Overview Curfew

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As your child gets older, it’s important to give them enough freedom to learn how to make their own
choices and lead more independent lives.

At the same time, setting reasonable boundaries on their activities can help teenage children make
responsible decisions and develop healthy habits. Establishing a curfew is a key part of striking that

There’s no universally agreed upon curfew for teenagers. But there are strategies that you can use to
set a realistic curfew — and keep your child accountable to it. Here are some of the do’s and don’ts of
establishing curfews.

Choose a reasonable curfew time

In some cases, parents set a blanket curfew that stays the same from one night to the next. In others,
parents take a more flexible approach to setting curfews.

On one night, you might ask your teenager to be home by 9:00 p.m. On another night, you might let
them to stay out until 11:00 p.m.

When establishing a curfew for your teen, it might be helpful to consider these factors:

 How much structure do they need? If they struggle to make responsible choices without firm
boundaries in place, a consistent curfew might be the best approach for them.
 What does their sleep schedule entail? If they need to wake up early in the morning or struggle to
get enough sleep, an earlier curfew might benefit their health and productivity.
 How safe is your neighborhood? If your neighborhood sees a fair amount of crime, an earlier
curfew might help keep them safe.
 How do they plan to spend the night? If they want to attend a special event that extends past their
usual curfew, it might be reasonable to adjust their curfew for the night.

Whatever curfew you set, it’s important to clearly communicate it to your child and hold them
accountable to it.
Know and follow the law

Does your town, city, or state have any laws that might affect your child’s curfew? In some parts of
the country, there are juvenile curfew laws that prohibit children below a certain age from spending
time in public after certain hours.

Similarly, some jurisdictions set limits on when teens can drive at night.

It’s your responsibility to know and follow the laws in your area — and to help your child do the

Help your child get enough sleep

Setting a curfew can help your teenager get to bed at a reasonable hour.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, teenagers between the ages of 13 and 18 years old
need about 8 to 10 hours of sleep per day. Getting enough sleep is important for their mental and
physical health, as well as their ability to excel in school and other activities.

When you’re setting a curfew, take your child’s sleep needs into account. Consider what time they
wake up in the morning, as well as the amount of sleep they need to get.

Clearly communicate your expectations

Before your teenager leaves the house, make sure they understand:

 when their curfew is

 what they should do if they’re running late
 the consequences they will face if they break their curfew

In some cases, it might be helpful to invite input from your teen on what they consider to be a
reasonable curfew. If their point of view has been taken into account, they might be more willing to
follow their curfew.

On the other hand, some teens might have unreasonable expectations. If you’re uncomfortable with
their preferred curfew, let them know why and clearly state when you expect them to arrive home.

Set consequences for missed curfews

When you set a curfew, it’s important to create consequences for breaking it. For example, you might
roll your child’s curfew back by 30 minutes if they violate it. They can earn the 30 minutes back by
showing they’ll stick to the new, earlier time.

Clearly communicating the consequences of breaking curfew might motivate your child to abide by it.
If they do break their curfew, let them know that you were worried but you’re happy that they’re
home safe.
If you’re feeling irritated or angry, try telling them you’ll talk about the consequences in the morning,
when you’re both feeling calm and well rested.

Sometimes your child might have to break curfew for reasons beyond their control. For example, poor
weather conditions might make it dangerous for them to drive. Or maybe their designated driver has
gotten drunk and they need to call a cab.

You can help prevent some worry and confusion by letting your child know that if they’re running
late, they should call you before they miss their curfew — rather than make excuses afterward.

Adjust their curfew when they’re ready

If your teen shows good self-regulation by consistently getting home on time, it might be time to
extend their curfew. By giving them more freedom, you can provide them with an opportunity to
exercise the judgment they need to lead healthy and productive lives.

But if your teen regularly gets home late, they’re probably not ready for a later curfew. Let them
know that they need to demonstrate greater responsibility before you expand their privileges.

The takeaway

Setting a realistic curfew can help your teenage child stay safe at night, get enough sleep, and learn
how to make responsible choices about how they spend their time. It’s important to clearly
communicate when you expect them to arrive home each night and create consequences for being

If your child always arrives home on time, it might be time to reward their conscientiousness by
extending their curfew.
Should kids have a curfew?
48% Say Yes
52% Say No
 Yes, kids should have a curfew.

I believe that kids should have a curfew. Teens are known for making poor choices, and they are in
definite need of rules. Peer pressure is very strong at that age. Having a curfew keeps kids from
going to late night parties, driving recklessly at night or making other poor choices.

 Yes, they need a curfew.

Too many kids run the street with no supervision and the parents don't keep up with them. If a
parent establishes a curfew from the beginning, the kid wiil grow accustomed to it. They are not
adults yet so boundaries must be set. There will be rules the rest of your life so you may as well learn

 Gives kids safety

Kids think that since there has been no crime in their home or neighborhood they are safe. But no
crime also means crime could happen. Most kidnappings happen because kids are careless. Even if
they feel that they know what to do they won't when something actually happens. This is only one
reason why kids should have curfews.

 Kids need sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep

If children don't have curfews they will make bad decisions in the future when they can technically
be outside longer they could drink and drive and make bad decisions. Children should learn discipline
at an early age so in the future they won't make bad decisions and give in to peer pressure. Although
most kids don't want to be held indoors what kind of kid would be wandering the streets at midnight
for no reason. By having a time to be indoors by it will help in the teenage years to not give in to
peer pressure from friends to go to parties late at night and help them make decisions on what times
are appropriate to be outside and by what time you should be indoors especially on a cold winter
night. Sleep can also cause diseases and problems. YAY SLEEP

 Kids need disipline

If children don't have curfews they will make bad desicions in the furture when they can technically
be outside longer they could drink and drive and make bad desicions. Children should learn disipline
at an early age so in the future they won't make bad desicions and give in to peer pressure. Although
most kids don't want to be held indoors what kind of kid would be wandering the streets at midnight
for no reason. By having a time to be indoors by it will help in the teenage years to not give in to
peer pressure from friends to go to parties late at night and help them make desicions on what times
are appropiate to be outside and by what time you should be indoors especially on a cold winter

 Yes, kids should have curfews...

I think that kids should have curfews because then they know that it is important to go to sleep at a
timely schedule. If you go to sleep later then what you are used to, chances are that in the morning
you wake up, and feel sooo tired, that you don't want to go to school. Having a curfew also helps
because, if you sleep well, you can get a good education, get a good job and be very successful. So,
having a curfew really impacts in your future life.

 Kids need Sleep

Kids Need Sleep

I think that kids should have a curfew because if they don't sleep they are grumpy and make poor
choices. It has been proven that teens that stay up later have health problems like diabetes later in
life. Also kids will follow rules better if they are used to things such as curfews. For their own good
they should have curfews.

 Kids Need Sleep

I thin that kids should have a curfew because if they don't sleep they are grumpy and make poor
choices. It has been proven that teens that stay up later have health problems like diabetes later in
life. Also kids will follow rules better if they are used to things such as curfews. For their own good
they should have curfews.

 Kids Are Better With A Routine

I believe it is important to keep children in a routine and I believe that routine would have to require
a curfew. Having a curfew ensures a child gets home in time to prepare for bed and the following
day. Children should be taught that sleep is essential and not something to skimp on.

 Kids should definitely have a curfew.

Kids should totally have a curfew. It is for the safety of their own well being and they need rules to
keep them out of trouble. Many teens nowadays do not pay attention to what is going on around
them when they travel to different places; they are usually on their electronic devices. The ignorance
of potential danger could get children hurt, kidnapped, rapped, or mugged during the night. The
curfew would lessen the threat of being harmed by a stranger and protect the kids that think they are
invincible. There is danger everywhere, from anyone. You can't be prepared for the things that will
happen to you when the sun goes down and the children must be responsible enough to realize that
they are not completely safe. Curfews are for the good of the children and they need to except them,
because curfews will keep them as safe as they can be.

 It could cause harm to your children and your society

If children don't have curfews they would not know when to come home , and it's easy for parents to
know when their in trouble or in need because for example if their curfew is 5:00 pm and the child is
not home by that time, the parent would know something is wrong. There are so many reasons why
children should have curfews, but this is one of the reasons.

 Yes kids should have a curfew

Kids should have a curfew because it is for protection and it keeps children from getting raped,
kidnapped and killed. It also keeps children from getting in trouble and also someone dangerous want
to get a kid in trouble at night and if you don't have a curfew and stay outside at night you might get

 Oh yes they do

A Curfew is a child’s bedtime. A child needs a curfew to discipline him/her with their time to stop
playing, watching YouTube, and television. Many Kids without a curfew play till midnight, these
children end up sleepy in the morning or wake up late , thus becoming tardy for school. If they don’t
get enough sleep their brain won’t function normal, when this happens they will get low grades.
Students require eight to ten hours of sleep, if not we will start to get depressed and have trouble
making decisions

 Kids should have a curfew

It is important that Kids have structure. They need to have discipline and they should not need to be
out late anyway. I think it is a good job because if a kid is out late at midnight there is nothing there
to do unless they are going to do something that her parents would not like
 Yes they should

If kids aveto much freedom that can lead to drugs violence or bad parties. Kids need to have
boundaries and parents need to set the law! In order to have less parties less alcohol less drugs, you
need to have a curfew that alerts the kid and gets them scared knowing that there is going to be
consuquences. So the kid will be alert if he or she needs to get home.

 Yes kids should

Kids should because it will decrease drug and alcohol usage and kids wont we able to play the sports
they want and have to suffer the consequences. It will decrease the amount of late night parties that
kids have been going to and it will decrease the amount of peer pressure kids have against their lives.

 Yes, they need a curfew.

Too many kids run the street with no supervision and the parents don't keep up with them. If a
parent establishes a curfew from the beginning, the kid will grow accustomed to it. They are not
adults yet so boundaries must be set. There will be rules the rest of your life so you may as well learn

 Yes, kids should have a curfew.

I believe that kids should have a curfew. Teens are known for making poor choices, and they are in
definite need of rules. Peer pressure is very strong at that age. Having a curfew keeps kids from
going to late night parties, driving recklessly at night or making other poor choices.

 Kids should have a curfew

Kids should have a curfew because a lot of kids can be drunk and stay at the streets or if their sleepy
the might get into an accident or worse do horrible things at their friends house or at their party that
not only affects their life but their health and parents worry about this

 Curfews are needed

I'am a 12 year old and I think we should have curfews we need some freedom but not to much. I
think we need a curfew because we might do bad and totally mess up our life. Our future is
important and we need to do the right thing or something bad could happen!
 Kids on curfew is bull
I thk that kids shouldn't have curfew because they should gain their parents trust ,how are they
supposed to be trusted if they don't get a chance? Kids shouldn't have a curfew because they need to
be trusted and how are they ever going to learn if they cant be trusted? KIDS WANT FREEDOM
 Kids need freedom too statement from a 12 year old

I so happen to be 12 years old and dont think kids should have a curfew, and you might think im
being biased because i am a kid but honestly kids need their freedom also if they mess up then thats
on them but i think you should give us a chance, everybody makes mistakes and hopefully you raised
us well enough that we know that if were ever in a bad situation we know how to get out of it, you
guys are worried about pear pressure and all that crap but us kids are not as dumb as you think most
of us can handle ourselves.
Im open to comments on my opinion so i can see what other people think. -thakyou

 Kids on curfew.

I think that kids shouldn't have a curfew because they should gain their parents' trust. How are they
supposed to be trusted if they don't get a chance? Kids shouldn't have a curfew because they need to
be trusted and how are they ever going to learn if they cant be trusted? Kids want freedom.


No because kids should be able to be trusted and should be given a first chance. If they blow it the
first time they should have a consequence until they can be fully trusted again. Everyone deserves at
least a first chance to be trusted. If they dont break the trust then everything is good.

 No curfews for kids

Kids should have freedom, responsibility and concaquenecs for their actions. We live in a free
country ware we have equal rights so why should kids lose these freedoms? Plus it helps keeps the
peace in the house. No more bed time fights between your parents and you over your

 Teens should not have a curfew!

As a teen myself I have over protective parents that won't let me go out past 10 p.M. Let teens have
freedom. I am a supporter of the civil rights and I don't agree that teens should have a curfew. They
should have the same rights as adults when they go out past 10 or 11 p.M.

 No more Curfews

Curfews don't help kids get home on time it just makes them rush to get home and they panic so if
kids don't have Curfews then they would also be more active and you could get more trust from their
parents and loved ones and then they could also be nicer to their parents so no more curfews.

 Every situation is different

You can legally work and drive at 16 years of age. What would happen if they got pulled over for a
minor infraction? Would they get their car taken to impound? Will they be arrested and taken in?
What about emancipated children? Many young people don’t have the financial means.

 It's not fair to those who behave

Some teens deserve not to have a curfew, They should have the freedom to go out at night from all
their busy work in the day. They need a break at night sometimes. I think that each parent should at
least give their child a first chance to see if they are responsible enough. It is not fair just to say no
without even having a reason to say it.

 Let's be realistic.

Teen bodies run on a different time than adult bodies do. Most teens don't want to wake up before
11 and can't sleep before 2AM. It's ridiculous to say- you can't go to that movie BC it gets out after
midnight BC cops say so. I remember being a teen and my parents never gave me a curfew and I
never once got in trouble of any kind. I just was a night owl. It's ridiculous to impose laws on
someone who can have a baby, But can't drive after dusk.

 I think kids should be free to not have curfews

I think it takes away fun for children if they wake up at 6:00 am-7:00 am then take a hour to get to
school then ends at around 3:30 pm then do chores for a hour and take a shower for a hour and then
have dinner for a hour then be in bed by 11:00 pm. That's 17 hours and you only have around 5 and
1/2 hours. Kids do a lot more in 5 hours than you think. We kids have writes.

 We need to be trusted

If your parents give u curfew that means they don't trust you outside im 14 and I have a curfew i
don't get y my parents don't rust me but kids need freedom if you don't give your kid a curfew then
they will grow up to be adventurous. So I say no curfew

 Curfews should come to a stop✋

Curfews are the cause of fights at night with kids. To keep peace at your home parents should just
trust their kids to do the right thing and go to sleep. Kids could learn to be trusted and can be more
nice and calm with there parents. Curfews can affect parents and kids is bad ways. Kids could turn to
bad kids because they want to always be breaking the rules and the Parents would have to deal with
this kind of kids. I say that curfews should not be a thing if parents want to have a nice relationship
with their kids.

 Big yeet is very good

Yeet is good and optimal dps is effective. If u disagree then the government will get you and howard
the alien will smack you and space dance on u. Pepe the frog will be sad that u subscribed to T-
series and dat boi will run over ur minecraft server on ur phone. Uganda knuckles knows u do not
know da wae and you will hear reeeee for eternity.

 No curfewsj no

I say NO, This is because if kids have made plans to go to the park and don't have a watch they will
not know what time it is and when they get home if its not on time they could get in trouble. That's
my opinion but maybe not others.

 To an extent

I think teens (not kids) should have a curfew to an extent. Work out a compromise of a time that
you and your teen agree to, And as they gain your trust you can extend it over time. Still throughout
their nights if they are checking in by telling you where they are, Who they're with, And what they
are doing and you approve, Be lenient. In doing so you are positively reinforcing their good behavior,
Establishing a fair and trusting relationship between you and your teen.

 Kids need to finish work

I am a child and you think I am writing this because I want to stay up but Am not because everyday
and I need to study but go to bed at 8 and it says i should go to bed at 8-9. I need to stay up more
so I can study more and get a good grade.

 Kids should not have a curfew

It think that kids should not have a curfew because kids need to be free and not rush home and get
into trouble if they don’t get home in time and kids need to be able to do Sertin stuff so they feel
better about them self’s. I think that if a kid should have a curfew it should at least be 12 and if
anyone disagrees with me left me know.

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