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Title of the Project



S. No. Topics Page No
2 Introduction and Objectives of the Project 3
3 Project Category 5
4 Tools/Platform, Hardware 8
5 Problem Definition 9
6 Scope of the solution 10
7 Project Analysis 11
8 Database and Tables 14
9 Structure of the Project 16
9.1 Process Logic of each module 17
9.2 List of reports that are likely to be generated 20
10 Implementation of security mechanisms 21
11 Future scope and further enhancement of the project 21
12 Bibliography 22

2. Introduction of the Project


software application maintain the records related to sales, purchases, stock updation
and print bills as per GST guidelines. This software named as “eWay”. Here “e” is
derived from electronic that is an English word and “Way” means path that leads you
to the destination. The main objective of the application is to automate the existing
system of manually maintaining the records. A new structure of tax was came into
existence that was GST(Goods and Service Tax). GST which was introduced in India
on 1 July 2017 and was applicable throughout India which replaced multiple
cascading taxes levied by the central and state governments.

eWay is easy to use and is designed to simply complex day to day activities
associated in an enterprise. It provides comprehensive solution around accounting
principles, inventory and data integrity. eWay software comes with easy to use
interface thus making it operationally simple.

The developed project is very user friendly. One may perform different job by
point and selecting appropriate menu. The entire project is menu driven for the case of
dynamic reference. These are helpful utility in the project for better understanding of
the user and which act, as on time manual of software the developed project is Object
Oriented category.

This project has been prepared after effective analysis of requirement of an

Organization. In this project, I have been tried level best to fulfills the requirements
from top to bottom through the computer. This project will helpful for the both
management and employee to solve their problem in very effective manner.

Objectives Of Project
 Primary goal of any organisation who wants more reliability, data accuracy,
robustness, security, speed, & so on. These are the main factor for any
organisation and which is not possible all of this through manual handling.
There are many kind of problem which we may face in manual handling like
reduction in the execution of work, data accuracy, and all of this above
 To come from computer system, which make the organisation more secure,
reliable as we as faster almost 100 times. It also provides stability to almost any
 Inventory system is very beneficial because it saves the man power, time,
provide data accuracy and as soon as organisation will more progressive.

In Inventory, We are maintaining the information overall related to goods

inward and outward such as:
 We are purchasing all type of items.
 In case of damage, we can return the damage goods to company.
 We are maintaining the sales related Invoice.
 We are maintaining the sales Return Invoice with GST(CGST

Overall description related to goods availability such as:

 First of all, we are retaining the concept of master file for all the
type of goods.
 We can maintain the data in master file as well as add so many
characteristic like:
 We are maintaining the price of goods.
 We are maintaining the type of goods.
 We are maintaining the Quantity of different type of Goods.
 We are maintaining the name of each goods with HSN code.

We are maintaining the overall account such as:

 We are retaining the overall expenses of on the daily basis as well

as maintaining sales account.
 As long as generate a report chart to indicate the total sale, expense
as well as show the almost view related to account as per daily
basis or monthly basis.

3. Project Category

RDBMS [Relational Database Management System]

A Relational Data Model was invented by Dr. E. F. Coded and is based on the simple
concept i.e. Table.
Relational database is a new way of thinking about how data is to be structured and
stored. RDBMS is perceived by user as the collection of time varying normalized
relations of assorted degrees. A relation does not contain any duplicate tuples. The
tuples and attributes in a relation are unordered. Here we find a primary key, which
has a unique value and this value, may be used to distinguish the tuples from all other
in the relation.
Some features of RDBMS: -
 In RDBMS database is represented as a collection of relation.
 The Relation Database eliminates all parent child relationship. In RDBMS each
table is independent and there is no structure and any relationship between
 In RDBMS data organization is to simple, therefore data stored in table is
manipulated easily.
 One of the key features of RDBMS having query language like QBE or SQL.
 A RDBMS is a computer program for managing table.
 It has three major parts:
 Data that is presented as Tables.
 Operators for manipulating tables.
 Integrity rules on tables.

4. Tools/Platform

In this project, JAVA(J2SE AND J2EE(SERVLET AND JSP) is used as

front end and Oracle 9i is used as back end.

 JAVA(J2SE):-

Java is an object-oriented programming language and is very powerful language

for creating any type of window-based applications i.e. word processor, paint
application, visual financial packages etc. It is also used for creating internal based
application and server based application. Java is an object-oriented even driven
programming language. It means all activities are depended on the classes i.e.,
Button, Text field, Label, Text Area, Choice, List, Menus, Slides etc. and also depend
on the events i.e., action performed, key pressed, key released, mouse moved, mouse
entered , window closing, window activated etc. while using the objects the statements
that are written on the certain event area is executed.
There are two types of events:
 User Events: - The action or event which is taken or performed by the user.
 System Events: - The action or event which is taken or performed by the

Figure show how Java works as cross platform language.

Java has unique ability to enable creation and deployment application that can run on
any operating system across any network. As a technology it has immense potential
and scope for both web based and standalone applications. It provides remarkable
support for distributed computing in the form of features as RMI (Remote method
invocation), Database management support in the form of JDBC and reusable
software components in the form of java Bean.

Java is designed around the object-oriented model .In java the focus is on the ‘data
‘and the ‘methods ‘ that operate on the data in an application , and not just on the
procedures. The data and methods together describe the state and the behaviors of an
object in java.

Java is an also platform independent Language .The Platform refers to the

computer operating system and its CPU Platform independence means the

ability of the program to run on different platforms without modifications. This

feature is one of the primary reasons for the popularity of the language.

4. Hardware And Software Requirement Specification


 Main Memory : 512 MB

 HDD : 80GB

 Processor : Pentium IV

1. SVGA Color Monitor

 Multimedia kit (C D drive, sound card speaker, Microphone)

 System type HCL infinity 2000 mix system, with 32 bit file

 System, Logitech Mouse, 105 keys Keyboard

Software Configuration

Platform used
Operating System : WINDOWS XP

Front End Tool

Programming Language : J2SE, J2EE (SERVLET, JSP)

Back End Tool

Documentations : MS- Office 2007

5. Problem Definition

In India the numbers of small scale industries are more than other. Maximum follows
the conventional approaches. In the Conventional approaches manually prepared
“Bahi Khata”. This is Notebook in which they maintain accounting of the business.
GST is Applicable throughout country. Now return filing is online so you have
to switch to an accounting software. Prior you had option of both online and offline
filing of returns but in current scenario filing of return is only online.

6. Scope of the project

Accounting: It is the core of any financial transactions. The purpose of this

module is to capture all financial entries in order to provide a general ledger, trial
balance and financial statements for the firm.

Sales: This module captures all cash and credit sales invoice, credit note, sales
returns. Use it to customer, manages quotation and sale order, and view a long list of

Inventory: Use this module to define stock item, stock group and units. Also
controls all transactions and quantity including raw materials, sales, service and
manufactures materials.

7. Project Analysis

There are some important structures which are used for “GST BILLING
& INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” which are considered as the
headings, analysis [DFD] number of modules and its description, data structure
[Tables] of all modules, process generation. These structures give the actual lay out of
all modules of this project which are as follows-

Data Flow Diagram

A Data Flow Diagram is a graphical representation of whole system that shows data
to, from and within the system, processing function that changes the data in some
manner, and storage of this data. The details context DFD of the system is given
below: -

Context Diagram or 0 Level - DFD

1 Level-DFD

E-R Diagram :-


User Account

Attribute Type Length Description


Stock Item Master

Attribute Type Length Description

STK_ID CHAR 100 NOT NULL, Primary Key, Stock Item ID
STK_NAME CHAR 100 NOT NULL, Name of Item
STK_UNIT CHAR 100 Unit of the Item
STK_GROUP CHAR 100 Group of Item
HSNCODE CHAR 8 Code of Item

Invoice Table

Attribute Type Length Description

INV_NO CHAR 16 NOT NULL, Primary Key, Invoice
INV_DATE DATE 15 Invoice Date
PARTY_ADD CHAR 100 Party Address
STOCK_ITEMS CHAR 30 Number of Items in the Invoice
TOTAL-QTY INT 6 Total quantity of Items
GST_AMT INT 6 Tax Amount
CESS_AMT INT 10 Cess Amount
INV_AMOUNT INT 10 Invoice Amount

Customer Table

Attribute Type Length Description

CUST_ID CHAR 20 NOT NULL, Primary Key, Customer Id
CUST_STATE CHAR 15 State of the Customer
CUST_ADD CHAR 100 Address
CUST_REGTYPE CHAR 10 Registration Type (Regular, Customer,

Dealer Table

Attribute Type Length Description

DLR_NAME CHAR 20 NOT NULL, Primary Key, Name of the
DLR_STATE CHAR 15 Dealer’s state
DLR_GSTIN CHAR 15 Dealer’s GSTIN Number
DLR_Mob INT 10 Dealer’s Mobile Number
DLR_ADD CHAR 100 Address of Dealer
DLR_REGTYPE CHAR 100 Registration Type (Regular, Customer,

Purchase Table

Attribute Type Length Description

PUR_NO CHAR 16 NOT NULL, Primary key, Purchase
Invoice number
PUR_DATE DATE 10 Purchase Invoice Date
DLR_NAME CHAR 20 Dealer Name
STK_NAME CHAR 20 Stock Item Name
STK_QTY INT 6 Total quantity of item
GST_AMT INT 10 Tax amount
CESS_AMT INT 10 Cess amount
INV_AMT INT 10 Purchase invoice amount

9. Complete Structure of the Project

Total Modules: There are total 7 Modules in the Project.

1. User Account
2. Item Master
3. Party Master
4. Sales
5. Sales Return
6. Purchase
7. Purchase Return
8. Stock Summery
9. Invoice/Bill

9.1 Process Logic with Module Description

User account

In this module we store the information about all the users who work on this
software as like username and Password. The username field is primary key
to uniquely identified each operator. User have rights according to their
domain. If user is a data entry operator then he/she has the right of data
entry same if a user manages cash and bank the he/has the right to operate
the bank accounts.

Item master
This is a master table. It contains details about the item. It does not change
or update daily .It has Item name, item code, unit, under group, GST rate,
and MRP.

Party Master
Party is customer or is to be called sundry debtor whom company sales the
goods. Party has many details like name, id, group(Sundry Debtor/Sundry
Creditor), GSTIN number, PAN number, state, address and contact details.

Sale is a activity related to selling or the amount of goods or services sold in a
given period of time. In an organization this process is called sale transaction.
Every transaction is to be recorded in the books of accounts.

Sales Return
Sales return is case in which the seller gets back goods the he sold to the
buyer. The seller records this return as a debit to a Sales Returns account
and a credit to the Account Receivable account; the total amount of sales
returns in this account is a deduction from the reported amount of gross
sales in a period, which yields a net sales figure. The credit to the
Accounts Receivable account reduces the amount of accounts receivable

Purchase means to take possession of a given asset, property, item or right by
paying a predetermined amount of money for the transaction to be completed
successfully. In GST seller uploads the sales information in GST portal to
whom he sold the goods. Now buyer have to login in his portal and
reconciliation or invoice matching or is a process of matching taxable sales by
the seller with the taxable purchases of the buyer.

It is vital because ITC on purchases will only be available if the details of

purchases filed in GSTR-2 return of buyer matches with the details of sales
filed in GSTR-1 of the seller.

Purchase return
A purchase return transaction is when the buyer of merchandise, inventory,
fixed assets, or other items sends these goods back to the seller. Excessive
purchase returns can interfere with the profitability of a business, so they
should be closely monitored. Deduct the purchase return form the current
month total purchase you will get the new process.

There are a number of reasons for purchase returns, such as:

 The buyer initially acquired an excessive quantity and wants to

return the remainder.

 The buyer acquired the wrong goods

 The seller sent the wrong goods.

 The goods have proven to be inadequate in some way.

Stock summery
Stock summery is a report in which is a statement of the stock-in-hand for a
particular date. It is one of the primary inventory statements and it updates the
stock record in real time as and when transactions are entered. Stock Summary
provides information on stocks and shows the quantity details, rate and closing
value of the stock items.

The standard report allows us to view the total change in Item quantity or cost
over a period of time. Whereas our custom report allow you to view the change
quantity and cost in 2 different categories i. e: Inwards and Outwards.

When the order is accepted and item is ready to be shipped. Seller send an
invoice to the buyer. This invoice contains the information about what are
items, their quantity, rate, taxable value, party name with the details of
As per GST Rules now some extra details are mandatory in the invoice.
GSTIN number should be in the invoice of both buyer and seller if the they
have. Every service is considered as sales so you have to mentions the SAC
code for the service and HSN code for the items. The character length is 8
of HSN/SAC code.

9.2 Report Generation

 In this existing project, usually output of the project is made on the basis of
corresponding input.

 Output of the project is inbuilt in a form of softcopy or hardcopy i.e. nothing

but a report cards which display the actual output.

 There are following different type of output:-

 Screen output: In screen output as we can check stock status related to

goods inventory system as well as even it can perform the search of
goods availability information.

 Reports (Hard copy): it is a way to generate any type of data or

information in the form of hard copy usually on the basis of certain

o Sales invoice: To Display the information related to sales information

as well as customer information.

o Current stock detail: To Display the report of total goods availability.

o Sales Register: It display the total monthly sales.

o Purchase Register: To display the monthly purchases.

o Sale detail: it generate a report chart of current sale detail as per daily

10. Implementation of security mechanisms at various levels

Multiple users are created in the system and they have rights according to their
domain. Every user has an “username” and “password”. No unauthorized user can
enter in the system. If somehow he manages to enter in the system the work area is
restricted so his intension cannot be fulfilled.

11. Future Scope further enhancement of the project

There are many type of future scope of it’s on going project:-

 The project can make be easily up-date and modified according to

requirement of the project as well as its will be performed better.

 Project may be going to provide online payment facility.

 Proposed system may provides the facility of like E-signature and pubic
key encryption technology features for secure transfer of confidential

 Directly throw the information of GSTR-1 and GSTR-2 to the GST


 Integrate Payroll module with this software.

 Arrangement for automatic back up and replication of the database.

12. Bibliography

 Black Book Of Java

 Java (Sun Press VOL1 & VOL2)

 Raid Heart Jsp & servlet

 Black book of j2ee.


 Ivan Bayross.
 BPB Publications.

 SOME Web Site:-




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