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How to Connect OV7670 to Arduino Due: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Connect OV7670 to Arduino Due by СергейЧ5 (/member/СергейЧ5/) Follow Download Favorite
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How to Connect OV7670 to Arduino Due

By СергейЧ5 (/member/%25D0%25A1%25D0%25B5%25D1%2580%25D0%25B3%25D0%25B5%25D0%25B9%25D0%25A75/) in Technology (/technology/) > Arduino
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Step 1: Schema to Connect OV7670 to Arduino Due

1 of 14 3/26/2019, 12:43 PM
How to Connect OV7670 to Arduino Due: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Connect OV7670 to Arduino Due by СергейЧ5 (/member/СергейЧ5/) Follow Download Favorite

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Step 2: Genering Clock Signal

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How to Connect OV7670 to Arduino Due: 6 Steps (with Pictures)
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Step 3: Configuring Register of OV7670

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Step 4: Transmitting an Image

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How to Connect OV7670 to Arduino Due: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Connect OV7670 to Arduino Due by СергейЧ5 (/member/СергейЧ5/) Follow Download Favorite

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How to Connect OV7670 to Arduino Due: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Connect OV7670 to Arduino Due by СергейЧ5 (/member/СергейЧ5/) Follow Download Favorite
Step 5: Receiving


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Step 6: Results

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How to Connect OV7670 to Arduino Due: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Connect OV7670 to Arduino Due by СергейЧ5 (/member/СергейЧ5/) Follow Download Favorite

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How to Connect OV7670 to Arduino Due: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

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How to Connect OV7670 to Arduino Due: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

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How to Connect OV7670 to Arduino Due: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

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How to Connect OV7670 to Arduino Due: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

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23 Discussions
10 of 14 3/26/2019, 12:43 PM
How to Connect OV7670 to Arduino Due: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Connect OV7670 to Arduino Due by СергейЧ5 (/member/СергейЧ5/) Follow Download Favorite
mohsen_mokrian (/member/mohsen_mokrian/)
Question 6 months ago on Step 4

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What does this part of the code do?

while ((REG_PIOD_PDSR & (1 << 10)));//wait (//wait) for low
myImage[y][x] = (REG_PIOC_PDSR & 0xFF000) >> 12;
while (!(REG_PIOD_PDSR & (1 << 10)));//wait (//wait) for high
while ((REG_PIOD_PDSR & (1 << 10)));//wait (//wait) for low
while (!(REG_PIOD_PDSR & (1 << 10)));//wait (//wait) for high
Can you explain about REG_PIOD_PDSR ? What is that ? What's it's role here?

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(/member/Pervinnn/) Pervinnn (/member/Pervinnn/) 7 months ago

Hi, thanks for sharing this project. But I have problem with code, I am using with Arduino
Mega.This code is suitable for Arduino Mega? Please help me((

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(/member/JohnR769/) JohnR769 (/member/JohnR769/) 7 months ago

Here's a Matlab code I did very fast to read a picture :

s = serial('COM17','BaudRate', 250000, 'Terminator', 'CR/LF');
a = zeros(320,240);
for i=1:240
a(:,i) = fread(s,320);
I changed the baud rate in the Arduino code.
It's very noisy but I get a picture !!

(/member/PangK/) PangK (/member/PangK/) Question 1 year ago on Step 2

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I encountered the following errors when compiling the sketch.

Arduino: 1.6.5 (Windows 8.1), Board: "Arduino Duemilanove or Diecimila, ATmega328"

test_ov7670.ino: In function 'void setup()':

test_ov7670:503: error: 'REG_PMC_PCER1' was not declared in this scope
test_ov7670:504: error: 'REG_PIOC_PDR' was not declared in this scope
test_ov7670:505: error: 'REG_PIOC_ABSR' was not declared in this scope
test_ov7670:506: error: 'REG_PWM_CLK' was not declared in this scope
test_ov7670:507: error: 'REG_PWM_CMR6' was not declared in this scope
test_ov7670:508: error: 'REG_PWM_CPRD6' was not declared in this scope
test_ov7670:509: error: 'REG_PWM_CDTY6' was not declared in this scope
test_ov7670:510: error: 'REG_PWM_ENA' was not declared in this scope
test_ov7670.ino: In function 'void captureImg(uint16_t, uint16_t)':
test_ov7670:528: error: 'REG_PIOB_PDSR' was not declared in this scope
test_ov7670:529: error: 'REG_PIOB_PDSR' was not declared in this scope
test_ov7670:535: error: 'REG_PIOD_PDSR' was not declared in this scope

11 of 14 3/26/2019, 12:43 PM
How to Connect OV7670 to Arduino Due: 6 Steps (with Pictures)
test_ov7670:536: error: 'REG_PIOC_PDSR' was not declared in this scope
How to Connect OV7670 to Arduino Due by СергейЧ5 (/member/СергейЧ5/) Follow Download Favorite
test_ov7670:537: error: 'REG_PIOD_PDSR' was not declared in this scope
test_ov7670:538: error: 'REG_PIOD_PDSR' was not declared in this scope
test_ov7670:539: error: 'REG_PIOD_PDSR' was not declared in this scope
test_ov7670.ino: In function 'int uart_putchar(uint8_t)':
test_ov7670:564: error: 'UART' was not declared in this scope
test_ov7670:564: error: 'UART_SR_TXRDY' was not declared in this scope
test_ov7670:565: error: 'UART' was not declared in this scope
'REG_PMC_PCER1' was not declared in this scope

Please advise. Thanks

1 answer

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(/member/abeerkd00/) abeerkd00 (/member/abeerkd00/) 1 year ago

I take the picture but it not clear , how I make it clear . Please help me
1 reply

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(/member/jlsilicon/) jlsilicon (/member/jlsilicon/) 1 year ago

Why is this Only in Black-and-White ?

- As your Image example, same on my Camera...
The Registers look correct.
How to get it in Color ... ???

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(/member/jbc8/) jbc8 (/member/jbc8/) 1 year ago

Here's a simpler Frame Grabber written in Processing. Processing has Serial and Image
processing built-in. You have to download the Processing IDE. Here's the source code to the
Processing Frame Grabber:

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(/member/IbsonM/) IbsonM (/member/IbsonM/) 2 years ago

nice tutorial,pls ineed your help o the project am working using arduino mega with ov 7670
,the camera snaps the picture and saves it on sd card behind the tft display and the tft displays the
image on the memory card
2 replies

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(/member/LashaP/) LashaP (/member/LashaP/) 2 years ago

Due is on port 26, after run eclipse project, console shows:

Port name: COM1
Port name: COM26
Looking for image
Please help !!!
1 reply

12 of 14 3/26/2019, 12:43 PM
How to Connect OV7670 to Arduino Due: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Connect OV7670 to Arduino Due by СергейЧ5 (/member/СергейЧ5/) Follow Download Favorite
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(/member/LashaP/) LashaP (/member/LashaP/) 2 years ago

after run eclipse project, where will be frames shown?

1 reply

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(/member/AdityaP120/) AdityaP120 (/member/AdityaP120/) 2 years ago

I am getting error while generating Clocl Signal

REG-PMC_PCER1 was not declared in this scope

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(/member/AP_tech/) AP_tech (/member/AP_tech/) 2 years ago

Do you have an Arduino Due code monochromatic at the lowest resolution for this Camera?

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(/member/HuseyinM/) HuseyinM (/member/HuseyinM/) 2 years ago

That's a great work and i have a question about this projec how can i save picture to sd card with
button ??is it possible??

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(/member/Dylan91/) Dylan91 (/member/Dylan91/) 2 years ago

Thanks for sharing nice tutorial. can it work on a uno or a mega?

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How to Connect OV7670 to Arduino Due by СергейЧ5 (/member/СергейЧ5/) Follow Download Favorite

14 of 14 3/26/2019, 12:43 PM

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