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COULD – COULDN’T – poder [passado]

L E S S O N T W E N T Y – O N E

JANUARY (díenueri) DECEMBER (dicémbr)

FEBRUARY (fébiuari) IN - em NOVEMBER (nouvémbr)
MARCH (marte) OCTOBER (aktôbr)
APRIL (eipról) SEPTEMBER (setémbr)
MAY (mêi) AUGUST (ágôst)
JUNE (diún) JULY (diulái)





CIRCUS CUSTOMER (câstamr) – freguês


GO / WENT (wênt)
Last night I went to the circus. They went with me.
Yesterday we studied a lot. She studied the lesson.
SLEEP / SLEPT (slépt)
I slept at their house. We slept in the car.
LIKE (láik) / LIKED (láikt)
My mother liked the new house. She liked the doors.

EARLY (êrli) – cedo, adiantado
LATE (lêit) – tarde, atrasado
SLOW (slôu) – lento
SLOWLY (slôuli) – lentamente
MIDDLE OF(mêdol) – meio de
ALONG (alan) – junto, junto-a [ WITH]
TOGETHER – junto [duas partes] [WITH]

“TOMORROW MORNING” – amanhã de manhã
“DAY AFTER TOMORROW”- depois de amanhã
“THERE IS NOT” / “THERE ISN’T” – não existe (singular)
“THERE ARE NOT” / “THERE AREN’T” – não existem (plural)
“THERE WAS” – existia (singular passado)
“THERE WERE” - existiam (plural passado)
“BY YOURSELF” (baiôrseilf) “BY OURSELVES” (baiârselvs)

Para formar o futuro usamos o verbo auxiliar “WILL”.

I go. They learn.

I WILL go. They WILL learn.

She studies It eats

She WILL study It WILL eat.

WILL he go today? WILL they study with me?

He WILL NOT go. They WILL NOT study.
He WON’T go. They WON’T study.

WILL you do this? WILL the kids come?

I WILL NOT do this. The kids WILL NOT come.
I WON’T do this. The kids WON’T come.


1. I visit my friends in JULY. 2. We needed to work in JANUARY.

We went to the beach in_________. I went to many parties in________.
She wants to come here in _______. They want to buy the car in_______.
My class finishes in ________. She doesn’t have school in ______.

3. WE WENT to the circus. 4. I STUDIED all night.

She ______ to the store. He ______ his verbs.
I _______ to his farm. We ______ the English book.
They ______ with us. They ______ at Oxford.

5. She SLEPT in the car. 6. She LIKED the dessert.

They ______ at the hotel. They ______ our food.
We ______ at their house. I ______ your family.
The dog ______ near my door. We _______ to talk with you.

7. I have to sleep EARLY. 8. The store closes LATE.

You need to work _______. My class finishes very ________.
We want to go there _______. The boy was _______ to school.
The party finished ________. Your bus is ________ today.

9. The cars went SLOWLY. 10. The car is in the MIDDLEof the road.
Please speak ________! The animals are in the___of the city.
She opened the door _________. This is the ________of the trip.
I studied the letter __________. I didn’t read the_______of the book.

11. She wants to go ALONG with you. 12. I don’t want to see them TOGETHER.
He needs to come ______ with us. The cat and the dog are __________.
I like to study _________ with friends. You can make juice _______ with wine.
We traveled _________ the road. Jim and Sue live __________.

13. I have to work DAY AFTER TOMORROW.

We need to go there __________________.
He can finish by ___________________.
Do you want to travel ________________?

14. THERE ISN’T any time. 15.THERE AREN’T any students here.
They say ________ food. ______________more books.
____________ more ice. ______________any good movies.
In this house __________ a door. Did you know________customers?

16. We live BY OURSELVES. 17.THERE WERE many children.

We like to study ____________. I know _________ some cats.
We go to the park ____________. ____________ dogs in the garage.
We never play ____________. ____________ few fruits.

18. She WILL eat the rice. 19. THERE WAS a boy here yesterday.
They _________ go with you. ___________a new building downtown.
I _________ need to sell this. ____________ something wrong.
He ________ need to know your name. ____________ a lot of pop corn to eat.

20. They WON’T go to the game.

He says he _________ finish the lesson.
We ___________ see you again.
She ________ visit those customers.


1. Why did you play soccer with your friends in the field?
2. I needed to help my wife, because the maid didn’t come to work today.
3. She didn’t open the windows, but she wanted to open the door.
4. I need to write to my customers this month. I didn’t write in May.
5. We didn’t go to the circus, because we didn’t have any money.
6. What did he say to you yesterday? We spoke about his family.
7. I don’t know why my cousin didn’t have to work this last month.
8. It didn’t eat anything all this week. It’s not very well.
9. We didn’t finish the homework yet. Do you know how to do it?
10. I was at the bank with my sister. They didn’t have the money.
11. We saw you at the museum yesterday. Maybe we will see you again.
12. She didn’t have time to go to the dentist this week. She works a lot.
13. My niece went to Los Angeles last year. I want to go this year.
14. I want to take my kids to the circus. They always like the clowns.
15. He didn’t have anything to do this week, so he drank alot of beer.
16. I need to have a vacation soon. You don’t know how much I work.
17. She says there was a chicken in the kitchen. I’m not sure.
18. We needed to finish the meeting before noon. What time is it now?
19. Jane saw the handsome doctor, and now she wants to know who he is.
20. Will you know the price of these guitars by next week?

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