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Republic of the Philippines

Region 2
Tumauini National High School
Annafunan, Tumauini, Isabela

NAME: __________________________________________ SECTION: _____________ SCORE: _________________


I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of the best answer.

1. Which of the following writing techniques pertains to the connection of ideas in a well-constructed paragraph?
A. Cohesive devices B. Coherence C. Cohesion D. Connectivity
2. What writing technique is missing in the statement, “I like blue car. Blue car is expensive”?
A. Cohesion B. Substance C. Coherence D. cohesive writing
3. Which of the following written speeches aims to persuade or convince the listeners of the validity of the speake’rs argument and
A. Informative speech C. Persuasive Speech B. Argumentative speech D. All of the above
4. Which of the following best describes the family of Keesh in the short story The Story of Keesh?
A. An extravagant family with all the riches in the world.
B. A family that lives a humble life in the smallest igloo.
C. A family living a poor life in the forest.
D. A modern family living in a condominium flat.
5. What is Keesh’s speech at the council about?
A. Keesh wanted all members of the community to have a fair share of meat.
B. Keesh wanted to become the head of the council.
C. Keesh pleaded for water and fire.
D. Keesh announced that he would like to hunt for the people.
6. Who is the author of The Story of Keesh?
A. Jack London B. William Aggelar C. Walt Whitman D. William Shakespeare
7. What is the title of the poem that depicts the impending doom of death represented by the characteristics and coming of winter?
A. Sound of Silence B. Song of Autumn C. Winter Melodies D. Heavenly Tunes
8. What is the rhyme scheme employed in the stanza:
Soon we shall plunge into the cold darkness;
Farewell, vivid brightness of our short-lived summers!
Already I hear the dismal sound of firewood
Falling with a clatter on the courtyard pavements.
9. Who is the composer of the song Paraiso?
A. Ryan Santos B. Ryan Salonga C. Ryan Cayabyab D. Ryan Agoncillo
10. Which of the following statements best describes the song Paraiso?
A. It is a song that talks about the beauty of our nature.
B. It is all about the destruction of our environment and a juxtaposition to the literal meaning of Paradise.
C. It is about the challenges of the human race.
D. All answers are correct.
11. Who is the author of the story To Build a Fire?
A. Jack London B. William Aggelar C. Walt Whitman D. Stephen Crane
12. Which of the following quoted statements is incorrect in markings?
A. She said, “Water the plants.” C. She asked, “Do you love Mother Earth?”
B. “When will you be here”? D. Did she say, “May I plant more trees?”
13. Which of the following parts of speech takes place the position of a noun?
A. Verb B. Adverb C. Adjective D. Pronoun
14. What do you call a word for which a pronoun stands?
A. antecedent B. referent C. reference D. Antecedence
15. What is the antecedent in the sentence, “I have a bucket, but it has a hole?”
A. I B. it C. bucket D. hole
16. What could be gleaned from the excerpt, “The man closed his eyes and floated into the most comfortable sleep he had ever
A. The man died. C. The man overslept.
B. The man was drunk. D. The man is still alive.
17. Who is the author the short story The Voice of the Mountain?
A. Jack London B. William Aggelar C. Walt Whitman D. Stephen Crane
18. What do you call the fear of public speaking?
A. Agoraphobia B. Acrophobia C. Glossophobia D. Coulrophobia
19. Which of the following is not part of the six rules in being an effective public speaker?
A. Understand your purpose C. Use your body
B. Color your vocal delivery D. memorize your speech
20. Which of the following is not a persuasion technique according to Aristotle?
A. ethos B. pathos C. echos D. logos
21. It is a systematic investigation to contribute an existing body of knowledge.
A. Methodology B. Research C. Conclusion
22. A person who can help you in giving information about your research topic.
A. book B. internet website C. respondent
23. It gives you the information that you are looking for.
A. Questionnaire B. Research C. Conclusion
24. He is the one who asks questions.
A. Interview B. Interviewee C. Interviewer
25. It is a conversational practice where the knowledge is produce by the interaction of the interviewer and the interviewee.
A. Interviewing B. Surveying C. Observing

Read the selection carefully. Then, answer the following questions. Choose the letter of the correct answer. 1) A practical joke is
not something which is said but nothing which is done and it is usually intended to make people laugh at somebody. 2) So long as
the person upon whom a joke is played is not hurt, or not put in danger of being hurt, practical joking is only for fun. 3) You may hide
a friend’s books, and be amused when he loos everywhere for them. 4) But if you pull a chair away just as he is sitting down, or put
something for him to pull over, he may seriously injure himself. 5) Such practical jokes are foolish
26. To what/whom does the pronoun “he” refers to in sentence 3?
A. books B. everywhere C. friend
27. Why do people joke?
A. to hurt people B. to make people laugh C. to injure someone
28. Which statement is not true?
A. pulling away a chair hurts B. practical jokes are foolish C. jokes are fun at all times
29. Sentence 1 which is a topic sentence is a/an ____
A. explanation B. definition C. result
30. The best title for the selection is _____.
A. jokes are foolish B. joking is part of friendship C. practical jokes

III. PRONOUN-ANTECEDENT. Identify the correct referent pronoun in each sentence.

31. An array of trees stands on (its, their) ground
32. (Each, both) of the girls walks toward the center aisle.
33. Wendelle and (his, her) boyfriend attended the RAMUSA.
34. Maximillan and Antonette submitted (his/her, their) requirements on time.
35. A teacher must know (his/her, their) duties.
36. Any student can file (his/her, their) application in the Office of Admissions.
37. The basketball team attended (his/her, their) send-off party last night.
38. Jack and Jill fetched some water for it is (his/her, their) mother’s command.
39. Some of the passengers cancelled (his/her, their) booking.
40. Some of the animals were saved by (its, their)
41. The lion and the tiger run for (its, their) lives as the hunters chase them down.
42. Neither Mary or her daughters will bring (her, their) husbands.
43. The class is meeting in (its, their) scheduled room today.
44. The different clubs are holding (its, their) meetings today.
45. The few who have completed (his/her, their) assignments may leave early.

IV. ESTABLISHING TRUTH. Write C if the statement is correct and E if the statement is erroneous.
__________ 46. The fox immediately becomes a friend of the Little Prince.
__________ 47. The Little Prince is willing to befriend the Fox.
__________ 48. Elma and Eponine are Madame Thenardier’s daughters.
__________ 49. There is no connection between the author of the story "The Little Prince" and his writing.
__________ 50. Craig Raine is the author of the story "The Little Prince".
__________ 51. The technique used in the poem "A Martian sends a Postcard Home" is defamiliarization.
__________ 52. Defamiliarization was proposed by Victor Skhlovsky.
__________ 53. Antoine Saint-Exupery is the author of the poem "A Martian sends a Postcard Home".
__________ 54. A Martian creates pictures of the objects that he sees.
__________ 55. The poem seeks to describe human behavior and objects as if they are being seen for the first time by a visiting
___________56. Jean Valjean is an awkward old man who manages a prostitution inn.
___________57. Les’ Miserables and Notre Dame De France are two of Victor Hugo’s best works.
___________58. A static character one who doesn't undergo any significant change.
___________59. A dynamic character is someone who undergoes series of physical, mental and emotional change.
___________60. Mark Matahbane is the author of Kaffir Boy.


English Teacher


English Department Head
Principal IV

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