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The Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI proposes to re-establish

the traditional Latin Mass throughout the Western Church.

The Society of St Pius X (SSPX) prepares priests exclusively

for this Mass of the Roman Rite and associated beliefs and
practices of our Catholic Tradition.

The SSPX was set up in 1970 with full approval of the

Vatican, and on May 3rd 1994 the Vatican reaffirmed that the
SSPX is fully Catholic and that their Masses and sacraments
are "certainly valid." ( Pontificium Consilium Ad
Christianorum Unitatem Fovendam Prot. N. 23336/94/-)

Also from the Vatican last year (2005), the President of the
Ecclesia Dei Commission, CARDINAL DARÍO
CASTRILLÓN HOYOS, admitted the SSPX is not in a state
of schism...

This eminent Cardinal said... "...Monsignor Lefebvre went

ahead with the consecration and ... it was not a formal
schism....The Fraternity has always recognized in John Paul
II, and now in Benedict XVI, the legitimate successor of Saint
Peter. That is not a problem.."

The SSPX has changed nothing of its positions regarding faith

and worship and genuine loyal obedience to authority, since
its foundation.

For more information, check the website

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