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Blossom by NG Rathi

Material Cost:
 Kitchen value: 32500/- + gst at 18% Total value = 38350/-
 Material cost 27500/- *21 kitchen = 577500/- + gst 18% 103950/- = 681450/-
 terms advance payment 50% 340725/- of material cost and rest 50%
340725/- after delivery material dispatch.
 Issuing post dated cheque more than 2 mnth than 70% of advance to be
clear before measurements (which is 238507.5/-), after that measurements
will takes place and rest 30% of advance payment ( which is 102217.5/-)
should be clear before 10 days of delivery. after delivery payment terms will
remain same as mentioned above.

Installation Cost
 Installation cost 5000/-*21 kitchens = 105000/- + gst at 18% 18900/- = Total
Installation cost is 123900/-
 Payment terms: 50% 61950/- after installation of 10 kitchens and rest 61950/-
after work completion and final checked by supervisors Buyer and Seller

Delivery & Installation:

Kitchen Order will take place after the 15 days of measurements taken by designer,
Delivery will take atleast max 45 days of time excluding public holidays, 2nd and
4th Saturday. Installation will only start once we received and clear with full material
cost (inc.GST), after installation of 10 or 15 kitchen whichever decided in PO we
should received 50% of installation cost(inc.GST), once we received the mentioned
installation cost will start installing further kitchens.

Standard delivery date is 20th of Every Month.

* Final Measurements will be held only after receiving of Advance amount.

* Advance amount cheque not acceptable if date is more than 35 days.


Intero Enterprises

*Approx time frame for order to installation

If Purchase Order dat 17th of Sept, 2018

then measurement date will be 16th oct, 2018 whereas delivery date will be 17th of
dec 2018 (Inc. 3rd n 4th sat plus public holidays).

installation per day 3 kitchen max days 20-25 for kitchen installation cause of
dedicated work of edge binding.

after delivery of material installation will take place by 17th dec to 15th of January
2019.( *Subject to clearances of material as well as initial installation cheque
according to terms and condition).

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