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Transit Oriented Development


 Walk
 Cycle
 Mix-Use
 Shift
 Densify
 Transit
 Compact
 Connect

Transit adjacent development (TAD) a development that is close to transit services, but does
not use the proximity to promote transit ridership. Even though both forms of development
have the same principles, TOD is considered a better option; TOD increases transit ridership
by using land use planning, whereas TAD just focuses development near transit.

 Location efficiency – key factors defining location efficiency include density,

accessibility to transit services, pedestrian friendliness.
 Value capture – frequent high quality transit, good connections between modes,
 Rich mix of choices – different land use types: commercial, retail, residential etc.,
range of housing options
 Place making – pedestrian friendliness, safety, street connectivity, zoning policies
 Resolution of tension between node and place – developing a transit node (transit
station) as an activity centre; design for pedestrian friendliness, mix of uses to
promote trip chaining etc.
 Improve environment quality
 Maximize interaction convenience between activities
 Maximize transit ridership
 Increase accessibility of non-residential activities


 Walkable design with pedestrian as the highest priority

 Train station as prominent feature of town centre
 Public square fronting train station
 A regional node containing a mixture of uses in close proximity (office, residential,
retail, civic)
 High density, walkable district within 10-minute walk circle surrounding train station
 Collector support transit systems including streetcar, light rail, and buses, etc.
 Designed to include the easy use of bicycles and scooters as daily support transport

 Large ride-in bicycle parking areas within stations

Benefits of TOD

 Higher quality of life with better places to live, work and relax
 Greater mobility with ease of moving around
 Reduced traffic congestion
 Healthier lifestyle with more walking etc.
 Incentive for compact development

Place making
Urban Tourism

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