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Chapter 13 Page 1 Generator Protection

• General

• Types Of Faults

• Other Abnormal Operating And/Or System Conditions

• Effects Of Generator Bus Faults

Internal Faults
• Differential Protection (Phase Faults)

• Differential Protection (Ground Faults)

• Field Grounds

Phase Fault Backup Protection

• Introduction

• Generator Decrement Curve

• Voltage Restraint Overcurrent Relays

• Voltage Controlled Overcurrent Relays

Other Abnormal Conditions

• Overloads

• Overexcitation and Overvoltage/Undervoltage Protection

• Unbalanced (Negative Sequence) Currents

• Loss Of Prime Mover (Motoring)

• Loss Of Excitation (Field)

Chapter 13 Page 2 Generator Protection

Integrated Application Examples

Example of a Numerical Relay for Providing Comprehensive Generator

Protection – GE G60 Relay
• Features

• Setting Example

Chapter 13 Page 3 Generator Protection


Synchronous generators for industrial and commercial applications are typically of the non-
unit type (directly connected to the bus vice through a step-up transformer) with ratings
varying from .48-13.8 kV and .5 - 30 MVA.

In medium-sized and large power stations the generators are operated exclusively in unit
connection. In the unit connection the generator is linked to the busbar of the higher
voltage level via a transformer. In the case of several parallel units, the generators are
electrically isolated by the transformers. A circuit-breaker can be connected between the
generator and the transformer.

The task of electrical protection in these systems is to detect deviations from the normal
condition and to react according to the protection concept and the setting. The scope of
protection must be in reasonable relation to the total system costs and the importance of
the system.

Although generators are subject to numerous types of hazards, this chapter will limit
discussion to four types of internal faults and several types of abnormal operating and/or
system conditions. Additional protective schemes, such as overvoltage, out-of-step,
synchronization, etc. should also be considered depending on the cost and relative
importance of the generator.

Chapter 13 Page 4 Generator Protection


• Phase and/or ground faults in the stator and associated protection zone

• Ground faults in the rotor (field winding)

• Field grounds

• External faults (phase fault backup protection)


• Overloads

• Overheating

• Overspeed

• Loss of Prime Mover (Motoring)

• Unbalanced Currents

• Out-of-Step (Loss of Synchronism)

• Loss of Excitation

• Overvoltage

Chapter 13 Page 5 Generator Protection

For a three-phase fault near the generator, the following characteristics apply:

Machine kW and kVAR Output:

• kVAR out → 5-15 times kVARnormal

• kW out → 0; generator cannot transmit kW3φ through the fault.

2 1/2
• kVA out = (kVAR2 out + kW ) ≈ kVARout

Voltage, Frequency, Power Factor, Current:

• Volts → 0

• Frequency → rise to 61-63 Hz

• Power Factor → 0

• Current → 10-15 times IFLA (function of X d)

Machine Speed: Because the fault impedance (Z) is normally very small, and the kW out
approaches zero, the generator “sees” the fault as an instantaneous drop in load and
overspeeds in a very short time. All of the prime mover kW input goes to accelerating the
rotor; if left unchecked the turbine blades can be seriously damaged (tearout). Speed
control by the governor cannot react fast enough and therefore relays are used to protect
the generator.

Generator Stability: Faults must be cleared within approximately 0.3 seconds (18 cycles)
to preserve stability. The fault is removed by dropping the generator; for large systems
load shedding is initiated to prevent frequency and voltage drops.

Chapter 13 Page 6 Generator Protection


The suggested protection for instantaneous and sensitive protection for generator internal
faults is differential protection (ANSI Device No. 87G), which is very similar to motor
differential protection. A constant percentage, high sensitivity (e.g.,10%) differential
element is recommended. If CT saturation error exceeds 1%, a lower sensitivity (e.g.,
25%) type element should be used. No settings are required for these elements.

Generator differential elements (Figure 13-1) are usually arranged to simultaneously trip
the generator, field circuit, and neutral breakers (if used) through a manually reset lockout
auxiliary relay (ANSI Device No. 86). In some applications, the differential element also
trips the throttle and admits CO2 to the generator for fire protection.

Figure 13-1. Fixed Slope Relay

Chapter 13 Page 7 Generator Protection

Figures 13-2 and 13-3 show the different connection schemes depending on whether the
generator is delta or wye-connected.

Figure 13-2. Differential Relay Protection for Y-Connected Generator

Figure 13-3. Differential Relay Protection for Delta-Connected Generator

Chapter 13 Page 8 Generator Protection

As an alternative to the sngle phase devices, a three-phase, numerical relay (e.g., SEL-
300G or GE 489 relay) that is more sensitive (high-speed) and that offers variable
percentage operating characteristics can be used to protect the generator (Figure 13-4).
These relays have very high sensitivity (.25/5 x 100 = 5%) during light internal faults, and
relatively low sensitivity (30/60 x 100 = 50%) during heavy external faults, and can
therefore accommodate increased CT error during heavy external faults.

Figure 13-4. Typical Variable Percentage Differential Relay

Another alternative differential scheme is to use three zero sequence current transformers
and three type instantaneous trip elements, as shown in Figure 13-5. Although this partial
differential feature protection scheme is more sensitive and less costly (e.g.,6 CTs versus
3 CTs), it does not protect the cables between the generator terminals and the breaker.

The instantaneous element, used in differential manner (ANSI Device No. 87) is typically
set at 0.15A. The zero sequence CTs are usually sized at a 50/5 ratio (most common) with
a 4-inch diameter, or 100/5 ratios are also available with 7 and 14-inch diameters.

Chapter 13 Page 9 Generator Protection

Figure 13-5 shows this protection scheme for a wye-connected generator and Figure 13-6
shows this protection scheme for a delta-connected generator.

Figure 13-5. Y-Connected Generator

Figure 13-6. Delta Generaor

Chapter 13 Page 10 Generator Protection

For large generators, a separate feature (ANSI Device No. 87G) is considered essential for
generator protection for internal ground faults. ANSI Device No. 87G supplements
(backups) the phase differential element that was previously discussed. The element can
be set for minimum time to clear internal faults faster (Figure 13-7). This element operates
the lockout relay (ANSI Device No. 86) to trip and lockout the line and field breakers, and
the prime mover.

Figure 13-7. Typical Ground Differential Scheme

Chapter 13 Page 11 Generator Protection

A solidly grounded generator has zero or minimal impedance applied at the Wye neutral
point so that, during a ground fault at the generator HV terminals, ground current from the
generator is approximately equal to the 3 phase fault current.

A low resistance grounded generator refers to a generator that has substantial impedance
applied at the wye neutral point so that, during a ground fault, a reduced but readily
detectable level of ground current, typically on the order of 100-500A, flows.

A high impedance grounded generator refers to a generator with a large grounding

impedance so that, during a ground fault, a nearly undetectable level of fault current flows,
necessitating ground fault monitoring with voltage based (e.g., 3rd harmonic voltage
monitoring and fundamental frequency neutral voltage shift monitoring) relays. The
location of the grounding, generator neutral(s) or transformer, also influences the
protection approach.

The location of the ground fault within the generator winding, as well as the grounding
impedance, determines the level of fault current. Assuming that the generated voltage
along each segment of the winding is uniform, the prefault line-ground voltage level is
proportional to the percent of winding between the fault location and the generator neutral,
VFG in Fig. 13-8. Assuming an impedance grounded generator where (Z0, SOURCE and
ZN)>>ZWINDING, the current level is directly proportional to the distance of the point from
the generator neutral [Fig. 13-8(a)], so a fault 10% from neutral produces 10% of the
current that flows for a fault on the generator terminals. While the current level drops
towards zero as the neutral is approached, the insulation stress also drops, tending to
reduce the probability of a fault near the neutral. If a generator grounding impedance is low
relative to the generator winding impedance or the system ground impedance is low, the
fault current decay will be non-linear. For I1 in Fig. 13-8, lower fault voltage is offset by
lower generator winding resistance. An example is shown in Fig. 13-8(b).

Chapter 13 Page 12 Generator Protection

Figure 13-8. Effects of Fault Location within Generator on Current Level

Chapter 13 Page 13 Generator Protection

The generator differential element (87G) may be sensitive enough to detect winding
ground faults with low-impedance grounding per Fig. 13-9. This would be the case if a
solid generator-terminal fault produces approximately 100% of rated current. The minimum
pickup setting of the differential relays should be adjusted to sense faults on as much of
the winding as possible. However, settings below 10% of full load current (e.g., 0.4A for 4A
full load current) carry increased risk of misoperation due to transient CT saturation during
external faults or during step-up transformer energization. Lower pickup settings are
recommended only with high-quality CTs (e.g., C400) and a good CT match (e.g., identical
accuracy class and equal burden).

If 87G feature is provided per Fig. 13-9, relay 51N backs up the 87G, as well as external
relays. If an 87G is not provided or is not sufficiently sensitive for ground faults, then the
51N provides the primary protection for the generator. The advantage of the 87G is that it
does not need to be delayed to coordinate with external protection; however, delay is
required for the 51N. One must be aware of the effects of transient DC offset induced
saturation on CTs during transformer or load energization with respect to the high speed
operation of 87G relays. Transient DC offset may induce CT saturation for many cycles
(likely not more than 10), which may cause false operation of an 87G relay. This may be
addressed by not block loading the generator, avoiding sudden energization of large
transformers, providing substantially overrated CTs, adding a very small time delay to the
87G trip circuit, or setting the feature fairly insensitively.

Figure 13-9. Ground Fault Relaying Generator Low-Impedance Grounding

The neutral CT should be selected to produce a secondary current of at least 5A for a solid
generator terminal fault, providing sufficient current for a fault near the generator neutral.
For example, if a terminal fault produces 1000A in the generator neutral, the neutral CT
ratio should not exceed 1000/5. For a fault 10% from the neutral and assuming I1 is
proportional to percent winding from the neutral, the 51N current will be 0.5A, with a
1000/5 CT.

Chapter 13 Page 14 Generator Protection

A field ground relay element (ANSI Device No. 64) detects grounds in the generator field
circuit (Figure 13-10). This relay uses a very sensitive d’Arsonval movement to measure
DC ground currents. The element is used to alarm on the occurrence of a first ground to
permit an orderly shutdown of the generator. If a second ground occurs before the first is
cleared, the field winding is short circuited resulting in unbalance and vibrations which may
severely damage the generator.

Figure 13-10. Typical operation of a Field Ground Relay

Chapter 13 Page 15 Generator Protection

The function of phase fault backup protection is to disconnect the generator if the fault has
not been cleared by other downstream protective devices (e.g., feeder overcurrent relays,
ANSI Device Nos. 51/50). This protection prevents the generator and other auxiliary
components from exceeding their thermal limits as well as protecting distribution
components against excessive damage. Two types of relays are used to provide this
protection. Impedance relays (ANSI Device No. 21) are used to protect unit generators
(generator/transformer combinations), and time overcurrent relays (ANSI Device No. 51)
are used for non-unit installations typically found in industrial/commercial applications. This
Tab will restrict discussion to use of time overcurrent relays for backup phase fault

Chapter 13 Page 16 Generator Protection

Figure 13-11 is a generator decrement curve that is plotted at no-load and constant
excitation (curve 1) , field current at 3.0 p.u. of no-load value (curve 2), and total current
including the dc component (curve 3). The machine characteristics for the curves that are
shown in Figure 13-11 are as follows:

Machine Characteristics:

• 19.5 MVA, p.f. = 80%, 12.47 kV, FLA = 903 A, X”d = 10.7%, X’d = 15.4%

• Xd = 154%, IFg = 1.0 p.u., IF = 3.0 p.u., T” = 0.015 seconds

• T’d = 0.417 seconds, TA = 0.189 seconds

Figure 13-11. Decrement Curve

Chapter 13 Page 17 Generator Protection

If the information is not available, a generator’s decrement curve can be estimated and
drawn (log-log) paper by using the following approximate values.

• X”d = 10%, Isym = 1.0/.10 = 10 p.u. @ 0.1 seconds

• X’d = 15%, I = 1.0/.15 = 6.67 p.u. @ 3.0 seconds

• Xd = 150%, I = 1.0/1.5 = 0.67 p.u.

• Iasy ≈ 1.6 I = 1.6 x 10 = 16.0 p.u.

Figure 13-12. Typical Generator Decrement Curve

Chapter 13 Page 18 Generator Protection

Phase-Fault Protection

Fig. 13-13 shows a simple means of detecting phase faults, but clearing is delayed, since
the 51 relay must be delayed to coordinate with external devices. Since the 51 relay
operates for external faults, it is not generator zone selective.

It will operate for abnormal external operating conditions such as remote faults that are not
properly cleared by remote breakers. The 51 pickup should be set at about 175% of rated
current to override swings due to a slow-clearing external fault, the starting of a large
motor, or the re-acceleration current of a group of motors.

Energization of a transformer may also subject the generator to higher than rated current

Figure 13-13. Phase-Overcurrent Protection (51) must be delayed to coordinate with

External Relays

Chapter 13 Page 19 Generator Protection

Fig. 13-14 shows an example of generator current decay for a 3 phase fault and a phase-
phase fault. For a 3 phase fault, the fault current decays below the pickup level of the 51
relay in approximately one second. If the time delay of the 51 can be selectively set to
operate before the current drops to pickup, the relay will provide 3 phase fault protection.

The current does not decay as fast for a phase-phase or a phaseground fault and, thereby,
allows the 51 relay more time to trip before current drops below pickup. Fig. 13-14
assumes no voltage regulator boosting, although the excitation system response time is
unlikely to provide significant fault current boosting in the first second of the fault. It also
assumes no voltage regulator dropout due to loss of excitation power during the fault. If the
generator is loaded prior to the fault, prefault load current and the associated higher
excitation levels will provide the fault with a higher level of current than indicated by the

Fig. 13-14 curves. An estimate of the net fault current of a pre-loaded generator is a
superposition of load current and fault current without pre-loading. For example, assuming
a pre-fault 1pu rated load at 30 degree lag, at one second the 3 phase fault value would be
2.4 times rated, rather than 1.75 times rated (1@30°+1.75@90°=2.4@69°). Under these
circumstances, the 51 relay has more time to operate before current decays below pickup.

Figure 13-14. Generator Fault Current Decay Example for 3 Phase and Phase-Phase
Faults at Generator Terminals – with no Regulator Boosting or Dropout during Fault
and no Pre-fault load

Chapter 13 Page 20 Generator Protection

Figure 13-13 shows the CTs on the neutral side of the generator. This location allows the
relay to sense internal generator faults but does not sense fault current coming into the
generator from the external system. Placing the CT on the system side of the generator
introduces a problem of the relay not seeing a generator internal fault when the main
breaker is open and when running the generator isolated from other generation or the
utility. If an external source contributes more current than does the generator, using CTs
on the generator terminals, rather than neutral-side CTs, will increase 51 relay sensitivity
to internal faults due to higher current contribution from the external source; however, the
generator is unprotected should a fault occur with the breaker open or prior to

Voltage-restrained or voltage-controlled timeovercurrent relays (51VR, 51VC) may be used

as shown in Fig. 13-15 to remove any concerns about ability to operate before the
generator current drops too low. The voltage feature allows the relays to be set below
rated current. The voltage restrained approach causes the pickup to decrease with
decreasing voltage.

For example, the relay might be set for about 175% of generator rated current with rated
voltage applied; at 25% voltage the relay picks up at 25% of the relay setting
(1.75*0.25=0.44 times rated). The voltage controlled approach inhibits operation until the
voltage drops below a preset voltage. It should be set to function below about 80% of rated
voltage with a current pickup of about 50% of generator rated. Since the voltage-controlled
type has a fixed pickup, it can be more readily coordinated with external relays than can
the voltage-restrained type. The voltage-controlled type is recommended since it is easier
to coordinate. However, the voltage restrained type will be less susceptible to operation on
swings or motor starting conditions that depress the voltage below the voltage controlled
undervoltage unit dropout point.

Chapter 13 Page 21 Generator Protection

Figure 13-15. Voltage-restrained or Voltage Controlled Time-overcurrent

Phase Fault Protection

Chapter 13 Page 22 Generator Protection


Most large generators are equipped with resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) that are
often used in a bridge circuit to provide sensing intelligence to an indicator or a relay. The
relay has contact-opening torque when the resistance is low, which indicates low machine
temperature. When the temperature of the machine exceeds 120 C for class B-insulated
machines, the bridge becomes unbalanced and the contact closes.

Chapter 13 Page 23 Generator Protection


Overexcitation can occur due to higher than rated voltage, or rated or lower voltage at less
than rated frequency. For a given flux level, the voltage output of a machine will be
proportional to frequency. Since maximum flux level is designed for normal frequency and
voltage, when a machine is at reduced speed, maximum voltage is proportionately
reduced. A volts/hertz relay (24) responds to excitation level as it affects thermal stress to
the generator (and to any transformer tied to that generator). IEEE C50.13 specifies that a
generator should continuously withstand 105% of rated excitation at full load.

With the unit off line, and with voltage-regulator control at reduced frequency, the
generator can be overexcited if the regulator does not include an overexcitation limiter.
Overexcitation can also occur, particularly with the unit off line, if the regulator is out of
service or defective. If voltagebalance supervision (60) is not provided and a fuse blows on
the regulator ac potential input, the regulator would cause overexcitation. Loss of ac
potential may also fool the operator into developing excessive excitation. The 24 relay can
only protect for overexcitation resulting from an erroneous voltage indication if the 24 relay
is connected to an ac potential source different than that used for the regulator.

Fig. 13-16 shows the relation among

the 24 relay inverse squared
characteristics and an example of a
generator and transformer withstand
capability. The generator and
transformer manufacturers should
supply the specific capabilities of these

Phase over (59) and under (27)

voltage relaying also acts as a backup
for excitation systemproblems.
Undervoltage relaying also acts as
fault detection relaying, because faults
tend to depress voltage.

Figure 13-16. Combined Generator/Transformer

Overexcitation Protection using both the
Inverse squared tripping. Equipment withstand
curves are examples only

Chapter 13 Page 24 Generator Protection

Unbalanced loads, unbalanced system faults, open conductors, or other unsymmetrical
operating conditions result in an unbalance of the generator phase voltages. The resulting
unbalanced (negative sequence) currents induce double system frequency currents in the
rotor that quickly cause rotor overheating. Serious damage to the generator will occur if the
unbalanced condition is allowed to persist indefinitely. The ability of a generator 2
withstand these negative sequence currents is defined by ANSI C 50.13 - 1977 as I2 t = k,
where the negative sequence current is expressed in per unit of the full load current and
the time is given in seconds.

Negative sequence stator currents, caused by fault or load unbalance, induce

doublefrequency currents into the rotor that may eventually overheat elements not
designed to be subjected to such currents. Series unbalances, such as untransposed
transmission lines, produce some negative-sequence current (I2) flow. The most serious
series unbalance is an open phase, such as an open breaker pole. ANSI C50.13-1977
specifies a continuous I2 withstand of 5 to 10% of rated current, depending upon the size
and design of the generator. These values can be exceeded with an open phase on a
heavily-loaded generator.

Fig. 13-17 shows the 46 relay connection. CTs on either side of the generator can be
used, since the relay protects for events external to the generator. The alarm unit in the
relay will alert the operator to the existence of a dangerous condition.

Figure 13-17 Negative Sequence Current Relay (46) protects against rotor
overheating due to a series unbalance or protracted external fault. Negative
sequence voltage relays (47) (less commonly applied) also responds

Chapter 13 Page 25 Generator Protection

Negative sequence voltage (47) protection, while not as commonly used, is an available
means to sense system imbalance as well as, in some situations, a misconnection of the
generator to a system to which it is being paralleled.


Table 13-1 lists the typical k-values

Table 13-1. Generator k-Values

A negative sequence overcurrent relay (ANSI Device No. 46) is the recommended
protection for this unbalanced condition.

Chapter 13 Page 26 Generator Protection

Figure 13-18. Current Unbalance Relay Time Current Characteristics

Chapter 13 Page 27 Generator Protection


Generator anti-motoring protection is designed for protection of the prime mover, or the
system, rather than for protection of the generator itself. Motoring results from low prime
mover input to the generator, such as would occur if the steam supply to the turbine or the
oil supply to the diesel were lost. When the prime mover input to the generator cannot
meet all the losses, the deficiency is supplied by the system -- the generator absorbs real
power and reactive power flow (not relevant at this point) may be in or out depending on
the voltage (system excitation). Under motoring conditions, steam turbine blades can
overheat, water wheel turbine blades can cavitate, and fire or possible explosion can result
in a diesel unit.

When the prime mover spins at synchronous speed with no power input, the approximate
reverse power that is required to motor a generator, as a percentage of the nameplate kW
rating, is listed in Table 13-2.

Table 13-2. Maximum Motoring Power

Although there are a number of non-electrical (mechanical) protection schemes for the
generator prime mover, a reverse power relay (ANSI Device No. 32) is used to provide
supplemental protection.

The reverse power relay should have sufficient sensitivity such that motoring power
provides 5-10 times the minimum pickup power of the relay. An induction disc directional
power relay is frequently used to introduce sufficient time delay necessary to override
momentary power surges that might occur during synchronizing. A time delay of 10-15
seconds is typical.

Chapter 13 Page 28 Generator Protection

The reverse-power feature (32) in Fig. 13-19 senses real power flow into the generator,
which will occur if the generator loses its prime-mover input. Since the generator is not
faulted, CTs on either side of the generator would provide the same measured current.

Figure 13-19. Anti-motoring (32) Loss-of-Field (40), Protection

In a steam-turbine, the low pressure blades will overheat with the lack of steam flow.
Diesel and gas-turbine units draw large amounts of motoring power, with possible
mechanical problems. In the case of diesels, the hazard of a fire and/or explosion may
occur due to unburnt fuel. Therefore, anti-motoring protection is recommended whenever
the unit may be connected to a source of motoring power.

Where a non-electrical type of protection is in use, as may be the case with a steam
turbine unit, the 32 relay provides a means of supervising this condition to prevent opening
the generator breaker before the prime mover has shut down. Time delay should be set for
about 5-30 seconds, providing enough time for the controls to pick up load upon
synchronizing when the generator is initially slower than the system.

Since motoring can occur during a large reactive-power flow, the real power component
needs to be measured at low power factors.

Chapter 13 Page 29 Generator Protection

Fig. 13-20 shows the use of two reverse-power relays: 32-1 and 32-2. The 32-1 relay
supervises the generator tripping of devices that can wait until the unit begins to motor.
Overspeeding on large steam-turbine units can be prevented by delaying main and field
breaker tripping until motoring occurs for non-electrical and selected electrical conditions
(e.g., loss-of-field and overtemperature). Relay 32-1 should be delayed maybe 3 seconds,
while relay 32-2 should be delayed by maybe 20 seconds. Time delay would be based on
generator response during generator power swings. Relay 32-2 trips directly for cases of
motoring that were not initiated by lockout relay 86NE — e.g., governor control

Figure 13-20. Reverse-power relay 32-1 prevents load rejection before prime mover
shutdown for selected trips; relay 32-2 operates if motoring is not accompanied by
an 86NE operation

Chapter 13 Page 30 Generator Protection


Protection to avoid unstable operation, potential loss of synchronism, and possible

damage is important and is typically applied for all synchronous machines. Such protection
is included in the excitation system supplied with the machine, but additional protection is
recommended to operate independently both as supplemental and backup protection.
Generators have characteristics known as capability curves. Typical curves are shown in
Figure 13-21. Temperature limits are basically zones, so these curves are designer’s
thermal limits. As overheating varies with operation, three arcs of circles define the limits.
In one area of operation the limit is the overheating of the rotor windings, in another, in the
stator windings; and in the third, in the stator end iron.

Loss of excitation can, to some extent, be sensed within the excitation system itself by
monitoring for loss of field voltage or current. For generators that are paralleled to a power
system, the preferred method is to monitor for loss of field at the generator terminals.
When a generator loses excitation power, it appears to the system as an inductive load,
and the machine begins to absorb a large amount of VARs. Loss of field may be detected
by monitoring for VAR flow or apparent impedance at the generator terminals.

The power diagram (P-Q plane) of Fig. 13-22 shows 40Q characteristic of a typical loss of
field relay with a representative setting, a representative generator thermal capability
curve, and an example of the trajectory following a loss of excitation. The first quadrant of
the diagram applies for lagging power factor operation (generator supplies VARs). The
trajectory starts at point A and moves into the leading power factor zone (4th quadrant)
and can readily exceed the thermal capability of the unit. A trip delay of about 0.2-0.3
seconds is recommended to prevent unwanted operation due to other transient conditions.
A second high speed trip zone might be included for severe underexcitation conditions.

Chapter 13 Page 31 Generator Protection

Figure 13-21. Typical generator Capability Curve (10 MVA)

Chapter 13 Page 32 Generator Protection

Figure 13-22. For loss of Field, the Power Trajectory moves from Point A into the
Fourth Quadrant

When impedance relaying is used to sense loss of excitation, the trip zone typically is
marked by a mho circle centered about the X axis, offset from the R axis by X'd/2. Two
zones sometimes are used: a high speed zone and a time delayed zone (Figure 13-23)

Figure 13-23. Loss of Excitation using Impedance Relay

Chapter 13 Page 33 Generator Protection

With complete loss of excitation, the unit will eventually operate as an induction generator
with a positive slip. Because the unit is running above synchronous speed, excessive
currents can flow in the rotor, resulting in overheating of elements not designed for such
conditions. This heating cannot be detected by thermal relay 49, which is used to detect
stator overloads.

Rotor thermal capability can also be exceeded for a partial reduction in excitation due to an
operator error or regulator malfunction. If a unit is initially generating reactive power and
then draws reactive power upon loss of excitation, the reactive swings can significantly
depress the voltage. In addition, the voltage will oscillate and adversely impact sensitive
loads. If the unit is large compared to the external reactive sources, system instability can

Chapter 13 Page 34 Generator Protection


Figs. 13-24 through 13-28 show examples of protection packages.

Fig. 13-24 represents bare-minimum protection, with only overcurrent protection.

Generators with such minimum protection are uncommon in an era of microprocessor-
based multifunction relays. Such protection likely would be seen only on very small
(<50kVA) generators used for standby power that is never paralleled with the utility grid or
other generators. It may appear to be a disadvantage to use CTs on the neutral side as
shown, since the relays may operate faster with CTs on the terminal side. The increase in
speed would be the result of a larger current contribution from external sources. However,
if the CTs are located on the terminal side of the generator, there will be no protection prior
to putting the machine on line. This is not recommended, because a generator with an
internal fault could be destroyed when the field is applied.

Figure 13-24. Exaple of Bare-minimum Protection (Low–impedance Grounding)

Chapter 13 Page 35 Generator Protection

Fig. 13-25 shows the suggested minimum protection with low-resistance grounding. It
includes differential protection, which provides fast, selective response, but differential
protection becomes less common as generator size decreases below 2MVA, on 480V
units and below, and on generators that are never paralleled with other generation.

The differential relay responds to fault contributions from both the generator and the
external system. While the differential relay is fast, the slow decay of the generator field
will cause the generator to continue feeding current into a fault. However, fast relay
operation will interrupt the externalsource contribution, which may be greater than the
generator contribution. Fast disconnection from the external source allows prompt
restoration of normal voltage to loads and may reduce damage and cost of repairs.

Figure 13-25. Suggested minimum protection example (Low-impedance Grounding)

The differential relay (87G) may protect for ground faults, depending upon the grounding
impedance. The 51N relay in Fig. 13-25 provides back-up protection for the 87G or will be
the primary protection if the differential relay (87G) is not sufficiently sensitive to the
ground current level.

Chapter 13 Page 36 Generator Protection

The 51V voltage-controlled or voltage-restrained time overcurrent relay in Fig. 13-25 is
shown on the CT on the high voltage/system side of the generator. This allows the relay to
see system contributions to a generator fault. It provides back-up for the differential relay
(87G) and for external relays and breakers. Since it is monitoring CTs on the system side
of the generator, it will not provide any back-up coverage prior to having the unit on line. If
there is no external source, no 87G, or if it is desired that the 51V provide generator
protection while the breaker is open, connect the 51V to the neutral-side CTs.

Fig. 13-25 shows three relays sharing the same CTs with a differential relay. This is
practical with solid state and numeric relays, because their low burden will not significantly
degrade the quality of differential relay protection. The common CT is not a likely point of
failure of all connected relaying. A CT wiring error or CT short is unlikely to disable both
the 87G and 51V relays. Rather, a shorted CT or defective connection will unbalance the
differential circuit and cause the 87G to trip. Independent CTs could be used to provide
improved back-up protection, although this seems to be a minimal advantage here.
However, a separate CT is used for the 51N relay that provides protection for the most
likely type of fault. The reverse power relay (32) in Fig. 13-25 protects the prime mover
against forces from a motored generator and could provide important protection for the
external system if the motoring power significantly reduces voltage or overloads

Likewise, the loss-of-field relay (40) has dual protection benefits—against rotor
overheating and against depressed system voltage due to excessive generator reactive
absorption. Thermal relay (49) protects against stator overheating due to protracted heavy
reactive power demands and loss of generator cooling. Even if the excitation system is
equipped with a maximum excitation limiter, a failure of the voltage regulator or a faulty
manual control could cause excessive reactive power output. Frequency relaying (81O/U)
protects the generator from off nominal frequency operation and senses generator
islanding. The under and overvoltage function (27/59) detects excitation system problems
and some protracted fault conditions.

Chapter 13 Page 37 Generator Protection

Fig. 13-26 shows minimum basic protection for a medium impedance grounded generator.
It differs from Fig. 13-26 only in the use of a ground differential relay). This protection
provides faster clearing of ground faults where the grounding impedance is too high to
sense ground faults with the phase differential relay (87G). The relay compares ground
current seen at the generator high voltage terminals to ground current at the generator
neutral. The 51N relay provides backup for the ground differential (87N) and for external
faults, using the current polarizing mode. The polarizing winding measures the neutral

Figure 13-26. Suggested minimum protection example (low-resistance ground)

Chapter 13 Page 38 Generator Protection

Fig. 13-27 shows minimum basic protection for a high impedance grounded generator. It
differs from Fig. 13-26 only in the ground relay protection and the method of grounding.
The voltage units 59N/27-3N provide the only ground protection, since the ground fault
current is too small for phase differential relay (87G) operation. The 59N relay will not be
selective if other generators are in parallel, since all the 59N relays will see a ground fault
and nominally operate at the same time. If three Phase-Ground Y-Y VTs were applied in
Fig. 13-26, the 27 and 59 could provide additional ground fault protection, and an
additional generator terminal 59N ground shift relay could be applied.

Figure 13-27. Suggested minimum protection example (high-resistance grounding)

Typical relays include a third harmonic undervoltage function (27-3N), that provides
supervision of the grounding system, protects for faults near the generator neutral, and
detects a shorted or open connection in the generator ground connection or in the
distribution transformer secondary circuit.

Chapter 13 Page 39 Generator Protection

Fig. 13-28 shows the application of additional relays for extended protection: overexcitation
relay (24), negative sequence overcurrent and overvoltage relay (46 and 47), ground-
overcurrent relay (51GN), voltage-balance relay (60), field-ground relay (64F), frequency
relay (81) and the 27/50/ 62 relay combination for inadvertent energization protection.
Relay 51GN provides a second means of detecting stator ground faults or faults in the
generator connections or faults in the delta transformer windings. Differential relay 87T and
sudden-pressure relay 63 protect the unit step-up transformer. Relay 51N provides backup
for external ground faults and for faults in the highvoltage transformer windings and leads.
This relay may also respond to an open phase condition or a breaker-interrupter flashover
that energizes the generator. The 51N relay will be very slow for the flashover case, since
it must be set to coordinate with external relays and is a lastresort backup for external

Figure 13-28 shows wye-connected VTs, appropriate with an isolated-phase bus.

Figure 13-28. Extended Protection Example (High-resistance grounding)

Chapter 13 Page 40 Generator Protection

Table 13-3 Typical Relay Settings

IEEE No. Function Typical Settings and Remarks

24 Overexcitation PU: 1.1*VNOM/60; TD: 0.3; reset TD: 5

alarm P.U.: 1.18*VNOM/60 alarm delay:
25 Synchronism Check Max Slip: 6RPM; Max phase angle
error: 10° Max VMAGerror: 2.5% VNOM
32 Reverse Power (one stage) PU: turbine 1% of rated; 15 s PU:
Reciprocating engine: 10% of rated; 5 s
32-1 Reverse Power PU: same as 32; 3 s
Nonelectrical Trip
40 Loss-of-field (VAR Flow Level 1 PU: 60% VA rating; Delay:
Approach) 0.2s; Level 2 PU: 100% VA rating: 0.1s
46 Negative Sequence I2 PU: 10% Irated; K=10
49 Stator Temperature (RTD) Lower: 95°C; upper: 105°C

50/87 Differential via flux PU:10% INOM or less if 1A relay may

summation CTs be used
50/27 IE Inadvertent Energization 50: 0.5A (10% INOM) 27: 85%
Overcurrent with 27, 81 VNOM(81: Similar)
51N Stator Ground Over-current PU: 10% INOM; curve: EI; TD: 4. Inst:
(Low, Med Z Gnd, Phase none. Higher PU required to coordinate
CT Residual) with load. No higher than 25% INOM.
50/51N Stator Ground Over-current P.U.: 10% INOM; Curve EI, TD4; Inst
(Low, Med Z Gnd, Neutral 100% INOM. Higher PU if required to
CT or Flux Summation CT) coordinate with load. No higher than
25% INOM.
51GN, 51N Stator Ground Over-current PU: 10% IFAULTat HV Term.; Curve:
(High Z Gnd) VI; TD:4.
51VC Voltage Controlled PU: 50% INOM; Curve: VI; TD: 4.
Overcurrent Control voltage: 80%VNOM.

Chapter 13 Page 41 Generator Protection

IEEE No. Function Typical Settings and Remarks
51VR Voltage Restrained PU: 175% INOM; Curve: VI; TD: 4.
Overcurrent Zero Restraint Voltage: 100% VNOM

59N, 27- Ground Overvoltage 59N: 5% VNEU during HV terminal

3N, 59P fault; 27-3N: 25% V3rd during normal
operation; TD: 10s 59P: 80% VNOM

67IE Directional O/C for PU: 75-100% INOM GEN; Definite

Inadvertent Energization Time (0.1-0.25 sec.) Inst: 200% INOM

81 Over/under frequency Generator protection: 57, 62Hz, 0.5s;

Island detection: 59, 61Hz, 0.1s

87G Generator Phase BE1-87G: 0.4A; BE1-CDS220: Min

Differential P.U.: 0.1 * Tap; BE1-CDS220: Min
P.U.: 0.1 * Tap;

87N Generator Ground BE1-CDS220: Min P.U.: 0.1 times

Differential tap; Slope 15%; Time delay: 0.1s;
choose low tap BE1-67N: current
polarization; time: 0.25A; Curve: VI;
TD: 2; Instantaneous: disconnect

87UD Unit Differential BE1-87T or CDS220 Min

PU:0.35*Tap; Tap: INOM; Slope 30%

Chapter 13 Page 42 Generator Protection


Protection and Control
• Generator stator differential • Overexcitation

• 100% stator ground protection • Generator unbalance

• Loss of excitation • Split phase protection

• Power swing blocking and out-of-step • Phase sequence reversal for pumped
tripping storage

• Backup distance • Abnormal frequency protection

• Reverse / low forward power • Enhanced RTD protection

• Restricted ground fault

Chapter 13 Page 43 Generator Protection


• Networking interfaces – 100Mbit Fiber Optic Ethernet, RS485, RS232, RS422, G.703,

• Multiple Protocols - IEC61850, DNP 3.0 Level 2, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP/IP,
IEC60870-5-104, Ethernet Global Data (EGD)

• Direct I/O – secure, high-speed exchange of data between URs for Direct Transfer Trip
and I/O Extension applications

• Embedded Managed Ethernet Switch with 4 - 100 Mbit Fiber optic ports and 2 copper

Monitoring and Metering

• Metering - current, voltage, power, energy, frequency

• Oscillography – analog and digital parameters at 64 samples/cycle

• Event Recorder - 1024 time tagged events with 0.5ms scan of digital inputs

• Data Logger - 16 channels with sampling rate up to 1 sample / cycle

• Advanced relay health diagnostics

• Synchronised measurement of voltage & current and sequence component phasors

- 1 to 60 phasors/sec

Chapter 13 Page 44 Generator Protection

The G60 Generator Protection System is a microprocessor based relay that provides
protection, monitoring, control, and recording functions for AC generators driven by steam,
gas, or hydraulic turbineS. Current, voltage and frequency protection are provided along
with fault diagnostics.

Voltage, current, and power metering is built into the relay as a standard feature. Current
parameters are available as total waveform RMS magnitude, or as fundamental frequency
only RMS magnitude and angle (phasor).

Diagnostic features include an event recorder capable of storing 1024 time-tagged events,
oscillography capable of storing up to 64 records with programmable trigger, content and
sampling rate, and data logger acquisition of up to 16 channels, with programmable
content and sampling rate. The internal clock used for time-tagging can be synchronized
with an IRIGB signal or via the SNTP protocol over the Ethernet port. This precise time
stamping allows the sequence of events to be determined throughout the system. Events
can also be programmed (via FlexLogic™ equations) to trigger oscillography data capture
which may be set to record the measured parameters before and after the event for
viewing on a personal computer (PC). These tools significantly reduce troubleshooting
time and simplify report generation in the event of a system fault.

A faceplate RS232 port may be used to connect to a PC for the programming of settings
and the monitoring of actual values.

Table 13-4. ANSI Device Numbers and Functions

Chapter 13 Page 45 Generator Protection


Figure 13-30. Single Line Diagram

Table 13-5. Other Device Functions

Chapter 13 Page 46 Generator Protection

This secion provides an example of the seting required for an example system
configuration. Consider the protection system shown below:

Figure 13-31. Setting Example

Ideally, the CTs should be selected so the generator nominal current is 80 to 85% of CT
primary. The following settings are entered for the example system. The M5 bank and the
ground CT input on each of the groups are unused in this example.

The nominal current is given by:

Chapter 13 Page 47 Generator Protection

The stator differential protection element is intended for use on the stator windings of
rotating machinery

Figure 13-32. Stator Differential Characteristic

Chapter 13 Page 48 Generator Protection

This element has a dual slope characteristic. The main purpose of the percent-slope
characteristic is to prevent a maloperation caused by unbalances between CTs during
external faults. CT unbalances arise as a result of the following factors:

1. CT accuracy errors

2. CT saturation

The characteristic allows for very sensitive settings when fault current is low and less
sensitive settings when fault current is high and CT performance may produce incorrect
operate signals.

• Stator Diff Line End Source: This setting selects the source connected to CTs in the
end of the machine stator winding closest to the load and furthest from the winding
neutral point. Both line and neutral-side CTs should be wired to measure their currents
in the same direction with respect to the neutral point of the winding.

• Stator Diff Neutral End Source: This setting selects the source connected to CTs in the
end of the machine stator winding furthest from the load and closest to the winding
neutral point. Both line and neutral-side CTs should be wired to measure their currents
in the same direction with respect to the neutral point of the winding.

• Stator Diff Pickup: This setting defines the minimum differential current required for
operation. This setting is based on the amount of differential current that might be seen
under normal operating conditions. A setting of 0.1 to 0.3 pu is generally

• Stator Diff Slope 1: This setting is applicable for restraint currents from zero to
STATOR DIFF BREAK 1, and defines the ratio of differential to restraint current above
which the element will operate. This slope is set to ensure sensitivity to internal faults at
normal operating current levels. The criteria for setting this slope is to allow for
maximum expected CT mismatch error when operating at the maximum permitted
current. This maximum error is generally in the range of 5 to 10% of CT rating.

• Stator Diff Break 1: This setting defines the end of the Slope 1 region and the start of
the transition region. It should be set just above the maximum normal operating current
level of the machine.

• Stator Diff Slope 2: This setting is applicable for restraint currents above the STATOR
DIFF BREAK 2 setting when the element is applied to generator stator windings. This
slope is set to ensure stability under heavy external fault conditions that could lead to
high differential currents as a result of CT saturation. A setting of 80 to 100% is

The transition region (as shown on the characteristic plot) is a cubic spline,
automatically calculated by the relay to result in a smooth transition between STATOR
DIFF SLOPE 1 and STATOR DIFF SLOPE 2 with no discontinuities.

Chapter 13 Page 49 Generator Protection

• Stator Diff Break 2: This setting defines the end of the transition region and the start of
the Slope 2 region. It should be set to the level at which any of the protection CTs are
expected to begin to saturate.


External faults near generators typically result in very large time constants of DC
components in the fault currents. Also, when energizing a step-up transformer, the inrush
current being limited only by the machine impedance may be significant and may last for a
very long time. In order to provide additional security against maloperations during these
events, the G60 incorporates saturation detection logic. When saturation is detected the
element will make an additional check on the angle between the neutral and output
current. If this angle indicates an internal fault then tripping is permitted.


The “LINE” and “NEUTRL” sources are both required for the stator differential element.
The minimum pickup can usually be set as low as 0.05 pu (corresponding to 0.25 A
secondary or 400 A primary in this example). Set the STATOR DIFF SLOPE 1 setting to
accommodate for CT errors; a setting of 10% is adequate in most instances. Set the
STATOR DIFF SLOPE 2 setting to accommodate for errors due to CT saturation; a setting
of 80% is recommended for most applications. The STATOR DIFF BREAK 1 setting must
be greater than the maximum load expected for the machine. The STATOR DIFF BREAK
2 setting should be set at the level where CT saturation is expected to occur.

The generator unbalance element protects the machine from rotor damage due to
excessive negative-sequence current.

The element has an inverse time stage which is typically used for tripping and a definite
time stage typically used for alarm purposes. The inverse time stage operating
characteristic is defined by the following equation:

• Gen Unbal Inom: This setting is the rated full load current of the machine. • GEN
UNBAL STG1 PICKUP: This setting defines the pickup of the stage 1 element
expressed as a percentage of the nominal current as specified by GEN UNBAL
INOM setting. It is typically set at the maximum continuous negative sequence
current rating of the machine.
Chapter 13 Page 50 Generator Protection
• Gen Unbal Stg1 K-Value: This setting is the negative sequence capability constant.
This value is normally provided by the generator manufacturer (refer to ANSI
C50.13 for details).

• Gen Unbal Stg1 Tmin: This is the minimum operate time of the stage 1 element.
The stage will not operate before this time expires. This is set to prevent false trips
for faults that would be cleared normally by system protections.

• Gen Unbal Stg1 Tmax: This is the maximum operate time of the stage 1 element.
This setting can be applied to limit the maximum tripping time for low level

• Gen Unbal Stg1 K-Reset: This setting defines the linear reset rate of the stage 1
element. It is the maximum reset time from the threshold of tripping. This feature
provides a thermal memory of previous unbalance conditions.

• Gen Unbal Stg2 Pickup: This setting defines the pickup of the stage 2 element
expressed as a percentage of the nominal current as specified by GEN UNBAL
INOM setting. The definite time element would normally be used to generate an
alarm to prompt an operator to take some corrective action. The stage 2 element
would typically be set at a safe margin below the stage 1 pickup setting.

• Gen Unbal Stg2 Pkp Delay: This is the minimum operate time of the stage 2
element. This is set to prevent nuisance alarms during system faults.

Figure 13-33. Generator Unbalance Inverse Time Curves

Chapter 13 Page 51 Generator Protection


Stage 1 of the generator unbalance element is typically used to trip the generator. In this
example, the I2 capability of the machine is 8% and the I22T capability is 10. The generator
nominal current is:

The minimum operate time of stage 1 will be set to 0.25 seconds, the maximum operating
time will be 10 minutes, and the reset time will be set to 4 minutes. Stage 2 is typically set
lower than stage 1 with a time delay to prevent nuisance alarms for external faults that are
normally cleared by system protection. For the application example, the pickup setting is:
Pickup=70% × I2 capability=0.70 × 8% = 5.6%

The operating characteristic is shaped out of two offset mho circles shifted down along the
imaginary axis as shown below.

Figure 13-34. Loss of Excitation Operationg Characteristics

Chapter 13 Page 52 Generator Protection

Stage 1 Settings:

The stage 1 characteristic is typically set to detect a loss of excitation for load conditions of
30% of the nominal or higher.

This is achieved with a mho element with a diameter equal to the base impedance of the
machine and an offset equal to half the machine transient reactance (X′d).

The stage 1 element should be time delayed to allow for blocking by the VT fuse failure
element (50 ms).

Stage 2 Settings:

The stage 2 characteristic is typically set to detect a loss of excitation for all load
conditions. This is achieved with a mho element with a diameter equal to the synchronous
reactance of the machine and an offset equal to half the machine transient reactance (X′d).

During stable power swing conditions the positive-sequence impedance may momentarily
enter the stage 2 characteristic. For security of the function under such conditions, it is
recommended to delay stage 2 by a minimum of 0.5 seconds.

Chapter 13 Page 53 Generator Protection


The voltage supervision setting will be determined by a system study and may be disabled
on either element if required. VT fuse failure should supervise this element.

Chapter 13 Page 54 Generator Protection

The reverse power element should be set at ½ the rated motoring power. The pickup is
calculated as follows:


To prevent maloperation for power swings the element is typically time delayed by 20 to 30
seconds. For sequential tripping applications the time delay will be 2 to 3 seconds. The
element may be blocked when the generator is offline. The line source will be used for this


The inverse time overcurrent curves used by the time overcurrent elements are the IEEE,
IEC, GE Type IAC, and I2t standard curve shapes. This allows for simplified coordination
with downstream devices.

If none of these curve shapes is adequate, FlexCurves™ may be used to customize the
inverse time curve characteristics.

The Definite Time curve is also an option that may be appropriate if only simple protection
is required.

Table 13-6. Overcurrent Curve Types

Chapter 13 Page 55 Generator Protection

A time dial multiplier setting allows selection of a multiple of the base curve shape (where
the time dial multiplier = 1) with the curve shape (CURVE) setting. Unlike the
electromechanical time dial equivalent, operate times are directly proportional

to the time multiplier (TD MULTIPLIER) setting value. For example, all times for a
multiplier of 10 are 10 times the multiplier 1 or base curve values. Setting the multiplier to
zero results in an instantaneous response to all current levels above pickup.

Time overcurrent time calculations are made with an internal ‘energy capacity’ memory
variable. When this variable indicates that the energy capacity has reached 100%, a time
overcurrent element will operate. If less than 100% energy capacity is accumulated in this
variable and the current falls below the dropout threshold of 97 to 98% of the pickup value,
the variable must be reduced. Two methods of this resetting operation are available:
“Instantaneous” and “Timed”. The “Instantaneous” selection is intended for applications
with other relays, such as most static relays, which set the energy capacity directly to zero
when the current falls below the reset threshold. The “Timed” selection can be used where
the relay must coordinate with electromechanical relays.

Chapter 13 Page 56 Generator Protection


The IEEE time overcurrent curve shapes conform to industry standards and the IEEE
C37.112-1996 curve classifications for extremely, very, and moderately inverse. The IEEE
curves are derived from the formulae:

Table 13-7. IEEE Inverse Time Curve Constants

Table 13-8. IEEE Curve Trip Times (In Seconds)

Chapter 13 Page 57 Generator Protection

Table 13-9. IEC (BS) Inverse Time Curve Constants

Table 13-10. IEC Curve Trip Times (In Seconds)

Chapter 13 Page 58 Generator Protection

The phase time overcurrent element can provide a desired time-delay operating
characteristic versus the applied current or be used as a simple definite time element. The
phase current input quantities may be programmed as fundamental phasor magnitude or
total waveform RMS magnitude as required by the application.

Two methods of resetting operation are available: “Timed” and “Instantaneous” (refer to
the Inverse Time overcurrent curves characteristic sub-section earlier for details on curve
setup, trip times, and reset operation). When the element is blocked, the time accumulator
will reset according to the reset characteristic. For example, if the element reset
characteristic is set to “Instantaneous” and the element is blocked, the time accumulator
will be cleared immediately.

The PHASE TOC1 PICKUP setting can be dynamically reduced by a voltage restraint
feature (when enabled). This is accomplished via the multipliers (Mvr) corresponding to the
phase-phase voltages of the voltage restraint characteristic curve (see the figure below);
the pickup level is calculated as ‘Mvr’ times the PHASE TOC1 PICKUP setting. If the
voltage restraint feature is disabled, the pickup level always remains at the setting value.

Figure 13-35. Phase Time Overcurrent Voltage Restraint Characteristics

Chapter 13 Page 59 Generator Protection


System backup protection is implemented using a phase time overcurrent element with
voltage restraint enabled. The NEUTRL source will be chosen for this element. The pickup
of this element should be set at a safe margin above the maximum load expected on the

The selection of all standard curves (and FlexCurves™) is allowed for easy coordination
with system relaying. For the example system, an IEEE extremely inverse curve will be
used and a setting will be chosen such that the operate time for a three phase fault on the
high side of the transformer is 0.75 seconds. For simplicity, the power system contribution
is not considered.

Since this element will coordinate with system protections a timed reset is chosen. The
element must be blocked for a VT fuse failure. The neutral source will be chosen

Chapter 13 Page 60 Generator Protection


This function provides time-delayed protection for system faults that have not been cleared
by system protections and to provide backup protection for stator faults.

The “Line” source will be used in this example to permit the application of a forward and
reverse zone. The memory duration will be left at the default setting (10 cycles).

Zone 1 will look forward and cover the GSU and the transmission line leaving the station.
Zone 3 will look in the reverse direction and cover the stator winding. Zone 2 will not be
used in this example. Both the VTs and the CTs are located on the low voltage side of the
GSU. The transformer vector diagram (see Figure 13-31) shows this transformer to be
Yd1. Consequently, due to the location of instrument transformers, Dy11 is chosen for both
the XFMR VOL CONNECTION and XFMR CUR CONNECTION settings. There are no
transformers in the reverse direction. Therefore “None” is chosen for both of the zone 3
transformer connection settings. The reach of the zone 1 element will be set at 120% of
impedance of the GSU and the transmission line. In the instance that there are multiple
lines and/or multiple generators, the zone 1 reach must be increased to compensate for
the infeed effect.

The zone 3 reach will be set at 120% of the generator transient reactance. The time delay
of this element should be compared to the generator decrement curve to verify the
adequacy of this setting.

An mho shape has been chosen for this example. Therefore, the quadrilateral settings are
left at their default values.

Chapter 13 Page 61 Generator Protection

The G60 relay provides a two-zone function designed to detect stator winding ground
faults on resistance and high-impedance grounded generators. The Zone 1 element,
64G1, uses a fundamental-frequency neutral overvoltage element that is sensitive to faults
in the middle and upper portions of the winding. The Zone 2 element, 64G2, uses a third-
harmonic voltage differential function to detect faults in the upper and lower portions of the
winding. By using the two zones together, the relay provides 100 percent stator ground
fault coverage.

Note: Most generators produce enough third-harmonic voltage for proper application of the
64G2 element; however, some generators (e.g., those with 2/3 pitch winding) may not. In
those cases the element based on the third-harmonic voltage, such as the 64G2, cannot
be used for 100 percent Stator Ground Protection.

When a ground fault occurs high in the winding of a resistance or high-impedance

grounded generator, a voltage appears at the generator neutral. The neutral voltage
magnitude during the fault is proportional to the fault location within the winding. For
instance, if a fault occurs 85 percent up the winding from the neutral point, the neutral
voltage is 85 percent of the generator rated line-neutral voltage.

This function detects stator ground faults in all but the bottom 5–10 percent of the
generator winding. In this area close to the generator neutral, the neutral voltage does not
increase significantly during a generator ground fault. The G60 relay uses the third-
harmonic voltage differential element to detect faults in this area.

The following formula is used to create an adaptive operating quantity based on the
amount of third harmonic that appears at the generator terminals.

where: VN(3rd) is a magnitude of the 3rd harmonic in the voltage measured at the
machine neutral point measured via an auxiliary channel of the VT bank, and V0(3rd) is a
magnitude of the 3rd harmonic in the zero-sequence voltage measured at the machine

This element requires wye-connected VTs for measurement of the third harmonic in
the zero-sequence voltage at the generator output terminals.

Chapter 13 Page 62 Generator Protection

Example 1: Operating quantities under normal conditions.

Consider the figure shown below. In the case of a high impedance grounded machine, the
neutral resistor is typically chosen such that power dissipated in the resistor during a single
line to ground fault is approximately equal to the reactive power produced by the zero
sequence capacitance of the stator winding and the GSU LV winding (X0c ). At power
system frequencies, the neutral resistance is therefore equal to Xoc / 3, and at 3 x Fn, the
neutral resistance is Xoc

For analysis, assume that .E3 = 10 V, R = 5 Ω, and Xc = 5 Ω

Chapter 13 Page 63 Generator Protection

In actual practice, the |VN| / |VN + V0| ratio may vary from 0.4 to 0.85 under normal
conditions. The pickup and supervision setpoints are determined by evaluating the
operating quantities during a fault condition.

Chapter 13 Page 64 Generator Protection



The per-unit V/Hz value is calculated using the maximum of the three-phase voltage inputs
or the auxiliary voltage channel Vx input, if the Source is not configured with phase
voltages. To use the V/Hz element with auxiliary voltage, set SYSTEM SETUP 󲐀󲐀
SIGNAL SOURCES 󲐀 SOURCE 1(6) 󲐀󲐀 SOURCE 1(6) PHASE VT to “None” and
SOURCE 1(6) AUX VT to the corresponding voltage input bank. If there is no voltage on
the relay terminals in either case, the per-unit V/Hz value is automatically set to “0”. The
per unit value is established as per voltage and nominal frequency power system settings
as follows:

1. If the phase voltage inputs defined in the source menu are used for V/Hz operation,
then “1 pu” is the selected SYSTEM SETUP → AC INPUTS →↓ VOLTAGE BANK
N →↓ PHASE VT N SECONDARY setting, divided by the divided by the SYSTEM

2. When the auxiliary voltage Vx is used (regarding the condition for “None” phase
voltage setting mentioned above), then the 1 pu value is the SYSTEM SETUP →AC

3. If V/Hz source is configured with both phase and auxiliary voltages, the maximum
phase among the three voltage channels at any given point in time is the input
voltage signal for element operation, and therefore the per-unit value will be
calculated as described in Step 1 above. If the measured voltage of all three phase
voltages is 0, than the perunit value becomes automatically 0 regardless of the
presence of auxiliary voltage.

The element has a linear reset characteristic. The reset time can be programmed to match
the cooling characteristics of the protected equipment. The element will fully reset from the
trip threshold in VOLTS/HZ T-RESET seconds. The V/Hz element may be used as an
instantaneous element with no intentional time delay or as a Definite or Inverse timed

The characteristics of the inverse curves are shown below.

• DEFINITE TIME: T(sec.) = TD Multiplier. For example, setting the TD Multiplier set
to 20 means a time delay of 20 seconds to operate, when above the Volts/Hz
pickup setting. Instantaneous operation can be obtained the same way by setting
the TD Multiplier to “0”.

Chapter 13 Page 65 Generator Protection

This protection should be set to coordinate with the manufacturers excitation capability
curves. For example system, the combined generator/GSU limit curve is shown below:
Chapter 13 Page 66 Generator Protection
Program the volts per hertz 1 element with an inverse characteristic (curve A), a pickup of
1.05, and a TDM of 40. Program the volts per hertz 2 element with a definite time
characteristic, a pickup of 1.23, and a time delay of 2 seconds. Both elements will issue a
trip. The volts per hertz 1 pickup will be used to generate an alarm. Either source may be
assigned in this example.

Chapter 13 Page 67 Generator Protection

The pickup and delay settings are dependent on operating practices and system
characteristics. In this example, two overfrequency and two underfrequency elements will
be used. The elements will be blocked when offline. Underfrequency will initiate a trip.
Overfrequency will alarm only. Either source may be assigned.

Chapter 13 Page 68 Generator Protection



This element provides protection against energization while the generator is at standstill or
reduced speed. The feature is armed using either the AND or OR combination of the
undervoltage and machine off-line conditions, selected with the

ACCDNT ENRG ARMING MODE setting (see below). The undervoltage condition is
determined from the measured voltages. The machine off-line status is indicated by a
dedicated FlexLogic™ operand. Once armed, the accidental energization feature operates
upon detecting an overcurrent condition in any of the stator phases.

This feature can also provide protection against poor synchronization.

• ACCDNT ENRG ARMING MODE: This setting specifies whether the feature gets armed
by either of the undervoltage or machine off-line conditions (“UV or Off-line” value), or by
both the conditions (“UV and Off-line” value). In both cases, the element is armed after 5
seconds of the appropriate condition and de-armed 250 ms after the arming condition (UV
and/or Off-line) ceases.

The “UV or Off-line” selection shall be made when the VTs are on the power system side
of the disconnecting device.

If this is the case, the measured voltages may be normal regardless of the status of the
protected machine, thus the need for an OR condition. The “UV or Off-line” value provides
protection against poor synchronization. During normal synchronization, there should be
relatively low current measured. If however, synchronization is attempted when conditions
are not appropriate, a large current would be measured shortly after closing the breaker.
Since this feature does not de-arm immediately, but after a 250 ms time delay, this will
result in operation under imprecise synchronization.

The ACCDNT ENRG OC PICKUP setting can control the required precision of

The “UV and Off-line” value shall be made when the VTs are on the generator side of the
disconnecting device. If this is the case, both the undervoltage and machine off-line
conditions are required to indicate that the protected generator is not energized.

• ACCDNT ENRG OC PICKUP: This setting specifies the current level required to operate
the armed Accidental Energization element. If any of the phase current is above the
ACCDNT ENRG OC PICKUP level, the feature operates.

• ACCDNT ENRG UV PICKUP: This setting specifies the voltage level required to arm the
Accidental Energization element.

All of the line-to-line voltages must drop below the ACCDNT ENRG UV PICKUP level in
order to detect the undervoltage condition. The setting is entered in voltage pu values. As

Chapter 13 Page 69 Generator Protection

the element always responds to the line-to-line voltages, care must be applied in picking
up the value depending on the VT connection.

• ACCDNT ENRG OFFLINE: This setting specifies the FlexLogic™ operand indicating that
the protected generator is off-line

Chapter 13 Page 70 Generator Protection

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