Модели на света - Axis Mundi - класификация van der Sluijs Marinus Anthony

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Marinus Anthony van der Sluijs, aka Rens

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The Mythology of the World Axis; Exploring the Role of Plasma in World Mythology
(London: All-Round Publications, )
Towards the end of the Stone Age, the sky was ablaze with awe-inspiring forms not seen today. Dominant among these was a
towering, life-like pillar of light stretching from near the horizon to high up into space - the tree of life, the world mountain, the
ladder to heaven. This message is heard in virtually every ancient society on earth, but while this 'world axis' is familiar enough
to scholars, little sense could be made of the stories. The most conspicuous feature of the ancient cosmologies also remained
the most elusive.
From a modern scientific perspective, such traditional accounts no longer sound preposterous. Our growing knowledge of
devastating events in recent earth history substantiates the possibility that prehistoric people witnessed a violent and prolonged
display of high-energy auroras. This colourful book is an edited slideshow intended as an accessible 'appetiser' for a forthcoming
monograph about traditions of the world axis.
Traditional Cosmology: The Global Mythology of Cosmic Creation and Destruction
(London: All-Round Publications, )
This work, in volumes, is a compendium of traditional cosmologies worldwide. The material includes the global mythology of
creation and destruction, but also comprises information drawn from other areas of traditional knowledge, ritual, iconography,
shamanism, costume, and dance. Relying on original sources, universal points of agreement are identified, often on counter-
intuitive ideas. These suggest a single template, a blueprint for a universal mythology of origins.
volume 1
Preliminaries; Formation

In volume , the cosmos is seen to develop from an original state of chaos, via the transitory stage of a fundamental enclosing
particle, into a ‘sheet system’ of sky, atmosphere, earth and underworld, joined by the cosmic axis.
volume 2

Volume offers an analysis of the basic properties of the cosmic axis. These include its role in cosmic stability, support and traffic;
descriptions of the sky and the underworld at its extremities; its encompassing, peripheral or central geometry; its association
with life; and its luminosity.
volume 3

In volume , the nascent cosmos is seen to fragment in a variety of ways. Concentric rings or windings, cardinal directions, and
layered heavens and underworlds develop around the cosmic axis. The column or its extremities split into two or three. And
holes are formed at the intersection of the column and the framework of the cosmos.
volume 4

In volume , the cosmos is seen to disintegrate through a number of catastrophic events. The cosmic axis is disrupted. The
regions of the cosmos are freshly populated. Mythical beings depart from the earth and the mythical era is ended. The future is
expected to bring a repetition of the past events of creation and destruction.
volume 1 contents
foreword by Keith Hutchison V
editorial notes VIII
acknowledgments X
traditional cosmology
the universality of cosmologies
traditional and scientific cosmologies
spherical cosmology: the turning point
a fear of the irrational
a new compilation of cosmological traditions
a global template for traditional cosmologies
selection of data
comparative analysis
objections forestalled
the axis mundi
history of the project
structure and style
chaos nothing
a solitary deity
the sky close to the earth
all things mingled (смесени, омесени)
primordial (първични):
water and darkness
absence of time
primordial union of male and female sexes
other primordial elements
a primordial group
spiral a primordial wind or spirit
a serpentine spiral
a radiant serpentine spiral
particle need for a pivot (център, опорна точка)
a diminutive particle (миниатюрна частица)
the central particle
the vital particle
the cardiac or umbilical particle (сърцето или пъпа)
the radiant (излъчваща светлина) particle
the lithic particle (литиева частица)
the flat particle
the enclosing particle
a deity enclosed in the particle
a deity enclosed in the radiant particle
the spiral and the particle
the revolving (въртьща се) particle
the expanding particle
primordial sound (първичен звук)
the moist particle
the unsteady (неустойчива, променлива) particle
beings giant beings
hybrid beings
magical beings
astral beings
long-lived beings
malevolent beings
двуделно separation of the sky and the earth
the earth as the underworld
the underworld situated below the earth
триделно a triple cosmos with sky, earth and underworld
a triple cosmos with sky, atmosphere and earth
a quadruple a quadruple cosmos
separation of other types of polar opposites
separation through fissioning (разпукване, разцепване) of the enclosure
separation at the centre of the cosmos
liberation of the protagonist from the enclosure
outflow (изливане) of the sun, light or heat from the enclosure
outflow (изливане)of water from the enclosure
liberation of other beings from the enclosure
confinement (изолиране) of malevolent (враждебните) beings to the lower
half of the cosmos
axial expansion a cosmic column
веритикално the expanding column
разширение the column expanding at creation
separation of the sky and the earth through expansion of the column
separation of the sky and the earth with an implement
Съпътстващи явления:
outflow of water during expansion of the column
outburst of wind or breath during expansion of the column
outburst of light during expansion of the column
intermixture of tree and mountain symbolism
solidification of the column
expansion of the column at the centre of the cosmos
origination of the expanding column from the root particle
the solitary or prototypical column
sound during expansion of the column
radial expansion radial expansion of the earth
radial expansion of the earth at the foot of the column
radial expansion of the earth through accretion (срастване) of particles
connectivity the column exceedingly (извънредно, прекомерно) high
the column as the highest point on the earth
the column’s summit (връх) beyond the range of vision
the column touching the sky
the column representative of the sky
the column supporting the sky
the column pressing down on the earth
the column separating or connecting the sky and the earth
the column separating or connecting the sky and the underworld
the column separating or connecting the sky, the earth and the underworld
the column separating or connecting the sky, the atmosphere and the earth
a tiered morphology of the column connecting the sky, the atmosphere, the
earth and the underworld
the column duplicated for the sky and the earth or underworld
the column stabilising the cosmos
the column supporting the eart
the upper a deity at the summit of the column
extremity of the a radiant entity at the summit of the column
column: the sun and the moon at the summit of the column
a group of beings or stars at the summit of the column
paradise at the summit of the column
filaments at the summit of the column
radiant filaments at the summit of the column
a spoked (със спици) ring or wheel at the summit of the column
the lower the centre of the earth
extremity of the the heart or navel (пъп) of the earth
column a seed or stone at the bottom of the column
a mountain at the bottom of the column
a benevolent (благосклонно) being at the bottom of the column
a female being at the bottom of the column
the underworld, a tomb (гробница) or a dead being at the bottom of the
a rounded object at the bottom of the column
a group of beings at the bottom of the column
water at the bottom of the column
a circular ocean
a snake at the bottom of the column
a group of snakes at the bottom of the column
a circular snake at the bottom of the column
a circular snake associated with the underworld at the bottom of the column
a snake and a rounded object at the bottom of the column
the supportive function of the snake at the bottom of the column
the circular snake and the ocean
the enclosing
band variegated (шарена) and radiant
the enclosing band revolving
the enclosing band expanding
conicity the conical shape of the column
the conical column surmounted (увенчана с ) by a deity or a radiant entity
the conical sky
the conical shape of the bottom of the column
the conical part of the column as the underworld or a tomb
liminality and the column encompassing (обгражда) the earth
ограниченост и
the column at the boundary (границата) of the earth or sky
the column at the centre of:
the earth
of the sky
paradise or a garden
a body of water
centre of the cosmos (premature (необмислени/незрели)
interpretations of the column as being situated at the centre of the
at the navel(пъпа) or the heart of the earth or sky
at the navel or the heart of a body of water
Разположение по крайни точки:
the radiant entity (лъчисто създание/явление/обект) at the summit (върха)
of the column as a central sun
the zenith and the pole as cosmic centres (зенитът и полюсите като
космически центрове)
the column situated at the pole (полюса)
the radiant entity at the summit of the column as a polar sun (полярно
revolution (въртене) of celestial bodies around the column
the column situated in the far north or south (далече на север или на юг)
the polar column localised (локализация на полярната колона/стълб/ос)
premature (необмислени/незрели) interpretations of the column as being
situated at the pole
vitality the column as:
an umbilical cord (пъпна връв)
a place of birth (място на раждане)
a source of nutrition (източник на храна)
a repository (хранилище) of beings or stars
a place of refuge (убежище)
an abode of souls (жилище за/на душите)
the vitalising (животоподдържащо/жизнеността) property (свойство) of the
the vitalising liquid:
at the bottom of the column
pervading the column (с който е пропита/напоена)
the durability (трайност, стабилност) of the column
personification of the column
the column as an ancestor (прародител)
luminosity the column as radiant (светещо тяло)
(светлинни the column as variegated (шарено, многоцветно)
свойства) the column of fire or smoke (огън или дим)
the column of lightning (светкавица)
the column of perpetual light (постоянен светлинен сноп)
the column as a sun
the column made of a shining metal or mineral (блестящ метал или
the column as transparent
the column studded with radiant objects
conductivity the column travers
ed by a deity, ancestor or hero
the column traversed by an animal
the column traversed by a celestial body
the column traversed by multiple beings
the column traversed by souls
the column traversed in rituals and festivals
intermezzo: traversing the column in ancient Egyptian traditions
vertical transportation as birth, recovery or revival
vertical transportation as rebellion and repulsion
vertical transportation as the arrival and departure of a culture hero
vertical transportation in association with theft
vertical transportation as a means to procure fire
vertical transportation as fligh and pursuit
vertical transportation as a means to reunite with a missing relative
vertical transportation in connection with expansion and separation
vertical transportation under turbulent conditions
vertical transportation at the centre of the cosmos
vertical transportation along a radiant column
travel towards the column
insufficient length of the column
vertical transportation of the lowest participant obstructed
Мое Жезъл/тирс  Всички изброени по-горе са неподвижни
 Жезълът/тирсът олицетворява подвижен център на света;
 Центърът е там, където се намира жезълът – странстващият Бог
(Дионис и др) или човек (цар)
 Жезълът като:
- Средство за комуникация (антена);
- Трасе за пренос на енергия (и др) (гръмоотвод)
- Предизвикване на катаклизми
- Атрибут на медиатора
- Символ на власт
- При пчелите – естествен жезъл - антенките
concentricity and concentric windings of a snake or water
helicity (концентрични намотки на змия или вода)
концентричност и
the column as a helix (единична спирала):
a helical snake twined around the column
a helical plant twined around the column (боба на Питагор)
the column as a double helix (двойна спирала) interpreted as a pair of polar
opposites (двойка противополжности):
two helical snakes twined around the column
two helical plants twined around the column
vertical transportation along the helical column
vertical multiple heavens (паралелни небеса)
segmentation numbered multiple heavens
вертикално numbered multiple heavens and earths or underworlds
членение the layered worlds connected by the column (отделните пластове на света
Гръбнак???, свързани посредством колоната)
съставен от the layered heavens and underworlds as striated cosmic lobes (небесните слоеве и
прешлени; долния свят като изпъкнали дялове на космоса/издутини)
Атлас –
въплъщение на
структурни свойства of the segmented column:
the pliable form (гъвкава)
the rigid form (твърда)
the layered worlds connected by the segmented column and at the summit there is:
(са увенчани с, имат за връх, край):
a deity or
radiant entity
lateral displacement (странично отместване) of the deity or radiant entity
the layers of the world and of the column associated with:
sentient beings (съзнателни, притежаващи осезание и чувства)
classes of sentient beings
atmospheric and celestial phenomena
В основата: a group of beings at the bottom of the segmented column responsible
for its formation
vertical transportation along the layers of the world and of the column of:
a deity, ancestor (праотец) or hero
an animal
a celestial body
multiple beings
vertical transportation along the layers of the world and of the column:
in rituals and festivals
as birth(раждане), recovery (оздравяване, възстановяване (на
равновесие??)) or revival (възраждане, повторно връщане към
rebellion (бунт) and repulsion (отхвърляне, отблъскване)
as flight (бягство) and pursuit (преследване)
as a means to reunite with a missing relative (завръщане на изчезнал
segmentation associated with:
expansion and separation
divisions of time
downward projection of the segmented column
Мое Колоната е вектор;
Начало в центъра на координатната система;
Край – върха;
Посока – от центъра/началото към края
Ориентирана единица, единичен вектор;
Безкрайно нарастваща;
Одушевена - има душа
Атлас – олицетворение, въплъщение на колоната
radial Звездообразна сегментация, радиална
the four cardinal four sectors of:
directions the world
the local ‘land’
four groups of people associated with the cardinal directions
a quadrangular (четириъгълна форма) shape of:
the cosmos,
the sky or
the earth
additional directions to the four cardinal directions:
the centre
above and below
entities, associated with the cardinal directions (олицетворения) :
four winds or breaths
four trees, pillars or mountains
different definitions of the cardinal directions
the cardinal directions centred on the column as:
surrounding the column
four roots, branches or sides surrounding the column
four mountains or trees surrounding the column
four pathways surrounding the column
towards the column - four winds, rivers or rays
away from the column - four winds, rivers or rays
the life-giving the life-giving properties of the radial extensions surrounding the column:
properties the cardinal directions associated with:
body parts surrounding the personified column
sentient beings:
associated with atmospheric phenomena
as body parts of the personified column
associated with celestial bodies
associated with colours
the supportive function of the cardinal directions and their sentient beings
the cardinal directions surrounding a radiant entity
the cardinal directions combined with the concentric circles
the cardinal directions formed at creation
the cardinal directions associated with expansion and separation
the cardinal directions instrumental(като средство за) in vertical transportation
circumambulatory visitation (ритуално обикаляне) of the cardinal directions
the cardinal directions as a succession of eras (като сукцесия на епохи)
eight eight cardinal directions
twelve twelve cardinal directions
seven seven or nine sectors of horizontal space
spin spinning movement:
of the column
of a disc surrounding the column
Раздвояване 1.1. На единия край, върха:bifurcation of the summit (върха, короната)
(двоичност) the column as a cross
the two extensions at the summit of the column:
as birds, snakes or lions
column interpreted as polar opposites
a radiant entity at the summit of thecolumn
a head at the summit of thecolumn
as the wings of a bird at the summit of the column
1.2. bifurcation of the bottom of the column
2. Полюсно раздвояване (по оста) като опозиция начало/край = основа/връх):
the bird at the summit and
the snake at the bottom of the column
3. the inverted tree
Разтрояване Троичност three extensions at the summit of the column
Четвъртичност bifurcation of the extensions of the column at the cardinal directions
Момент bifurcation of the column at creation
Функция the supportive function of the bifurcated column
duplication and lateral division of the column (съребрено/странично клониране):
triplication two juxtaposed (раздвояване, двойка, чифт) columns:
удвояване и interpreted as polar opposites
утрояване association with creation, expansion and separation
(двойки/чифтове the supportive function
, тройки) the bottoms associated with the underworld, a tomb or death
radiance of the juxtaposed columns
interpreted as the centre and the boundaries of the cosmos
the life-giving properties
one or two helices twined round the juxtaposed columns
vertical transportation along or between the juxtaposed columns
three juxtaposed columns
an unspecified number of columns - their supportive function
solidity and (плътност, монолитност, хомогенност и перфорация)
Синонимика на solid sky made of:
hole: отвор, ice
проход, отверстие, bone tissue (костна тъкан)
бърлога, кухина,
яма, вир,
precious stone (скъпоценни камъни)
положение, metal (метал)
загазване, a hole(s) (отвор, проход, отверстие) in the sky, typically at the:
дяволска дупка, centre or the pole
нелогичност, петно the centre
върху името, at the cardinal directions
кусури, дупка/яма the holes of the sky and the earth joined to the column
без дъно, която не holes associated with the layers of the world
може да се
formation of the cosmic holes
напълни с пари,
obstruction of the cosmic holes
запаси, to make a
HOLE in the water vertical transportation enabled by:
удавям се (при opening of the cosmic holes
самоубийство); repetitive opening and closing
затънтено място, a radiant entity (лъчиста материя) at the cosmic holes
бърлога, vertical transportation through the cosmic holes:
всмукнатина, дупка
от взрив, сондажен
of a deity , ancestor or hero
отвор, въздушна of an animal
яма; of a celestial or atmospheric body
нелогичност/недост of multiple beings
атък; обект на of souls
критика; крия се в
vertical transportation through the cosmic holes:
in rituals and festivals
of a liquid
associated with expansion and separation
Disruption collapse (срутване, сгромолясване) of the sky:
(разрушение) wind
fire or lightning
concurrent forms of disruption (едновременно в няколко форми)
sequential (последователно)forms of disruption
a dragon
Причина – наказание, в различни форми:
wind as punishment
flood as punishment
fire as punishment
flood and fire as punishment
flood, fire and battle
flood, fire, a dragon and battle
a sanguine flood (кървав потоп, поток от кърви)
(Съпътстващи явления) during the disruption:
mountains formed
islands formed
rivers and lakes formed
a snake or dragon sculpting the earth
Disconnection the column disrupted (разрушена, подкопана):
(разединяване, by a deity, ancestor or hero
разрушаване на by an animal
единството на by a celestial body
материално тяло, by multiple beings
на общност - by souls
разкол) Вариант: disruption of the juxtaposed columns
vertical transportation along the column disrupted (запушена, задръстена):
because of misfortune or clumsiness (случайно или непредна-
мерено, поради несръчност)
by a bulky entity (огромна безформена маса)
with intent (злонамерено, умишлено)
as punishment
during flight and pursuit (бягство и преследване)
during battle (сражение)
under turbulent conditions:
lightning, fire and thunder
disruption of the column exposing (като обяснение за) cosmic holes
disruption of the columns at the cardinal directions
disruption of the column as separation (като процес на отделяне)
disruption of the column marking the introduction of death (начало на
Варианти на разединение, разрушаване):
disappearance (изчезване) of the column
fading (изчезване, загубване, отмиране, повяхване)of the column
deformation (деформация) of the column
displacement (преместване, отнемане) of the column
restoration (възстановяване) of the column
Dispersion dispersion of:
(Разпиляване, celestial bodies
разпръскване, seeds or fruits
разбягване) of people
heterogeneous entities (нееднородни цялости)
entities at separation or disruption (по време на разделяне или
of constituent parts of the column (съставните части на колоната)
of entities under turbulent conditions:
collapse of the sky
a dragon
dispersion of entities during battle:
displacement (изместване) of celestial bodies
missiles (използвани за мятане – като гранати)
retreat (отстъпление, укриване с цел оцеляване)
transformation (преобразуване, превръщане в нещо друго) of dispersed
segregation (изолиране, обособяване) of dispersed entities
dismemberment (осакатяване):
dismembered body parts:
as stones or bones
as celestial bodies
as sentient beings (съзнаващи неща)
as seeds or plants
miscellaneous entities
an outflow of liquid from the dismembered body
reconstitution of the dismembered body
inversion inversion (преобръщане)of the earth
reversal (размяна на посоките):
of west and east
at the time (по време на ) of separation, disruption or dispersion
Departure the inaccessible (непристъпен, недостъпен, недостижим) deity
(напускане) departure to:
the abode of souls (селенията на душите)
one of the cardinal directions
the sky
departure of:
a creator or culture hero
an animal
multiple beings
Как: departure along the column
appointment of a successor upon departure
Причини за departure:
in frustration (безсилие, безизходност, неудовлетвореност)
in fear or flight (от страх или при бягство)
as death, apotheosis (обожествяване) or resurrection (възкресение)
аs a means to reunite with a missing relative
departure under turbulent conditions:
fire and lightning
a dragon or bird
transformation (преобразяване в) of the departing deity/s:
into a celestial body
into the sun or the moon
into the sun and the moon; competition between the sun and the
into the morning star or the evening star
beautification of the departing deity upon transformation into a celestial body
departure along (посредством):
a meteor or a comet
departure along a body of water
drowning (удавяне)
sea voyage
settlement on an island
departure during (по време на други събития/процеси)
a mythical era
a mythical era concluded by:
separation, disruption or dispersion and/or
the departure of deities, heroes or ancestors
a succession of eras (единство)
eras separated by destruction and renewal (обособеност)
divine rulers (Предречени/божествени владетели) presiding (властващи)
over eras
degenerative eras
Eschaton the future return of a departed deity
(наследяване a future repetition of the past
поради липса на future ascent/disruption (възход/падение)
наследници) a future saviour (спасител)
future battle (сражение, стълкновение)
future rule (правила/закони/ред и/или власт/господство)
future judgment (съд, възмездие, второ пришествие)
future restoration (възстановяване)
the departure and return of a deity:
regulated by a short astronomical cycle
fulfilled in history
fulfilled with the arrival of colonists
the return of a deity fulfilled in history

When Tenzin Drukdra sought Zhabdrung’s advice on what to do next, Zhabdrung instructed him to donate the
rice to a Sakya monastery and return with other goods and horses. Tenzin Drukda immediately returned to Bhutan
and the congratulatory gifts to the Dalai Lama were never made. Infuriated by the snub, Sonam Chophel despatched
a message to Zhabdrung demanding that the conditions previously stated to his half- brother be fulfilled or
otherwise risk suffering the wrath of his Mongol king. With a message was sent a bag of mustard seeds and word
that there are as many Mongol warriors as the seeds, ready to attack. The account of the exchanges between
Zhabdrung and the Tibetan ruler gets even more thrilling. Zhabdrung pounded the mustard seeds to a mash and sent
it back with the message: ‘If your Mongol king would not listen, my protecting deity Mahakala would not listen
either.’30 If the mustard seeds symbolized Mongol soldiers, Zhabdrung indicated that they can be pulverized. With
his message, Zhabdrung also sent a rock and a needle agreeing to accept Sonam Chophel’s demands if the latter
could pierce the rock with the needle and return them to him. Following this reply, Zhabdrung actively raised a local
militia from the western valleys and had them gathered in Punakha. He also expelled the followers of the Gelugpa
school, who were previously on good terms with him, from Bhutan. In response, the Tibetan government expelled
many lamas of the Drukpa school from Tibet.
commanders, arrested. The Dalai Lama blamed the defeat on the small size of the contingent and we will see his
regent sending larger troops in subsequent attacks. The Tibetan historian Shakabpa argues that it was the ineptitude
of the Mongolian and Tibetan highlanders to deal with the Bhutanese jungle terrain that led to their defeat. He
The troops were accustomed to fighting on the high mountains and plateaus of Tibet and had no experience with the
dense forests and high temperatures of Bhutan. They marched too far south, lost their bearings, and were
surrounded by the Bhutanese. Three prominent officers, Nangso Dondup, Drongtsenas, and Dujungnas, were
captured. Their troops scattered and fled, most of them finding their way back to Tibet. This defeat shattered the
myth of an invincible Mongol army and, in the future, Mongols were unwilling to fight in the humid southern

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