The Nuclear Family

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The Nuclear Family

(Santos Family)

The Nuclear family is having a father, mother, brother, sister and baby. Everybody knows
it is a perfect family, because they were sharing each other whatever the parents have earned for
the family and sharing responsibilities in the house.


Mother ------------ Shiela

Father ------------ Rieg

Brother ------------ Sean

Sister ------------ Jaira

Baby ------------ Jim

Setting: Inside the house.

Narrator: One Saturday morning in the house. The father and other have no work in the office.
Also, the three (3) children have no classes in school. The mother prepared a breakfast and she
go to the rooms of her husband and children.

Mother: Sean, Jaira, and Jim wake up! The breakfast is ready. Let us eat.

Sister/brother/baby: yes mother. We are already awake. We just fix our bedroom before going
down and eat our breakfast.

Narrator: After she wake up the children. Mother proceed to their room to wake up her husband.

Mother: Rieg, wake up! The breakfast is ready. Let us eat. So after breakfast we are going to do
our household chores.
Father: Yes Rachel! I’m going down to join you and the kids.

Narrator: everybody is already in the dining table to eat their delicious breakfast.

Father: I’m going to clean the car after eating our breakfast.

Mother: Me, I’m going to the market and buy some foods. Then, I will cook our lunch. After
lunch, I will wash the clothes.

Sister: Me, I will fix the table and wash the dishes. Then I will clean the house.

Brother: I will water the plants, feed our dog (Tagpi) and sweep the backyard.

Baby: Me, I will fix my toy, and books. Then I will help ate clean the house. By wiping the table
and chairs.

Narrator (Teacher): The Santos family is a Nuclear family sharing the household chores. They
help one another in order to finish their household chores assign.

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