonight ?
a. Yes I do b. Yes , I like c. I’d love to d. Yes , I am
5.Come and ________ badminton , Nam ?
a. do b. take c. play d. get
6.Most of the world surface is _________
a. land b. water c. trees d. oil
7.What kinds of ________ do you like ? - I like cartoon .
a. books b. films c. pictures d. music
8. Are you free ___________ Sunday ?
a. in b.at c. on d.of

II/Match the questions in colum A to the correct answers in colum B (2ms)

A B Answers
1. Lan has a toothache a. He ought to get up early 1 …………
2. Nam is always late for school b. She should study harder 2…………
3. Ba plays badminton very badly c. She ought to see a dentist 3 …………
4. Hoa studies badly d. He should practice more 4 …………

III/ Read the passage and then do the tasks that follow :
Thirty years ago in Viet Nam , very few people had TV set . These TV owners were very
popular . After dinner , their neighbors gathered both inside and outside their houses. Some watches
through the widows . Times have changed. Today , many families have TV sets . People sit in their
own livingrooms and watch TV . Life is more comfortable now , but many people don’t spend much
time together any more .
1. True or False ? Check ( X ) the boxes . (2ms )
True False
1. A lot of people had TV sets thirty years ago .
2. People watch TV in their own livingrooms now .
3. Today neighbors spend much time together .
4. Now , very few people have TV sets
2. Answer the questions : ( 2ms)
a. Were TV owners popular thirty years ago ?
b. Where do people watch TV now ?
c. Do they spend much time together as they did in the past ?
d. What programs would you like to watch ?
IV/ Arrange the sentences : ( 1 ms )
a. like / programs /would / of / what / you / kinds ?
b. Play / tennis / come / table / and / Nam
V/ Complete the sentences below with the cues given : ( 1ms )


1. We should wash our hand _________________ meals

2. Very few Vietnamese people had TV sets _________ 1960s
3. Are you free ____________ weekend ?
4. Don’t forget brush your teeth ____________ every meal .
Answers :
1: ________ 2: _________ 3: ________ 4: _________

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