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Summer Training Report  1

College of Computer Sciences and Engineering

Computer Engineering Department

Summer Training Report - Term 073

Designing and Implementing Remotely Controlled Vehicle for Security Applications

KFUPM - Research Institute
(Center of Communications and Computer Research)

Prepared by:
Hamad Ali Hamad Al-Hajri
ID# 206501

Advisor: Mr. Hazem Selmi

Coordinator: Dr. Basem Al-Madani

< September - 2008 >

This report describes the summer training experience in the Center of
Communications and Computer Research at KFUPM - Research Institute. I worked in
USAD 1 project with a team of two students to design the controlling unit that is
installed on a four wheels motorbike and a control station to send the user commands
to the Robotic Warrior. In addition, we setup a wireless network to connect the control
station with the controlling unit and also we designed the required software that is
needed for the digital devices to work properly. In this report I describe all the
components of the project and work done on them. Also, I demonstrate some of the
software that I develop in this project.

Remotely Controlled Vehicle for Security Applications "USAD 1" Hamad Al-Hajri
Summer Training Report  2

Table of Contents

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS …………………………………………………………………….……….. 4
INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………………………….……….……….. 4
1. WORK PLACE ……….….………….………………………………………………………… 5
2. ACCOMPLISHED WORK ……………………………………………………….…………... 6
2.1 The Robotic Warrior System …………………………………………………………. 8

a) Four Wheels Motorbike …………………………………………...… 8

b) The Server PC …………….….………………………………………. 9

c) Wireless Router …………….…………….…………………………. 10

d) Controlling Unit ………………….…….….…………….….……..… 11

i) Microcontrollers' Board ……………………………………… 12

ii) H-Bridge ………………………………………………………… 14

iii) Relays Board …………………………………………………… 14

e) Actuators …………….………………………………….……………. 16

f) Power suppliers ……………………………..….…………..………… 17

g) Vision devices .……………………………………………..………… 17

2.2 The Control Station …………………………………………………………………… 18

a) Client PC …………………………………..………………………… 18

b) Joystick ……………………………………………………………….. 19

c) Steering Wheel ……………………………………………………… 19

3. PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS ………………………………………………………...…… 20

CONCLUSION ……………………………………………………………………………………… 21
REFERENCES ………………………………………………………………………………………… 23
APPENDIXES ………………………………………………………………………………………… 24
A. Progress Report 1 ……….…………………….…………………………………………… 24
B. Progress Report 2 ….………………………………………………………………….…… 25
C. Progress Report 3 …………………….……………………….…………………………… 26
CERTIFICATE ………………………………………………………………………………………… 27

Remotely Controlled Vehicle for Security Applications "USAD 1" Hamad Al-Hajri
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List of Figures

Figure 1: The project idea …………..…………………………………….………………… 6

Figure 2: The robotic warrior system …………………………………….………………… 8
Figure 3: Four wheels motorbike …………………………………………………………… 8
Figure 4: Server PC …………………………………………………………………………… 9
Figure 5: Server program ……………………………………………………………………. 9
Figure 6: Wireless router ………………………………………………………………………10
Figure 7: Controlling unit ……………..……………………………………………………… 11
Figure 8: Microcontrollers' board ……….…………….…………………………………… 12
Figure 9: Microcontrollers' board ……….…………….…………………………………… 12
Figure 10: Microcontrollers' circuit diagram …….….…………………………………… 13
Figure 11: H-Bridge …………………………………………………………………………… 14
Figure 12: Relays board ………………….…………………….…………………………… 14
Figure 13: Controlling unit circuit diagram ……………………………………………… 15
Figure 14: Actuators – acceleration and break …….….……………………………… 16
Figure 15: Actuators – steering motor …………………………………………………… 16
Figure 16: Actuators – camera …………………………………………………………… 16
Figure 17: Actuators – camera …………………………………………………………… 16
Figure 18: Power supplies …………………………….………….………………………… 17
Figure 19: Vision devices …………………………………………………………………… 17
Figure 20: Client program ……………………….……………….………………………… 18
Figure 21: Camera program …………………………….………………………………… 18
Figure 22: Joystick …………………………………………………………………………… 19
Figure 23: Steering wheel …………………….……………………………….…………… 19

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The project team wishes to acknowledge the unlimited support of the USAD 1
project supervisors, Dr. Mansour Al-Dajani, Dr. Moustafa ElShafiai and Dr. Abdul-Hafid
Bouharaoua. The team would also like to thank faculty who work previously in this
project, or who attend the final demo of the project. The project team members also
appreciate each other and their fervor during this project.

In this report I will explain my role in designing and implementing remotely
controlled vehicle for security applications. I worked in small team of me and Mr.
Mohammed Al-Marouf who is a student in System Engineering Department at KFUPM.
We worked in the Center of Communications and Computer Research (CCCR) at
KFUPM - Research Institute. We started our work in the 5th of July 2008 and finished the
summer training after eight weeks in the 27th of august 2008.

In our summer training, we worked under the supervision of Dr. Mansour Al-Dajani,
who is the director of the center in which we worked. In addition, Dr. Moustafa
ElShafiai and Dr. Abdul-Hafid Bouharaoua advised, directed and monitor us through
whole the training period; and they attended our final demo of the USAD 1 project in
25th of august 2008.

In the training period we designed and solved many systems. The main problems
and systems that we solved and designed are:

• User interface that was installed in the control station (client PC) to send the user
commands to the vehicle.
• Commands (receiver/sender) software that was installed in the server PC to
receive the commands wirelessly from the control station PC and send them to the
control unit through serial connection.
• The hardware of the control circuit that was set in the vehicle besides software that
was installed in the main part of the control circuit which is a PIC microcontroller.

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Those are the main systems that we designed. However, we designed and
prepared some other systems such vision system and power supplying system.

The summer training program was at KFUPM and specifically at the Center of
Communications and Computer Research (CCCR) - Research Institute. The research
institute (RI) plays an important role in the field of research and development at
KFUPM. The RI's projects benefit both the kingdom's private and public sectors. At the
same time, it has responded effectively to provide new research and technical
services as the needs have arisen. The RI is divided into six main centers as the

• Center of Communications & Computer Research (CCCR).

• Center of Economics & Management (CEMS).
• Center of Environment & Water (CEW).
• Center of Engineering Research (CER).
• Center of Petroleum & Minerals (CPM).
• Center of Refining & Petrochemicals (CRP).

The RI's clients are more than 250 clients during the few past years in both fields:
projects and laboratories services. Those clients include big names of international and
local companies and organizations such as Petroleum Energy Center (PEC) - Japan,
Johns Hopkins University - USA, Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco) - KSA,
Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) - KSA, and others.

The Center of Communications & Computer Research (CCCR) which the summer
training program was in it introduces many services to companies and organizations
such as consultations, training and performing projects in communication and
computer areas. The center also contains many labs such as:

Remotely Controlled Vehicle for Security Applications "USAD 1" Hamad Al-Hajri
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• Communications & Signal Processing Laboratory (CSPL).

• Computer Networking and Information Security Laboratory (CNISL).
• Database & Web Applications Laboratory (DWAL).
• Smart Systems Laboratory (SSL), that "USAD 1" project is done in it.
• E-Business Consultation and Training Unit (eBU).

When we start working in the smart systems laboratory at Center of
Communications and Computer Research, we was asked to finish all required things
that are needed for the USAD 1 project to work properly; by designing and
implementing and testing any software and hardware that required for the project. In
addition we were responsible to coordinate the work of other departments on some
parts of the project.

The USAD 1 project is divided into two main systems. We can name first system as
the robotic warrior system (the vehicle), and the second system as the control station.
The main components of the robotic warrior system is a four wheels motorbike, PC
works as server, wireless router, microcontroller circuit, actuators and power suppliers.
For the control station, the main components are PC works as client, steering wheel
with its pedals and joystick. The following figure will illustrate the idea of the project:

Figure 1: The project idea

Remotely Controlled Vehicle for Security Applications "USAD 1" Hamad Al-Hajri
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The purpose of this project is to perform a dangers actions or operations by this

vehicle instead of humans. These actions can be (for example) fighting enemies by
weapon, destroying bombs, or any kind of security application. USAD 1 project (in its
current version) is designed to hold and use a weapon and for that we sometimes
called the vehicle with a robotic warrior.

As I mentioned before, I worked in a small team of me and Mr. Mohammed Al-

Marouf. We worked together in all jobs required for the project. However, there were
some parts that done mostly by me and other by him. The software of the
microcontroller and the hardware that related to it were the parts that Mr.
Mohammed Al-Marouf concentrated on, while I concentrated more on installing the
wireless connection and creating software to make a wireless connect between the
two main systems of USAD 1 project. The following list includes all tasks and all activities
that I did in this project:

• Fixing the project components on the bottom wood plate such as PIC
microcontrollers, H-Bridge, Relays board and fans.

• Making connections between those components.

• Testing all the connections (wires and cables).

• Fixing the wireless router and the server PC parts on the upper wood plate.

• Installing and configuring the wireless components such as the wireless

network adapter and the wireless router.

• Testing all the connections.

• Writing a program that deal directly with the PIC microcontroller through
serial cable (visual basic language).

• Writing programs to make a wireless connection between the client PC and

the server PC (visual basic language).

• Modifying the code of those programs, so that the joystick and the steering
wheel can be used now to perform actions.

• Installing and configuring the cameras program.

• Fixing the power supplies system, cameras and the DC to AC converter.

• Testing the project, again.

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In the following sections I will give detailed descriptions and explanations about
each part of the main systems of the USAD 1 project and the work done on it.

2.1 The Robotic Warrior System 
This part of the USAD 1 project is much bigger and more complicated than the
other, figure 2. The main objective of our work in this
project is to remotely control all functions of this system
through wireless medium. The most important functions of
that system are the ability of carrying some kind of
weapon with good aiming to the targets, the ability to
move with high maneuverability and the ability to give a
good vision for the surrounding environment to the
controller. To this functions and achieving the project
objectives we built this system with the following

a) Four Wheels Motorbike  Figure 2: The robotic warrior system

The Robotic Warrior System was built on a four wheel motorbike, figure 3, to
facilitate its movement. The objective of using this kind of vehicle is to give the
system a high maneuverability. Also this
vehicle is capable to be derived on
ordinary or rugged ways. In addition, its
speed, size, power and durability make it
more suitable for our project than the other
choices. However, using this motorbike is not
better than design a special vehicle that

satisfies all the requirement of this project; Figure 3: Four wheels motorbike
but the long time, much of effort and the high cost that needed to design and
build such vehicle make this choice undesirable.

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The Work Done on This Motorbike: This motorbike was sent to the mechanical
workshop to change and add some parts that facilitate controlling the motor and
make fixing the electronic components possible. First thing they take out the seat
and attach a metal plate. Then they fix two sticks to carry the vision devices and
the weapon. Also they put carrier for the two servo motors that are responsible for
holding and releasing the break and accelerator pedals; and connecting these
pedals to the servo motors by metallic wires. In addition they set a holder for
steering motor and place gear disk under the steering wheel to connect the
steering wheel with the steering motor.

b) Server PC 

The server PC is disassembled and then fixed on the upper wood plate in the
motorbike as it appears in figure 4. Important
parts are fixed such as motherboard, power
supply, hard disk drive and CD – Rom drive
while some parts are ignored to save a space
on the wood plate such as floppy disk drive.
This PC is connected to the wireless router by
an Ethernet cable and also connected to the
PIC microcontroller by a serial cable through Figure 4: Server PC
COM1 port.

The server/client programs are written by visual basic language and by using
Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. The server
program works automatically in the
server PC when the operating system
(windows) starts. This program keeps
listening until it receives a connection
request from the client PC (figure 5). Figure 5: Server program
After the server program accepts this

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request, the client PC can now sends commands to the server PC and the server
PC itself receives those commands, transfers them to COM1 port to the PIC
microcontroller that executes those commands.

By knowing the IP address of the server PC, "Remote Desktop Connection"

which is a program under Windows operating system, can be used to access the
server PC wirelessly from the client PC. This program is very helpful feature to make
any necessary corrections of problems that may happen in the server PC.

The program that is dealing with videos transmission is installed in the server
PC. This program is called "CamGuard Security System" and its version is
It is required to be installed only on the server PC, because the user can see the
videos in the client PC without installing this program again in the client PC.

c) Wireless Router 

The wireless router (SpeedTouch 585 v6) figure 6, as mention before is

connected to the server PC by an Ethernet
cable and it has the following static IP address: The power cable of the router is
connected to the DC to AC converter. The
wireless standard of this router is IEEE 802.11 (g)
which works in the 2.4 GHz band with a
maximum bit rate of 54 Mbit/s and an
Figure 6: Wireless router
approximately maximum coverage range of 38
meters (Indoor). The wireless network is encrypted by "WPA-PSK" to make this
network more secure. WPA is a more powerful security technology for WiFi
networks than Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP). It provides strong data protection
by using encryption as well as strong access controls and user authentication. WPA
utilizes 128-bit encryption keys and dynamic session keys to ensure your wireless
network's privacy and enterprise security. There are two basic forms of WPA: WPA
Enterprise and WPA Personal (WPA-PSK). WPA-PSK is basically an authentication
mechanism in which users provide some form of credentials to verify that they

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should be allowed access to a network. This requires a single password entered

into each WLAN node (wireless routers for example). As long as the passwords
match, a client will be granted access to a WLAN. WEP is sometimes inaccurately
referred to as Wireless Encryption Protocol. The "SpeedTouch" management
interface is reachable by two ways: either by the Internet Explorer or by using the
telnet through command prompt. This management interface enables the user to
configure and control many features and many properties of the wireless router.

d) Controlling Unit 

The controlling unit in the Robotic Warrior System is responsible to recognize

the user command then carry out them by
sending the suitable signal to the various
actuators of the Robotic Warrior System.
Moreover, this unit must monitor the system
performance and take the appropriate
action in some specific cases like losing the
connection with the control station.

The controlling unit, figure 7, is

Figure 7: Controlling unit
composed of microcontrollers' board, H-
bridge, relays board and electrical connectors for connection those components.
The microcontroller is the intelligent part in this unit. It is responsible to recognize the
received command and send a various signals to the right actuators. Moreover, it
is the intelligent unit that has to take the appropriate action once an emergency
case occurs. The H-bridge controls the power delivered to the steering motor by a
PWM signal that is generated from the microcontroller. The last component of the
controlling unit is the relays board. It has sixteen relays work as on/off switches that
can be controlled by digital signal from the microcontroller.

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i) Microcontrollers' Board
We have used two microcontrollers. They are PIC 18F452. Each
microcontroller is fixed on a flash lab board. And we fixed those two flash lab
boards with electrical connectors on one bigger board to facilitate the
connectivity to the microcontrollers, figure 8 and 9.

Figure 8: Microcontrollers' board Figure 9: Microcontrollers' board

One of those microcontrollers receives the commands from the server

PC through RS232 serial connection. This microcontroller is considered as a
master microcontroller whiles the other as slave. The master microcontroller
receives the commands from the server PC; and recognizes these
commands and takes the appropriate actions or delivers them to the slave
microcontroller if they are related to the two servo motors and the steering
motor. In addition, the master microcontroller is responsible about
preventing the occurrence of any type of contradiction between the
currently running functions. Moreover, this microcontroller monitors the
connectivity status with the control station and the continuity of receiving
updates for the various functions from the control station and trying to save
the system from collision when the control is lost because of losing the
connectivity with control station.

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The other microcontroller works as slave under the managing of the

master one. The slave microcontroller is responsible to generate pulses that
are needed to operate the servo motors and the steering motor. Those
pulses are generated through a software functions instead of using the PWM
generator hardware, because this generator has no enough channels and
its pulse period is too short than the required one. Also these functions are
created in speared microcontroller to obtain higher accuracy in generating
the required pulses. It is clear that generating a software pulses in
microcontroller that carrying out a
long program will end with
decreasing the accuracy of the
The Ports of the
The master microcontroller is
Slave PIC
connected to the PC through 9 pins
serial port. This connection is used to
program the microcontroller and to
send the command to the controller.
In the slave microcontroller, the same The
Ports of
connector is used only for the

programming it; and direct Master

connection between the master and
slave under the SPI serial connection
protocol is used to carry the
commands from the master to slave
Figure 10: Microcontrollers' circuit diagram
microcontroller. The user should note that when he wants to program the
master microcontroller he must place a jumper in the reset pins to connect
them and remove it when he want to send a normal command under the
RS232 protocol. The position of the reset jumper and schematic diagram of
the micro controller circuit is shown in the figure 10. This diagram shows the
orientation of the connection terminals of the two microcontrollers. In this
board there is voltage regulator. It gets 12 volt input and gives 5 volt output.

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These power terminals is separated from the microcontroller power

connectors that are connected to the main 12 V power supply. However,
the ground connectors are common with all devices in the board.

ii) H-Bridge
To derive and control the steering motor, an H-Bridge board is used.
This device control the current following to
the motor according to the signal received
from the microcontroller. The microcontroller
sends pulses with period of 20 mille second.
These pulses are changing periodically
between 0 and 5 volts. As the average of
the received pulses increased the H-bridge
raises the supplied current to the steering
motor. Figure 11: H-Bridge

This kind of H-bridge has several operation modes. The mode that was
used in this project was the analog mode. The H-Bridge recognizes the
digital pulses from the microcontroller as analog input by obtain the
average of these pulses, figure 11.

iii) Relays Board

The relays were used as switches that can be controlled electronically
to replace the manual of the
motorbike. In addition, some relays
were used to control the motion of
the turning/tilting metal boxes.

The relays board that was used

has 16 relays. Each relay can be
controlled by logic signal. To control
these relays a 20 pins cable connects
the input port in the relays board and
Figure 12: Relays board

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the port B and port D in the master microcontroller. Each one of these 16
pins in the microcontroller sends signals for one of those relays, figure 12.

Work done on the controlling unit We start by testing and recognizing the
operation of each device in the controlling unit. Then we worked in developing the
software for the two microcontrollers. Finally, we worked in the connection
between the various parts of the controlling unit. Figure 13 shows the schematic
diagram of the controlling unit.

Figure 13: Controlling unit circuit diagram

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e) Actuators 

Different types of actuators were used in the Robotic Warrior System. To

holding and releasing the breaker and the
accelerator pedals, two servo motors were used.
The servo motor works depending on the signals
received from the microcontroller. These signals
have to have period of 20 millisecond and duty
time of one millisecond to two milliseconds.
According to the received signal, the servo
motor changes the angle of its pulley. This, in Figure 14: Actuators – acceleration

turn, changes the position of the breaker or the

accelerator pedals. The pulley of each servo motors has range of movement of
180 degrees. The servo motors used were GWServo S777/6BB, figure 14.

To turning the handlebars of the motorbike, a high current DC motor was

used. This DC motor is fixed under the handlebars. Its speed and motion direction is
controlled by the current provided from the H-Bridge. The servo name is "Parvalux",

Figure 15: Actuators – steering motor Figures 16, 17: Actuators – camera

6 A and 12 DC volts shown in figure 15. Other actuators are the turning/tilting metal
boxes. The main function of these actuators is to carry the vision device and the
weapon and aiming those to specific points by turning or tilting its upper part. Each
one of these turning/tilting boxes is controlled by four relays. The turning/tilting
boxes appear clearly in figures 16, 17.

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f) Power Suppliers 

To providing the required power, a high current +12V and tow 6V batteries
(two 6 V are parallel connected) were used. Moreover, DC to AC Inverter was
used to generate an alternative current of 220V to supply the PC and wireless
router. This DC to AC power inverter takes DC input voltage between 10 to 15 volts
and gives 220 volts as an AC output voltage. Also, it has a continuous output
power of 500 watts. All these power suppliers are shown in figure 18.

Figure 18: Power supplies

g) Vision Devices 

Vision devices in this project are the cameras. There are two cameras fixed
on the motorbike. The first camera (front camera) is
used to see the destination and the surrounding
areas of the motorbike, while the second camera
(weapon camera) which is in a higher level than the
first one, is used for the weapon. Both cameras are
from the type "Creative PC-CAM 350" as shown in
figure 19. Figure 19: Vision devices

The cameras are connected to the server PC by USB cables. Videos are
transmitted to the client PC wirelessly by using "CamGuard Security System"
program (UDP Protocol).

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2.2 The Control Station 

a) Client PC 

The client PC is a normal desktop PC that is connected to "BelKin" USB

wireless 802.11 (g) adapter. This adapter will enable
the client PC to communicate wirelessly with the
server PC. The client program as shown in figure 20
requires from the user to enter the IP address of the
server PC. After entering the IP and pressing button
"Connect", a connection request will be send from
the client PC to the server PC. If there are no errors
and the server PC accepts the request, a message
"Now you are connected to USAD Server" will
appear in the title bar of the program.

There are two versions of the client program:

standard version (using buttons only) and steering
wheel and joystick version. This gives a choice for Figure 20: Client program
the user to choose the version he wants.

Video can be viewed in the client PC monitor through an Internet Explorer

window by written in the URL
the IP address of the server
PC followed by ":" and then
the specified port number in
the setting of the camera
program. Figure 21 shows
the videos in the client PC

Figure 21: Camera program

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b)  Joystick 

In the client program (joystick and steering wheel version), the x and y
coordinates of the joystick are very important to perform actions in USAD 1 project.
The joystick of type "Genius" has 8 buttons, and for every button there is a specific
value for it. The joystick is responsible for controlling the turning/tilting boxes. For
example if the joystick is moved to the right, then the x
value will increase and if the joystick is moved to the left,
then the x value definitely will decrease. Similarly, the
same things repeated here for the y value and the
movement of the joystick (forward/backward), figure 22.

Depending on the x and y coordinates and on the

programming conditions in client program, some actions
will be performed if the joystick is moved to a specific

direction. If the user moves the joystick to the right, then

Figure 22: Joystick
the turning/tilting box will turn to the right. However, if the
user moves the joystick to the left, then the turning/tilting box will turn to the left
and so on. Selecting any one of the turning/tilting boxes (one for front camera and
the other for weapon camera) can be done through the joystick buttons.

c) Steering Wheel 

The same scenario of the joystick applies

here, turning the wheel will change the x
coordinate and pressing the pedals will change the
y coordinate. The "Genius" steering wheel is
responsible for three things in the USAD 1 project:
acceleration, steering and breaking. Steering is
done by turning the steering wheel to the right or to
the left whereas the acceleration and the break
can be performed by using the pedals, figure 23.

Figure 23: Steering wheel

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Different speeds of the steering can be achieved through the speed wheel


There are several problems and challenges we face during the project period.
Some of these problems are:

• Problem: Inability to communicate with the Rabbit microcontroller (which we

were using it before PIC microcontroller) due to connectivity problem in the
connector cable and this cable is not available in the local market.

• Solution: This problem was solved by using PIC 18F microcontroller that is
available in the System Engineering Department and we also agree that the
Rabbit microcontroller which we have is not suitable for this project.

• Problem: Insufficient number and the short period of PWM channels in the
PIC 18F microcontroller.

• Solution: To solve the problem of the short period of the PIC 18F we created
three programmed PWM channels for controlling the tow servo motors and
the steering motor. However, the programmed PWM channel is so accurate
especially with big programs. To decrease the affects of this problem we
used two PIC 18F microcontrollers. One of these microcontrollers, which is the
slave one, was dedicated for controlling the two servo motors and the
steering motors only, and the other one, which is the master one, for
performing the rests tasks.

• Problem: Inability to Connect the PIC Microcontroller directly to the Wireless


• Solution: We connect the PIC microcontroller to the server PC on the USAD

motorbike. We used the RS232 serial connection as a medium of the
communication. In this case the server PC will receive the commands from

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the control station through wireless connection. Then, these commands are
sent to the master PIC microcontroller. In addition, the master microcontroller
controls the servo motors and the steering motor by sending the commands
to the slave microcontroller to the through SPI serial communication.

At the end of our training period we finished our assignments. We presented and
made a demo for our work in the last day of the training. That demo showed that we
successfully did all the assignments. In general, in this project we tried to reach the
highest quality as much as we can, while we maintain a low cost and short time.

By completing all of our assignment, the first phase of the USAD project has been
completed. The second phase of this project which will be USAD 2 will start from the
base of our work and will take our comments and suggestion in account.

I have learned many things in this training period and I got a lot of experiences.
That can be summarized in the following points:

• Get experience in dealing with projects that are used in the real world-working
• Improved my ability in taking responsibility of a given works and projects.
• Improved my ability in finding problems solutions.
• Improved my ability in self-learning.
• Improved my ability in working under the pressure and short of time.
• Improved my ability in working within a team.
• How to communicate with the employees from different departments.
• Improved my knowledge in PIC microcontrollers.
• Getting familiar with visual basic language which is a new programming
language for me.
• Improved my knowledge by working with the different components of the
project such as relays board and actuators.

Remotely Controlled Vehicle for Security Applications "USAD 1" Hamad Al-Hajri
Summer Training Report  22

Beside all the above experiences, it was the first time to do a complete project
and dealing with some issues that not related directly to my major like the mechanical
issues in this project.

In fact, I benefit a lot from COE courses in the summer training, specially
networking courses such as COE 344 (computer networks), COE 441 (local area
networks) and COE 446 (mobile computing). Also, I benefit a lot from course COE 400
(system design laboratory) that is closer to what I took in the summer training. We
learnt design, implementation, debugging, and documentation of a system and here
in the summer training, we did the same thing.

Really, the summer training period goes very fast and I really enjoyed it. A lot of
knowledge, experiences, stresses, and challenges during this few weeks. I found that
these weeks are valuable and full of knowledge, experiences, and relationships which
can be gained from the real work environment and its challenges.

I would like to suggest that before starting the summer training or the coop
program, a meeting should be done between the students and the coordinator to
prepare the students before they surprise with real life work. Regarding the courses, I
think that it will be useful if the student take COE 400, COE 344 and any other elective
network course before going to the summer training or the coop since it is used a lot in
the real life.

Remotely Controlled Vehicle for Security Applications "USAD 1" Hamad Al-Hajri
Summer Training Report  23

1. The Research Institute Annual Report (2005-2006).







Remotely Controlled Vehicle for Security Applications "USAD 1" Hamad Al-Hajri
Summer Training Report  24

A. Progress Report 1

Remotely Controlled Vehicle for Security Applications "USAD 1" Hamad Al-Hajri
Summer Training Report  25

B. Progress Report 2

Remotely Controlled Vehicle for Security Applications "USAD 1" Hamad Al-Hajri
Summer Training Report  26

C. Progress Report 3

Remotely Controlled Vehicle for Security Applications "USAD 1" Hamad Al-Hajri
Summer Training Report  27


Remotely Controlled Vehicle for Security Applications "USAD 1" Hamad Al-Hajri

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