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The National Science and Technology Plan for 2002-2020


The National Science and Technology Plan for 2002-2020 (NSTP 2020) is a plan which defines the
direction of science and technology (S&T) development in the Philippines for the next 18 years. It is an
instrument for implementing the National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (2009).
The Plan identifies short, medium and long term priorities in Science, Technology and

In the short term, Government will prioritize the creation of a science and technology
fund, improvement of public appreciation and support of science and technology, establishment
of science parks and science centers, establishment of science and technology information
management systems, strengthening the intellectual property management system.

In the Medium term, Government will focus on increasing science and technology
financing, human resource capacity building, establishment of centers of excellence,
strengthening research and development infrastructure and ensuring excellent quality standards

Government will consider regional and continental priorities, develop a code of ethics
for science and technology, develop a science culture along with Infrastructure development in
the long term. The NSTP will be implemented by a cross section of stakeholders guided by the
mandates and primary responsibilities of their respective ministries, departments and agencies
(MDAs), private sector institutions and civil society organizations. The Plan will be financed by
the government in partnership with the private sector, development partners and civil society.
The MDAs will plan for and access the required resources for implementing the NSTP through
their regular budget processes.

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