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Subject: English Topic: A Dog Named Duke Grade: IX

Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow.
1. When two fellows stare at each other day in , day out, and one can’t move and
the other can’t talk, boredom sets in.
(a) Who are the two fellows being referred to?
The two fellows being referred to are Chuck and his dog, Duke.
(b) Why couldn’t one move?
Chuck couldn’t move because he had been completely paralyzed on the left
side as a result of a car accident.
(c) Give the opposite of the word- ‘ boredom’
The opposite of boredom is excitement.

2. All they knew was that their new neighbour walked like a struggling
mechanical giant and that he was always pulled by a rampageous dog that
acted as if he owned the man.
(a) Identify 'they'
They are the people in the new suburb, where the Hoopers had bought
a house.
(b) Who was the new neighbour and why did he walk like a struggling
mechanical giant?
The 'new neighbour' was Chuck Hooper and he walked like a struggling
mechanical giant as he suffered from paralysis.
(c) Write the synonym of 'rampageous'?
The synonym of ‘rampageous’ is violent.

3. ‘After the excitement of homecoming wore off, Chuck hit a new low.

(a) From where did chuck return?

Chuck returned from the hospital.
(b) What was the ‘new low’?
In the hospital there had been other patients but at home he felt lonely after
his wife left for work. This was the ‘new low’ for him.
(c) Give the meaning of the term –‘a new low’

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The term ‘new low’ refers to the situation being the new most depressing
point-more disappointing than the previous situation.

4. 'No, please,' she said. And she picked up the big Duke, carried him gently to
the car and drove him to the animal hospital.
(a) What happened to Duke?
He was run over by a vehicle and was severely injured in an accident
and succumbed to his injuries.
(b) Why does Marcy not allow anyone to lift Duke?
Marcy did not allow anyone to lift the injured Duke for she had
developed a great liking for Duke although she was not a dog lover.
Duke had helped her husband recover from paralysis.
(c) Give the synonym of ‘gently’.
The synonym of ‘gently’ is harshly/ roughly.

Answer the following in 30-40 words.

(a) How did Duke react on returning from the kennel?
When Duke returned from the kennel and saw Chuck, his master, he jumped
on him with great force. Chuck struggled to keep his balance because he
was not physically fit. Those present saw that Duke instantly understood
his master’s condition and never jumped on Chuck again.

(b) Why did they decide to bring Duke home from the kennel?
When Chuck returned from the hospital, he was excited at first but then
began to feel lonely. In the hospital there were other patients but at home
he was left alone after Marcy went for work. So Duke was brought back to
keep Chuck company.

(c) What did people wonder about Chuck after the death of Duke?
People had watched the slow and steady progress that Chuck had made
with the firm lead, support and patience from his dog, Duke.
After Duke’s death, they wondered if chuck would be able to keep up the
progress all alone.

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(d) What kind of treatment was given to Chuck at the hospital after the accident?
Chuck remained in a critical condition for a month after the accident.
Thereafter he was put in a wheelchair. He was given baths, made to do
exercises, physiotherapy sessions and use a wheeled walker. But he didn’t
make headway.

(e) Why do you think Charles Hooper’s appointment as Assistant National Sales
Manager is considered to be a tribute to Duke?
Duke helped Charles Hooper to get over his handicap proving that
objectives can be realized, if planned step by step. So, the promotion of
Charles Hooper was an acknowledgement on the part of Company to
recognize Duke’s contribution.

Answer the following in 80-100 words.

(a) ‘It was like lightning a fuse’. Explain the line with reference to the story ‘ A
Dog Named Duke’
Chuck was paralyzed on the left side and he lay in bed all day and night and
Duke sat on the floor beside him. Duke nudged and poked Chuck to get up
and move about but Chuck wouldn’t do so. One evening, Chuck idly hooked
the leash on Duke’s collar to hold him still .This was the moment that Duke
had been waiting for. For some unexplained reason Chuck was also
prompted to get up .With the support of Marcy and Duke, Chuck took three
steps. There was slow and steady progression from then on.

(b) How did Chuck Hooper happen to take his first step?
When Chuck’s good hand hooked into the leash of Duke’s collar, Duke
moved U-shaped in anticipation. Chuck asked Marcy to help him to his feet.
Duke pranced and Chuck struggled for balance. With his good hand he
placed the leash in his left, and folded the paralyzed fingers over it. With
Marcy supporting him by the elbow, he moved his right leg out, causing the
left foot to drag forward, alongside the right. Duke had helped him take his
first step.
(c) What was the reaction of the neighbours as they watched Chuck Hooper’s
progress every day?
The neighbors used to watch very keenly and curiously the daily struggle in
front of Marcy’s house. On the sidewalk, they saw the dog pull his leash

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tightly and then stood and wait for Chuck Hooper to follow him. Chuck
would drag himself abreast of the dog, then the dog would surge out to the
end of the leash and wait again. They watched every step of progress made
by Hooper. When on June 1, Hooper and Duke made it to the intersection,
this news spread quite far away.
(d) How did the staff react when Chuck visited his district office?
The staff was amazed to see Chuck walk into the office for he had been
paralyzed because of a car accident. He informed them that he would work
for only an hour daily. They realized that Chuck was fighting for a
comeback but his decision presented problems for they didn’t know how to
tell him that he couldn’t have his old job back. He was salesman and a
salesman needed to move about and work for more than an hour.

(e) Chuck and Duke complemented each other very well. Justify.
Both Chuck and Duke had great faith in each other. Duke always kept
goading his master to set and achieve targets of progress and Chuck also
never disappointed him. Marcy realized what Duke could do for her
husband so she requested the doctor to allow Chuck a limited
physiotherapy program combined with walking with Duke. Sometimes,
Chuck fell down while walking. When this happened, Duke did not show any
sympathy. He simply waited for his master to get up. This showed that the
two understood each other very well.
(f) How did January 4 become significant day in the life of Hooper?
Hooper had been working as a Zonal Sales Manager in a chemical
company. One day he met with an accident and was paralyzed. Being
bedridden he had lost all hopes of his recovery. It was his dog ‘Duke’ who
awakened his dormant will to fight back and emerge victorious. The dog
was instrumental in helping him take more steps each day. So January 4
was a significant day in his life because he had walked 200 metres, without
any assistance, to his office.
(g) Who according to you is the real hero of the story?
The real hero of the story is Duke, the dog. He was deeply attached to
his master. He showed intelligence, patience and determination in
enabling his master to walk again after his master became immobile
due to paralysis. He was very intelligent. His loyal and determined
effort achieved what science could not do. After Duke’s death, Hooper
continued to walk alone .He was also promoted. These were tribu tes to

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Duke that were a reminder of Duke's loyal service to his master.

(h) Would you call Duke an extraordinary dog? Why?

He was an intelligent and an extraordinary dog. When he returned from
the kennel, he jumped on Hooper to show his love and excitement on
seeing his master but when he saw his master fight for balance, he
realized his condition and pain, and never repeated this act. He took it
upon himself to make his master walk again. It was only due to Duke’s
loyal efforts that Hooper could recover. He was able to achieve more
than what was prescribed by the doctor.
(i) Is ‘it irony of fate’ that Duke who had nursed Hooper back to normalcy, had to
meet such a terrible end?
When Chuck was admitted to the hospital after his accident, every effort
made by the doctors and others had failed to cure his paralysis. The
intelligent effort made by Duke had changed an impossible situation into a
possibile one. It is really an irony that he who had nursed Hooper back to
normalcy, himself met with an accident. Just like Hooper, he was also hit by
a vehicle. It is an irony that he who had been successful in bringing life to
Hooper, himself could not survive and met with such a terrible end.

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