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How to Use a Multi Purpose Spill Kit Co-authors: 9

Author Info Updated: 1 year
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Easily reduce slip hazards by cleaning up spills Views: 3,294
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immediately. Clean up oil, cream and water based $ Advertisement
spills and body fluid spills. Use a multi-purpose, Steps
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multi-use spill kit. This will help you save money,
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save time, save space, reduce accidents, reduce
legal expenses, reduce waste!
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How to
How to Remove Soft Drink
Clean Up Spilled Spill Marks from
Egg Carpeting

How to
React when You
Spill Someone's

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1 Use the open slippery floor spill kit case as a caution barrier around the spill.

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2 Put on protective gloves and overshoes provided.

3 Sprinkle absorbent granules over the spill, working from the outer edge to the

4 Once gel is formed (60 seconds max), use scraper and dustpan to remove
congealed spill and any associated spill packaging.
5 Place contents of dustpan into waste bag provided.

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6 Use scraper, dustpan and brush as required until spill has been completely
7 Use hard surface wipes to further clean spill area. Place used wipes into waste

8 Use hard surface wipes to clean scraper, dustpan and brush.Place used wipes
into waste bag.
Return granules, wipes, scraper, dustpan and brush to relevant places within the
spill kit. Remove protective clothing and put into waste bag.

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Slip hazards can be reduced by absorbing spills immediately.

Dry spills and packaging can also be removed using a slip hazard multi-purpose spill kit.


Ensure your spill kit is completely safe, easy and ready to use as well as complying with
COSHH regulations.

Things You'll Need

1 no. slip hazard reduction multi-purpose spill kit.

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How to
How to Remove Soft Drink Spill Marks from
Clean Up Spilled Egg Carpeting

Article Info
wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-
written by multiple authors. To create this article, 9 people, some anonymous, worked to
edit and improve it over time. This article has also been viewed 3,294 times.

Categories: Housekeeping | Cleaning Food Spills

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