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Submitted by:

Luelt Dacot

Submitted to:
Mrs. Pugosa
SY 2018-2019

This research wants how drug addiction affects the academic performance of a grade 10 students
that’s why we come up this research and also give some knowledge that help other people what
they will do when this happen. The objective of this research is know what is the factor why those
student use drugs the reason behind why they use a drug even though it is not good them, they
how are the feeling of using the they didn’t know that it may affect their whole that cause to
destruction of their life. That why I come up to this research to help them and educate also how
drugs brings to their life it may change their whole life with the cause of broke of their family and
may pesticide of a society. If younger and their parents know what is the factor affecting their
life using of illegal drugs I know it may prevent the love ones of using illegal drugs.


One organization and research project, the 2000 national household survey on drug abuse,
(NHSDA), revealed to the general public that as rates and statistics on and of drug and alcohol
use and abuse by students between the ages of 12 and 17 increased, grade point averages
decreased. To make matters even more plain and obvious, it was also found that middle school
students whose peer groups don’t use alcohol or other drugs score higher on state reading and
math tests than those whose peer groups use alcohol or drugs. Obviously, substance abuse really
takes a student’s grade point average down a notch.

The statistics on the matter: truth in facts on youth substance abuse

Declining grades, lack of interest in school subjects, lack of interest in a future career,
absenteeism from school and other activities, and increased potential for dropping out of school
completely are all major problems associated with adolescent substance abuse in this
nation. Hawkins, catalano, and miller (1992) cite research indicating that: “a low level of
commitment to education and higher truancy rates appear to be related to substance use among
adolescents. Cognitive and behavioral problems experienced by alcohol- and drug-using youth
may interfere with their academic performance and also present obstacles to learning for their
classmates” (bureau of justice statistics, 1992).

There is no doubt about it, substance abuse and failure in school go hand in hand, just like
substance abuse and failures in all other sectors of life also go hand in hand. The statistics on the
issue don’t lie either:
This studies wants to know how drugs affect the academic performance of a student, because
younger generation will be the one who will carry over all the things and responsibility for the
future of next generation. This research wants to educate the younger man and old people so
that they prevent the drugs addiction and make our society peaceful.

Figure 1. Drug Use Among High School Students Aged 13-15 Years Old,
Philippines: 2003, 2007, 2001 and 2015

1) Stress: A recent study by the Partnership for a Drug-Free America showed that 73 percent of
teens report the number-one reason for using drugs is to deal with the pressures and stress of
school. Surprisingly, only 7 percent of parents believe that teens might use drugs to cope with
stress, showing parents severely underestimate the impact of stress on their teens’ decision to
use drugs.
2) Social Acceptance and/or Low Self-Esteem: A 2007 PATS Teens study reported 65 percent of
teens say they use drugs to “feel cool.” Teens’ self-worth depends on the approval of others, and
their desire for social acceptance can drive them to engage in destructive behaviors, even if they
know it could harm them. The same study found that 65 percent of teens use drugs to “feel better
about themselves.” Teens who have low self-esteem are more likely to seek acceptance from the
wrong crowd by using drugs.
3) Self-Medication: The teen years are rough, and many teens who are unhappy don’t know how
to find a healthy outlet for their frustration. These pent up emotions can take an emotional toll
and can even lead to depression or anxiety. A 2009 study reported an estimated 70 percent of
teens suffer from undiagnosed clinical depression at some point in their life. Many teens are
unaware that they have an underlying mental or mood disorder that is causing them to use illegal
or prescription drugs to self-medicate and cope with their symptoms.
4) Misinformation: Studies show that teens are widely misinformed about the dangers of drugs.
Did you know that 40 percent of teens don’t perceive any major risk with trying heroin once or
twice? While abuse of serious drugs is steadily declining among teens, their intentional abuse of
prescription and over-the-counter medications remains a serious concern. Many teens, 41
percent to be exact, mistakenly believe that it’s safer to abuse a prescription drug than it is to
use illegal drugs. Nearly 1 in 5 teens have already abused a prescription medication or
prescription painkiller in order to get high or deal with stress.
5) Easy Access: One reason teens use drugs is simply because they’re easy to get. Nearly 50
percent of teens report that it’s easy for them to get marijuana; 17 percent say it’s easy to get
meth; 14.4 percent say it’s easy to get heroin; and more than half of teens say that prescription
drugs are easier to get than illegal drugs.

Advanced brain scan imaging has proven that the human brain is not fully developed at puberty
as previously thought with maturation occurring as late as 24 years of age. “While each drug
produces different physical effects, all abused substances share one thing in common: repeated
use can alter the way the brain looks and functions.” (1) Common effects of drug use on the brain
that impact academic learning includes difficulty concentrating, inability to process information
and problems with working memory.
In 2007, “Almost 50 percent of 12th graders say that they’ve used drugs at least once in their
lifetime, and 18 percent report using marijuana in the last month. Prescription drug abuse is
high—with nearly 1 in 10 high school seniors reporting non-medical use of the prescription
painkiller Vicodin in the past year.” (2)

Despite the fact that adolescents have under-developed brains lacking the impulse control of
adults, education and parent involvement can reduce a young person’s risk for drug use and
abuse. “Kids who learn a lot about the risks of drugs and alcohol from their parents are up to 50%
less likely to use than those who do not.” (3)

Base on the data given those are the possibilities that drugs affects the academic performance
of a grade 10 student. This research gives another knowledge to a parents and younger once that
drugs addiction is not good to us because it brings to the worse things being a drug addict, this
research how drug addiction trends in our society. Many factors affecting the performance of a
grade 10 students like Stress, Social Acceptance and/or Low Self-Esteem, Self-Medication,
Misinformation, & Easy Access

I therefore conclude that this studies of How drug addiction affect the performance of a grade
10 student are a lot factors that we need to know because if you are educated how to deal with
drug addicts and how to handle it, us person you can help other people to prevent them to use
illegal drugs because drugs not prescriptive by the doctors is not good to everyone they can affect
the whole life of a person.

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