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Project Report

Document is exclusive property of KSHITHEE

DIMENSIONS LLP that is intending to share
functional principles, operations and the
business model of the organization.


Vision: To be a global service provider of Sustainable services for Clean Environment, Clean Body and
Clean Mind

Mission: To innovate and aggregate sustainable Practices for Waste Management, Self Grow Organic Food
& Yoga.
We are a social enterprise- A digital sustainability platform catering decentralized composting services, organic
urban farming and yoga for under privileged.

With rising needs to address global issues like climate change, eco friendly logistics, cleaner healthier food, poverty and
unemployment we have prototyped complete solution for biodegradable waste that shall not only upscale the value of
waste but also helps our customers to channelize the compost connecting it back to food cycle.

We believe awareness is the key factor to bring social behavioural shift and hence we do yoga based workshops for resident
welfare associations, construction workers and underprivileged kids.

Municipal Solid Waste:

Municipal solid waste is waste generated by households, commercial businesses, institutions, light industry and
agricultural enterprises and non-toxic wastes from hospitals and
laboratories. Municipal solid waste (MSW) includes degradable
(paper, textiles, food waste, straw and yard waste), partially degradable
(wood, disposable napkins and sludge, sanitary residues) and non-
degradable materials (leather, plastics, rubbers, metals, glass, ash from
fuel burning like coal, briquettes or woods, dust and electronic waste).
Since municipal waste is a non-homogeneous stream of materials, its
impact is unpredictable. Although only about two percent of the
municipal waste stream is toxic, even that small amount has the
potential of contaminating large amounts of groundwater if the
leachate from landfills reaches the aquifer. Many metropolitan areas
including Bangalore have exhausted their landfill capacity and are
transporting waste into rural areas. Furthermore there is increasing
concern that many towns and cities are dumping their
MSW in areas people have less political power or need the revenue from
tipping fees. Consequently the management of waste has become a social issue as well as an environmental concern.

We at Kshithee believe Waste is a potential energy that we as human race have been ignoring. This ignored energy is
harming the environment that we live in and causing imbalance in the ecology, consuming more space on this planet and
leading to a lot of deadly diseases.

We are dedicated to work on this ignored potential energy to bring a Socio–Economic balance that is needed for humans
to sustain on this planet. We address biodegradable waste with a decentralized approach to achieve a green planet again.

Self-Grown Organic Food

India, with 1,349,688,906 (1.34 billion) people is the second most populous (popular) country in the world. The figures
show that India represents almost 17.85% of the world's population, which means one out of six people on this planet live
in India. With the population growth rate at 1.2%, India is predicted to have more than 1.53 billion people by the end of
2030. Despite an improvement in nutrition levels over the last 15 years, India still has a serious hunger problem. 15% of the
country’s population remains undernourished. Over 15% of Indian children aged below five suffer child wasting, also known
as acute malnutrition. On the other hand, stunting, which prevents children from growing properly, is more common.
Between 2011 and 2015, almost
40% of Indian children aged below five suffered stunting. Asia’s third-largest economy has taken a lowly
97th spot in a ranking of 118 countries in the 2016 Global Hunger Index (GHI) released by the International Food Policy
Research Institute (IFPRI). About 40% of the population stays hungry due to insufficient financial situation and lack of
food, 20% are affected with bad health and inculcate diseases spreading all over.

India is the second-largest producer of food, and has the potential to be the
largest on a global food and agriculture canvas, according to a Corporate
Catalyst India (CCI) survey. The food processing industry is one of the largest in
India – it is ranked fifth in terms of production, consumption, export and expected

Organic food is the product of a system which avoids the use of man-made
fertilizers, pesticides, growth regulators and livestock feed additives. Organic
growing is about paying close attention to nature. It means more wildlife and
biodiversity, the absence of veterinary medicines such as antibiotics in rearing
livestock and the avoidance of genetic modification. With many researchers and
people believing that organic foods have a higher nutrient content, are kinder to
the environment and livestock. These are healthier than conventionally produced
foods and demand for organic produce is on the rise. Since organic food
production strictly forbids the use of hazardous chemicals, there is no risk of soil or water contamination.

Kshithee’s decentralized approach for urban gardening provides a scope for every individual to grow her/his own
food, being able to involve in the process, understanding how one can grow without the involvement of toxic synthetic
pesticides, toxic synthetic herbicides, or chemical NPK fertilizers and reap the benefits of naturally grown food.
Bridging the gap between manufacturer and consumer to avoid exploitation and loss of food. Providing self-grown
organic food to directly impact and decrease the rate of hunger and also for the betterment of health.

HATHA Yoga allows us to provide services for clean mind. The word ‘Yoga’ is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Yuj’ which
means ‘to join’ and from a theological perspective relates to the union of an individual conscious with the supreme
consciousness. Among the many of ancient wisdom unfolded here in this country yoga is one of the oldest science
discovered by our ancestors gives us the evidence of life and intelligence that was available way back 12000 years ago.
Scriptures written and the ways it was practiced back then give us an insight of life style, their way of thinking and how
they saw the envisioned humanity to be for a Sustainable evolution process. Yoga - is union of prana (vital force that is
driving the creation) with mind (which is creation itself). Awareness is the foundation we need to establish within us for
this union to happen.

It’s a path to all-round

development i.e. physical,
mental, social, emotional and
spiritual level. In spite of
having roots in ancient
teachings, in the current
dynamic social construct the
concept of yoga holds great
importance and potential in
bringing about not only
behavioural changes on
individual level but on social
level as well. Earth the womb
of creation is aligned with sun
and moon in such a way that
life is manifesting itself to its
optimum capacity. By aligning
the body in such
conditions with sun and the moon it is possible for individual self to realize this conscious within the body.

Practicing Yoga will bring us to Union (unity) even with our diversified nature and culture. So we are offering primary Yoga
services for effective sustainable development.
Brief comparison between Centralized and Decentralized waste management

S Centralized waste management Kshithee’s De-centralized

l. Waste Management
1 The current solutions to MSW management favour Kshithee’s Decentralized approach will be transparent
centralized arrangements, in some cases using and focusing on private-private and private - public
public-private partnership (PPP). For encouraging partnership projects that shall not only provide
PPP in centralized composting, it is essential innovative solutions to manage waste but also shall
that urban local bodies evolve risk-sharing include public participation for effective acceptance.
arrangements to encourage private sector Following the three basic principles of waste
participation, and improve marketability of the management at the source.
resulting compost.
∙ Reduce

∙ Reuse

∙ Recycle.

2 The centralized arrangements include using landfill Decentralized arrangements include minimum space
sites, developing future sites, building of waste- shall be provided for waste management at the source,
to-energy plants, and centralized large waste-to- effective segregation at the source, reducing carbon
compost facilities. emission and fossil fuel consumption for waste
management for positive environmental impacts.

3 They do not distinguish between different Solutions offered are exclusive to the source.
needs of the neighbourhoods within each city,
and between cities.

4 The centralized arrangements are often capital Consumption of space at the source shall directly
and land intensive. TERI estimates that for impact on reduction of burden on landfills. Also finance
disposing MSW, the land requirement will rise invested on transportation can rather be invested on
from 200 sq km in 2011 to 1,400 sq km in 2047. The treatment, collection and segregation resulting in
urban areas, which have the largest concentration more employment opportunities, greener campus and
of MSW, are also the most land- scarce, and being in compliance with society and nature.
therefore, the opportunity cost of using such land
for MSW disposal is also very high.
5 The centralized waste disposal arrangements shift In comparison with land filling untreated waste,
the problem from the source of waste generation to composting of putrescible wastes (Wet waste) resulting
waste disposal sites. They also involve long to overall greatest reduction in net flux of greenhouse
distance transportation of waste, with possible gases. The largest contribution to this effect is the
negative externalities and higher fuel avoidance of emissions from landfills as a result of
consumption. Given India’s energy dependence, recycling these materials. Diversion of putrescible
and continuing high oil prices, such an option wastes to composting operated to average gas
would be enormously expensive, while not management standards, decreases the net
meeting the desired quality standards. greenhouse gas flux by about 260 to 470 kg CO2
eq/tonne of MSW.
When a decentralized approach is adopted in an urban
city like Bangalore positive impact on the climate
change become obvious by avoiding fossil fuel burning
for waste management.
6 Centralized waste treatment in India is more Adopting a decentralized waste management can give
susceptible to neighborhood resistance (not in my us product like compost out of wet waste with which
backyard or Nimby syndrome), resulting in judicial options of growing food that we consume, increasing
activism. This is particularly the case when the the oxygen we need to breathe and also contribute
organic and non-organic wastes are not separated, to positive changes for aesthetics of the place we live
as has recently been the case in Delhi and many in.
major cities in the country.

Case Study for Decentralized Waste management:

Waste Management Process by Kshithee Dimensions at Brigade Millennium Cassia, JP Nagar, 7th phase, Arekere,
Bangalore - 560078

All the materials used in the process

of Composting were natural. No
synthetic fertilizer or any artificial
Location to be chemicals were used for the below
addded mentioned process.

We have used NPB , a microbial

culture to aid in quickening the
process of aerobic composting. NPB
is based on Mixed Microbial
Technology and is a consortium of
highly active and functionally
competent microbes- anaerobes,
aerobes and facultative anaerobes,
which are
judiciously chosen and co-cultured using a proprietary media and process. It is made of Generally
Recognized As Safe (GRAS) microbes diluted in jaggery water.
∙ Jaggery - water provides food for the microbes to feed on and multiply.
∙ Experiment : Decentralized Management for Solid Waste

The waste management was done in the basement of the apartments where air flow was sufficient and had shelter
from rain.
Brigade Cassia has a good level of segregation of 85%. Wet waste generated on a daily basis is about 150 kg..

Materials Used:
● NPB to water – Ratio = 1:30 =Amount of solution depends on the waste on that particular day
● Crates – Perforated on the bottom and sides except for the bottom crate at the base
● Weighing Scale
● Dry Organic matter (Leaves) = Equal proportion of wet waste
● Mosquito Net to cover the top crate
● 2 pairs of gloves
● Compost Thermometer

Waste to compost process for Brigade Cassia

Day 1

Temperature 45.9
Temperature 45.2

After 24 hours of treating the wet waste, observations of the temperature

Day 2

Temperature 44.3
Temperature 43.9 - Initial process of decomposition to bring rise in temperature

Day 3

Temperature 45.9

Day 4

Temperature 49.5
Temperature 42.4

Day 5

Temperature 47.7

Temperature 51.6

Healthy bacterial activity on the surface of the waste, showing the progress of decomposition
Day 6

Temperature 50.3

Day 7
Temperature 47.6

Turned the entire batch of waste upside down

Day 8

Temperature 47.9
Temperature 51.3

Day 9

Temperature 49.8
Leachate that is collected

Day 10
Temperature 37.7

The progress of bacterial activity

in the fag-end of decomposition
ready to harvest soon
Waste Management Process Specification
Phase 1: An initial process of ensuring segregation of the wet waste, mixing proportional amount of treated coco
peat or the available dry organic matter and store it in perforated, stackable trays for 6 days.

Phase 2: After the first six days in the trays, the decomposing matter is moved to a bigger container and further left for
next 7-8 days to decompose into high quality compost.

Phase 3: The compost obtained after this period of 14-15 days of decomposition is mixed with equal proportion of coco
peat and left for 3 days.

Phase 4::With so much availability of grow material due to the outcome of waste management; Kshithee connects the
organic material to the healthy and Self Grown Organic Food to be made available for the urban market. Seeds are sown
in the reused containers such as plastic containers or eco friendly container such as cow dung planters containing
compost-grow-material mix and allowed to germinate for a time 3-8 days depending on the seed sown. Cow dung
planters create optimum growing conditions for the allowing seedlings to easily establish their roots, provide nutrients
and ease of transplantation. Similarly multiple containers can be used to grow different kind of plants specific to every
case such as milk crates, jute bags, cow dung planters etc.

Kshithee’s Case Study for Self Grown Organic Food

Based on the earlier example of Roshan Apartments, the wet organic matter that was treated was processed naturally to
become fertile grow material and the same was further used to grow greens and vegetables.

Adding compost to soil helps to restore the organic matter content allowing for greater
moisture and nutrient retention and providing necessary food for essential microorganisms that
live in healthy soil. Fetching the compost from the generated organic waste makes the compost
very rich in nutrients and helps develop a friendly environment for the roots of the plants to
nourish well.

By adopting a way of food growing the harvest that is consumed is 100% chemical free. This will
have a direct impact on the health of the consumers, reducing adverse impacts on the
environment by increasing the quality of air in the campus. It also

Fig 17 Transplanted tomato

provides you with fresh vegetables and greens. Transportation is avoided to procure vegetables. It lets you control when
to harvest your food. Vegetables that ripen in the garden have more nutrients than store- bought vegetables that must be
picked early.

The Green bag

Green bag is a product with approximately 25 kgs of grow-material which can accommodate
growth of forty plants per bag. These plants will specifically be greens that will provide one harvest
every alternate month for the regular consumption of the employees at the premises. The bag has
an importance as it provides enough aeration for the roots and also to hold the grow material
together. Grow material is a mix of compost (primary plant nutrients of nitrogen, phosphorus and
potassium); along with a host of minor nutrients that fuels plant growth. Decaying organic matter
and minerals within the soil provide these nutrients.


Self-watering pot is a product with approximately 10 kgs of grow-material which can

accommodate growth of thirty plants. These plants will specifically be greens that will provide one harvest every alternate
month for the regular consumption at the premises. The importance of inculcating Earthen pots in the container is that
they seep out the water for the grow material to absorb. Coco peat is known to have more moisture holding capacity and
works well with the earthen pot to maintain the moisture save 50-70% of water. There can be no over watering or under
watering as the plants will take only as much as they need.

List of Materials
S Material Description Capacit
l y
1 Vertical Stack
A stack of vertically placed perforated
plastic crates to store the treated batches
25 kg each crate
of waste assisting in the first phase of

2 Storage Container A container for the second phase of

decomposition of the organic material. Big
enough to store the material until the
completion of the decomposition process. 350 litres

3 Microbial Culture A consortium of Generally Recognized As

Safe (GRAS) Microbes to react on the
Concentrated 16.5 ml for
organic material, which will in turn assist in 15 kg of
fastening the process of decomposition Putrescible waste

4 Coco peat
Made from coconut fibre. The extraction of
the coconut fibre from husks gives us this
by-product called coco peat. Coco peat is a 12 kg of coco peat for 15 kg of
100% natural growing medium Putrescible waste

5 Green Bags A product with approximately 25 kg

capacity of grow material filled in a jute bag
used to grow around forty plants of green
to yield a harvest every alternate month 40 plants(greens)



CRATES SYSTEM - 130kg/day – 18 vertical stacks of plastic crate consisting of 81 crates totally (Material – Plastic Crates
vertically stacked on one another). Bottom crates to collect the leachate.

We can deploy the setup in the shed that is available at the corner of the campus. We would require to get the place cleaned
so that we are able to setup the vertical stacks.

Training and assistance will be provided for the first 2 cycles of waste to compost further to which your staff member will be
carrying it out independently. Post this we will be able to provide assistance if and when required.

Recurring / Monthly

We will provide the required materials for wet waste management on a monthly basis.

Mobile Shredder will be provided on a rental module providing daily service being a residential sector.

Coco peat – 1560 kg, Concentrated microbial culture – 6 ltr bottles, gunny sack – 63

Cost for Wet Waste Management Services

One Time / House


Certain amount of compost can be used for the garden area of the community. The surplus that is generated on a daily basis
will be managed by us to collect the compost once in a week.

Returns on investment - Calculated for 3 years considering the current market for compost.

The generated compost can also be utilized to develop community food garden apart from developing food products as
mentioned above such as grow bags and self-watering pots which will redefine the returns for 1 year.

Summary of facts & key benefits:

 Average of wet waste 150Kg waste is managed in 4 Sq ft area.
 Fastest and natural way of composting within 13 days
 First ever e-company to grow food out of wet waste and providing market for the
 Making organic and self-grown food affordable and available.
 Improve overall well-being of downtrodden like waste pickers,
construction workers and hard labour through yoga.
 Capturing success stories based on Waste management, Organic food & yoga and
streaming it on our digital channel shall aggregate the
 Market credibility and Green compliance for customers of B2B segment.

Social Benefits:

Clean environment being one of the visions and for to achieve the same Kshithee’s waste management platform
shall help us to bring private and public entities together encouraging nature friendly solutions to collect,
segregate and to treat the refused potential energy that is waste from the society and to give it back to the
society in reusable forms
Clean body being the other part of the vision, we are focused and dedicated to improve the social Health with Naturally
grown organic food by making it affordable and easily available. Green and clean cities are the current need and demand in
the world. Harvesting compost in controlled environment every day and growing plants in that number shall allow us to
improvise the greenery and the aesthetics of the city.

Clean mind the important part of the vision is

based on the principles of yoga.
Is the prayer we have been chanting since
ages and we have received this shloka from
our ancient wisdom. All these shlokas when
pronounced generates sound energy that
brings us to union. That is why when we
chant these shlokas we feel calmness in
mind. Many researchers suggest that
practicing Asanas, Pranayama and chanting
every day for an hour shall bring social
behavioural change.

Economic Benefits:

Clean environment: since waste is connected to a

particular class in current society it has created a
socio-economic difference that has lead to poverty,
illiteracy and social Injustice. This has led to judicial
activism which is one of the main reasons why waste
looks like a big challenge for current generation.
Kshithee's transparent human resource policies shall
help connecting the gap between different classes of
society to actively participate and tackle the issues
around the waste.

Clean body is envisioned towards growing organic food naturally and organically by growing vegetables, greens and
fruits. Promoting urban food gardening technologies like terrace gardening, vertical gardening, community growing
under one digital platform shall not only suffice the local people food requirements but also can help our nation to
increase the ranking in GHI (Global Hunger Index).

Clean Mind: "The data tells a compelling story," says Carin Gorrell, editor in chief of Yoga Journal."More people than ever
across all age groups are realizing the benefits of yoga, from stress relief to flexibility to overall well-being. Yoga is a
thriving, growing industry."
Kshithee by its affordability and availability policies aims towards enabling construction workers,waste pickers and
downtrodden society to keep up the practice and be benefited from this growing economy.
Individual Entity Benefits

Clean environment According to

recent studies each individual
generates about 700g of waste on an
average. Kshithee public private
engagement programs not only allow
an individual to manage his/her waste
at the source but also help society to
reduce the
burden on landfills.

Clean Body Food is the major intake

for an individual on a daily basis from
where body takes nutrients to keep
itself healthy and functional.
Consuming the self grown food shall
develop a trust factor that contributes
towards healthy body functionalities.
Food that is full of life is called as sattvic
food. Sattvic food helps an individual
to be well. Greens, vegetables and
fruits etc comes
under this category. Having this kind of food is need for an individual more than luxury.

Clean Mind According to yoga, conscious is the core of mind beyond thoughts, identity and memory. An act of conscious
is an act of paramathma (God). Yoga is a Sadhana (Journey) or ancient science that is aimed to clear distortion of mind
and attain a State of ultimate bliss (SAT-CHIT-ANANDA). It shall take an individual's conscious efforts to be there.

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