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The Computer Number System

Presenting : The Hexadecimal Number System

The actual application of Hexadecimal Number System is in the way how the
computer assigned memory addresses. Memory addresses are the actual memory location
where each data is stored systematically for easy and fast search and retrieval process.
Moreover, our data, information, program, or software are stored in hexadecimal number
format. Needless to say, it’s like Octal Number System that is used to conserved memory
storage space. We have to take note that the computer system has done many conversion
process involving a binary to decimal number system conversion and vise-versa to store,
retrieve, manage, and control our data, program, or software.

With this consideration in mind, our learning experience will never go in vain. In
other words, this sole reason is the very essence why we study this different number
system which the computer is using extensively. The hexadecimal number system
consists of ten numbers: 0 to 9 and six letters. These six letters: A through F are also
considered as numerical values. This is a base 16 number system. The given table that
follows is the comparison between the decimal and hexadecimal numbers.

A. Decimal To Hexadecimal Number System Conversion

To convert a decimal number into hexadecimal number, we simply divide it by 16

and we get the remainders. The remainders are read in reverse order to get the
hexadecimal equivalent numbers.

Quotient Remainder
1.) 4210 = ?16
42/16 = 2 10 (is A)
2/16 = 0 2
4210 = 2A16
2.) 33810 = ? 16
338/16 = 21 2
21/16 = 1 5
1/16 = 0 1
33810 = 15216
3.) 2110 = ?

21/16 = 1 5
1/16 = 0 1
2110 = 1516
B. Hexadecimal To Decimal Number Conversion

To convert hexadecimal number into decimal number, we have to multiply each

digit by its positional notation value. Since we are using letters for 10 up to 15 (A
to F), we should change. A into 10, and B into 11, and so on and so forth. Finally
we will compute the sum to get the final answer.


1.) 9B516 = ? 10
9B516 = 9 x 162 + 11 x 161 + 5 x 160
= 2304 + 176 +5
= 248510

2.) F1C16 = 15 x 162 + 1 x 161 + 12 x 160

= 3840 + 16 + 12
= 386010

3.) E816 = 14 x 161 + 8 x 160

= 224 + 8
Decimal Hexadecimal
Number Number C. Hexadecimal To Binary Number Conversion
0 0
1 1 To convert hexadecimal number into
2 2 binary system, simply replace each
3 3 hexadecimal number b y its 4 binary digit
4 4 equivalent. Use the given table below as a
5 5 guide.
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9 A. Decimal To hexadecimal Number Conversion
10 A
11 B To convert a decimal into hexadecimal
number, we simply divide it by 16 and we
12 C
get the remainders. The remainders are
13 D
read in reverse order to get the
14 E
hexadecimal equivalent numbers.
15 F
16 10 Examples:
17 11
18 12 Quotient Remainder
19 13 1.) 4210 = ?16
20 14
21 15 42/16 = 2 10 (is A)
22 16 2/16 = 0 2
23 17 4210 = 2A16
24 18
25 19 2.) 33810 = ? 16
26 1A
27 1B
28 1C
29 1D
30 1E
31 1F
338/16 = 21 2
21/16 = 1 5
1/16 = 0 1
33810 = 15216
3.) 2110 = ?

21/16 = 1 5
1/16 = 0 1
2110 = 1516

B. Hexadecimal To Decimal Number Conversion

To convert hexadecimal number into decimal number, we have to multiply each

digit by its positional value. Since we are using letters for 10 up to 15 (A to F), we
should change A into 10, and B into 11, and so forth. Finally, we will compute the
sum to get the final answer.


1.) 9B516 = ? 10
9B516 = 9 x 162 + 11 x 161 + 5 x 160
=2304 + 176 + 5 = 248510

2.) F1C16 = 15 x 162 + 1 x 161 + 12 x 160

= 3840 + 16 + 12
= 386010

3.) E816 = 14 x 161 + 8 x 160

= 224 + 8
= 23210
C. Hexadecimal To Binary Number Conversion

To covert hexadecimal number into binary number system, simply replace each
hexadecimal number by its 4 binary digit equivalent. Use the given table below as
a guide.
Hexadecimal Number Binary Digit
0 0000
1 0001
2 0010
3 0011
4 0100
5 0101
6 0110
7 0111
8 1000
9 1001
A 1010
B 1011
C 1100
D 1101
E 1110
F 1111


1.) 3BD616 = ?2
3 = 0011
B = 1011
D = 1101
6 = 0110
3BD616 = 00111011110101102

2.) 4F.9A16 = ? 2

4 = 0100
F = 1111
9 = 1001
A = 1010
4F.9A16 = 01001111.100110102

3.) E716 = ? 2

E = 1110
7 = 0111
E716 = 111001112
Other Solutions

We too, can solve this hexadecimal to binary conversion by using the following technique
(like the way we did in octal to binary conversion):

8 4 2 1 The Hexadecimal Equivalent

1 1 1 1 The Binary Equivalent

For example, we want to convert a hexadecimal number F to binary number equivalent.

Obviously, we have the answer: 1111. Now if you try to analyze the process, you will
notice that we can easily get the answer by adding the hexadecimal number equivalent at
the top of each binary number (8+4+2+1). For example again, we want to convert a
hexadecimal number A to binary number equivalent. We have the answer: 1010 since we
simply add the hexadecimal number 8 to its binary number (8+2). What if we want to
convert 8 to its binary equivalent? Going back to our technique, we will have the answer
1000 since we add the hexadecimal number equivalent above each number (8+0+0+0). In
other words, when we combine the three hexadecimal numbers (FA8), we will arrive to
the answer: 1111 1010 10002. What we did with the excess binary number was to simply
make it zero number. Now solve it by your own?

D. Binary To Hexadecimal Number Conversion

To convert binary digit into hexadecimal number, the binary digit is to be grouped
by 4 first, before replacing to its equivalent hexadecimal number. The grouping of 4
digits will start from the right then to the left. Add zero (At the left side group) to make
the digits a multiple of four when lacking of digits arises. Use the previous table as a


1.) 11110102 = ?16

0111/ 1010 ( We add zero at the left side group )
7 A
11110102 = 7A16

2.) 1010111110112 = ? 16
1010111110112 = AFB16

3.) 00012 = ? 16
00012 = 116
Other Solutions

Now this time we reverse the process by converting the binary number into
hexadecimal number equivalent. Again, we can solve this binary to hexadecimal
conversion by using the following technique 9like the way we did in hexadecimal to
binary conversion):

8 4 2 1 The hexadecimal Equivalent

1 1 1 1 The Binary Equivalent

For example, we want to convert 1111 binary number to hexadecimal number equivalent.
Obviously, we have the answer: F Now if you try to analyze the process, you could notice
that we can easily get the answer by adding the hexadecimal number equivalent at the top
of each binary number (8+4+2+1=15(F)). For example again, we want to convert a binary
number 1011 to hexadecimal number equivalent. We have the answer: B since we simply
add the hexadecimal number equivalent of each binary number (8+0+2+1). What if we
want to convert a binary number 0011 to its hexadecimal number equivalent? Going back
to our technique, we will have the answer: 3 since we add the hexadecimal number
equivalent above each binary number (0+0+2+1). In other words, when we combine the
three groups of binary numbers (1111 1011 00112), we will arrive to the answer: FB316.

Test : Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion

A.) Convert the following decimal numbers to hexadecimal numbers.

1.) 6210 = ?16
2.) 3410 = ?16
3.) 23910 = ?16
4.) 95110 = ?16
5.) 71910 = ?16
6.) 86010 = ?16

Test : Hexadecimal to Decimal conversion

B.) Convert the following hexadecimal to decimal numbers.

1.) 8A216 = ?10
2.) E1D16 = ? 10
3.) F416 = ? 10
4.) CC16 = ? 10
5.) 6E7B16 = ? 10

Test : Hexadecimal to Binary Conversion

C.) Convert the following hexadecimal numbers to binary numbers.

1.) 9A16 = ?2
2.) 7F16 = ? 2
3.) E3.5D16 = ? 2
4.) 4B2816 = ? 2
5.) 1CE16 = ? 2
6.) CE116 = ? 2

Test : Binary to hexadecimal Conversion

D.) Convert the following binary numbers to hexadecimal numbers.

1.) 101011002 = ? 16
2.) 11110000 2 = ? 16
3.) 1100111100002 = ?16
4.) 11012 = ? 16
5.) 11101112 = ? 16
6.) 10111012 = ? 16

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