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Health, Safety and Environment

Sub-Contractor HSE Assessment (Capability & Competence)

Name of Tenderer ……………………………………………………… Name of Respondent ………………………………………………

Address ……………………………………………………… Designation ………………………………………………

Contact Details ……………………………………………………… Contact Details ………………………………………………

This HSE assessment for Sub-Contractors / third parties has been established to help provide a general overview on how HSE is managed and organised within
their respective organisation. Please ensure responses are provided with supporting documentation where possible as this will also help in reducing time and
resources during the process.

Responses and any supporting documentation must relate specifically to the contract and implementation of Tenderer organisation HSE Management System.
If requirements are exceeded, Tenderer is requested to include full details within the submission.

Following submission, an evaluation of Tenderer’s organisation shall be performed which will consider together with Hazards and Effects registers, historical
HSE performance and any other audits and verification that may be required. Results and findings may have a direct influence on the future contract
arrangements with Ba Omar.

Please submit the response sheet in WORD or PDF format and incorporate answers into the below Sub-Contractor response column with appropriate
referencing to supporting documents. Submissions shall be truthful and signed by Tenderer’s CEO.

1 HSEMS/04/SCACC/33 Version Number 1.0, Nov’2012

Health, Safety and Environment
Sub-Contractor HSE Assessment (Capability & Competence)

Item Sub-Contractor Response Ba Omar Verification

1. Leadership and Commitment
How are Senior Managers personally The Management & Senior Managers in OIS are
involved in your company’s HSE personally involved in HSE Management by
management system? demonstrating their accountabilities. Senior Managers
ensure that this commitment is translated into the
necessary resources to develop, operate and maintain
the Management System and to attain the company’s
Strategic Objectives. They foster active involvement of
employees in improving HSE performance by
encouraging a culture of:
• Belief in the company desire to improve HSE
• Motivation to improve personal HSE performance.
• Acceptance of individual responsibility and
accountability for HSE performance.
• Participation and involvement at all levels in HSE-
MS development.
• Commitment to an effective HSE-Management
Please specify how you promote a The Management at OIS, to foster active involvement
positive safety culture and overall of all employees in improving HSE performance,
attitude towards HSE? encourages a culture of belief, motivation (rewards &
recognition), individual responsibility, participation,
commitment & practicing the Empowerment to STOP.
2. Policy and Strategic Objectives
Does your company have an HSE YES. The HSE Policy stresses on OIS obligation of ‘duty
Policy document? Please also state of care’ & its employees ‘Empowerment to STOP’.
all current Policies in place. Ref: OIS HSE MS Element 2.0; ‘Policy & Objectives’ 2.1
Health Safety & Environment Policy (Page 12)
Who has overall and final The Chief Executive Officer at OIS has the overall &
2 HSEMS/04/SCACC/33 Version Number 1.0, Nov’2012
Health, Safety and Environment
Sub-Contractor HSE Assessment (Capability & Competence)
responsibility for HSE in your final responsibility for HSE.
Who is the most Senior Person Khalfan Al Harthy, HSE Advisor, is the senior person in
responsible for this Policy being the organization responsible for this policy being
implemented? Please provide name, enforced.
title and experience.
Please describe the arrangements in OIS maintains methods to communicate Policy
place for advising employees of Statement to all employees by displaying ‘Policy
changes within the Policy? Statements’ on notice boards & at all prominent
places. OIS Line Managers discusses the HSE Policy
Statements, routinely through:
• HSE Meetings & Tool Box Talks
• Safety Alerts
• Hazard Identification / Communication /
Notification Form (Stop Card)
• HSE Notice Boards
3. Organization, Responsibilities, Resources, Standards and Procedures
How is management involved in HSE
activities, objective setting and
How is your company structured to Refer Element 3.0 Organization & Responsibilities for
manage and communicate HSE Company Organogram. Attached is the OIS
effectively? Organogram.
Have all personnel including Yes.
managers and supervisors (at all
levels) who will plan, monitor,
oversee and carry out the works
received formal training in their
responsibilities regarding HSE?
How does your company ensure new
employees have knowledge of basic
industrial HSE? Please also describe
3 HSEMS/04/SCACC/33 Version Number 1.0, Nov’2012
Health, Safety and Environment
Sub-Contractor HSE Assessment (Capability & Competence)
how you improve and keep this
knowledge up to date?
Please describe the arrangements
your company has in place for
ensuring that new employees have
full knowledge of your HSE Policies,
systems and practices?
How do you ensure that new
employees have been informed,
instructed and trained on any
specific hazards arising out of the
nature of the activities?

What arrangements does your

company have to ensure existing
HSE staffs knowledge is up to date?
Please specify the arrangements
your company has in place to ensure
competency for those jobs involving
hazards and risks?
How does your company identify
areas of operations where
specialized training is required to
deal with potential hazards and
risks? (Please provide list with
details of training given)
How are hazards and risks identified,
assessed and controlled?
Does your company employ a
dedicated HSE professional who
aims to provide training in more
than the basic requirements?
4 HSEMS/04/SCACC/33 Version Number 1.0, Nov’2012
Health, Safety and Environment
Sub-Contractor HSE Assessment (Capability & Competence)
Please describe how your company
provides the required resources to
ensure HSE targets are achieved?
Who is responsible for this?
Where do you spell out the HSE
performance standards you require
to be met?
How do you ensure these are met
and verified?
How do you identify new industry or
regulatory standards that may be
applicable to your activities? Who is
responsible for this?
Is there an overall structure for
producing, updating and
disseminating standards?
4. Hazards and Effects Management
What techniques are used within OIS uses several common methods of identification,
your company for the identification, assessment, control and mitigation of hazards and
assessment, control and mitigation effects through:
of hazards and effects?  What-If Analysis
 Hazard and Operability Studies (HAZOP)
 Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
 Fault Tree Analysis
 Worker-focused Job Hazard/Safety Analysis
What systems are in place to Exposure of your workforce to chemical and other
monitor the exposure of your physical agents are assessedm:
workforce to chemical and other  Qualitative,
physical agents?  Quantitative methods
 Feedback from multiple sources

5 HSEMS/04/SCACC/33 Version Number 1.0, Nov’2012

Health, Safety and Environment
Sub-Contractor HSE Assessment (Capability & Competence)
As well by having in place an effective OH program,
including periodical Health checks (Pre-employment
checks, FTW).
How is your workforce advised on
potential hazards (chemicals, noise,
radiation, etc.) encountered whilst
carrying out their duties? Please
also state how this is monitored
onsite to ensure adherence.
What arrangements does your
company have for provision and
upkeep of protective equipment and
clothing, both standard issue, and
that required for specialised
What systems are in place for
identification, classification,
minimisation and management of
different types of waste?
Do you have a drugs and alcohol
policy in your organisation? If so,
does it include pre-employment and
random testing?
5. Planning and Procedures
Do you have a company HSE manual YES. OIS has a company HSE manual (and SOP
or Operations Manual with relevant Operations Manual with relevant sections on HSE) that
sections on HSE which describes in describes in detail our company approved HSE
detail approved HSE working Servicing practices relating to our services & activities.
practices relating to your work
How do you ensure that working Working practices and procedures used by OIS
practices and procedures used by employees on-site are consistently in accordance with
6 HSEMS/04/SCACC/33 Version Number 1.0, Nov’2012
Health, Safety and Environment
Sub-Contractor HSE Assessment (Capability & Competence)
your employee’s onsite are their HSE MS. This is ensured by performing work
consistently in accordance with your place inspections. The findings are submitted during
HSE policy objectives and Safety meetings for review, comments &
arrangements? recommendations.
How do you ensure that plant and
equipment used within your
premises, on-site, or at other
locations by your employees are
correctly registered, controlled and
maintained in safe working
condition? Please provide an
example of HSE critical equipment
identified including a brief overview
of your maintenance system.
Does your company have
arrangements for combating road
and vehicle incidents? How do you
promote safe driving and
Please outline your company’s OIS has implemented the OIS Emergency Response
arrangements for responding to Procedure. OIS, through a very comprehensive RA has
emergencies. captured
all identified Emergency senarios and documented it as
part of their Hazards Effects Managemnet Process.
is the OIS HEMP.
6.0 Implementation and Performance Monitoring
What arrangements does your
company have for supervision and
monitoring of HSE performance?
What type of performance criteria is
used in your company? Provide
7 HSEMS/04/SCACC/33 Version Number 1.0, Nov’2012
Health, Safety and Environment
Sub-Contractor HSE Assessment (Capability & Competence)
What arrangements does your
company have for communicating
the results and findings throughout
the organization?
Has your company received any
awards for HSE performance and/or
What arrangements does your
company have in place for rewarding
employees / incentive schemes?
Has your company suffered any
statutory notifiable incidents in the
last five years (safety, occupational
health and environmental)? If yes,
please provide full details including
dates, country, most frequent types,
causes and follow-up preventative
measures taken etc.
Has your company suffered any
improvement requirement or
prohibition notices by the relevant
national body, regulatory body or
any other enforcing authority?
Please state and give details (if any)
on prosecution(s) suffered under
any HSE legislation in the last five
Has your company maintained
records of incidents and HSE
performance for the last five years?
Please provide the following data:
8 HSEMS/04/SCACC/33 Version Number 1.0, Nov’2012
Health, Safety and Environment
Sub-Contractor HSE Assessment (Capability & Competence)
Number of Fatalities, Lost Time
Injuries Lost Workday Cases,
Medical Treatment Cases and
Restricted Work Day Cases. Also
include the Fatal Accident Rate, Lost
Time Injury Frequency and Total
Recordable Incident Rate for each
How is health performance
How is environmental performance
How often is HSE performance
reviewed and who is responsible for
Who conducts incident
How are the findings following an
investigation or a relevant incident
occurring elsewhere communicated
throughout your organization?
Please provide specific examples.
Are near miss cases reported and
safety learning outcomes
7. Auditing and Review
Do your company HSE systems and
plans include schedules for auditing?
What range of auditing is covered
and how is this established?
How is the effectiveness of auditing
verified and how does management
9 HSEMS/04/SCACC/33 Version Number 1.0, Nov’2012
Health, Safety and Environment
Sub-Contractor HSE Assessment (Capability & Competence)
report and follow up audit action
Does Senior Management participateThe findings of an Audit that can impact Safety are
during audits and reviews? gauged & verified by the Management during
Management review and policy changes are proposed
to make effective improvements
8. Company Specific Information (Please state any further information which you deem necessary)
Does your company have any other OIS has been assessed and certified by The Societe
HSE features or arrangements not Generale de Surveillance, Switzerland for:
described elsewhere in your  ISO 9001:2008
response to this assessment?  ISO 14001:2004
 OHSAS 18001:2007
 Full Member of Lifting Equipment Engineers
Association (LEEA)
 Member OPAL & Compliance Verification & HSE
MS Certified by Oman Society for Petroleum
Services (OPAL)
 Guardian Hard banding Applicator Licensed by
the NANOSTELL Company INC.

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