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Smart Grid Solutions for Utility Industry

As the world faces incessant demands of a Green renaissance, ubiquitous electricity has
also come increasingly under the ‘green microscope’, leading to a rapid drive for a
‘Smarter’ Utility with increased operational excellence, better response to energy
demands, an Intelligent grid armed with right information to reduce outages and to
pre-empt demand loads and a conscious customer ready to change its energy
consumption behavior.

We, at Tata Consultancy Services, understand this demand for building a new electricity
landscape and offer Smart Grid solutions, supported by our unique accelerators and
proven methodologies, synergizing across the various building blocks of a Smart Grid,
for a sustainable future.
As the utility faces challenges of volatile energy of cost and benefits of smart metering for the
demands and specific customer needs for energy Utility concerned.
services, you need a framework that will seamlessly
integrate disparate platforms and applications like A smart grid will be able to address industry needs
billing and settlement, CRM, analytics, Distribution of demand response management and prediction
Management System etc, comply with the regulatory of electricity flows which in turn will consolidate
framework and also enhance customer experience. operations management and planning more easily.
Smart metering is one of the building blocks in
The key to a successful smart grid deployment this smart grid blueprint. TCS enables you to view
lies in creating the right roadmap, which takes into a disaggregated yet functional view of the Smart
consideration the complexity of functionalities blueprint.
and the business implications of such a large
enterprise initiative. The strength of our solution lies in the flexibility
to opt between a complete implementation and
Our Smart Grid Solutions work across the value chain individual component solution from our Smart
of Smart landscape, from assessment to deployment Framework, to address your specific needs.
of a smart grid. We help to devise a smart grid strategy
by assessing existing setup, performing gap analysis While integrating with your existing applications,
and creating roadmap for a successful pilot to our consultants also help you choose the best suited
enterprise wide roll-outs. Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) for your
specific requirements and help in designing the
These are backed by Proof-of-Concepts (PoC) that end-to-end deployment map from inception to
measure the solution efficiency and the actual value enterprise roll-outs.
of the benefits, the cost involved and the distribution
36-60 4
Time Periods (months)

18-36 3

10-18 2

6-9 1

Assessment & Roadmap POC Pilot Roll-out Enterprise Roll-out


Value Customer Value Customer Value Customer Value Customer

Customer Assessment
n Business objective check
n Pilot to test-out a modular
n TCS defined framworks
As-Is IT assessment
n design with a "core and accelerators
Major Risks addressed
To-Be Business
n architecture"
Smaller Feedback Cycles Process and
Architecture n
TCS Partners setup
n Methodologies
Gap Analysis and
TCS established Utilities
Impact assessment specific Lab Extensive experience for
Conceptual technical
n large-scale enterprise roll-
TCS Partner Network
n out
Model development
setup for faster
n Solutioning
Roadmap creation
Vendor Selection
Definition of pilot
Geography specific
Regulatory Filing

TCS’ View of “Smart Lifecycle”

Smart Home Infastructure AMI Infastructure
Smart Grid Infastructure

Integration & Data

(Smart Thermostat, Load (Smart Meter, Data

(Sensors, Grid Control Infastructure
Control Devices, Gateways, Concentrators, AMI
Devices, Grid head end)


In home Display Device) head end)

Home Area Network (HAN) Local Area Network (LAN) Wide Area Network (WAN) Communications
Security, Standards & Interoperability

& Maintenance
Demand Response Customer Relationship

Meter Data Management


Management Management

Customer Portal Credit and Revenue Metering and Billing
Management Protection Service Management

Business Change


SCADA Distribution Management Outage Management

Network Asset Work

Network Planning Operations
Management Management Management

IS Infrastructure


Trading and Contracts Settlement Risk Management Resource

Smart Playing Field for TCS Highly Impacted

Solutions on Products from Alliances
Customer Enablement Solution Accelerators create a road map for implementation. The framework
There is a growing responsibility for utilities to not only considers various parameters such as financial metrics,
provide affordable, secured and reliable services but solution cost estimations, benefit value estimation,
also work towards sustainable services. The need to implementation plan, assumptions and beneficiary
conserve energy and climate change issues is forcing details, to produce an optimized business case model.
utilities to transcend into the homes of the consumers TCS is also the navigation partner for the Smart Grid
and provide greater consumer empowerment and Maturity Model (SGMM), with the Software
better every consumer device. The Utility of the Future Engineering Institute (SEI) and leverages the
will need to exploit these technologies and social framework for assessment and road map definition.
enablement in the market place to integrate the
Smart Integration Framework
consumer more dynamically, thus achieving
This is an integration framework that integrates
operational and regulatory goals along with increased
different utility applications such as customer portals,
customer satisfaction.
billing system, Meter Data Management System
Our customer enablement solution accelerators (MDMS), Outage Management System(OMS),work &
provide unique features such as a next generation asset management systems. The integration takes care
customer portal, an integrated energy management of model driven integration, synchronous &
platform, templates to help with complex billing asynchronous flow, business process-based
scenarios and a Meter Data Management integration, and scheduled-based integration to
implementation framework. mention a few.
Next Gen customer Portal: This next generation
n Smart Analytics
customer portal allows for self service as well as The impact of SMART in analytics is expected to be big
leverages the digital strategy of the utility. The and TCS has solutions in this area.
portal is built to demonstrate some key customer
We are working on a platform to provide analytics
services & self services portals around SMART such
on customers, financials and assets of an utility. The
as consumption analytics, smart product choice,
analytics solution will cover marketing, service, risk,
registration & profile management, billing &
revenue, operations, installation and maintenance.
payment and customer complaint, to mention a
few. We have collaborated with a leading academic
institute and formed the Power Anser Lab (PAL),
Integrated Energy Management Platform: This
which delivers advanced analytics over the web on
platform integrates smart meters and/or appliances
grid operations.
with multi protocol support, for fine grain data
analytics on consumption & health monitoring, and Smart Work Management & Deployment Planning
behavioral analysis. The solution can be accessed Mass roll out of Smart Meters require a proper
through the In-Home Display, Portal and Mobility deployment & field force management system.
Deployment management system typically covers
Complex Billing: Ready templates are available for
n three basic areas
CC&B and SAP platforms to accomplish complex Strategic Planning: Takes care of the long term
billing scenarios. The learning and re-architecting view of roll out which provides inputs to
needs identified from telecom billing scenarios have customer engagement process
been built into this solution.
Operational planning: More detailed planning
MDM implementation framework: An approach
n looking to optimize rollout based on campaigns
and framework to implement a commodity meter Roll-out monitoring: Enables reporting &
data management system, to deliver smart use provides dashboard on key parameters to
cases based on fine grained data from meters and monitor the performance.
Field force system aims to support engineers as
Smart Analysis Framework they conduct work onsite, installing & maintaining
This is an analysis framework for business and both legacy as well as smart meters. It helps in field
technical architecture definition, which can be used to force scheduling, communications and field force
define the business processes around SMART and mobile device management & support.
While helping you through the entire Smart Grid Scalability. The Smart Grid application can be
journey from inception till maturity, we bring you deployed in pilot-size and scaled up to meet
benefits such as: enterprise requirements.

Increased agility. Our solution accelerators

n Reduced cost. Giving you the flexibility to choose
provide a base to ensure faster implementation, application components to suit your requirements,
thereby improving your ability to respond to we help you reduce costs in purchase of the offering
business changes. and ensure you get the best value for money.

Better technology. Our solutions are based on

n Best practices. Our solutions incorporate industry
new technologies that help you improve application best practices in terms of process implementation,
performance, management, and integration to give you the best-in-class solutions.
capabilities, ensuring enterprise-wide compatibility.
At TCS, we make conscious investments in people, infrastructure, and alliances and harness a
strong vision to address the smart grid of the future. By partnering with us, you gain from our:

Smart CoE & Infrastructure: The Utilities CoE is a dynamic think-tank of consultants from
technology practices, industry domains, program management, strategy and change
consulting and the TATA Group. The Utility CoE is focused on designing & developing new
industry solution in various utility domains including Smart Grid. Within the Utility CoE,
there is a ‘dedicated group’ for Smart Grid that actively engages in building prototypes,
developing methodologies and accelerators in SMart space along with leveraging the
knowledge base & best practices gained across projects. This dedicated group also
facilitates alliances with key leading players in the Smart field. The “Smart Grid” state
of art innovation lab facilities at Peterborough and Kolkata are also in constant touch with
industry and analysts for continuous knowledge sharing and building new prototypes.

Smart Experience: We have a strong end to end customer base across the globe including
leading utility clients at US, UK, Australia, and India. The gamut of our experience ranges
from Assessment & Roadmap, POC, Pilot Roll out and Enterprise Roll out.

Smart Processes: Our solution framework is technology agnostic. Each of our project
accelerators is unique on its own & leverages on technology best suited for scalability and
performance. The use of SOA patterns and loose coupling makes it easy to integrate to
Industry Solutions like SAP, Oracle at the same time legacy applications. Our Smart Process
also addresses the 3 key dimensions of Smart Execution: Customer Engagements, Gradual
Integrations & ROI monitoring.

Smart Alliances: Our strategic alliances with key players inthe Smart space give us access
to packaged solutions with creativity and flexibility of bespoken modules.

To know more about TCS Smart Grid Solutions, contact

About Tata Consultancy Services Ltd (TCS)

Tata Consultancy Services is an IT services, consulting and business solutions organization that
delivers real results to global business, ensuring a level of certainty no other firm can match.
TCS offers a consulting-led, integrated portfolio of IT and IT-enabled infrastructure, engineering
and assurance services. This is delivered through its unique Global Network Delivery ModelTM,
recognized as the benchmark of excellence in software development. A part of the Tata Group,
India’s largest industrial conglomerate, TCS has a global footprint and is listed on the National
Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange in India.

For more information, visit us at

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