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Nowadays, “Go Green” has been the major trends for transformation of hotel building concept.
It is affected by the raise of awareness on natural and climate protect. In fact, to be green hotel,
it doesn’t necessary to install latest technologies, air and water systems for sure. Sometimes,
upgrading current equipment also can reduce the energy use and improve efficiency. Eco green
concept is actually mean to preserve the natural environment by being earth-friendly. We can
engage eco-friendly habits by being more careful in spending natural resources especially water
and energy which consume a lot in buildings. Besides, we shouldn’t contribution to action
which may cause the pollution of air, water, land and others.

In the assignment, we will design a green building hotel physical structure that running with
eco green concept. Basically, green building is also known as environmentally conscious
construction or sustainable building. The common goal of these green technologies is
minimizing the negative impact to the environment and community surrounding which cause
by the hotel building in various stage of building life-cycle like construction, operation,
maintenance, renovation and others.

Green building actually mean any building that create positive impact and reduce harm to
nature in the section of design, construction and operations. The building is managing the
natural resources with full conscious of earth-friendly. As addition, the goal of green building
can be carry out with few approaches. One of the approach was efficient planning on the usage
of natural resources like water, energy and others. The hotel building energy spending pattern
or design need to plan carefully as some mechanism can reduce the energy need for daily usage,
reduce the use of non-renewable energy while replace with renewable energy. Power plant
which produce energy with natural force like solar, hydro, wind or others is often used in green
building to power up their mechanism as there is zero negative impact to nature. Besides, green
hotel also need take care of guest health and productivity of employees which quite similar
with healthy building. Not only dealing with environmentally responsible and energy-
efficiency but also well-being and healthy of occupants. Other than that, another way which
hotel building can be eco-friendly is avoiding pollutants, reducing unnecessary waste and
environmental degradation which mean the destruction of natural habitat.


2.1 Concept

We will name our resorts as Magnolia Beach Resorts. Magnolia is a beautiful flower that is
pure in white colour. (Figure 2.1.1 & 2.1.2) They are actually ancient flowering plant as their
fossils is discovered long time ago. In flower language, it represent nobility, dignity and love
of nature. We choose this flower to name as its language also have same meaning to our concept,
pressed on the love to nature with eco green operation while we present the love of nature to
our guests with surroundings.

Our hotel is locating near the beach, we design our hotel in maximize the sea view. The hotel
is design with concept in bringing tropical atmosphere to the guests. Which meant we try to
make the hotel is a part of nature. But due to sanitary issue, we do not have too much natural
in the interior part of hotel and focus on luxury and comfort with sufficient sunlight. Half of
our hotel is “buried” into nature while half of it is near the beach and front facing to sea view.
There will be a man-made garden hide in the forest. (Refer to Figure 2.1.3)

In order to go green, we will implement power plant that run renewable energy to reduce the
power demand from grid as most of the power is produce by non-renewable energy. Moreover,
our hotel equipment will focusing on energy efficient capability to reduce energy consumption
from daily operation. The natural resources used during customers stay and employees
operation is request to minimize as low as possible for eco green concept.

Those trees around the resort will be very helpful in circulating the air surround the hotel to be
clean and fresh. Other than that, tourists who came to the resorts is basically looking for leisure
and luxury services. We provide hospitality to serve them in maximum comfort while they
relaxing in the resorts. Therefore, colours that surround resort the most is green, a colour which
known to have “healing powers”. It not only improve the vision of human eyes but also calm
your emotion with restful colour. This is because it is the most emotionally charged colour that
totally opposite to the red colour. Among those greens, dark green like pine tree have the most
relaxing effect.

We design it this way is to raise the awareness of our guest about the beauty of nature which is
now facing depletion. Besides, we hope they understand that the beautiful nature which
supposed to be seen everywhere is now rarely can be seen at vacation area with specific care.
Inspire them to join eco green activities and life style.

Water Tank System (Refer to Figure 2.1.4)

To save energy for water distribution, we will use downfeed water distribution system as our
build is tall enough. The main water tank that receive water from government will be direct to
the rooftop by using a powerful pump in the basement and stop after it reach desired volume.
The distribution of water to resort department is them support by gravitational forces. But small
pump is needed as floor near top roof would have very low gravitational support which might
cause them low water pressure. The small pump is to make sure the standard pressure achieve
when certain floor from top using water.

2.2 HVAC&R System (Refer to Figure 2.2.1)

● Heat Pump

In the hotel, we are using heat pump for heating water and cooling air conditioner units. The
heat pump have two type of function which is extracting heat and also cooling temperature. To
fully utilise its function, we use its evaporator in cooling our air-conditioner units and
condenser to heat up water system. Other than that, we using this system to utilise the heat
energy from air-conditioning system instead of release to the atmosphere. Heat pump is
transferring the heat with a substance known as refrigerant. The refrigerant is turn into gas after
absorbing heat from the evaporator as it has low boiling point. The volume of refrigerants flow
into evaporator is controlled by using Thermostatic Expansion Valve to ensure all liquid is
change into gases as “floodback” would damage the compressor. The hot gas that pass through
will change to higher pressure and reach the condenser. Heat of the gas will release when they
reach condenser as the condenser coil is surround with cold water. The gas that cooled down
will turn into liquid form and reach expansion valve which change their pressure low.

According to one of the ramifications of the First Law of Thermodynamics, the hot gas which
pass though compressor will make their temperature higher after compressed while liquid that
pass though expansion valve will make their temperature lower after expanded. The gas with
high temperature This make the system efficient as we need the evaporator to absorb heat from
air-con water, with lower temperature, the heat transfer from higher temperature part to lower
temperature part more efficiently. Besides, the condenser also can release heat efficiently as
their surrounding would have lower temperature compare to hot gas that compressed in coil.

The coil of evaporator and condenser will be made of copper as they transmit heat better, does
not easily corrode and also have high melting point which make them safe to use.

● Centralized Hot Water System

To save more energy used, we using centralized hot water system to supply for hotel guestroom
usage instead of individual water heater is installed in each room. There will be tons of total
electricity consumption and maintenance fees when the heater run and deteriorate
simultaneously. For centralized hot water system, the water will heat in a same place and
distribute to each room. There will be lower electric cost and maintenance only would needed
for the centralize system.

There will be cold water supply into the hot water system by filling its tank. The condenser is
pre-heating the cold water before it flow to tank by utilise the heat collected from air-
conditioner units. The heat energy is transfer from the copper coil of condenser into water
surround them. Furthermore, the electrical heater will increase temperature of water in the tank
to at least 60 ℃ because the heat transferred from the air-conditioner units is not sufficient to
provide suitable temperature for guest room usage but only utilise for pre-heating for reduce
energy used. After reaching maximum temperature, the heater will be turn off and only
reactivate after temperature drop below the minimum setting. After heating, the hot water will
keep flowing throughout the whole building pipe system without stopping to avoid water
cooled down in the pipe if stopped. The water which did not used by guest will flow to the hot
water tank and re-heat. Therefore, the pipeline of cold water and hot water is different as the
cold water can build in dead end while hot water pipeline is built in a loop which lead them
back to the heating point. Or else, every time guest switch on the taps need to drain all the cold
water before the hot water from condenser is delivered if we adopt vertical pipeline to work for
hot water in all day, it would be excessively wasteful.

The reason that we heat up the temperature of water tank to at least 60 ℃ even the standard
temperature need was 50 ℃ to 56 ℃ is because of avoiding Legionnaires Disease. This disease
is caused by an aquatic organism that survive in warm environment which called Legionella
Pneumophila. About 1 out of 10 of the patient who sick of Legionnaires’ disease will die due
to complications form of illness. As per research stated, the Legionellae will only die within
32 minutes if the temperature is heated to 60 ℃. Therefore, the hot water tank will be heat up
to 60 ℃ by using electrical heater. After hot water is flow to the guest room, the heat will loss

and probably reach the taps with around 50 ℃ for guest to manually mix with mixing valve.
But the water still no recommend to consume before cook with kettle.

Moreover, this water system is equip with 2 pumps at each section. Each of the pump will
function by taking turn every 6 hours to avoid overloaded. Other than that, the system also not
necessary to shut down when one of the pump failed as another pump can run the system when
another pump is under repair. The motorized valve is install in the pipeline to control the flow
of water with either close or open.

For the hot water tank and pipeline, we will consider to use insulator which reduce the heat
loss during deliver to guest rooms. The common insulator used for pipe line could be
polyethylene or neoprene foam which use to cover up the pipe from outside and help retaining
the heat inside. Besides, the hot water tank also will insulated with multi-foil reflective
insulation solution. It will cover up the tank to form a enclose area with air gap between the
outer layer and the tank. The heat will reflect instantly to the enclosure and heat transfer through
the multi-foil insulation is minimize with the radiant barrier. This is because the air pocket can
prevent the cold transfer heat out with conduction.

● Air Conditioning

Normally, air-conditioning unit will use refrigerant to transmit the heat collected to condenser
but our resort is using water as medium. The air-conditioning units is far away from the
centralized chiller which require sufficient pressure. The refrigerant cannot be pump but need
to travel in gas form which can easily cause fire hazards if any leakage. On the other hand,
water can travel in liquid form which quite efficient in absorbing heat and safe to use. Besides,
chemical will be added to avoid corrosion of pipeline. The pump will support the water to have
enough pressure to reach the whole building. Water collect heat from the air-conditioner units
and release them to evaporator coil. Then, cooled water will go through the air-conditioner
units again to form a loop with the support of water pump. Same as hot water system, there is
2 pump on each section to avoid the shutdown of system due to single pump failure. They run
by turn every 6 hours when both of them are functioning well.

● Cooling Tower

The cooling tower is used to cool down the temperature of water when the hot water system
have reached sufficient level of water. The motorized valve of hot water system will shutdown
and direct the hot water to cooling tower. We will adopt counter flow cooling tower system
which spray the hot water on fill materials with nozzles. The water spray on fill materials will
be slow down and expose maximum surface area for best air-water contact. In the meanwhile,
cooling tower fan will be activate to vacuum hot air out of the cooling tower. Therefore, some
water vapour will evaporated while most of the water is cooled down. The makeup water from
the makeup tank would be needed to replenish the water loss in the system. This is to ensure
consistent efficiency in cooling process of condenser with sufficient volume of cooling water.
Due to chemical in the water to prevent insect breeding will be concentrate if water evaporated,
a breed off valve open to dump certain portion of water. As the concentrate water dump while
dilute water direct from makeup tank, the density of chemical will be balanced.

2.3 Power Plant

Wave Energy Power Plant – Wavestar Machine (Refer to Figure 2.3.1)

We will be using Wavestar Machine as our main power plant for electricity supply to the hotel
because it produce considerable amount of clean energy which is totally renewable. This power
plant is a mechanism that design to convert kinetic wave power into electricity by utilizing
oceans which cover more than 70% of Earth’s surface that possess immense power.

● Device Concept

In full scale device, it is a wave energy power plant which build on the sea with about 20 buoys
which also known as “floats” attached to it. According to the test, each station can produce
about 6 megawatts of energy or enable a single machine power up for 4000 homes. With 5 to
10 seconds apart, the swells and waves of sea waves will oscillate the half-submerged buoys
up to harvest kinetic energy kinetic motion of the waves. The half-submerged buoys will line
in a rows and utilise every sea waves to produce energy continuously even sea waves being

● Power Take-Off System (PTO)

When the buoys on the oceans being rise and fall by the motions of sea waves, the motions is
also transferred to the hydraulics device through the arms that attached to the main platform
with stands secured to the sea floor. After that, the generator will rotate and produce electricity.
The sea waves will lift the floats in turn by running along with the length of power plant. The
motor and generator will be powered by continuous motion that each of the buoys received in
turn to ensure smooth output of energy provide for hotel usage.

● Storm Protection

The Wavestar Machine is equipped with unique storm protection system. This system is
protecting the structure of machine being damaged by weather to guarantee sea survivability.
It is very important for Wavestar Machine being able withstand the strongest storms on sea as
it produce wave energy which require to place on area with certain level of sea waves that
associated with wind velocity. If the conditions is too stormy, the system will raises the floats
out of the sea automatically when it detect dangers.

● Future Development

In future, to enhance the capability of wave energy power plant, wind turbine can be added by
utilise the space in power station. The sea wave will always run together with wind that create
motion for it. The wind will run the turbine while buoys is receiving sea wave motion and both
produce energy at the same time in one station.

Rooftop Photovoltaic Power Station

Solar panels is form with a series of solar cells. Each of the solar cell is sandwich semiconductor
which is crystalline silicon in between conductive layer. The semiconductor is form by
combining two type layer of silicon. One of them have extra electrons that free to move around
which cause them more conductive. Another one have extra spaces for electrons, those “holes”
is form by missing electrons which cause them less conductive for electrons. The layer of
silicon with extra electrons is known as N-Type and silicon with “holes” is P-Type. When
sunlight particle which is Photons hit on the solar cells with enough energy, it can knock an
electron out from its bond and leave a “holes”. The free electrons is move to N-Type and “holes”

drawn to P-Type because of electric field. After that, the moving electrons is collected by a
thin layer of metal on the top of cells and run into electric circuit, finally end up at P-Type and
back to the “holes”. There is nothing will be used up in solar energy system.

The Photovoltaic Power Station is consist of Photovoltaic System that generating electricity
with solar panels mounted on the rooftop of building. The power collected from sunlight will
be directed for the use of CCTV during day time. To ensure CCTV is still functioning in the
night time, it will still attached to power grid for 24 hour surveillance. When the power of solar
energy is not meeting the demand energy, it will still obtain energy from the electric utility.
After sufficient energy achieved, the excess energy will fed back to the grid.

Our hotel will build a Photovoltaic Power Station on the roof of hotel by adopting thin-film
solar cell. Thin-film solar cell is a second generation solar cell. It is made by setting one or few
layers of thin film that made from photovoltaic materials on a substrate like metal, glass or
plastic. Therefore, the thin-film solar cell have variety of thickness from few nanometers to
tens of micrometers. Besides, this also cause the thin-film has flexible characteristics and low
weight. It fit more type of surface compared conventional solar panel. For example, thin-film
can fit on a curve surface by slightly banned with the design. Thin-film Solar Panel are used
because they are much lighter and have strong durability. The solar cells in the panel is about
350 times smaller than standard silicon panel. The efficiency of thin-film is proof with 2016
demonstrated tests, it is reaching 25% efficiency in generating energy. Well, it still depends on
the roof space you prepared for the solar system.

● Cadmium Telluride Thin-Film Solar Cells (Refer to Figure 2.3.2)

The thin-film we using was Cadmium Telluride Thin-Film Solar Cells. It is cheap compared to
other type of thin film except Amorphous Silicon Thin-Film but it only with 10% efficiency.
The Cadmium Telluride Thin-Film have a peak record of 18% of efficiency which mean the
percentage of photons transformed into electric current when they hitting on the surface of cell
is 18%. If we focus on efficiency, Gallium Arsenide Thin-Film with 30% might be more
efficient but it is too expensive to manufacture. For toxicity concern, unfortunately the
Cadmium Telluride Thin-Film Solar Cells consists of cadmium which capable of causing
cancel tissue but studies show that Cadmium Telluride is less toxic than elemental cadmium
after combined as it has low oral, acute inhalation and aquatic toxicity. Besides, CdTe modules
can be recycle at the end of their life time.

2.4 Building Materials

Heat-Reflecting Glass Window (Refer to Figure 2.4.1)

The Magnolia Beach Resort is place at the beachside. Therefore, there is no huge building in
surrounding that help to block sunlight and heat. To save more energy, keep the resorts room
temperature as low as possible so that the use of air-conditioning would be minimize. For
example, hotel which located at cold weather climate like Genting Highland wouldn’t have
much guests using their air-conditioning as the temperature is comfort enough. To reduce the
heat transmit from out resource, we would use heat-reflecting glass window which can reflect
the heat from entering resort. The window is work by reflect ultraviolet and infrared light from
the sun while allow visible light which we need to pass through. The infrared light is the wave
that make us feel the direct heat while ultraviolet can cause sunburn. The heat-reflecting
windows inner part normally have a thin reflective coating that made of two or more layers of
metallic oxide. They are extremely thin to ensure that we can still see through the windows but
they make window look slightly brown or grey colour. When the heat is reflected, this make
the work for air-conditioning to maintain the room temperature be easier as the temperature
arise very slow. Energy consumption for air-conditioner will eventually low too.


Lobby is a room provided space of out for the guests to rest when they come back. This lobby
needed to provide as for who are want to visit in our hotel or wait for check in or check out. It
also can relieve or alleviate congestion during a peak hour period. Therefore, the lobby bring
convenient to the customers as it can give them get the valuable as well as useful information
that provided by the hotel and can cut management expenses from the customers.

3.1 Furniture

Eco Friendly Sectional Sofa

The sectional sofa is designed to be located in the right entrance of inside the customer lounge
room (Refer to picture 3.1.1). The sectional sofa is lean against the wall for give the customers
won’t feel emptiness and more feel romantic. It also to bring more comfortable for customers
who are wanted to take resting in the customer lounge or enjoy the Wi-Fi that people don’t
have own data. The shape of couch sofa that we selected is L shape for more seating space and
has the good view. It can give the customers who are family, traveller or businessman to gather
together for chatting, meeting, and so on. The materials are made by the Faux leather for easy
to clean or usage for long-term.

Other than that, the colour of couch that we are using the Lava which is under the names of
grey colour with the Sherwin Williams cream colour’s walls. Other than that, this sofa also get
more people like it and most popular in the American. It has a unique by itself which is the
variety of cross sections, working well wedged into a corner or floating in the middle of a
customer’s lounge. The sofa also can save space for the hotel because it has the standards size
of sofa for the spaces. The L-shape of sectional sofa that we combine with 3 set of table and

Swell Sofa

Swell is a minimalist sofa with a playful and relaxed feel. Its soft, bending or curved shape
makes it comfortable and beautiful. The materials are used Fiberglass and Resin for make it to
soft and touch with the good texture. The swell sofa that the designed have for single seat, two
seat, and three seat. The two set of single seat and one set of two seat is placed with the sectional

sofa that keep to the wall. Besides that, the three seat of swell sofa is placed with the sectional
sofa as well whereas it is opposite with the single seat and two seat of swell sofa. On top to
this, these sell sofa is placed on the customer lounge and two more seat of swell sofa is placed
on public areas (Refer to picture 3.1.2).

Another two seat of swell sofa is placed close to the French windows. This sofa can easily to
match anything with the any type of colour and suitable for used in any decoration in the areas
or room. Furthermore, swell sofa has provided a features which is using a soft as well as
flexibly materials to produce, textile is made by the Gabriel Medley to make the upholstered
becomes more comfortable softly. In the additional, we are using the colour of all swell sofa is
using the Lava in order with the sectional sofa.

Curved Fabric Semicircle Sectional

Using the two of curved fabric semicircle sectional is designed to place on middle of the
customer lounge for look like more beautiful and let the atmosphere becomes more alive or
attracting focus from customers (Refer to picture 3.1.3). The shape of curved fabric semicircle
sectional is bending like alphabet of U as for give a large group of customers to sit. It is also
lower-slung contour, and gives it a timeless organic luxury look. On top of this, it’s cushions
are fixed nor easy floating can have brought to customers well feeling as the cushion will not
be moving to anywhere. Besides that, the curved fabric semicircle sectional can seat maximum
10 people and can give the customers to enjoy when they stayover in our hotel together with
their parents, relative or a group of friends.

In the selection of the colour for the curved fabric semicircle sectional is using the rhino which
is under the grey colour to make a different between the sectional sofa and swell sofa. Besides
that, it is using the materials of Wicker or Rattan to make the shape of sofa more stable and
specific the shape of curve. The textile that popular is made by Hand-Crafted Quality. It has a
good sophisticated appearance to the customer could keep in their impression and make them
willing to come back again.

Calvin Sofa

The Calvin sofa is place on the public areas with the swell sofa to match together. We are
choosing the two seat for the customers (Refer to picture 3.1.4). The shape is more spacious
than other sofa as it can give the customer gain more comfortable when sitting. The materials
made by the Polyester Chenille Fabric as it is reducing or less chemicals and using by more
natural techniques to make the base layer for more comfortable as well as provided more
functional such as elastic, drying faster, water repellent and more. It is easily to be cleaning
when the customer accidentally to pouring out the drink on the sofa. It provided a good quality
for the upholstered to get more softness and elasticity.

The colour of the Calvin sofa is using a grey colour for more suitable in the lobby. It is because
wanted to look like more neatly and view nice of its. And it won’t faster become tidy like the
white colour or another brightening colour.

Sofa Lounge Chair

The single sofa lounge chair has provided two seat in the public area with another one of the
swell sofa. It design is because to make the lobby looked like different as well as it won’t be
let the customers to feeling monotonous (Refer to picture 3.1.5). Most of the customer like a
freshness in the anything whatever is furniture or food and beverage.

Other than that, the materials are made by the Synthetic Fabrics and Faux Leather. It also
combines with the nylon to be create and durable materials for usage long time. The materials
of cushion are made from the polyurethane foam or polyester fibre for make to softer and

This can for the customers sitting alone when they don’t want to share the sofa with the stranger.
It can be face to face with the friend, family, business man and other to take a chatting, plan
for the travel or something is important.

Ariel Bar Stool

The Ariel bar stool usually is usage in the restaurant who wanted to enjoy the performance of
the staff but it will have placed on the public area in the lobby of hotel for the customer to seat
for alone that who are wanted (Refer to 3.1.6). The colour is using the pigeon which is under
the blue colour of selection.

The frame materials are Bicast Leather Birchwood and Plywood to make a stronger strut and
stables. This able be last longer by using the normal lotion to prevent it in every week. Besides
that, the upholstered is using the leather as well as the back cushion is using the Polyester
Chenille Fabric to make it all. This is provide the upholstered seat, backrest and arms sit on
show wood stronger legs.

Michigan leisure Chair

The two seat of Michigan leisure chair is placed on middle of the L-shape of sectional sofa to
addition more chairs to the customer during a peak period (Refer to picture 3.1.7). Besides
that, another four seat of chairs is placed on the public areas to fill up the spaces of public areas
Its design like a modern daybed for customer who are lazing or very like to reading book and
for ultimate comfort. The materials are made by whole upholstered in the polyester. It also with
the linen blend with luxurious feather padding are fully decorated and can attract attention from
the customers.

Contemporary Coffee Chair

It has two seat of contemporary coffee chairs is placed on customer lounge room which is
middle of two single seat of swell sofa, three seat for the swell sofa and in front of the sectional
sofa. Other than that, one seat of coffee chair is between the two set of curved fabric semicircle
sectional. Another two set of contemporary coffee chair is placed on the public area with the
Calvin sofa and Swell sofa (Refer to picture 3.1.8).

The materials are made by Safety-Tempered Glass Top as well a Metal. It is because has a lot
of materials to match together becomes more functionally such as glass top, mental
construction and satin gold to complete all the sides. Apart on top of this, it also easily to
cleaning after usage the table with a bottle a polish.

Birch Lane Nash Coffee table

The Birch Lane Nash coffee table is placed on the customer lounge between the swell sofa and
L-shape sectional sofa (Refer to picture 3.1.9). The materials are made by a glamorous mix

of clear tempered glass and gold-finished metal for offer a look to both of them airy and luxe.
This is having the glass top and mental gold to construction finish all.

The colour has standard colour like transparent glass with the golden side. This Nash coffee
table will be show the classical beauty and elegancy. It will be attracting more high level of
customer come to visit our hotel. The appearance of the Nash coffee table is more high level
and not will out of the style or fashion which is using the quality of material.

3.2 Electrical

Egyptian Crystal

The Egyptian Crystal is one type of the crystal lighting style (Refer to picture 3.2.1). And it
is called Moroccan Crystal or Gem cut as well in the world. The Egyptian Crystal is hanging
on the ceiling at the main enter to give the customer who walk in the hotel can saw it. We
choosing this crystal as it’s lighting can irradiation or reflect to more place or area. Besides
that, it can be replaced quite more LED lighting as well as reduce the costs of installed for a lot
of light bulbs.

The design is more beauty, minimalistic, and shine to decorate the areas for enhance the around
of the ambience. Using it to make more clear visual purity and precise polishing. In additionally,
the Egyptian Crystal has bigger size and brighter than other lighting as well as it can be suit
into the any decoration scheme when something wanted to changing such as wall finishing,
floor finishing, or layout. This also will capture someone attention when the customers walk in
the hotel for first time. It included the normal electricity to spend it with the gas lower -risk

Cognac glass ball bronze ring pendant lamp

The lamp is installed on the curved fabric semicircle sectional and contemporary coffee table
on the ceiling. It only using 100 watt of bulb wattage as can reduce the cost of electricity. Other
than that, has 8 of light bulbs in the set of Cognac glass ball bronze ring pendant lamp. The
lighting style using the modern and contemporary for usage long-term time and it won’t out of
the style.

The colour of the lamp is provided the grey in order with the colour of the sofa. This has the
suitable brightness of light for the customers who are take a rest, reading book, or make a phone
to someone. It brightness won’t be over shining to injured the customer’s eyes.

Other than that, it also can bring more customers willing to stay over in our hotel. We using
this lamp for to more shower the elegant and beauty. It is because can leave a good impression
in the mind of the customers. Thus, their willing to come back again or take a booking when
wanted to travel.

Ambient Lighting

The whole lobby of hotel is using the ambient lighting (Refer to picture 3.2.3). It usually using
to the bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom as for them to better lighting. The ambient lighting is
simple ceiling pendant. It has combine with a variety of different types of lighting such as
concealed light, downlights, ceiling light and other. It is using 240 watts and 40 watts for stable
the electricity.

We used the ambient lighting to the lobby areas for let the areas to get bright as match with any
other type of the lighting such as chandelier crystal. The colour temperature is 3000 kelvins for
average the colour. Not only the colour of ambient lighting also in line with our concept and
will increase the atmosphere for to the customers feeling romantic. The ambient light that we
using the normal colour like yellow in the morning and using the colour like yellow with a little
blue at night.

Water Dispenser

The water dispenser is placed on public areas for offer to the customers drinking when they
feel thirst and they don’t want to take order the beverage (Refer to picture 3.2.4). This is free
for the customers to refill until their satisfaction. The colour of water dispenser that we
choosing is black colour as its surface easily becomes dirty even if has cleaning. The reason
that why we choosing the water dispenser as it provides good high quality compressor as well
as also offers LED indicators to give the customers channels. Other than that, it has the build
in child safety lock as well for let the customers who are family can rest assured when their

child is close with the water dispenser. Also, it cool water tank and hot water tank can fill up
with the volume that is 3.2 L and 1 L.

The material is the stainless steel on the surface to using longer time. Furthermore, the cooling
power is providing 80 watts and the heating power is providing 500 watts for achieve a standard
temperatures give the customers don’t need to wait long times. The voltage only has 115v AC
60Hz for lower the cost of the electricity. Moreover, the cooling capacity is 0.8 L/H and the
heating capacity is 3.8 L/H to stable the power inside the water dispenser.

Air Conditioner

It is using the duct 3D airflow multi-split type air conditioner for have the good view in the
lobby of hotel. It design is the hidden of body the air conditioner that inside the wall, only the
3D airflow is display on the wall for offers desired cooling comfort all day long and let the cool
temperature stay indoors (Refer to Picture 3.2.5). Besides that, it is also being embedded in
the interior design that won’t influence the aesthetic value of the hotel’s lobby. The 3D airflow
can transmit to get the air refreshing to every corner for the customers.

The voltage is 220v for current saving flow in the hotel and also to prevent leakage. The
capacity of air conditioner is 7000btu to average for every area. Moreover, the power of the air
conditioner is 28w to maintain the power for each using every day. In the cooling and heating
capacity is arrange and setting in the standard temperature for the lobby by the maintenance
worker of hotel. Also, its provide low operation sound level as well to reduce the noisy sound
and clearly to heard the people asking something when the customers have something needed
to ask the staff.


The computer that we are choosing is personal computer for easily to setting a lot of functional.
It combines with the hardware system and software system, is a device that can run
independently and perform specific functions. Moreover, the three seat of personal computer
is placed on the reception counter to the front office’s worker for easily to perform their task
or work (Refer to picture 3.2.6).

Other than that, the personal computer is a multiple-purpose function computer such as
capacity, size and price. It has provided power supply between the 100V to 240V also make an
energy safety to the hotel for environment protection. Not only have the power supply, it offers
functional of faster speed network as well and network is using the Integrated Broadcom
10/100/1000 of Gigabit Ethernet. This is because reduce the time of customer waiting to check
in or check out when the busy period.

3.3 Wall Finishing

The colour that we choosing is modern tile and modern colour’s wall. The lobby was decorating
or using a modern colour for the customers feel comfortable, sunlight, and refreshing. Besides
that, before we using tile of the colour on the walls that needed to match with the concept of
our done to decision. The colour that we use on the walls is light colour like the yellow, white,
and orange (Refer to picture 3.3.1). These type of colour enables to create a soft and make a
good mood light at around of the environment of lobby.

The tile’s colour of the wall is Stucco Venetian (Refer to picture 3.3.2). It is a polished plaster
and made with a variety materials of synthetic acrylics as well as fibres for add to flexible and
strength. It will more durable than other type of tile as it can obtain attractive from customers
and also for weatherproof wall. Thus, it will strongly show the colour especially with direct
sunlight on it and brighter the lobby. Other than that, it easily to clean the wall by use the
detergent if the customers accidentally to pour out the beverage on the wall or the footprint on
the wall. This tiles also can be using for longer time that means it don’t need to repaint it for
the short time of period.

Furthermore, not only easily to cleaning, it also can bring more comfortable, softly and warm
white which is classic to the customers when they walk in to the hotel. Thus, cause the
customers willing to spend more time or stay with longer time in the hotel for enjoy. Also,
using this tiles can bring elegant and courtesy for show the concept of the hotel.

3.4 Floor Finishing

The floor finishing that decorate in the customer’s lounge is polished concrete floors. For the
reason as the polished concrete including the eco green to describe via the energy performance

to reducing the energy cost as well as increasing the natural light entering an interior of hotel
for customer feeling sunlight. Besides that, it can be reducing the total of construction waste
during a renovation. Polished concrete floors are considered low maintenance, strong, and more
durable to lasting for a long time and easier to cleaning than other floor option for the hotel to
take a decision and choosing it.

Other than that, polished concrete is placed on the floor of whole hotel (Refer to picture 3.3.3).
It floors tile is more in line with the concept of the hotel that why we using it. Other than that,
it is made from cut with a breed of diamond abrasives of the concrete slab or cutting the floor
with a concrete grinder requires extra time and diamond wear until they flatten.

Another reason that is it offers the quality to reduce allergen, dust mite problems and the
molding won’t be growth for safety to the customer who are body of allergen. Furthermore, if
using the polished concrete floor can be reducing light needed in the hotel and can using the
natural lighting to irradiation inside the hotel for reducing the costs of the electricity and let the
hotel can be using the natural light becomes more shining.


In the hotel, the guestrooms are one of the most important in the hotel. It is a lodging that
charge fees for provide sleeping accommodation to people who always from home. Therefore,
the hotel guestrooms should be having good structure and design as well as atmosphere in order
to attract more customers comes to visit and stay.

4.1 Furniture


The wardrobe will be placed beside the bathroom. It is easy for the guests to pick up their
clothes before go to the bathroom. The wardrobe used by executive suite room is the three door
wardrobe maple. It features triple cabinets and two drawers. (Refer to picture 4.1.1)

In contrast, the size of wardrobe for the twin room is smaller than executive suite room. The
wardrobe used is the two door wardrobe maple. It features double cabinets and one drawer.
(Refer to picture 4.1.2) For these two types of the wardrobe, it is made by the soft maple. The
soft maple has the characteristics of the shock resistance. It means that the furniture will not
easily to be damaged. Therefore, we choose to use the wardrobe maple in our guestrooms.

Side table

For the twin rooms, the side table will be placed between the two single beds. It is to allow the
guests to put their own belongings near to them. The colour of the side table is the white with
gold feet and it features one drawer. For the executive rooms, the side table will be place beside
the double beds. The size of the side table is bigger than the twin room. It features one drawer.
(Refer to picture 4.1.3)

The side table is made by the pine wood. Because of the light colour, the furniture made by the
pine wood is easily fit with other furniture with different colour in the hotel. Other than that,
pine wood is considered as shock resistance. It means that the furniture is not easy to be
damaged. It is to reduce the chance of the furniture in our guestroom being damaged by the
guests. Moreover, the pine wood has light weight and therefore it is easy to move or re-arrange
the furniture, especially for the cleaning process.

Besides that, the table lamp will be placed on the side table. The colour of the table lamp is
light blue colour and it is fit with the light colour of the side tables. (Refer to picture 4.1.4) It

enables to create the soft and comfort mood light in the guestroom.

Dressing table

The design of dressing table used in the guestroom is white dressing table with few drawers
and one mirror. (Refer to picture 4.1.5) It provides plenty space for the daily make up and
some jewellery. This dressing table is made by the medium-density fibreboard (MDF).

The dressing table that we choose is made by the MDF. This because the surface of MDF is
smooth and therefore it will not have any voids or splinters on the cut edges. It will avoid any
sawdust that will fall on the floor.

Coffee table

The coffee table is painted in white colour and it features bottom shelf which provide extra
storage for the guest to put the magazine and newspaper. (Refer to picture 4.1.6) Also, the
hotel will place the kettle, mineral waters and any coffees powder on the table.

The coffee table is made by MDF. The MDF is resistant to insects due to some chemicals are
used. It can help to avoid any potential of attracting the insect. In addition, it will not have any
voids or splinters on the cut edges.

Dining table

The dining table is only available for the executive suite room. The dining table is made by
marble wood. It consists of a square marble dining table with four chairs. The colour of the
dining table and chairs is mixed of the white and black. (Refer to picture 4.1.7)

The marble dining table is able to increase the standards of the guestroom. This is because the
marble dining table will be able to provide classic beauty and elegance. It will be able to attract
the high-standards of the guest to choose to stay at the executive suite room. Other than this,
the marble dining table can be last longer and will not out of the styles. Therefore, we do not
need to replace it in the short period of times.

Fabric sofa

For the executive suite room, it consist of two fabric sofa whereas there are only one fabric
sofa will be place in the twin room. Also, the size of the sofa placed in executive suite room is
different from the twin room. For instance, there are two fabric sofas with three seater in the
executive suite room (Refer to picture 4.1.8) whereas there are only one fabric sofa with two
seater in the twin room. (Refer to picture 4.1.9) In executive room, the sofa is placed near by
the window whereas in twin room, the sofa is placed in front of the bed and near by the door.

The sofa is made up of the premium polyester fabric, S Spring which is able to last longer. It
enables to provide comfortable seating experience to the guests. Furthermore, the reason that
we choose this sofa is also polyester fabric has a strong fibres that do not wear down quickly
and it can also resistant to wrinkles and shrinking. Unlike other, it can dry quickly which makes
it perfect for colder weather. Moreover, it also provide more comfortable seat for guest to rest
in hotel.


In executive suite room, there have a one queen size bed whereas the twin room have two single
beds. The bed that we placed close to the bathroom and toilet. Generally, the guest room's bed
consists of the bed frame, mattress, pillow and duvet. In order to allow the guests to sleep more
comfortably, the sheet we choose to use are made by the microfiber and polyesters whereas the
bed frame is made by the solid rubber wood. This is because the microfiber and polyesters can
stain resistant. Therefore, the stains stained by the customer can be easily cleaned and not stuck
on the sheets. Also, microfiber and polyesters are much more stain resistant than other fabrics.

Additionally, the material of bed frame that we choose is solid rubber wood. (Refer to picture
4.1.10) This is because the solid rubber wood is more stable and it can afford more height
weight. Also, the reason that we choose this material is rubber is burn-resistant. This is because
in order to prevent some customers smoking in the room and negligently to putting out the
cigarette or do not stubbed his or her cigarette out in an ash tray to cause a fire. Thence, the
solid rubber wood is more suitable.


The guest room's curtain is made by 100% canvas and the color is white. (Refer to picture
4.1.11) One of the biggest benefits of canvas is its easy acceptance of various chemical
treatments to enhance its natural properties, including increased water resistance, flame
retardancy and mildew resistance. Also, itt enables to help the guests to block the sunlight and
the peoples vision. Moreover, canvas curtain is more durable than other fabrics curtain as it
can use for more than 10 years.

TV stand

The function of the TV stand is to place the television and the remote control. The television
that we only provide in executive room. Then, we placed the television and TV stand beside
the window. The length of the TV stand is depending on the size of the television. Besides that,
the TV stand includes two drawers which provide the extra place for the guests to keep their
things. (Refer to picture 4.1.12) The TV stand that we choose to use is marble stand. This is
because marble material is usually beautiful and high class. Therefore, it can let ccustomers
look elegant and sophisticated as well as enhance the atmosphere of the room. Also, the color
of TV stand that we used is mixed with the white and blue. (Refer to picture 4.1.12)

4.2 Electrical

Ceiling Fan

Other than that, our hotel has also installed an energy star ceiling fan in each guest rooms. The
shape of the energy star ceiling star looks like a starfish. However, it consists of 3 fan blades.
(Refer to picture 4.2.1)

The reason that we use these ceiling fans because it produce little or no environmental impact
as well as save the hotel's energy costs. Moreover, this ceiling fan does not lower the
temperature of the room; it also makes the room feel cool. Furthermore, the energy star ceiling
fan can also enhance guests visual appearance as it is different shape compared with other
ceiling fan.


The lighting we used in the hotel room was recessed lighting. (Refer to picture 4.2.2) The
reason that we used this lighting is recessed lighting makes the room looks bigger because it
actually takes up less visual space in the room as the light can is set on the ceiling. Not only
installed in room, we have also installed in bathroom.

Also, the color of the lights is also in line with the concept of our hotel. And not only in line
with the concept of our hotel, will it also enhance the atmosphere of the hotel. Therefore, it will
attract more guests come to stay as feel comfortable. In additionally, the recessed lighting also
casts light on the wall that we want to highlight for other design reasons.

Air Conditioner

Other than that, the air conditioner that we installed in the executive suite room and twin room
are 1.0hp Inverter Wall Mounted Air Conditioner. (Refer to picture 4.2.3) This is because this
type of air conditioner is more saving energy. Therefore, it can also help our hotel save energy
and respond to environmental protection. Furthermore, the feature of this air conditioner is fast
cooling. So, guests can get air-conditioned as soon as they enter the room. In addition, the
feature of this air conditioner is it cans auto-restart with surge protection. Also, it also keeps
our air clean for a healthy life.


The television that we only provide in executive suite room. The television that placed beside
the window and in front of the sofa and coffee table in order the guest can easily to see. The
television that our hotel provides is LED television. The size of LED television is about 32-
inch. (Refer to picture 4.2.4)

By having a LED television, the guest can enjoy or access a lot of channels that offer TV
programs, movies, and music. In additional, in order to avoid the boring guests in the room,
they can enjoy or watch TV shows.

Water Heater

In each bathroom, we have attached the shower heater in each guestrooms. The shower heater
that we used in bathroom is Solar Water Heaters. (Refer to picture 4.2.5)

The reason that we used Solar Water Heater is it can save energy cost. In the case of solar
thermal panel, the energy of the sun is used to heat the water stored in the hot water tank and
absorb it when needed. There is usually an immersion heater or an additional backup boiler
that can heat the water to the temperature required for winter or provide additional water during
the summer.

Other than that, Solar Water Heater is more durable than others as well as less maintenance is
required. In addition, it can run for up to 20 years.


In executive suite room, we have provide a big refrigerator to the guest. The refrigerator that
we provide to the guests are Big French Side-by-Side 4-Door Refrigerator. (Refer to picture
4.2.6) The color of the refrigerator is black color. The reason that we choose this refrigerator
is it can quick freezing. Also, function of this refrigerator have water tank with filter. Therefore,
guests can drink the clean and fresh water that we provide. In additional, this refrigerators
feature is touch screen controller. Therefore, it can more convenience for the guests to use and

In twin room, we have provide mini bar fridge to the guests. (Refer to picture 4.2.7) It is
smaller than executive suite rooms refrigerator. The color of the mini bar fridge is black and
we placed the mini bar fridge inside the TV stand. Therefore, the guests can easier to get their
beverage and can watching television while having a drink. In additional, the reason that we
used this mini bar fridge is it can remain cool and chilled for longer hours. Also, it can saving
more energy cost.

4.3 Wall

We choose the modern wall design. The wall of the guestroom were decorated to be modern
which focuses on the simplicity and comfortable. The colors that we paint on the wall is light
colors such as white and blue. (Refer to picture 4.3.1) By painting this types of the color, it
enables to create the soft and comfort mood light in the guestroom, and hence, our guests can
relax while staying in our hotel.

For the types of the paint, we use the eggshell paint. (Refer to picture 4.3.1) This paint has the

characteristics of good stain wash ability. It mean that it is easy to wash and clean if there are
any dust on the wall. Other than that, this paint can last for longer period and therefore we do
not need to repaint the wall for the short period of the times.

Other than that, we adopt the ceramic wall tile in bathroom. The color that we choose on the
wall tiles is neutral color such as gray. (Refer to picture 4.3.2) The reason that we use this
material is ceramic wall tile is easy to keep clean than other tiles as well as more durable than
other tiles. Also, ceramic wall tile not easier to lose their color and do not crack under pressure.

4.4 Floor


In every hotel guest rooms, the carpet is also one of the most important things. Therefore, the
carpet that we used is woven carpet. The woven carpet is made by natural fibers. (Refer to
picture 4.4.1) Also, the woven carpet is more durable and high quality than other carpet.

The reason that our hotel used this carpet as the carpet itself is slip resistant. Therefore, this
carpet can prevent customers from slipping, especially for the children. This is because the
children around 5-7 age will be more active and that may be will run around the room or
corridor. So, this carpet is more suitable for preventing children or guests fall down.

Other than that, we adopt the color of woven carpet is white with little bit gray as it carpets
color is more suitable to our hotel concept and it will also bring more comfortable and high
standard atmosphere. (Refer to picture 4.4.1)

Besides that, the materials used on our bathroom floor tiles are consistent with the materials of
the walls tiles which is ceramic. This is because it is easy to clean and wash as well do not
easier to lose their color when washing the floor. (Refer to picture 4.3.2)


Restaurant have play a necessary role in the business, social, highbrow and artistic life of
a prosperous society. Nowaday, every place can found a restaurant it is because human
need to fulfil stomach.

5.1 Furniture

Rattan Chair

Rattan chair will be our hotel’s restaurant chair is because our hotel is recommend eco green
and love the earth. The chair will put in all customer seat exclude in vip room, left side door
entrance dining and the employee break area. This kind of chair is for 2-4 person. Material of
the chair is made from rattan.(Refer to picture 5.1.1)Rattan chair is a low maintenance and
easy to keep clean. This is because lightweight specially workout for flexibility which aids
stability and makes it naturally comfortable and accessorial to the customer. But we know that
if sitting on rattan chair for long periods of time will uncomfortable so we will put a cushions
on top of the chair. (Refer to picture 5.1.2)

Sunbrella Cushion

Sunbrella cushion will put on top of the rattan chair. (Refer to picture 5.1.1) The size of the
sunbrella chair is same size with the chair that customer sit on top. Material of the cushion is
high-quality of the fabric.(Refer to picture 5.1.2)The reason we choose sunbrella cushion is
bleach cleanable. Sunbrella fabrics can be clean with soap such as bleach without losing color.
Sunbrella Cushion is mold and mildew resistant. Sunbrella fabrics are engineered to resist mold
and mildew so that can be easy and safe clean with bleach. It’s have UV and Fade resistant.
This can make sunbrella fabrics protracted to waning and the demote effects of sunlight.

Spirit Armchair

The Spirit Armchair is made from solid wood (Refer to picture 5.1.3) armchair in which the
front leg beautiful loops and becomes the back leg. Upholstery available in loden or corium.

Spirit Armchair only will place in the Vip Room. Armchair can bring customer sit comfortable
while sitting in a long period time. Armchairs can relax and even read newspaper or simply
take a small nap when waiting food serve.

Rattan Wicker Armchair

Wicker is a type of plait that’s done with reeds, cane, or rattan vines to craft the furniture.
(Refer to picture 5.1.4) Rattan Wicker Armchair is strong attractiveness, durability and
construction. The materials used in the making of wicker furniture are implausible strong and
lasting. Whether it’s rattan, reed, or bamboo, the material is hard before it’s even change in to
outdoor furniture. Rattan Wicker Armchair are place at the 6 person table in the left hand side
door. The colour like light brown and on the top of chair have the sunbrella cushion. (Refer to
picture 5.1.2) Rattan Wicker Armchair is very steady and safety especially for the children
even them climb and tumble.

Round Oak Dining Table

Round Oak Dining Table is place with the 2-4 person place. This is because can communicate
with other easily and no need talk too loud. If the table was equal status it will be hard to
discussion and chatting to each other. For couple, round dining table is a must this is because
can sit a little closer to your partner. Round oak dining table have many advantage such as it
is easy to get in or out of your seat and gave a good dining table solutions for small spaces.
The size of the table is 30 inch and 54 inch. (Refer to picture 5.1.5) Material of the dining
table is made from oak and the colour is brown.

Mocka Nava Dining Table

Mocka Nava Dining Table is place with the 6 person seat. The reason why restaurant is made
from a honeycomb board top and with a melamine finish and solid rubber wood legs. The size
is 165cm long x 90cm wide x 77cm high. (Refer to picture 5.1.6) It is easier to clean and wipe
than other table. Mocka Nava Dining table also recommended by restaurant.

5.2 Electrical

Fabric Light Fixtures

In restaurant, we have use the Fabric Light Fixtures as our restaurant’s lighting. (Refer to
picture 5.2.1)The shape of the Fabric Light Fixture is oval and the color of these type of
lighting is yellow. Therefore, the Fabric Light Fixtures is installed on the ceiling. The reason
that we used these type of lighting is it can enhance the atmosphere of the restaurant. Other
than that, it can creates a warmer effect right away and can really set a relaxing mood.

Ceiling Cassette Air Conditioner

The type of air conditioner that we used in restaurant is ceiling cassette air conditioner. (Refer
to picture 5.2.2)This is because by using the ceiling cassette air conditioner, it can more easily
cool the entire restaurant. Other than that, the ceiling cassette air conditioner can reduce the
noise output. Therefore, customers who come to dining at here will do not have any disturb.
Also, they can having their meals in comfort place.

Other than that, ceiling cassette air conditioner can makes the restaurant look bigger
as it installed on the ceiling. It can takes up less visual space in the restaurant.

Coffee Machine

In restaurant, we have bar so coffee machine is a much. Our’s coffee machine is super-
automatic machine (Refer to picture 5.2.3)that brews and steams espresso and milk-based
drinks at the press of a button. It offers control over the coffee flow and milk frothiness, plus
a manual steam wand to ensure every drink is exactly the way customer like it.

Coffee Pot Warmer

Coffee Pot Warmer is place beside the coffee machine. (Refer to picture 5.2.4)The colour
is stainless and the capacity is 2 X 1.8L Glass Coffee Pots. Electrical is 200W and power is
220-240V AC. Benefits of this coffee pot warmer is easy to clean and maintain and it was
attractive brushed stainless steel appearance. It is independent hot plate controls so that is
simple to operation. Nevertheless, it was compact and light weight.

LCD Monitor Computer

LCD Monitor computer place at the counter to take order from the customer. (Refer to
picture 5.2.5)LCD Monitor advantage in energy consumption. LCD monitors with Energy
Star ratings use little electricity in comparison to CRT machines as LCDs consume 25 watts
to 50 watts, while CRT monitors consume 60 watts to 80 watts. LCD Monitor also advantage
in multiple screens. Multiple monitors make it probable for professionals such as fashion and
graphic designers to compare their current designs with other designers' or their own previous

CPU Computer

If have monitor computer, CPU is a must to accompany to the computer. (Refer to picture
5.2.6)CPU full name is called Central Processing Unit. It mean performs arithmetic and makes
logical decisions at speeds up to billions of operations per second. Below is important of the

First, CPU help us to calculation. A CPU performs basic arithmetic such as addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division at very high speeds. Second, logic. The CPU makes
logic decisions based on simple comparisons, such as the greater-than condition, the less-than
condition and the equal-to condition. The CPU can then take action based on the outcome of
the comparison. Third, moving data. A CPU spends a great deal of its time moving data from
one place in memory to another. It may, for example, read information from a file on the hard
drive, then perform calculations on the data and write it to other files. Fourt, is multitasking.
The CPU "multitasks," switching constantly among the several dozen programs running on
your PC.


Keyboard also place with the computer at the counter. (Refer to picture 5.2.7)All computer
is come with a keyboard. So keyboard is important too. Keyboard able to check accuracy as
text comes up onto the screen. Other than that, they are ideal for most applications such as

Mouse (Refer to picture 5.2.8)

Mouse also is a must with the computer. Mouse can pointing device easy to use and designed
for the operation of a computer. It is a portable device that contains some buttons and one or
more wheels. Move the mouse on any surface will result in moving the cursor on the graphical
user interface computer. It is used for simple click. With a simple click on it, together with a
keyboard key press is used to perform specific tasks such as refinancing, the selection, the route
menu, drag and drop, noting the aim of crossing, pages, the page to up and other unlimited

5.3 Wall Finishing

Plain Exterior Wooden Wall Cladding

Plain Exterior Wooden Wall Cladding is our’s restaurant wall. It is a very low cost maintenance
to protect layer across the wall. It creates a very goof heat insulation layer protecting the
interiors from absorption of extreme heat. It made from a natural timber so that is warm and
comfort. (Refer to picture 5.3.1)Plain Exterior Wooden Wall Cladding can take an attention
in grain and colour. Using wood provoke the outspread of managed forests to absorb more of
this global warming gas. It also in major potential for re-use or recycling at end of life.

Other than that, it’s performance of low endurance species is easily enhanced by preservative
treatment, wood modification, flame retardants. This is because it’s easy to repair and dry
installation means external envelope is quicker to install. Cleaning of heavy masonry outer
walls decrease size and cost of basic.

5.4 Floor Finishing

Florock Floor

Choosing the right flooring for restaurant dining areas is both an art and a science. Florock
has the optimall epoxy coating solutions. Florock Floor is place in the restaurant excluded
employee break area. (Refer to picture 5.4.1) Florock Floor is low cost maintenance. It is
because can easy clean and have a beautiful sanitary operation to pass health department
inspections and create an overall image of success. Other than that, florock floor is non-odor
assimilate monolithic surface. It is included antimicrobial protection with addition of

FloroSeptic and no formaldehyde. This is the reason why using florock floor in restaurant.
Nevertheless, This can prevent children fall down easily.


Carpet will put in the 3 vip room floor. It’s is because carpet can make the room warmer and
feel much warmer than it was before. Other than that, it can feels easy on the feet. This is
because of the soft carpet fibbers. (Refer to picture 5.4.2) Using grey colour is because can
make the environment feel comfortable while having meals for the guests.

Nevertheless, carpet is slip resistant so customer is not easily to slip while walking in the carpet.
Last, carpet is affordable and it is not very costly to set up carpet in restaurant compared with
some types of flooring.


The kitchen layout is the shape that is made by the arrangement of the countertop, major
appliances and storage areas. This floor plan makes the kitchen's work triangle - the way that
you make while moving from the fridge to the sink, to the range to set up a dinner (Refer Picture
6.0). When structuring your new kitchen and picking the best cabinetry arrangements, one of
the main considerations is the general format of the kitchen.

There are five principal designs for most kitchens - the G, L, U, single, and galley. While
certain floor designs make an increasingly extensive, effective kitchen, every kitchen format
can be upgraded with the correct cabinetry and decorative accents. Depending on the general
size of your kitchen, an island can be added to many of these layouts to expand storage and
create additional counter space. The width of walkways among cabinetry and the island is
important and your kitchen fashioner will help decide whether you have enough space to
accommodate an island. Islands can be made in all shapes and sizes and you are not limited to
a standard square or rectangular shape.

Review the five basic kitchen formats to recognize which is most like your present kitchen.
You and your kitchen fashioner may need to work inside the space of your present kitchen, OR
you may choose to evacuate or reconfigure dividers to grow the space which would give you
extra alternatives for your kitchen design. When looking at every format, center around the
work triangle made in the room - you may discover a kitchen floor plan that you prefer over
your own. Remember -even if you're not making significant structural changes to the kitchen,
you can even now upgrade the format with the correct cabinetry.

We chose to design the L shaped kitchen. In L-shaped kitchen design, a characteristic work
triangle is made from continuous counter space and work stations on two contiguous dividers.
The advantage of this kitchen floor plan is that it not just furnishes the cook with a productive
work territory, however it normally opens to a close-by room, making it simple for the cook to
cooperate with visitors. Furthermore, the kitchen is most likely going to be a high-traffic zone
of the house. Once in the kitchen, ensure the essential pathway through the kitchen is without
peril and won't be impeded by the fridge or broiler entryway when open.

Moreover, make the distance between main fixtures comfortable will make you work all the
more productively in the kitchen. When spreading out your kitchen it's important to keep the
main tasks in mind is preparing, serving and cleaning up from meals. Try not to let the ice chest
excessively far from the stove since that will complicate whichever task you are working on.

On top of that, our kitchen has design kitchen with islands. Kitchen islands is an unattached
counter in a kitchen that permits access from all sides. Therefore, need to ensure that the
Kitchen Island isn’t excessively close or excessively far. This is because a kitchen island is the
place a great part of the meal preparation happens. In the event that your kitchen design will
include one, consider its area carefully. Ensure that it won't block the area in front of your
major appliances, such as wall ovens, dishwashers, and refrigerators. Permit enough space for
the appliance door swing plus room to pass when the doors are open. In any case, you likewise
would prefer not to put it excessively far. Ensure your island is located within a comfortable
arms reach from each of these fixtures.

6.1 Furniture

6.1.1 Stainless steel double bowl sink (Refer Picture 6.1.1)

Guarantee that your restaurant or other types of establishment remains clean by introducing a
business sink. Our choice incorporates compartment sinks, underbar sinks, hand sinks,
janitorial sinks, and the sky is the limit from there. Subsequently, you can discover choices for
the majority of your dishwashing, hand washing, etc. Moreover, every one of these items is
structured explicitly to address the issues of your business and guard your activity clean and.

Our choice of treated steel business sinks incorporates single-and multi-compartment choices
to deal with your light-or substantial cleaning assignments. Models with one well are perfect
for position in reduced spaces, while our bigger alternatives with a few wells enable you to
clean and disinfect dishware. You can even discover drop-in sinks with various quantities of
compartments to introduce specifically into your ledges.

We convey business sinks for assignments other than ware washing, too. Set up divider mount
and without hands soaks in your bathroom, prep zone, or specialist's office, so workers or
clients can clean their hands between undertakings. We have wipe and utility sinks that make
difficult undertakings like discharging mop basins and cleaning bigger gear increasingly

6.1.2 Stainless Steel Work Table (Refer Picture 6.1.2)

Regardless of what sort of foodservice establishment you operate, it's critical to furnish your
kitchen with business work tables, so you can plan courses, sides, and pastries. Regardless of
whether you possess an eatery, inn, or cooking business, or you run a pastry kitchen, cafe, or
supermarket, we have kitchen work tables for you.

Our choice of business work tables incorporates all stainless steel models with tough tabletops
and strong legs, enabling you to tenderize meat, chop veggies, slice up fruits, and mix salads.
Browse models with under shelves, cupboards, or other stockpiling alternatives, and look at
our determination of good frill that will enhance the usefulness of your unit.

In case you're making pizzas and supper rolls or preparing mixture for treats, cakes, and baked
goods, at that point we have kitchen work tables for you, too. Look at our tables with overlaid
wooden tops that make it less demanding to massage batter, take off pie covering, and frame
formed treats. Like their tempered steel partners, these wood top tables are likewise accessible
with additional capacity alternatives.

6.1.3 Stainless Steel Commercial Kitchen Prep & Work Table w/Wire Lower Shelf

(Refer Picture 6.1.3)

This heavy-duty table is developed from tempered steel and is the ideal work surface for use
in a kitchen, bar, restaurant, laundry, school, hospital, or any other commercial setting. This
table highlights an additional rock solid tempered steel top, a customizable stature, chromed
wire under-rack, and excited legs with movable non-defacing feet that dispose of table wobble
on uneven floors. The edges on the front and back of the tabletop are adjusted for working

6.1.4 Shelf Shelving (Refer Picture 6.1.4)

Made with high-review press with chrome plating, extreme and tough Set in the kitchen, the
shelving unit holds anything from canned merchandise and mass things to pots and pans, stand
blenders, dishes, and bowls. The shelving unit rapidly gives included shelf space, wherever it's
required most. This not only saves space, but also allows people to see where the things are
placed at a glance, which can improve work efficiency. This is Open structure enables you to

rapidly get the one you need. In addition, multi-layer development to suit things in various
sizes and shapes splendidly.

6.1.5 Kitchen Cabinets (Refer Picture 6.1.5)

Kitchen cabinets ought to be both excellent and useful, which is the place drawers and skims
come in. Pick cabinetry that makes your kitchen life progressively advantageous. Stronger
glide technology has brought about greater drawers that can deal with heavier things. Drawers
currently store everything from utensils, cutlery and flavors to bulkier things like pots, pans,
dishware and chopping blocks. Drawers might be kept basic without partitions or divided for
a simple association. Cabinet fronts regularly impersonate the style encompassing entryway
faces and can be flush, overlay or lip-edged. Strong hardwood has generally been the decision
material for cabinet box fronts and sides. Strong wood joinery incorporates dovetail, finger,
tongue-and-furrow, dowel, scone and dado joints.

However, environmentally conscious purchasers have more choices than any time in recent
memory to restrain their negative effect on the planet, at any rate with regards to their kitchen
cabinets. Here have more Eco-Friendly tips, if you're repainting, decide on paints with low or
no volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Furthermore, when planning custom cabinetry
contained strong wood, dependable guarantee that wood is gotten from an ensured oversaw
backwoods and conveys the Forest Stewardship Council logo. Moreover, be certain to
supplement cabinetry with other manageable or eco-friendly materials on adjacent countertops,
floors, and backsplashes.

6.1.6 Hanging Pot Rack (Refer Picture 6.1.6)

Produced using quality metal matt got done with preventing rust. Attractive and durable.
Crosswise over to give you a lot of space to store every one of your pots and pans. Not only
can be utilized in the kitchen, but also the restroom, family room, and significantly more to
hold anything. Conveying our expect beauty, toughness, and quality for enduring worth and
enjoyment. Get pots and pans out of the cabinet and up on the roof where you can without
much of a stretch contact them when cooking; scroll arm pot rack is contemporary and
exemplary in the kitchen. This oval pot rack highlights looked over arms that work as network
sections for extra help. This rack accompanies 12-calculated pot snares and 6-straight snares.

Quick, basic establishment, with two solid drywall grapples. All equipment essential for the
get together and the establishment is included, with a decision of mounting choices.

6.1.7 Cold Food Table (Refer Picture 6.1.7)

Designed to make single or numerous wells for a strong bed of ice, these cold food tables are
sturdy and adaptable. Most models are made from stainless steel and the base is open, encased,
or designed with cupboards. The great compartment is protected with the goal that the amount
of ice will keep going as far as might be feasible. With the bed of ice, you can put full food
pans or individual plates and bowls of organic fruit, salad, or pastries. Melted ice is expelled
with an integrated drain. Ideal for use in smorgasbord serving, salad bars, or pastry bars.

6.1.8 Kitchen Hood Fire Suppression Systems (Refer Picture 6.1.8)

We have to assess current needs and foresee future issues for special hazards, server rooms,
server farms, data centers, clean rooms, and comparable basic use regions. We have a huge
number of arrangements, for example, early discovery, CO2, optical and heat detection.
Approaches the most recent wellbeing items, for example, a spotless operator arrangement that
can really smother the fire before any water release. It's a reality: your kitchen is one of your
office's most in danger areas, particularly with regards to a potential oil fire. However, water
can really spread an oil fire, so a well-functioning suppression system is vital. Wet Chemical
is amazingly compelling on flames in eatery ventilation equipment, and also in an assortment
of cooking apparatuses. At the point when the operator responds with hot oil, it shapes a layer
of froth at first glance. This cover of froth goes about as a separator between the hot oil and the

6.2 Electricity

Protecting the environment and nature is now the most important and global event in the world.
So what our people can do is save energy and not waste resources. Therefore when we buy
electrical appliances, we should choose Eco-Friendly products. It not only protects the
environment and nature, but also saves power and money.

6.2.1 Eco Friendly Refrigerator (Refer Picture 6.2.1)

A refrigerator is a famous family unit apparatus that comprises of a thermally protected
compartment and a heat pump that exchanges heat from within the fridge to its outer condition
so that within the refrigerator is cooled to a temperature beneath the surrounding temperature
of the room. Refrigeration is an essential food storage technique. The lower temperature brings
down the generation rate of microscopic organisms, so the fridge lessens the rate of waste. A
refrigerator keeps up a temperature a couple of degrees over the point of freezing of water.
Here have some best Eco-Friendly refrigerator usage practices that are start checking the door
seals. Test with a dollar greenback if the bill can be effectively evacuated while the entryway
is shut than its opportunity to supplant the seal. In addition, cleaning the coils at the back of
your fridge is critical. Vacuuming the coils once every 3-4 months is suggested. If you don't
mind guarantee you unplug your refrigerator when cleaning. On top of that, Fend off the fridge
from warmth sources, for example, dishwashers, broiler and even direct daylight from a

6.2.2 Eco-Friendly Dishwasher (Refer Picture 6.2.2)

The dishwasher has propelled highlights, for example, sensors that calculate the required length
of washing cycles the suitable water temperature to appropriately clean each heap. Other
Energy Star highlights incorporate built-in heating components that assistance save money on
the expense of heating the water. Using the environmentally friendly dishwashers will utilize
less water than hand washing. Besides, Utilize the rinse-and-hold cycle of your dishwasher in
the event that you don't care for departing messy dishes lying around as it utilizes roughly half
of the water contrasted with hand washing dishes.

6.2.3 Eco-Friendly Microwave Oven (Refer Picture 6.2.3)

A microwave oven is an electric oven that heats and cooks food by presenting it to
electromagnetic radiation in the microwave frequency range. This instigates polar particles in
the nourishment to turn and create warm vitality in a procedure known as dielectric heating.
Microwaves oven heat foods quickly and efficiently that excitation is genuinely uniform in the
external 25– 38 mm of a homogeneous, high water content sustenance thing; sustenance is
more equally warmed all through than for the most part happens in other cooking strategies.
The Eco-Friendly Microwave Oven will save energy. They cook rapidly and proficiently and

utilize less energy than their customary kitchen accomplices like the oven or stove.
Furthermore, Microwave oven are recyclable. Parts of each microwave, similar to metal and
glass, are recyclable. Contact your district's Solid Waste Disposal Bureau for more information.
Other than that, Use eco-smart containers. Utilizing eco-friendly food containers rather than
plastic containers will secure your wellbeing and nature. Plastic containers can discharge
hurtful synthetic concoctions when warmed, and plastic that has been in contact with foods is
rejected by many reusing focuses. Changing to eco-accommodating sustenance holders just
bodes well.

6.2.4 Commercial Exhaust Hoods (Refer Picture 6.2.4)

Commercial kitchen exhaust hoods are the most essential, however regularly the most
overlooked, some part of your restaurant and the ventilation system that interfaces with it.
Stainless steel hoods are furnished with powerful fans or blowers that remove odors and
enhance the indoor air quality inside your kitchen. This is vital in light of the fact that humidity
can cause form, mold and bacteria development which can result in significant wellbeing code

6.2.5 Stainless Steel Ranges (Refer Picture 6.2.5)

Make cooking enjoyable again with the Stainless Steel Slide-In Gas Range. Heat meals
effortlessly, roast turkeys to flawlessness and keep supper warm inside this stove. The flexible
5-burner cooktop gives you a devoted space for everything else, regardless of whether you're
making grilled cheese for lunch or heating up a pot of water for a spaghetti supper. The middle
oval burner is incredible for extensive cookware like griddles and substantial pots. The Dual
Power Burner enables you to simmer or sear. At that point adaptable to meet you’re cooking
needs. The reversible focus grind is ideal for vast pots and pans. Sizzle up informal breakfast
with the removable stovetop griddle. Furthermore, the custom wok grind obliges round-base
works and ensures your nourishment gets speedy and even cooking on the stovetop.

6.2.6 Warming and Holding Equipment (Refer Picture 6.2.6)

Commercial warming and holding equipment are accessible for virtually any area in a
foodservice activity. From the cook's line to the holdup path, new advances in innovation make
keeping foods and equipment warm simpler than at any other time. Ledge warmers, heated
shelves, hot foods tables, and proofing and holding cabinets will help give an increasingly
reliable item, in this way saving money on task and work costs. Warming and holding
equipment don't require hood ventilation, and it is intended to be effectively available.

6.2.7 Commercial Deep Fryers (Refer Picture 6.2.7)

Commercial deep fryers can cook a wide range of delicious appetizers, entrees, and sides,
similar to French fries, chicken wings, browned fish, and significantly more. We convey an
expansive determination of business fryers, so you can discover a possibility for your business
whether you possess an extensive eatery or sports bar or a compact food truck or concession
stand. We convey claim to fame fryers for cooking explicit nourishments or meeting certain
installation requirements, too. On the off chance that you're frying up signature concession
foods, a pipe cake or doughnut fryer might be the most productive choice. On the off chance
that your foundation serves great solace sustenance, locate the ideal chicken fryer for your
necessities. For kitchens that don't have enough space for a hood framework, at that point a
vent less fryer is a safe decision. At long last, you'll discover drop-in fryers that can be
introduced specifically into your ledges.

6.2.8 Commercial Ice Machine (Refer Picture 6.2.8)

Commercial ice machine are important for any foodservice or friendliness foundation. Our ice
machine hardware guarantees that spotless, crisp, and solidified ice is reliably made for the
duration of the day, so you can keep food chilled during transport or make refreshing beverages.
We likewise convey machines of different styles and configurations making it simple to
discover the alternative most appropriate for your ice delivering needs.

6.2.9 Air Conditioning (Refer Picture 6.2.9)

Air conditioning controls the temperature of homes, workplaces and other indoor regions.
Although basically thought of as a method for cooling, cooling units can likewise warm rooms

and help remove additional moisture from the air. Utilizing an air conditioner has turned out to
be a standout amongst the most famous, and ecologically amicable, approaches to warm centers
and augmentations. Air conditioning systems work by exploiting the way that when a liquid
converts into a gas shape, it absorbs heat. An air conditioner draws ambient indoor air in and
over a lot of refrigerant-filled evaporator coils.

6.2.10 Commercial Charbroiler (Refer Picture 6.2.10)

Charbroilers are a 'must have' for any restaurant or food service operations that needs the fire
seared flavor that recognizes any menu. Get the charbroiled look and taste your clients love
and the execution and unwavering quality you require with a Charbroiler. Add open-flame taste
to various menu things like meat, chicken, fish, and vegetables, or just warm or add distinctive
markings. Charbroilers offers a wide scope of gas brilliant and pumice charbroilers, and electric

6.2.11 Commercial Steamer (Refer Picture 6.2.11)

Enjoy all the advantages of steam cooking with electric steamers. From compact countertop
steamers to high-proficiency boiler less models, business steamers enable eateries to offer
delicious and nutritious menu things to the dinners. At the point when floor space is at a higher
cost than expected, ledge steamers offer an answer. Highlighting all the inventive highlights
you've come to know and love, these electric and gas ledge steamers are perfect for an
assortment of foods, including lively veggies, succulent seafood, and superbly cooked proteins.
At the point when quick cooking occasions, convenience, and dynamite results are on the menu.

6.3 Floor Finishing

6.3.1 Quarry Tile (Refer Picture 6.3.1)

FDA Guidelines express the floor and wall finishes must be durable, easy to clean and non-
absorbent. Quarry tile is four times more absorbent. Portland bond grout joints are to a great
degree permeable and rapidly turn into a reproducing ground for bacteria. Quarry tile is the
premium ground surface decision for demanding environments. The interesting protected
development of flexible, high grade, flexible vinyl with slip-resistant grains all through

guarantees a strong, long wearing, safe surface - that remaining parts slip safe even when wet
and oily. This system is consistent, water-tight and completely impervious. Quarry tile prevents
water and subsequently mold from floor to ceiling and offers easy maintenance, excellent
cleavability and excellent resistance to staining.

6.4 Wall Finishing

6.4.1 Aluminum Mosaic Tile (Refer Picture 6.4.1)

This aluminum mosaic tile is utilized generally for house design, for example, kitchen
backsplashes, bathroom, wall, house style notwithstanding for board. Utilized for kitchen
backsplash, oil can be tidy up. It's light and strong, simple to install and tidy up, resists heat
and moisture. Make a top of the line, proficient look with these reasonable tiles. With a peel
and stick backing, these self- adhesive tiles change a space with little work. Ideal for a restroom
or kitchen backsplash or feature wall.


It is important for all the hospitality industry to adopt an effective waste management system.
It is help to reduce the volume of the waste. By adopting the effective waste management
system, it is essential to identify and categorize the types of the waste that generated from
different departments such as housekeeping, food and beverage department and etc. For
instances, the food and beverage department will produce the organic waste such as vegetable,
spoil foods which can be categorized as biodegradable waste. In contrast, the housekeeping
department may generate the waste such as bottles, plastic which will be categorized as non-
biodegradable waste. Different department will have different waste and therefore it is
important to identify the variety of the waste and manage them in the proper ways.

There are two types of the waste will be generated by the hotel such as solid waste and sewage.

Solid waste process

Firstly, the waste management system that used by us in the hotel is the solid waste process.
The solid waste process is the management system that deal with the solid waste which focuses
on the collection, transfer and transport and disposal of the solid waste.

Under the solid waste process, we use the trash chute to collect the garbage from different
floors of the building to the central collection point. Normally, the trash chute will have one
small door on each of the floors in the building. It is easy for the staff to dispose the garbage
without bringing out the waste from the building. The staff only need to place the garbage
inside the chute and then it will fall to the central collection point or the basement of the
building. By using this method, it can help to prevent the potential for attracting the insects and
any bad smell in the building. Once the garbage is full, it will be removed by the truck. The
truck will send the garbage to the disposal site. For this method, we only allowed the
biodegradable waste to dispose through the trash chute.

Besides that, we dispose the non-recyclables waste by using a waste compactor. The waste
compactor is the machine that can help to reduce the size of the waste or material through
compaction. We use this method to dispose non-recyclables waste such as bottle, plastic and
so forth. By using the waste compactor, the machine will use a metal ram to crush the trash
into smaller pieces. It can help to reduce the space needed. Also, it can help to stabilize the
landfill. By using this method, it is important to identify and categorized the types of the waste.

This is because some waste cannot be disposal through the compaction such as organic waste
which will carry the bacteria or any viruses.

Other than this, we will implement the ‘3R’ program which focuses on reduce, recycle and
reuse. We will reduce the number of the plastic by installing the water filters in the public areas.
Additionally, we use the LED light in our building as it can save the costs of the hotel.
Furthermore, we will cut down the usage of the paper by recycling the used papers. Also, we
will encourage the document to be printed on double-sided.

Sewage disposal

Apart from this, we install the sewerage treatment plan to dispose the sewage or waste water.
The sewerage treatment plan is the equipment that used to remove any organic waste or
pollutants from the sewage before it can reuse or being suitable for disposable. This is because
the sewage may contain some of the pollutant which is harmful to the environment. Under this
method, it will go through few process in order to remove the pollutant from the sewage.

Firstly, the pollutants will be removed from the sewage through the process of screening and
skimming. The soils, grease and sands will be removed through the grit removal. The primary
clarifier will separate the grease and heavy sludge from the sewage. It will separate the heavy
sludge to the bottom of the tank whereas the grease to the top of the tank. The grease at the top
of the tank will be removed through the skimming process. The heavy sludge need further
processing in order to remove suspended solid and biodegradable components. Besides that,
the microorganisms will be used to decompose the organic waste. This process called aeration
biological process. Then, the aerated water will flows to the secondary clarifier. It will help to
remove the excess amount of the organic components. If there are any remaining suspended
solids in the waste water, then the sewage need to go through the disinfection treatment. Under
this treatment, it use disinfectants such as chlorination to kill the bacteria and other viruses.
Lastly, the disinfected water will be discharged to the environment or reused.

Other than this, we also use the water-saving devices to reduce the sewage water usage. For
examples, we will use water-saving toilets in all the guestrooms in the hotel. It can help to cut
the water flows and thus reduce the sewage water usage in the hotel.


8.1 Method Before Food Waste

8.1.1 Change Your Menu

After identifying the restaurant menu items that typically have the most leftovers consider
reducing the portion size of these menu items. Thusly not just that you reduce the amount of
restaurant waste yet additionally lessening the food cost of cooking and consequently increase

8.1.2 Make A Purchase Wisely

If some of the ingredients that you use to get ready dinners regularly go to waste as you cannot
spend it before the finish of its time of validity, think about the buy of that ingredient in smaller

8.2 Method After Food Waste

8.2.1 Composting

Composting is a simple and natural bio-degradation process that takes natural wastes stays of
plants and garden and kitchen waste and transforms into nutrient-rich food for your plants.
Composting, typically utilized for organic farming, happens by enabling natural materials to
sit in one place for months until the point that organisms deteriorate it. Composting is a standout
amongst other strategies for waste disposal as it can transform unsafe natural items into safe
fertilizer. On the opposite side, it is a moderate procedure and takes lots of space.

8.2.2 Animal Feed

Try not to ignore a pet's ability to be effective waste disposal. Retain vegetable peels as well
as food scraps to feed small animals such as hamsters and rabbits. Large meat bones will
regularly be greatly received by the family dog. If you have livestock, utilize remaining food
to feed your animals in the event that it is proper to do as such. Animals for instance as pigs
are unpredictable when it comes to their diet and will tend to eat whatever they are given. If

you don't keep animals however live in a rural area, decide if any of your neighbors keep
animals and whether they could make utilization of food waste.

9.0 Recreation Activities


The reaction activities of indoor that we are considered to choose to educate the staffs. It is
because in the hotel with the goal to achieve the improvement for schedule of re-evaluation or
report. In this program, we need to record down anything that we have investigated or evaluated
regarding the eco green and written down in a report and included social, governance,
environment as it is to present and communication with guests so that they are able to
understand and able to convey the importance of green practices to them. In our hotel, we have
provided staff training about green practices that are associated with the building or venue as
well as it is able to post information about the green practices or describe a little of the eco
green posters in customer’s lounge and each guest room. Therefore, it may be able to promote
more knowledge or ideas from the customers in order to make improvement regarding the hotel.

In the of education for the staffs, we have provided some conditional for them. It is to let them
to be more clearly about conveying or translating the information and knowledge by using
different language to the customers that come from different country. The conditional included
turn down all air-conditioning and turn off the lighting in some particular areas such as resting
room, changes room and toilet or in unoccupied of guest room in order to decrease the electrical
expenses. Next conditional is about the training of the employees so they will check constantly
and give respond if the guests complaint about the toilet and leaking faucets to the supervisors
for reducing the water waste and reduce the costs of the equipment that needed. Next, the
conditional is employee must always to open or to close the drapes in the room when the room
reach the coldness that the guests expected in order to reduce the need of using air-conditioning
in the room.

Other than that, we have to write down some of the example to give the customers so that they
can get more attention or more focus regarding this green practise and let more people to know
about the eco green. First is to make a small notice board near the lobby areas and each guest
room or areas which is easily to caught attention from the customers. For example, write the
information related to the green practices in the small board for example, “Please limit to waste
water, save water so that can reduce the use of energy in order to promote green practices or
eco green”. Second, is about encouraging the customers to reuse the linen. It is because this
program can reduce the hotel expenses in energy and water waste. For example, before
customers check- in the room, the reception in front of the office can show them or advice them

to reuse their card as it can encourage the customers to reuse the linen such as towel which is
hand, face and bath, top sheet and cover of duvet. Also, it can also to cut the time of using the
electrical dryer and washing machines every day. Last is to reduce the food waste in the hotel
such as in the kitchen. The employee which is working at the kitchen that required to switch
off all the item that related electricity after using it. For example, kitchen employee needed to
switch off the ventilation system when the cooking tools are off. Furthermore, in the hotel’s
restaurant need to provide a reuse item like silver wear, napkin cloth, and glass cup for the
customers with the item which is food and beverage in order to reduce the use of tissue papers.


Water is a limited resource, so hotel should save it to reduce the waste of using water. The
reaction activities of outdoor that we are consider by using the rainwater collecting system. By
using this system, the hotel will able to collect rainwater when it is raining to storage in the
tank for recharge or reuse. The hotel management can use the rainwater collected for watering
or for toilet purpose. This system could save a lot of water and money. Moreover, the hotel
management can also apply greywater system. It is use for collect the wastewater from the
shower wastewater or washing plates. Greywater system is quite familiar with rainwater
collecting system. However, greywater system use the wastewater more efficiency by giving
meaning to the wastewater. After the wastewater collected are being filtered, it can have used
for watering or cleaning floor purpose.

Hotel management should consider switch the plants to drought resistant native plants. They
can plant Kousa Dogwood and Paperbark maple in the garden area. These kind of drought
resistant native plant not only need less water to survive, but also easy to take care. Hence, the
management can save up money watering purpose because these plants do not need much
fertilisers and water. Also, these plants can block sunlight irradiating the group directly,
therefore, it can reduce the temperature and cooling the area around it. These trees could also
beautify and greening the hotel and attracting more customer indirectly.

Besides, energy such as electric cost a huge amount of money in a hotel. To reduce the usage
of electricity without affect the operation of the hotel, the hotel management are advised to set
up solar panels on the roof. Solar panels absorb solar power from the sunlight, then transform
it into electricity. Although set up a solar panels brings expenses to the hotel, but the
management should consider that it could save more electricity and money in the future. The
electricity gained can be used for heating water for shower, light for the hotel and so on.


After completing this assignment, we have learn a lot of knowledge about how engineering
knowledge affect the natural environment.

Before venture into assignment topic, we don’t understand why power plant that work with
renewable resources cannot be mass production and benefit the residents with infinity energy.
We have learned that most of the power plant that generate with renewable resources not only
extremely costly but also require the availability of environment while producing minimal
energy. To provide sufficient energy for 7.53 billion of human would require a lots of station
working in the best environment condition at all time. It is nearly impossible now as weather
will change and there is not much location suitable for them while building cost is unpredictable.
For example, solar energy is a convenient source that we can access everywhere, but the power
supply will be stop once the cloud block sunlight.

Besides, we also realise that to construct a resort energy supply system, many consideration is
needed before making decision. The shape and size of the building structure is an important
factor to decide whether which type of water tank system should be used and availability of
centralized system. For example, hotel premise which do not have tall structure is not suitable
to use downfeed tank system as they have no sufficient gravitational force support.

Other than that, we can reduce the energy use by utilise the technologies. There is many type
of automated detectors and system is introduce due to the development of IT technologies. It
has improve the efficiency and safety of hotel operation. For example, the motion detector is
built at entrance of lobby hall to avoid cold air leakage due to guest forget to close the door.
This can increase the efficiency of air-conditioning system while reduce the use of energy.

Moreover, the eco green concept is the latest trends which country around the world is
following as they started to realise the benefits it brought is unlimited. First of all is reduce the
cost of operation. Reduce of cost is equal to increase of profit, the eco green concept will try
to conduct reduce. reuse, recycle and recover manner. For example, if we recommend the guest
to reuse their towels, we eventually reduce the laundry operation cost. Besides, business
sustainability will improve as the rising of utilise cost is not much matter to you. Self-
generating power and energy efficient equipment allow you to minimal the impact.
Furthermore, the company will create a healthy image which impress the audience. Eco-
friendly company will earn the salutation of people as they operate their business while
benefiting the natural environment.

In the nut shell, we hope the eco green trends would be more popular because the earth climate
is now getting worst and unstable which also cause disaster a lot and extinction of animal. One
day our planet can restore its own condition as long we contributing in reducing the harm to it.


Figure 2.1.2: Magnolia Figure 2.1.3: Resort

Figure 2.1.1: Magnolia Logo Surrounding

Figure 2.1.4: Cooling Figure 2.3.1: Wavestar

Tower Machine

Figure 2.3.2: Figure 2.4.1: Heat-

Cadmium Telluride Reflecting Glass
Thin-Film Solar Cells Windows

Figure 2.2.1:
HVAC&R System

Picture 3.1.1 Picture 3.1.2

Picture 3.1.3 Picture 3.1.4

Picture 3.1.5 Picture 3.1.6

Picture 3.1.7 Picture 3.1.8

Picture 3.1.9

Picture 3.2.1 Picture 3.2.2

Picture 3.2.3 Picture 3.2.4

Picture 3.2.5 Picture 3.2.6

Picture 3.3.1 Picture 3.3.1

Picture 3.3.1 Picture 3.1.2

Picture 3.3.3

Picture 4.1.1 Picture 4.1.2

Picture 4.1.3 Picture 4.1.4

Picture 4.1.5 Picture 4.1.6

Picture 4.1.7 Picture 4.1.8

Picture 4.1.9 Picture 4.1.10

Picture 4.1.11 Picture 4.1.12

Picture 4.2.1 Picture 4.2.2

Picture 4.2.3 Picture 4.2.4

Picture 4.2.5 Picture 4.2.6

Picture 4.2.7 Picture 4.3.1

Picture 4.3.2 Picture 4.4.1

Picture 5.1.1 Picture 5.1.2

Picture 5.1.3 Picture 5.1.4

Picture 5.1.5 Picture 5.1.6

Picture 5.2.1 Picture 5.2.2

Picture 5.2.3 Picture 5.2.4

Picture 5.2.5 Picture 5.2.6

Picture 5.2.7 Picture 5.3.1

Picture 5.4.1 Picture 5.4.2

Picture 6.0 Picture 6.1.1

Picture 6.1.2
Picture 6.1.3

Picture 6.1.4 Picture 6.1.5

Picture 6.1.6 Picture 6.1.7

Picture 6.1.8
Picture 6.2.1

Picture 6.2.3
Picture 6.2.2

Picture 6.2.4
Picture 6.2.5

Picture 6.2.6
Picture 6.2.7

Picture 6.2.8 Picture 6.2.9

Picture 6.2.10
Picture 6.2.11

Picture 6.3.1

Picture 6.4.1

Magnolia Beach Resort Surrounding


Guest Room (Twin Room)

Guest Room (Executive Suite Room)



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