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Metacognitive Reading Report # 10


Mary Alyssa T. Date: 09/11/18

The Contemporary World

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Globalization and Challenges; What are the

globalization’s contemporary issues?
Title of the Article

1. Difficult Concepts (What concepts did you find difficult to understand?)

i. Globalization, as said in the article, has become a generic term when in fact it
covers a variety of processes that involves the constant structures of the social
world. This includes the trade and investment method, which is a common issue
to Globalization, but the rest were not explain thorough. The article mentioned
about some familiar terms that is always a subject to any country—cultural
exchange, transportation, hybridization, and telecommunications. These terms
are visualizing the generic term Globalization in the plural. I was a bit confused
at this part of the article, though it made sense. Whether if its singular or plural,
it is still conceived a very broad topic discussing the current issues and the
challenges that our country is facing.
ii. Globalization has presumably been happening a long time ago up until now.
Since I belong to a generation wherein technology is extensive, I didn’t have
enough knowledge about the beginning of Globalization. I only witnessed the
changes or evolution of Globalization in the late 2000s, how technology affect
Globalization and the cultural boundaries, how people react and argues with
different perceptions. I think it is important to have knowledge of the past with
the purpose of knowing from where it all started and how it changes from time
to time.
iii. The Civil society organizations formed allies with different organizations from
other countries in view of the fact that the global organizations provide
international financial institutions. If the local governments knew so much
about their country, why did they have to settle for something else although
their country is the one in need for betterment?

2. Insights (What new insights or learning did you gain in discussion/ activity?)

i. Before reading the article/understanding the lesson, I thought that

Globalization is usually known to affect one country economically or how a
country connects or interact with another. However, reading the
article/understanding the lesson, I now think/realize that Globalization has
several aspects that need to be considered and known. Globalization is not all
about economics that people are having misconceptions with. They tend to
generalize the term however Globalization covers a variety of processes that
affects people’s life whether it is good or bad. I learned from this article that
Globalization may be defined in many ways—economically, social, and
cultural globalization. Over many years, Globalization has undergone different
trends leading to a lot of changes regarding to the rapid economic growth of
a country. Especially to this generation, technology has become a big impact
to the economy though it has a profusion of advantages. There has been issues
and questions concerning how the consumers react to changing or affecting
their culture.
ii. Before reading the article/understanding the lesson, I thought that
Globalization only delivers the good things to a country. I also thought that
both countries, that is under a process of Globalization, benefit from one
another. The development of Globalization is a good sign of a country’s status
in such a way that it shows how successful or improving a country is. However,
reading the article/understanding the lesson, I now think/realize that
Globalization continues to grow that concerns a lot of locals about its way of
minimizing the culture that they have and how each of them is getting badly
affected. Advanced communication and technology helped the developing
countries to improve and take advantage of the poor countries. “The rich are
getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.” This is indeed an exact
quotation of what I’ve realized after reading the article. Due to Globalization,
there had been inequalities between countries especially in the aspect of
trading and employment. The quality of the imported goods that are traded
to poor countries are decreased for a cheaper price. Though their products
are exported to the global market and are exposed to a lot of consumers, this
shouldn’t be a reason to lessen the quality of the goods being delivered. I think
that during the process of Globalization, equality shall be considered, and
mutualism must be obtained.

iii. Before reading the article/understanding the lesson, I thought that since we
have advanced technology in our generation, it became an easy way to
communicate and made the business easier, thus it will result to a success for
all countries in the process of Globalization. Through technology, the amount
of information increases therefore there will be also an increase of ideas,
thoughts and views of different people. However, reading the
article/understanding the lesson, I now think/realize that there are still
disadvantages that affects the locals’ perceptions. Technology might be one
of the reasons to a successful country but sometimes it changes the
conception of an individual that ruins their cultural boundaries. People are
exposed to things from the other countries through technology. Their
expectations increased from the information they gained. Advanced
technology leads to an improved communication, the distribution of goods
was easier thus consumers have an easier way to experience the imported
products. This can also affect how the locals see their traditional products from
imported, they tend to compare and see what’s better. I think that as
Globalization grows, there will be a continuous of distribution of variety of
goods that local consumers want, and they might inevitably forget the
tradition they treasure. For me, it is also important to try new things especially
when it really has a good purpose, but it is more important to value what we
already have and just made it better as time goes by.

3. Questions (What questions would you want answers for? Or vague areas you
want more explanations about?

i. As said on the article, Globalization may be defined and realized in many

ways. It can be about economics, social and cultural globalization. The
concepts about the rapid economic growth of the country were well said
on the article as well as how Globalization affects one’s culture. But it is not
clearly stated about the aspect of Social. How does globalization affect
social change? How can it affect the process of changes in the society?
Even though the article stated that a person’s perception may change due
to globalization but still it needs to consider the person’s living and behavior.
ii. Over many years, Globalization is increasing and producing different trend
and not all people agree to what can Globalization affect them ,and their
country. Some people are concerned about how fast the developing
countries spread their culture and values as a way of promoting themselves
but for others they take it as an act of invasion. This has always been a
negative issue involving the people and their society. If the people want to
promote and increase nationalism and the solidarity of every individual,
how can they take action if the Globalization grows continuously and
rapidly? We all know that there are several factors affecting Globalization
and it is mostly the things we use on our everyday lives.
iii. As I’ve read the article, one of the things I noticed is that there has been a
lot of challenges about Globalization. Globalization has been with going
on for so long, not all people agree to it and others persuade some
individuals that it is necessary to have this kind of process and to actively
participate to it. There are a lot of opinions but over many years, only slight
changes were seen. There are still rich countries getting richer and poor
countries getting poorer. There are still inequalities regarding the trading
system and employment. As an individual belonging to this generation, we
must consider and gain knowledge about the contemporary issues on our
surroundings. Globalization is one of it. We have seen and encountered
bad experiences about the local government and politicians because
there are some things that they cannot fix. Therefore, what would be the
future of globalization?

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