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This is the most recent information from CMS about your Graduation Project reflections papers:

Students should complete a written reflection for the following components of the

Graduation Project: Research Paper, Service Learning Experience/Product, Presentation.

If a student has a mentor, they must also submit a reflection for their experience in order

to gain extra points. ​Each reflection should be a minimum of 1-page typed, Times New

Roman, 12-pt. font and should address the challenges, solutions, and growth they

experienced​. The reflections should focus on what the student has learned and his/her

impact on the community issue they chose.

Directions for Research Paper Reflection:

Compose a thorough reflection about your English III Research Paper by answering the guiding

questions below in essay format on the next page. [​Student exemplar​]

● Why did you choose this topic?

● What obstacles did you have to overcome in order to complete your paper?

● What did you learn from writing this paper that will help you in the future?

● What will you do differently the next time you need to conduct research and write a


*Did not complete a paper?​ No matter the reason (different school, failure to complete, etc.),

you must complete a 1-page reflection. Explain in detail the reason you do not have a paper, then

educate the reader on your topic by taking a stance (thesis statement) and supporting it with at

least 3 research-based reasons. You must include an MLA format Works Cited page.

I chose the topic of abortion, the reason i chose abortion was because of the

debates around it and i really wanted to explain my view on the topic. I wanted to

be able to explain why i thought what i thought and i wanted to use evidence to

support my views. The research paper gave me a great opportunity to explain why

I do not support abortion. Even though I did get to explain myself i had to go

through a lot of obstacles in my way, like just not wanting to do the work because I

was tired or because I simply did not feel like doing it. There are other reasons

such as: other school work, after school activities or spending time with my family.

But another reason for me writing about abortion was the contraception portion

where there are teens who cannot take care of children. If only teens had proper

places to inform them on contraceptives that are cheap and that they can get

without their parents knowing. The only time i remember getting taught about sex

education was in the 5th grade that was roughly six years ago, so during that time

period teens could definitely forgotten about safe sex practices resulting in

unwanted children and unnecessary abortions that could traumatize them in the

future. Now that my sister is in highschool now I feel now that it is more important

to educate more highschool students on sexual education.

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