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1 Shopping 'lA At the shops 2

1B A radio advertisement 6
'lC Buying a washing machine 7

1D Ringing about a second-hand car 10

2 Banking 2A Finding out about term dePosits 14

2B Getting help at the bank 16
2C Registering for Phone bankrng
2D A problem with the ATM 20

3 Getting around 34 lnquiring about driving lessons 24

3B Phoning for road service 26
3C At the mechanics 29
3D Phone call from the mechanic 30
3E Car or public transPort? 32

4 Around the house 44 Phoning the council about waste services 38

48 Phoning for a garbage Pick-uP 40
4C Phoning for a repairman 42
4D Paying the electricity bill by phone 44

5 Bringing up kids 54 lnquiring about swimming lessons 50

58 Taking baby for a vaccination 53

5C Enrolling a child at school 56

6 Work and study 64 Making an enquiry at the TAFE-lfoLmA,tiA-LEe,ltle 60

68 Calling about a job - Part 1 63
6C Calling about a job - Parl2 65
6D lnstructions at work 67

7 Friends and neighbours 74 Telling a neighbour you'll be having a party 72

78 lnviting someone to a barbecue 74
7C Asking a favour 76
7D Sharing a reciPe 78

g Holidays and leisure 8A Bookrng a few days away at the bgq..[ 84

8B lnquiring about an air ticket 87
BC Chatting about a weekend away 88
8D Funny travel stories 90

9 Radio 9A Weather report - SYdneY
98 Sports round-uP 96
9C News 97
9D lnterview with an environmentalist 101

pescript 105
At the shops
1 Label these shops. Use the words provided.

men'swear supermarket fishshop homeware women'sfashion

J[\dH A

2 Write three things you can buy at these shops.

ments wear
fish shop
wornen's fashion

3 Listen to Conversation 1. Tick the correct answers.

a The customer wants to
! exchange. n return. n tryon.
b The customer wants to buy
! trousers. fl a fish. fl a dress.


4 Listen to Conversation 2. Tick the correct answers.
a The customer wants to return
fl trousers. ! adress. I ashirt.
b The customer wants
! to exchange lhe goods. ! her moneyback. ! a different size.

5 Listen to Conversation 3. Tick the correct answers.

a The customer is in
! a fish shop. ! a dress shop. E a homeware shop.

b The customer wants to buy

n haH a kilo of green prawns and2 snappet's.
I 2 kilos of green prawns and a snapper.
! half a kilo of gteen prawns and a snapper.

c The shopkeeper offers to

! wrap the frsh.
n fiIet the frsh.
! clean the frsh.

6 Listen to Conversation 4. fick the correct answers.

a The customer wants to buy
! glasses. ! plates. ! mugs.

b The customer wants to pay by

n cash. ! cheque. ! EFTPOS.

c The customer chooses

! cheque. n savings.
7 Listen to Conversation 5. Tick the correct answers.
a The customer spends
n $18.75. tr $87.50. ! $80.75.

b The customer also wants

n $200 cash. n $100 cash. ! $150 cash.


S Listen to Conr-ersation 1 ag'a:n- Tlc-i F::l :;:: -=-
a - Excuse me. can I try on these trou-rs-'
n Excuse me, I'd like to tr-v on these trousers.
b! The fitting room's near the stairs'
! The fitting room's just over there.

Listen to Conversation 2 agarn. Tick what you hear.

a E I'd like to return this dress.
E Can I return this dress?

b tr I think I want my money back.

! I think I'd like my money back.
c tl Okay. I'll just do a refund for you.
! Okay. I'lI just organise that for you.
t0 Listen to Conversation 3 again' Tick what you hear.
a ! Give me half a kilo of prawns thanks'
! I'll have half a kilo of green prawns thanks.
b! Have you got anYthing larger?
n Have you got anYthing bigger?

c! Shall I wrap it for You?

tr ShaII I clean it for You?

11 Listen to Conversation 4 again. fick what you hear.

a tr I'll just take these glasses thanks.
tr I'11take these glasses Please.

b ! Do you have EFTPOS?

tl Could I use EFTPOS?
c! Just enter your PIN and then okay.
! Just enter your PIN and press okay.


12 Listen to Conversation 5 again. fick what you hear.
a! And can I get some cash out please?
n And can I have some cash out with that?

b n Is two hundred okay?

n Is two hundred alright?
13 Listen to 1A again. Match the questions and statements with the
a I'd like to try on these Could I use EFTPOS?
trousers' . T\1,o hundred.'s fine.
b can I helP You? . Mm, that looks fine.
c Have you got the docket? . Thank you.
d Hi' how are you today? . pretty good thanks, and you?
e what about this one? . Yes. I'd like to return this dress.
f will that be cash? . sure. How much would you like?
g Just enter your PIN and . Fine. The fitting room's just
Press okaY' over there.
h And can I have some Yes' But I don't want to
cash out with that ? exchange it.
i Is two hundred okay?

L4 Practise using these expressions for shopping.

Can I have a kilo of green prawns please?

Could half a kilo of scallops
three kilos of mussels

Can I try on these trousers please?

Could shorts

this shirt

Can I get $50 cash out please?

Could have some cash out too


IBA radio advertisement
1 Listen to the tape. Tick the correct answer.
Jason's supermarket is
! 55 years old.
a 75 years old.
! 65 years old.

es. Lis aln. Tick the items you hear.

3 Listen to 18 again. Match the items with the prices.

a 1 punnet of strawberries $8.75
b 1 kilo of T-bone steak $1.75
c 1 kilo of chicken breasts $1.e5


Buying a washing machine
1 Who are these people?
Where are they?
What are they looking at?
What do you think they are saying?

Listen to the tape. Tick the correct answers.

a The customer wants
n a large washing machine.
n a medium washing machine.
n a small washing machine.
b The customer wants to buy
n a Simpson washing machine.
n a Whirlpool washing machine.
tr a Fisher and Paykel washing machine.

c The warranty on the Fisher and Paykel is

E 1 year.

n 2 years.
E 3 years.


d The customer wants the
! 5.0 kg model.
n 5.5 kg model.
n 6.5 kg model.

e The customer wants to pay by

n cash.
E cheque.
n credit card.
3 Listen to 1C again. Tick the washing cycles you hear.
n delicates n wool fl permanent press ! favourite
E regular E heavyduty

4 Listen to 1C again. Tick the conect eulswer.

a The customer saw the same machine for
tr $30.00 cheaper.
n $40.00 cheaper.

b The delivery at this store is

n free.
n $3o.oo.
5 Listen to 1C again. Match the assistant's words with the customer's
a they
Oh. Well, what are o Great. Can I pay by
charging for delivery? credit card?
b Well, I can match their price . Okay. I'Il take it.
and give you free delivery. . Thirty dollars.
c Tomorrow' . okay.when could you
d Sure. deliver it?


6 Listen to 1C again. Number the parts of the sentences in the
correct order. Then write the sentences. Remember the capital
letter and punctuation. The frrst one has been done for you.

a e ^lot

E ,r the laundry

Z *"d.on't have

Au lo,rt law a lot af non h th &,u/rt,

bI ,o,, can give me

l--l ,ro* is that

I I the best price

. f forty d.ollars cheaper

I've seen

at another store

E ,n" same machine


7 Practise using these expressions to buy whitegoods.

l'm interested in at
looking a washing machine.
buying a microwave.
getting a clothes dryer.

l'm looking for a dishwasher.

a stove.
a refrigerator.

ls that the best price you can give me?

ls that your best price?

Can you deliver it?

When could you deliver it?
How much for delivery?

Ringing about a second-hand car
1 Look at the picture and read the advertisement.
What is the man reading?
Where do you see advertisements like this?
Who is he calling?

Mitsubishi Magna SE
1996 TR auto, charcoal,
air-con, power steering,
central locking, car alarm,
CD player, very good
condition, $1 2,500 ono,
rego, AS-007, Brighton
9528 9900

2 Match the abbreviations from the advertisement with their

rego automatic
auto or nearest offer
air-con registration
ono air-conditioning


I Listen to the tape. fick the features the car has.
E air-conditioning
n mag wheels
fl power steering
n radio
fl central locking
! seat covers
D log books
n spoiler
4 Listen to l-D again. fick yes or no.
Yes No
a The car has 4 months rego left. n!
b The car has 17,000 kilometres on the clock. !tr
c The body is in good condition. trtr
d The owner has log books for the car. n!
e The owner will only take $12,500. nl
f The caller will look at the car tonight. n!
5 Listen to 1D again. Tick the correct answers.
a The caller will see the car after
b Allen lives at
! 11 Hargreave Street.

a 2I Hardware Street.

c The caller's name is

! Barry.
! Gary.
E Tom.



6 Listen to 1D again. Complete the questions.

it have air-conditioning?
rego does it have?

is on the clock?

that mean black?

the body in good condition?

you have log books for it?

are you?

7 Listen to 1D again. Tick what you hear.

a n I was just wondering if I could ask you a couple of questions.
n I just wondered if I could ask you some questions.
b n It's been serviced regularly.
n It's had regular services.
cI And would you accept less that twelve and a halfl
tr And would you consider less than twelve and a half?

d E I'm open to offers.

tr I'll consider offers.
8 Use these expressions to practise ringing about a second hand car.

I was just wondering if I could ask you a couple of questions about the car.
get some information from you about

Would you consider a lower price?

negotiating the price?
$ 12,000?

Could I come round and have a look at it?

have a test drive?
see it tonight?

It says charcoal. Does that mean black?

good condition. Does that mean no rust?
low mileage. How much is on the clock?
serviced regularly. Does that mean you've got log books?



Finding out about term deposits
1 Listen to the tape. Tick the correct answer.
a The customer wants some information about
E opening a new account.
n long-term investments.
n applying for a loan.
b The fee for early withdrawal is
n thirty dollars.
n forty dollars.
E twenty dollars.

c The interest rate for early withdrawal is

n increased.
E lowered.
[J adjusted.

d The bank officer recommends that the customer makes an

appointment to see
tr the bank manager.
E a finance officer.
n an accountant.
2 Listen to 2Aagain. Complete these noun groups. Use the words in
the box.

interest rate investments accounts offrcers withdrawal

a long-term

b our current rates

c early

d interest

e investment

f our finance


3 Listen to 2Aagain. Match the questions and statements with the
correct responses.
a Good afternoon Sir. ' It is.
How can I help you? . certainly. I'll just get
b What kind were you them for you.
thinking ofl He[o. I was wond.ering
c Is that information in the if you could give me
brochure? some information about
d I'lI take the brochures long-term investments'
home frrst and have a look ' WelI, I'm not sure.
at them.

4 Listen to 2Aagain. Number the parts of the sentences in the

correct order. Then write the sentences. Remember the full stop
and capital letter. The first one has been done for you.

aA oyou could give me

some information

A rwas wondering

@ long-term investments

bE Orrr I could.n't find anything

for a brochure



. E that sort of thing

L--l r was wondering

l--l uuo.rt early withdrawal

dI I with one of our finance officers

f--l prol"bly the best idea

I * to make an appointment

Use these expressions to practise asking for information at the bank,

Hello. I was wondering if you could give me saving accounts.

some information about long-term investments.
current interest rates.

Do you have any information on saving accounts?

long-term investments?
current interest rates?

Getting help at the bank
Listen to the tape. Tick the words on the deposit slip when you
hear them.

Dale Aacount name carA/Acqvntnvmky

Paid rn br(5ionatrr,rre) CASH


2 Listen to 2B again. fick the conect answers.
a The customer wants help to fill out a
! withdrawal slip.
n deposit slip.
! cheque.

b The customer wants to deposit

n five hundred dollars.
n four hundred dollars.
n two hundred and thirty seven dollars.
c The cheque is for
! three hundred and thirty seven dollars.
n three hundred and twenty seven dollars.
I two hundred and thirty seven dollars.
d The drawer of the cheque is
! Sams Fine Foods.
n Smiths Fine Foods.
! Smorgens Fine Foods.

e The customer wants to deposit a total of

! $747.00.
n $737.00.
tr $757.00.
3 Listen to 2B again. Complete these lists.

a this cheque and some

b two hundred and thirty

c the bank and here

d just add it up and put the here


4 Use these expressions to practise asking for help at the bank.

rjust want to deposit


I was wondering if you could help me fill in this deposit slip.

complete this withdrawal slip.

Registering for phone banking
1 Match the sentences with the pictures.
a I deposit money through the ATM.
b I use EFTPOS to buy my groceries.
c I do my banking on the Internet.
d I do my banking over the counter.
e I use phone banking.


2 Listen to the tape. Number the requests in the order you hear
them. The first one has been done for you.

I a"n I get your full name please?

E *u your address, please.

Z *.r's your card number?

I *u the password on the account?

[---lto,r" date of birth?

Listen to 2C again. fick the correct answers. There may be more

than one correit answer.
a Alex wants to register for
n Internet banking.
! phone banking.
fl a loan.

b Alex's card number is

! 9123 6000 4138.
! 9123 6600 4128.
tr 9123 6600 4L48.
AIex lives at
! 69 Railway Parade.
a 49 Railway Parade.
! 59 Railway Parade.

His date of birth is

4 7.r2.5L.
a 27.t2.5L.
a 17.r2.5t.
e Alex's password for the account is
! Sandy.
n Mandy.
tr Handy.



f When A.lex uses phone banking he must use

! his password.
tr his card number.
! his credit card number.

Listen to 2C again. Tick the feedback you hear.

a Caller: I'd like to register for phone banking.
Operator: ! Okay. n Sure. n Fine.
b Caller: 59 Railway Parade, Brunswick.
Operator: n Uh huh. n Okay. ! Right.

c Caller: It's Sandy.

Operator: !Sure. !Right. trOkay.

d Operator: Oh yeah, you can use the same one if you like.
Caller: nYeah. nFine. nGood.

e Operator: So that's S.A.N.D.Y?

Caller: !Right. nOkay, trYeah.

f Operator: Right. That's all done.

Caller: fl Fine. ! Okay. n Sure.
Practise saying these credit card numbers. Ask someone to check
your pronunciation.
a 4566 1489 20OI 7774
b 1000 5539 4321 8833
c 9510 002L 2293 6428
d 7482 1100 3999 4405

A problem with the ATM
What can you do at an AIM?
What can go wrong with the ATM?


2 Listen to the tape. Tick yes or no.
Yes No
a The ATM ate the customer's card. ! n
b He put the wrong PIN number in twice. tr tr
c He has got anANZ card. n n
d The teller needs two forms of ID. ! !
e The customer has a driver's licence and Medicare card. ! tr
f The customer will get his card back now. ! n
g He can change his PIN number. n tr

3 Listen to 2D again. Number what the teller says in the order you
hear it.

l_l ,n"'rl open up the machine.

|-|n.' we'II fix that up for you.

I I'llI just have to go and get my supervisor.

|-l mof. we'll just get the card.

4 Listen to 2D again. Complete the questions the teller asks.

a What? The outside?

b Okay, what was the

c How many

d Was that anAussie Bank 2

And do you have two of ID with you?

Listen to 2D again. Circle the correct verb.

a The machine (eats/ate) it.
b I (am not/wasn'Q sure about my number.
c I (do/did) what I (think/thought) was my number.
d I (do/did) it three times.


6 Listen tD 2D again. Tick what you hear.
a tr I lost myATM card.
! I've lost myATM card.

b E Was that anAussie Bank card?

n Is it anAussie Bank card?

E I have my licence.
! Ite got my licence.
n I've got my credit card.
tr I got my credit card.

e E I have a problem remembering that PIN number.

n I've got a problem remembering that PIN number.
Practise using these expressions to state a problem.

22 USTEISI€TOAltIrflll lHZ Br*irg


lnquiring about driving lessons
I Who are the people?
Where are they?
What are they doing?
What questions is she asking him?

Listen to the tape. Tick the correct answer.

a The name of the school is
! Quality Drivers School.
n Quality Driving School.
b The caller wants to learn to drive
n an automatic car.
n a manual car.
The cost of a lesson is
! thirty dollars an hour.
! thirty-two dollars an hour.
Five lessons cost
n one hundred and thirty-eight dollars.
! one hundred and forty-eight dollars.

The caller can start lessons on

! Monday.
! Tuesday.

3 Listen to 3A again. Match the questions and responses.
a Can I help you? I iive in Kings Park.
b Which suburb do you live in? ' A manual.
c Is that for an automatic Yes you can. T\resday?
or manual? Heilo. I wanted to inquire
d And could I start next week? about driving lessons.

4 Tick the word/s which join these two pieces of information.

a automatic
Is that for an manual?
n or E and n and also E and then

b ..the pick-up from your home drop-off at the end

of the lesson.
n or n and ! and also E and then

c So that's 20 dollars for the first lesson 32 for

each of the other four.
! or n and n and also n and then
d Look I'll have to think about that call you back.
E or n and n and also n and then

5 Listen to 3A again. Complete these expressions. IJse the words in

the box. You may need to use the words more than once.

that'd that that's

aIs for an automatic or manual?

b thirty-two dollars an hour.

a special we're running at the moment.

dSo 20 dollars for the first lesson.

e be a hundred and forty-eight dollars in total

for five lessons.

f What was again?

g Look I'll have to think about and call you back.

LISTENING TO AUSTRALIA Unit 3 Getting around 25

6 Use these expressions to practise inquiring about driving lessons.

I wanted to inquire about driving lessons.

some information about

How much does one lesson cost?

do five lessons cost?

Do you have any discounts at the moment?

special deals

Phoning for road service
1 Where is the man?
What is he doing?
What is the problem?

Listen to the tape. Tick the correct ans\\rer.

a Which roadside assistance service is Sam calling?
,)00lrJn 2
FL{ ltXEtrr E!
'/7i!.Jl 12,t-l r) tJ 0 it1 tt 21
flr€ !rh6NN? Blrl
i)..t7 i
t\t! t:ztt 2
== :)ut)z

b What is the problem with Sam's car?

26 LISTENING TO AUSTRAUA -- : l--:-::':--d

c What sort of car is he driving?

n Toyota CoroIIa n Range Rover n WV Beetle

Listen to 3B again. fick the correct answer.
a The operator's name is
n Rose.
! Ruth.

The number plate of the car is

n sB 895.
tr sB 995.
The car is in
! Wellington Street.
! Merton Street-

d The mechanic will come

n in an hour.
tr within the hour.

4 Listen to 3B again. Match the questions and responses.

a How may I help you? ' Bortoli.
b What's the number plate No.
of the car?
Hi, I've got a flat battery.
c In the name ofl Rozelle.
d Is that a Toyota Corolla? Yeah. It's Wellington Street,
e What suburb are you in Merton Street.
Mr Bortoli?
That's right.
f And the street?
sB 895.
b Would you know the nearest
corner street at all? Outside some school
grounds, Rozelle School.
h And where are you now?
i Are you on a mobile?

IISTENING TO AUSTRAUA Unit 3 Getting around 27

5 Match the question you hear with the long or short form.
a In the name ofl ' Which street are you in?
b And the street? ' A Toyota Corolla?
c What's the number plate ' Whose name is the car
ofthe car? registered in?
d Is that a Toyota Corolla? ' What suburb?
e What suburb are you in? ' And the number plate?

Listen to the beginning of 3B again. Complete what the voice

says. Use the words in the box.

vehicle registration consultants available hold Assistance

Welcome to NRMA Roadside . At present

all our are answering calls. Please

the line and your call will be answered by our

first consultant. To assist please have your

number, make and colour of the

and location details readr-. Thank r-ou.

Please hold the line.

Use these expressions to practise talking to road ser-r-i.;'+.

l've got a flat battery.

flat tyre.
a problem with my car.

The car's in Merton Street, M.E.R - T.O.N.

Wellington Street, W.E. double L - l.N.G - 1.3.i{
Oxford Street, O.X - F.O.R.D.

The nearest corner street is Ocean Street, O.C.!.i.itr

crosS Palmerston At,en,-:3. I
t.i - r'.1 ! : -i-^r
Dickson Streei, D l.a rl -': ::' i';

28 LISTENING TO A[rSTR/fU/f Lmrrt ] Gcnrs ar:,;nd

At the mechanics
1 Who are these people?
Where are they?
What are they saying?


2 Listen to the tape. Tick yes or no.

Yes No
a Terry's car is a Honda. n tr
b Terry wants a rego check. n n
c Terry wants Frank to check the air-conditioning. tr tr
d Terry wants to spend a lot of money on the car. n n
e Terry's phone number is 9555 4300. n n
f Frank thinks he can finish the job today. n !
Listen to 3C again. Tick what you hear.
an Hi, how's things?
E Hi, how are you?

b n You want a rego check and full service?

n Rego check and full service, wasn't it?

c n And could you check the air-conditioning?

! And could you have a look at the air-conditioning?
d n And could you tell me how much it'll cost before doing anybhing?
n And could you let me know how much it'll cost before doing

LISTENING TO AUSTRALIA Unit 3 Getting around 29

e E Now do you reckon you'll be able to get all that done today?
! Now do you think you'll be able to get all that done today?

f ! Sure, unless it's a major problem.

! Sure, unless there's a major problem.

4 Listen to 3C again. Complete these expressions.

a Rego check and full service, it?

b not working at all.

And could you let me know how much cost

before doing anything?

dI want to spend a lot of money.

e And your phone nine, triple five, four three

double zero?

f Sure, unless a major problem.

Use these expressions to practise talking to a mechanic.

Could you have a look at the air-conditioning?

fuel pump?

Could you let me know how much it'll cost?

when it'll be ready?
when I can pick it up?

Phone call from the mechanic
1 Listen to the tape. fick the words each time you hear them-


2 Listen to 3D again. Match the car part with the problem.
a The rear brakes ' has just blown a fuse.
b air-conditioning '
The need replacing.
c Your front tyres ' are worn very low

3 Listen to 3D again. Fill in the costs on Frank's job sheet.

Frank's Automotive
Job sheet
Service and brakes $

Air-conditioning $

Tyres $

Rego check $


Listen to 3D again. Complete these sentences.

a WeIl, I've got to talk to you about a things.

b The rear brakes are worn low.

c The air-conditioning has blown a fuse.

d That's simple.

e We can fix that cheaply.

f We can fix the air-conditioning for thirty bucks.

g So five hundred and eighty-three dollars all up.

Listen to 3D again. Tick what you hear.

a tr They need doing straight away.
n They need doing right away.
b n So how much will all that cost?
n So how much is all that going to cost?

c n Weil, I guess it all needs doing.

n Well, I guess it all needs fixing.

LISTENING TO AUSTRALIA Unit 3 Getting around 31

tr I think so.
n I'm afraid so.
n I'il give you a call later.
n I'il give you a ring later.

Car or public transport?

1 Who are they?
What are they talking about?



Listen to the tape. Number the things Jo wants to do in the order

she mentions them. The first one has been done for r-ou.

go to the restaurant

E g"t the bus home

l---l nurr" a look around in town

I *" for a walk

take the bus to town

32 LISTENING TO AUSTRAUA --: I 3=:: -= -'.,^O

3 Listen to 3E again. Tick the correct answer.
a Jo wants to go into town by
! train.
! bus.

Jo and Tim'are going to

! arestaurant.
n the movies.
fim hates public transport because
D it's uncomfortable.
! it's alwdys dirty.

fim wiII have

! two drinks maximum.
! three drinks maximum.

4 Listen to 3E again. fick who says what.

a It takes forever to frnd a park. !

b WeIl if we don't find a place on the
street we'll use one of the parking stations. ! n
c Oh, what about getting a taxi home? ! !
d Have you tried catching a taxi in town lately? tr !
e You're lucky if it comes at all. n !
f You can drive! ! !
g I don't want to drive home. ! !
h Is that okay? ! tr

USTENING TO AUSTRAIIA Unit 3 Getting around 33

5 Listen to 3E again. Number the parts of the sentences in the
correct order. Then write the sentences. Remember to use a
capital letter and full stop or question mark. The first one has
been done for you.

a A rn bus tonight
Z n"rwhy don't we take

17 irrrt"ad of taking the car

#uc ,Iq /o,rt ru alo ilo lae turfuI,t ilretoa/ol ta&i& tle aar"?

b l-l nrrr" a look around in town

l--l ,n"n get the bus home

then after the restaurant

E *" can go for a walk

. E a place on the street

we'll use

well if we don't find

l--] orr" of the parking stations

34 LISTENING TO AUSTRAIIA - - : 3 l.a-- -: around

dI you hate to use public transport

[-l ,or-,'"e just so used to travelling by car

I I the problem is

e l-l ,r', usually uncomfortable

l--] else
[-l you have to put up with

6 Listen to 3E again. Tick the question you hear.

an Hey, why don't we caich the bus tonight?
tr Hey, why don't we take the bus tonight?

b n Where are we going to leave the car?

E Where will we leave the car?

c E What about getting a taxi home?

! What about catching a taxi home?
d ! Have you tried getting a taxi in town lately?
n Have you tried catching a taxi in town lately?
e! Are you certain about that?
n Are you sure about that?

f n Is that okay?
n Is that all right?

LISTENING TO AUSTRALIA Unit 3 Getting around 35

Around the house


VVirar3 is lir ry t I
VVirat is sire d
VVirar! is lire p I
Phoning the council about waste services
1 Where is the man?
What is he doing?

2 Which of these services do local councils provide?

E garbage collections n electricity
tr hospitals n street cleaning
n dog licences tr public libraries
tr building regulations E recycling services
n schools n parking police
Listen to the tape. Tick the correct answer.
a What does the caller want to find out about?

green waste recycling and

collections waste services compost bins
tr n
b The caller was wondering if the council had
n a newsletter.
n a brochure.
! a poster.

4 Listen to 4,A, again. fick what you hear.
a n I'm putting you through now
tr I'll put you through now.

n She's busy.
n The line's busy.
tr I'll put you on now.
! I'Il put you through now.

5 Listen to 44' again. fick the information you hear.

a g l/r,ru,fltr*t
a/9 h/l,/'te,9trezt

. Pool /o//"f
t for /o//"t

Practise using these expressions to speak to your local council.

I wanted to get some information on composting.

recycling services.
green waste collections.

Could you send me a brochure on recycling services.

some information about waste collections.
garbage collections.

LISTENING TO AUSTRALIA Unit 4 Around the house 39

El Phoning for a garbage pick-up
1 Read the brochure. Answer the questions below.


Your Clean-Up Service
Fox Valley Council offers a free clean-up seruice in three categories:
. General household goods
. Garden refuse
. Whitegoods

Each service category must be booked in advance between

6:30 am and 'l:00 pm, Monday to Friday on Tel: 9335 2137.

All material should be presented for collection inside the front fence
or boundary of the property.

1 General household goods

Furniture, floor coverings and small appliances will be collected.
The limit is no more than 2 cubic metres or one box trailer load.

This service does not include building materials, tyres, car parts,
paints, oils, toxic waste or recyclable material.

a How do you book a waste collection?

b Where should you put the rubbish?

c Wh'at is the maximum amount of gerieral household goods the

council will collect?

Read the brochure again. Tick the things the council will not collect.
! chairs ! tables
! poisons n paint'
n carpets n tyres
n bricks ! newspapers
I car oil n car engines

m LISTENING TO AUSTRAUA Unit4 Around the house

Listen to the tape. Why does Kim caII the council? Tick the correct box.
n To get information on recycling services
! To find out about green waste collections
n To arrange a garbage pick-up

Listen to 4B again. fick the things Kim wants collected.

n n n

tr n ! n
5 Listen to 48 again. fick yes or no.
Yes No
a The council will collect more than two cubic metres
of waste. n!
b The caller will leave the waste in the driveway. nn
c The waste must not be left on the footpath. nn
d The pick-up is on the ninth. n!
6 Listen to 48 again. Complete the form the council officer uses.

Type of clean-up service: E Household goods
E Garden refuse
! whitegoods

Number and Street: suburb fon /o//u*


Today's date: 3ln Date of pick-up:

LISTENING TO AUSTRALIA Unit 4 Around the house 41

7 Listen to 48 again. Tick what you hear.
a n As long as it's more than two cubic metres.
n As long as it's no more than two cubic metres.

b n That would be a small trailer load.

E That's a small trailer load.

n Just make sure it's inside the fence.

tr Just make sure it's next to the fence.

n Not this Ttresday, but the one after next.

n Not this T\resday, but the one after.
e n Make sure you put it out the night before.
n Make sure you put it out in the morning.
8 Practise using these expressions to speak to your local council.

l'm just phoning to ask about your clean-up service.

find out about

l'm just calling to arrange a pick-up of garden waste.

for some white goods to be collected.

Phoning for a repairman
Listen to the tape. What does the caller want repaired?
Tick the correct answer.

dryer washing machine refoigerator

! n

42 LISTENING TO AUSTRAIIA L'-:4 A.ound the house

2 Listen to 4C again. Tick the correct answer.
a The machine won't
! wash.
! spin dry.
! drain the water out.

b The repairman first offers to come

! on Thursday.
E today.
! tomorrow.

c If he can come tomorrow, it'd be .

! at three thirty.
! between three and three thirty.
! after four o'clock.

Listen to 4C again. fick the correct information on the note the

repairman wrote.

Manfred Seruices
Name: I T"r.n'tft,r,ru/g
I Tog t",r,r"/y

USTENING TO AUSTRAIIA Unit 4 Around the house 43

4 Listen to 4C again. Tick yes or no.
Yes No
a The water drains out of the machine. n n
b The tub spins around. f n
c The repairman will come and look at the machine. ! n
5 Listen to 4C again. Match the questions with the responses.
a What kind of machine is it? ' Ah Subiaco.
b What area do you live in? ' Oh, f can't promise
c Is somebody home during anything love.
the day? . It's a Hoover.
d You can't make it tomorrow? ' Oh yeah, it drains but the
e Does the water drain out? tub doesn't spin around.
' Yeah, my husband should
be here.

Practise using these expressions to speak to a tradesperson.

lwas wondering if you could come and have a look at my W.

washing machine.

The problem is there's no colour on the W screen.

my machine won't spin dry.
one of the elements isn't working on the stove.
the thermostat isn't working in the fridge.

Paying the electricity bill by phone
1 Where is this woman?
What is she doing?

4 LISTENING TO AUSTMLIA Unit 4 Around the house

2 Listen to the tape. fick the correct answer.
a The customer is paying a
! power bill.
! water bill.

b To begin, the customer must press

Z zeto.
n hash.
n star.
c The account number is
! on the front of the bill.
n on the reverse side of the bill.

d The customer is paying by

! Visa.
! Mastercard.

e The customer is paytng

n $120.
! $150.
! $110.

f The account number is

4 922996736
4 929227636

3 Listen to 4D again. fick yes or no.

Yes No
a The customer must enter the account number
then press hash. n !
b The hash key is located next to the nine. ! D
c The account number is in the bottom left'hand corner. n tr
d One hundred and frfty-siJaoff.r. would be
entered as one six zero zero n !
e The receipt number is IL 3145018. n n

LISTENING TO AUSTRAIIA Unit 4 Around the house 45

4 Listen to 4D again. Number the instructions in the order you hear

I *on, enter your cards four-digit expiry date.

l-ll ,r""re enter your account number.

l-l enter the amount you wish to phy.
[l ,t"rre enter your Bankcard, Mastercard or Visa number.
l-l be ready to write down your receipt number.
5 Listen to 4D again. Listen to the frnal instructions. Circle the
number you must press.
a To confirm this payment
@E a
@@ e
@ Eil ffi
b Tb hear your receipt number
again @@ I
m m ffi
c To make another payment
ffi ffi ffi
@ ffi m
@ E@
d If you have finished

6 USTENIIIIG TO AUSTRAIJA Unit 4 Around the house

e Tlotalk to an accounts
@ @ ffi
EI @ e*
Tb repeat this menu
m eil Eil
B et @
e! @ EI

USTENING TO AUSTRAUA Unit 4 Around the house 17


.r rytFE* ! l=t* arD

{t5 S .' .*S$ss' i
N$,M$L imL NS '

VVir era is sir a /

VVirar I is sire doing'l
5A lnquiring about swimming lessons
1 Look at the picture. Read the brochure. Answer these questions.

a How many levels are offered for children?

b At what age can children begin lessons?

c How can you make bookings?

Learn to Swim
at Parkview Aquatic Centre
Water awareness for babies
from 3 months
6 levels for children
One lesson per week for ten weeks

a Adult LTS and stroke correction

a Squads
Children and adults

. Holiday lntensive Programs

Five lessons per week

Ask at front desk for bookings

Don't delay -
courses fill up quickly!

2 Listen to the tape. Tick the words each time you hear them.

an intensive course
a one-week block
a five-year-old
no worrtes

50 LISTENING TO AUSTRALIA Unit 5 Bringing up kids

3 Listen to 5A again. fick the correct answer.
a Isabel wants swimming lessons for her
! baby.
n son.
! daughter.

b An intensive courseJuns for

n one week.
[] two weeks.
E three weeks.

c The intensive course costs

! $24.00.
tr $40.00.
n $45.00.

d The lessons last

n one hour.
n haH an hour.
E a quarter of an hour.

e The lessons start in

[] December.
! January.
I February.

4 Listen to 5A again. fick yes or no.

Yes No
a Isabel's child is five years old. n!
b Isabel wants two weeks of lessons. !n
c The parent goes in the pool with the child. n!
d The timetable will be ready on the sixth. !n
e They will start taking bookings from the fifteenth. n!

LISTENING TO AUSTRALIA Unit 5 Bringing up kids 51

5 Listen to 5A again. Match the questions and answers.
a And that's in the ' They're half an hour each.
mornings? . yeah, frve days.
b Can you tell me how . Sure. you can book in for
much they cost? two or three of the weeks.
c For five days? . No, they start um the fifth
d And how long are the of JanuarY.
lessons? we[, we're not sure at the
e And if we wanted we moment, we haven't done
could come for two the timetable yet.
weeks, could we? . Oh yeah, sorry. It's forty
f So, do the classes start dollars for the week.
in December?

6 Listen to 5A again. Complete these time phrases with the correct


the school holidays

a one-week block

the mornings

the moment

frve days

two weeks

5 the sixth

h the thirteenth

i December

7 Practise using these expressions.

ljust wanted to find out about my

swimming lessons for son.
karate lessons for daughter.
tennis lessons for children.

Do you know when you'll have your times fixed?

you'll have your timetable readY?
you'll take bookings?
the classes will start.

52 LISTENING TO AUSTRALIA Unit 5 Bringing up kids

EE Taking baby for a vaccination
I Where are the people?
Who are they?
What are they doing?


Listen to the tape. fick when you hear the words.

E 6 month vaccinations E can you just turn him
on his side
tr his blue book El stay quite still
E two injections fl very good bubba
E oral Sabin polio vaccine tr a bit off-colour
I+isten to 58 again. Number the pictures in
the correct

LISTENING TO AUSTRAUA Unit 5 Bringing up kids

4 Listen to 58 again. fick the correct answers.
a The baby is
! six months old.
! six weeks old.
E twelve months old.

b Ttre baby has been

fl well.
n unwell.
c The baby has been sleeping
! well.
n poorly.
E so-so.

d Thebabyneeds
! one injection.
n two injections.
! three injections.

e The baby's mother didn't come because she

n was at work.
E is unwell.
E doesn't like bringing the baby for injections.

f After the vaccinations the baby might

! be very thirsty.
! vomit.
tr be a bit off-colour.
Listen to 5B again. Number the doctor's instructions in the order
you hear them.

E *o* can you just turn him on his side?

I O you can stay quite still.

I *u hold his leg?

54 LISTENING TO AUSTRALIA Unit 5 Bringing up kids

I arn you turn him over and I'll use the other leg.

l--l .l,rrt hold him still again.

Listen to 58 again. Complete the following sentences with the

correct preposition.

a What can we do you today?

b He's been sleeping the night, well most nights.

c we go bubba.

d All over you know it.

e Can you turn him ?

f He should be fine tomorrow.

Match the doctor's statement/questions with the question forms.

The first one has been done for you.
a And you've got his blue ' Is you wife well?
book there?
b And he's been well? ' Has he been well?
c And he's sleeping well? ' Have you got his blue book there?
d Your wife's well? ' Has he been sleeping well?

Practise talking to the doctor using these expressions.

l've just brought the baby for hiVher check up.


He's/ She's been sleeping badly.

all through the night.
most nights.

LISTENING TO AUSTRALIA Unit 5 Bringing up kids 55

Enrolling a child at school
I Where are the people?
Who are they?
What are they doing?

Listen to the tape. fick the words when you hear them.
! kindergarten
E an enrolment form
! her birth certificate
! the blue book
E her inoculations
n her proofofbirth
! our open day

Number the topics in the order you hear them. The first one has
been done for you.

l--] form and necessary d.ocuments

A rn"child's age

I,n" school open day

[--l *r,.re she lives

f-l proor of birth

56 LISTENING TO AUSTRALIA Unit 5 Bringing up kids
4 Listen to 5C again. Tick the correct answers.
a Tony's daughter is
! six years old.
E five years old.

b Tony's daughter
! is very keen to start school.
n does not want to start school.

c Tony's daughter was born in

n England.
E Australia.

d The school open day is in

! November.
fl December.

5 Listen to 5C agein. fick the things Tony will take back to school
n the enrolment fom
tr a birth certificate
E a passport
tr the blue book
fl a driver's licence

6 Listen to 5C again. fick yes or no.

Yes No
a Tony's daughter will be inYear 1. tr!
b She turned five in October. lfl
c They live in Barton Street. D!
d The birth certificate proves her age. ntr
e The blue book gives infomation about the
child's inoculations. n tr
f On open day the children spend a day at school. n tr

LISTENING TO AUSTRAUA Unit 5 Bringing up kids 57

7 Listen to 5C again. Complete these everyday expressrons.

a just five in October

b She's all right

c that's handy

d you can come

e that's I need to know

8 Listen to iC again. Complete the noun groups.

a one of the older

b an enrolment

c her birth
d the blue

e her of birth

f our open

9 Listen to 5C again. Say these sentences. Make sure you

pronounce the underlined contractions correctly.
a She'll be a good age. She'll be one of the older children.
b I'll give you an enrolment form.
c You'll need to bring something to prove her age.
d I'li bring that in.
e I'll come back tomorrow with the blue book.
f We'll send you a note so you can come along.

10 Practise using these expressions.

I wanted to enrol my son in kindergarten.

l'd like my daughter in school.
in preschool.
in the creche.

I think that's all I need.

I need to know for now
the information I need.

58 LISTENING TO AUSTRAUA Unit 5 Bringing up kids

Work a

t-ril I
- a&^.'l'.-'
ffi Making an enquiry at the TAFE lnformation Centre
I Where are the people?
Who are the people?
What are they doing?

2 I-.,ig]!eII to the tape. Tick yes or no.

Yes No
a Lesley wants to become an electricaltechnician. ! !
b She has a little experience in the field. ! !
c She lives in Burwood. ! !
d The course is six months full time or 1 year part time. ! 'n
L@ to 64. again. fick the correct answers. Some questions have
more than one correct answer.
a Possible qualifications to do Food Laboratory Techniques are
tr the Laboratory Skills Certifrcate III.
E Year 12.
! Year 10.
E relevant experience.

b The course is available in

n Burwood.
! Surrey Hills.
tr Box HilI.

50 LISTENING TO AUSTRALIA Unit 6 Work and studl

c The Information Offi.cer gives Lesley a
! print-out of the course information.
n Hst of phone numbers of the head teachers of the course.
! list of college phone numbers.
n copy of the TAFE Handbook.
4 Listen to 64. again. Bfjnefeedhaek Lesley gives the information
a Offi.cer: Okay. There's Box Hill and Surrey Hills.
Lesley: ! Okay. tr Uh huh. tr Mm.

b Offrcer: Right. It's one year full time or two years part time.
Lesley: n Okay. ! Uh huh. n Right.
c Officer: Now we haven't got the timetable. It'I depend on the
college. So, if you contact them.
Lesley: !Right. nFine. !Okay.
d Offrcer: Okay, I'II just print that information.'
Lesley: ! Thank you. ! Yep. ! Thanks.

e Officer: And here's a list of college phone numbers. So before

you lodge an application you should speak to the
Lesley: nOkay. !Right. EYep.

Listen to 64, again. Complete these we s.

a That like the one.

b You be fine.

c Whereabouts do you

They're both convenient.

Give them a

IISTENING TO AUSTRALIA Unit 6 Work and study 61

6 Listento64'again.@
a n I'm interested in a course to be a food technician.
E I'm interested in a course to become a food technician.

b tl The best person to speak to would probably be the teacher.

tr The best people to speak to would probably be the teaching sta-ff.

c! Now we haven't got the timetable.

E Now we don't have the timetable.

d n Okay. I'll just print the information.

n Okay. I'll just print that information.
e n And here's a list of college phone numbers.
n And this is a list of college phone numbers.

7 Practise using these expressions to inquire about a TAFE course.

l'm interested in a course to become a bartender.

a food technician.
a graphic designer.

l'd like some information about engineering courses please.

n u rsing

Could you tell me what the entry requirements are for plumbing?
accounti ng ?
interior design?

52 LISTENING TO AUSTRALIA Unit 6 Work and study

E Calling about a job - Part 1
1 Look at the pictures and read the advertisements. Match each
picture with an advertisement.

2 3
Delivery Drivers Cook Waiter
Jimmy's Cafe req. Busy city bistro, great f/t, p/t 11-3pm,
drivers 3-4 evenings team, mgmt support. 5-tOpm. Well paid.
a week. Own car. Must be exp'd with Apply in person at
English speaking high volume Vo. Shop 8, I Trafalgar
essent. Good 2nd Ph Joanne on Plc., Fairfield. Must be
income. Fuel 9367 2278. expd,
allowance prov.
9331 2646 weekdays
after 1Oam.

2 Listen to the tape. Which job is Oliver calling about?

! delivery driver
E cook
! waiter

3 Listen to 6B again. Complete Natalie's note to Simon.

P/eaeo retor,( l,k oa//to/ay


IISTENING TO AUSTRALIA Unit 6 Work and study 53

4 Listen to 68 again. Tick the correct answers.
a The job is in the evening, between
! six thirty and ten at night.
n six and ten thirty at night.
E six thirty and ten thirty at night.
b The three main duties of the job are
! answering phones
! putting the orders on the computer
! cooking the food
! cleaning the kitchen
! delivering the food

c The job is in the

n western suburbs.
E northern suburbs.
n eastern suburbs.

d Oliver is not available on

n Sundays.
n Mondays.
n Wednesdays.

5 Listen to 68 again. Tick who asks for this information.

Natalie Oliver

a Can I just grab your name? ! n

b And can you spell your surname for me? n n
c Right. And contact number? tr tr
d Could you tell me a bit about the job? n !
e I was just wondering if those were set evenings. ! tr

64 LISTENING TO AUSTRAIIA Unit 6 Work and study

6 Listen to 68 again. Number these phrases in the correct order.

t E and a contact phone number

E "na
I'll get someone to give you a call

l-l .to I just grab your name

bI so there's some answering phones

L,ra we have delivery times between six and ten thirty at night

I people ring up and order food


. I and you take it out

f then it comes up
and puttingit throughthe computers,to go thrcughtothe kitdren

Practise using these expressions to call about a job.

l'm calling about your ad for a hairdresser.


I saw your ad in the paper and l'd like some infonnation about the job.
on the notice board

Could you tell me a bit about the job?


Calling about a job -Parl2

I Listen to the tape. fick yes or no.
Yes No
a Simon.
Oliver calls the cafe to speak to n n
b Simon says Oliver can start tomonow. tr n
c Oliver says he is available every evening. ! tr
d Oliver will call back next Monday morning. ! n

LISTENING TO AUSTRALIA Unit 6 Work and study 55

2 Listen to 6C again. Tick the correct answer.
a Simon is trialling
n one person.
n a couple of people.

b What sort of day job does Oliver have?

n fuil-time
n part-time
c How many shifts do the drivers work per week?
d How long are the shifts?
E between 1 and 2 hours
! between 2 and 3 hours
n between 3 and 4 hours

3 Listen to 6C again. Number the expressions in the order you hear them

I O" you want to call me back early next week?

I *"never it suits you.

l--l ,'- trialling a couple of people this week.

Z to,, called about the delivery driver job?

l-l ,at be able to let you know early next week.

Il-l I I'm just going to see how these guys go this week.
f t can't offer you a job at the moment.

4 Listen to 6C again. Complete these sentences with time phrases.

a I'm trialling a couple of people

b I can't offer you a job

56 LISTENING TO AUSTRALIA Unit 6 Work and stu

c I'm available except for Monday.

d Our drivers will have two to three shifts

e I'll be able to let you know

5 Listen to 6C again. Tick the feedback Oliver gives Simon.
a Simon: Right. WeII, generally what happens, is our drivers
will have two to three shifts a week.
Oliver: nRight. nUhhuh. nIsee.
b Simon: Which is, um, it's between three and four hours a shift.
Oliver: nSure. nOkay. !Yep.
e Simon: So,what I might do, um do you want to call me back
early next week?
Oliver: !Sure. !Okay. nFine.
Simon: I'm just going to see how these guys go this week.
Oliver: tr Right. U Uh huh. ! Yeah.
Simon: And I'lI be able to let you know early next week, if you
want to give us a call back.
Oliver: !Okay. nFine. trRight.

trl lnstructions at work

I Where is the woman?
What is she doing?
What is her job?

LISTENING TO AUSTRALIA Unit 6 Work and study 67

2 List four things you think this woman does in her job.

3 Listen to the tape. fick the floors each girl has to clean.
a Joyce ZI2 b Martha a 12
tr13 813
ZT4 tr14
n15 n15
n16 n16
a17 at7
E18 n18
819 tr19
Listen to 6D again. Circle the correct answer.
a Joyce has to bring the (keys/tools) back.
b Martha must take the dirty Iinen downstairs by (unchtime/l0 am).
c Martha wants to talk to Mrs Deane about her (leave/ pay).
d Mrs Dean will talk to Martha (after/before) morning tea.

Listen to 6D again. Complete the noun groups.

aa in 1804
ba booking

c the Iinen

da leave


58 LISTENING TO AUSTRALIA Unit 6 Work and study

6 Listen to 6D again. Number the instructions
in the order you hear

f O" the fourteenth floor first.

i-J oorr't forget to bring the keys back.

7 *^U.sure you do the eighteenth floor first.

[l tuU" sure you get the dirty linen downstairs.

Practise using these expressions to talk

to a supervisor at work.
Excuse me. Can I talk to you about
my leave please?

I wanted to take a week,s leave.

two weeks off.

IISTENING TO AUSTRALTA Unit 6 Work and study

and nei
Telling a neighbour you'll be having a party
1 Who are the people?
Where are they?
What are they saying?

2 Listen to the tape. Tick yes or no.

Yes No
a Tom is having a party because he's going overseas. tr n
b A dozen people are coming to the party. n n
c Mrs Duffy is going out on Saturday night. n n
d If it's too noisy for Mrs Duffy, Tom will
move the party inside. tr tr
e Mrs Duffy is worried about the party. n n
3 Listen to 7A again. Match the statement and response.
a We're having a party for a . Oh good.
friend who's going overseas.
b We're having a few dozen . Right.
people around.
c We're going out on Saturday . Okay.That's no problem.
night anyway.
d If it's too noisy just let us . Oh that's nice.
know and we can move inside.
e Oh, don't worry about it, but . Oh, don't worry about it.
thanks for letting us know.

72 LISTENING TO AUSTRALIA Unit 7 Friends and neighbours

4 Listen to the beginning of conversation 7A again. Fill in the
missing words.

Tbm: Oh hi Mrs DuffY. How are Yorl?

Mrs Duffy: Tom. How are you?

lbm: well, thanks. Ah lovely weather,


I\[rs DuS: beautiful.

Listen to 7A again. complete these word groups with the correct


a the weekend

b in the garden

c afew dozenPeoPle

d we're going Saturday night

e we can move

6 Practise using these expressions to talk to a neighbour.

t fipt$qtrglft I shedd ;lct'Yeu

knop:we',re hal,lng

7 73
USTENING TO AUSTRAUA Unit Friends and neighbours
lnviting someone to a barbecue
1 Who are the people?
Where are they?
What are they talking about?

Listen to the tape. fick the groups of words when you hear them.
E we're having a barbecue
! any special occasion
n plenty to eat and drink
n no extra grog
E anytime from midday
[J we'II probably eat around one

Listen to 7B again. Tick the correct answer.

a Maria is having a barbecue on
n Saturday.
n Sunday.
tr Monday.
b Maria is having a barbecue
! to celebrate her birthday.
E to celebrate her new job.
[] because the weather is warm.
c Ross is invited to come at
tr midday.
E one o'clock.
n seven o'clock.

74 LISTENING TO AUSTRALIA Unit 7 Friends and neighbours

4 Listen to 78 again' fick Yes or no'
Yes No
a Maria is busY at work. nn
b Maria invites Fong to come too' nn
c Maria tells Ross to bring some food' nn
d They'II eat at two. nn
5 Listen to 78 again. Tick what you hear'
a E We were hoping you and Fong could come'
fl We were hoping you and Fong are free'

b n What's the occasion?

n Is there any sPecial occasion?
E So, what time should we come?
E So, when should we come?

n Anytime from middaY.

tr Anytime at all.

tr We'll see you then.

E We'II see you later.

6 Listen to 78 again. Fill in the missing words. Use the words in the box'

grog would PIentY worry bottle

Yeah, it's been beautiful' So, what

like us to bring?

Don't about bringing anYthing.

We'll have to eat and drink.

Ross: No extra or anything?

Maria: Oh, Iook, you know, if you want to bring a

that'll be fine.

LISTENING TO AUSTRALIA Unit 7 Friends and neighbours
Asking a favour
1 Tick the favours you can ask your neighbour to do while you are
on holidays.

2 Listen to the tape. Tick the correct answer.
a Ali is asking Susan to feed his
n birds.
E cat.
n dog and cat.
b Ali is going away
n this week.
n next week.
c Ali's pet eats
n tinned food only.
tr dried food only.
n tinned and dry food.
n fresh meat.

76 LISTENING TO AUSTRALIA Unit 7 Friends and neighbours

d Ali asks her to feed his pet
n once a day.
E twice a day.

e Ali will leave the bowls and food near the

n front door.
n side door.
! back door.

f Ali gives Susan the key to the

n house.
tr side gate.
n front gate.

Listen to 7C again. Complete the section of the conversation below.

Ali: Oh, hi Susan. are you?

Susan: Good Ali. things?

Ali: Oh, well. Very well thanks. Look, um ah, we're actually
going away next week, and I was
if you could, um, feed the cat while we're away.

Susan: Sure. to return the

4 Listen to 7C again. Number the parts of the sentences in the

correct order. Then write the sentences. Remember the capital
letter and full stop. The first one has been done for you.

aE Oyou could feed the cat while we're away

71*"'r"actually going away next week

A urral was wondering

tle oat al,i/e ,"'ou

LISTENING TO AUSTRALIA Unit 7 Friends and neighbours 77

b [-] una leave some dry food in her bowl
I I just give her half a can of tinned stuff every evening
! and she can eat it when she likes

c I I and I'll leave the box with all the food and can opener and
the bowls next to the back door

I is give you the key to the side gate

E .o what I thought I'd do

7D Sharing a recipe
1 Read the words in the box below. Put the words into the correct
categories below.

fish gmger sprrng onrons

soy sauce oil fish steamer
bamboo steamer wok serving platter
steamed rice stir-fried veggies Chinese spinach

Ingredients Utensils

78 LISTENING TO AUSTRALIA Unit 7 Friends and neighbours

2 Look at the words in question 1. Listen to the tape. Tick the words
each time you hear them.

3 Listen to 7D again. Number the pictures in the correct order.

4 Listen to 7D again. Number the instructions in the correct order.

The first one has been done for you.

l--] ,o.r, a few tablespoons of soy sauce on the fish.

I I Sprinkle the spring onions and ginger on the fish.
Pour the hot oil onto the fish.

l-l ,r""- the fish.

7 p.utand julienne the ginger and spring onions very finely.

l-l,r, it on a serving plate.

Heat the oil.

LISTENING TO AUSTRALIA Unit 7 Friends and neighbours 79


5 Listen to 7D again. fick what you hear.

a! How do you cook it?
E How do you make it?

b n So how does it go?

n So how do you do it?

c E What do you mean, julienne?

! What's julienne?
d! What do you serve it with?
tr What do you serve with it?

6 Listen to 7D again. fick the feedback Mike gives Cindy.

a Cindy: You know, just slice it really frnely then slice the slices
so that you have little straws of ginger. Like really
small French fries.
Mike: ! Right. n Uh huh. ! Oh okay.

b Cindy: I never really time it. Probably frve minutes or so.

It depends on the size of the frsh.
Mike: n Right. n Uh huh. ! Oh okay.
c Cindy: When it's done, put it on a serving plate, sprinkle the
ginger and spring onions on it and pour a few
tablespoons of soy sauce on.
Mike: tr Right. n Uh huh. ! Oh okay.

d Cindy: Then you quickly heat the oil, till it's quite hot and pour
that over the top.
Mike: n Right. ! Uh huh. ! Oh okay.

80 LISTENING TO AUSTRALIA Unit 7 Friends and neighbours

7 Listen to 7D again. Complete the noun groups.

a a seafood

b the Chinese

c some fresh
d the spring
e little straws of
f small French

g a fish

h the size of the

i afew of soy sauce

j steamed Chinese

IISTENING TO AUSTRAIIA Unit 7 Friends and neighbours 81

and leisure
Booking a few days away at the beach
1 Look at the pictures. Tick the holiday accommodation you prefer.

Listen to the tape. What type of holiday accommodation is Cate
ringing about?
! holiday cabins
n a caravan park
D a camping site

Listen to 8A again. Tick the things Don Halper's cabins supply.

84 LISTENING TO AUSTRALIA Unit 8 Holidays and leisure
4 Listen to 8A again. Complete the information.

Don Harper's Cabins

n Mon
n Tue

! Wed Address: #*,/too P/oou,

n Thur
n Fri

! Sat Phone number'.9606

tr Sun

E2people $35 | lCheque

tr4people $40 | lCash

n 6-8 people $55

5 Listen to 8A again. fick yes or no.

Yes No
a Cate wants to spend four nights away. n n
b Don can give her the four nights she wants. tr n
c You have to bring your own bedding. n n
d You have to pay a deposit. n n
Listen to 8A again. Tick who is talking.
Cate Don

a I wanted to make a booking for the second
of November. Have you got any vacancies then? tr n
b Second of November? -.-<, tr n
c That's a Ttresday night, is that right? n tr
d Just for the one night? tr n
e Right, now how do I do that? ! !
f Well that's about it really. ! n

LISTENING TO AUSTRALIA Unit 8 Holidays and leisure 85

7 Listen to 8A again. Tick the correct feedback.
a Cate: Three days will be fine.
Don: ! Right. tr Well okay. tr Good.
b Don: We just provide the mattresses.
Cate: !Okay. !Fine. !Right.
c Don: Um, they're self-contained with a gas stove and a bar fridge.
Cate: ! Uh huh. ! Right. ! Good.

d Cate: Yes, okay it's Cate Williams.

Don: n Right. ! Uh huh. ! Yep.

e Cate: Oh, nine eight oh eight.

Don: ! Yep. ! Mm huh. ! Right.
f Don: They're in the cabin with a few basic saucepans and
a little barbecue at the back of the cabin.
Cate: nExcellent. !Great. !Fine.
8 Listen to 8A again. Put the words in these noun groups in the
correct order.

a November of second the

b a book information from this

c five dollar a thirty deposit

d basic saucepans few a

e back little cabin a barbecue at the of the

86 IISTENING TO AUSTRAIIA Unit 8 Holidays and leisure

Inquiring about an air ticket
1 Who is this woman? Where is she? What is she doing?


2 Listen to the tape. fick the correct answers.

a Where does Mark want to fly to?
n Adelaide
n Brisbane
n Darwin
Mark is thinking of travelling next
! week.
n month.
E year.

How many different prices does the agent give Mark?

Does Mark buy a ticket?
E yes
3 Listen to 88 again. Write down the air ticket prices.
ficket Price

a TWenty-one days advance - school holidays

b TWenty-one days advance - afber school holidays

LISTENING TO AUSTRALIA Unit 8 Holidays and leisure 87

4 Listen to 88 again. Complete the dialogue below.
Francesca: Good afternoon, Small World Travel, Francesca

Mark: Hello, the cost

of flying return to Darwin.

5 Listen to 88 again. Complete the dialogue below

Mark: Ah, okay, well, I'm going to

Francesca: That's fine.

Francesca: No problem.
Mark: Bye.,
Francesca: Bye.

Practise using these expressions to book an airline ticket.

I want to inquire about the cost of flying return to Perth.

t'd like one way to Broome.
Alice Springs.

Have you got any special deals at the moment?

discount fares in March?
next month?

Chatting about a weekend away

Listen to the tape. fick the correct pictures.
a What was the weather like on Arlene's weekend away?

! n

88 LISTENING TO AUSTRALIA Unit 8 Holidays and leisure

b What did Arlene and her friends do?

n n
c Where is Arlene sore?

Listen to 8C again. Tick the correct answer.
a Where are Arlene's friends from?
E interstate
! overseas

b What did the friends'daughter like?

tr the weather
n the sand
n the waves
Why are Arlene's legs sore?
! sunburn
n the exercise
! a fall

LISTENING TO AUSTRAIIA Unit 8 Holidays and leisure 89

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