The Gamma Camera: Basic Principles

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The Gamma Camera:
Basic Principles

Radionuclide imaging is the most important little use for imaging because they cannot
application of radioactivity in nuclear medi- penetrate more than a few millimeters of
cine. Radionuclide imaging laboratories are tissue. Therefore they cannot escape from
found in almost every hospital, performing within the body and reach an external radia-
hundreds and even thousands of imaging pro- tion detector, except from very superficial
cedures per month in larger institutions. tissues. Bremsstrahlung (see Fig. 6-1) gener-
In this chapter, we discuss briefly some ated by electron emissions is more penetrat-
general aspects of radionuclide imaging, and ing, but the intensity of this radiation
we describe the basic principles of the most generally is very weak.
widely used imaging device, the gamma Imaging system detectors must therefore
camera, also known as the Anger scintillation have good detection efficiency for γ rays. It is
camera, named after its inventor, Hal Anger also desirable that they have energy discrimi-
(see Chapter 1, Section C and Fig. 1-3). The nation capability, so that γ rays that have lost
performance characteristics of this instru- positional information by Compton scattering
ment are discussed in Chapter 14. The use of within the body can be rejected based on
the gamma camera for tomographic imaging their reduced energy (see Chapter 6, Section
is described in Chapter 17. C.3). A sodium iodide [NaI(Tl)] scintillation
detector (see Chapter 7, Section C) provides
both of these features at a reasonable cost;
A.  GENERAL CONCEPTS OF for this reason it is currently the detector of
RADIONUCLIDE IMAGING choice for radionuclides with γ-ray emissions
in the range of 80-300 keV.
The purpose of radionuclide imaging is to The first attempts at radionuclide “imaging”
obtain a picture of the distribution of a radio- occurred in the late 1940s. An array of radia-
actively labeled substance within the body tion detectors was positioned on a matrix of
after it has been administered (e.g., by intra- measuring points around the head. Alterna-
venous injection) to a patient. This is accom- tively, a single detector was positioned manu-
plished by recording the emissions from the ally for separate measurements at each point
radioactivity with external radiation detec- in the matrix. These devices were tedious to
tors placed at different locations outside the use and provided only very crude mappings of
patient. The preferred emissions for this the distribution of radioactivity in the head
application are γ rays in the approximate (e.g., left-side versus right-side asymmetries).
energy range of 80 to 500 keV (or annihilation A significant advance occurred in the early
photons, 511 keV). Gamma rays of these  1950s with the introduction of the rectilinear
energies are sufficiently penetrating in body scanner by Benedict Cassen (see Fig. 1-2).
tissues to be detected from deep-lying organs, With this instrument, the detector was
can be stopped efficiently by dense scintilla- scanned mechanically in a raster-like pattern
tors, and are shielded adequately with rea- over the area of interest. The image was a
sonable thicknesses of lead (see Fig. 6-17—soft pattern of dots imprinted on a sheet of paper
tissue has attenuation properties similar to by a mechanical printer that followed the
water). Alpha particles and electrons (β par- scanning motion of the detector, printing the
ticles, Auger and conversion electrons) are of dots as the γ rays were detected.

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