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TO: Reymark Santiago

FROM: Darwin Bautista
DATE: February 20, 2016
SUBJECT: Suspension for Poor Attendance
This letter is intended to serve as a notice of suspension matter of your attendance
outline, once again, this is in accordance to the guidelines for continued employment in
Sky Freight Forwarders Inc.
In early February this year you were given an initial written warning which states that
your attendance is unacceptable; one month later, your attendance had not yet improved,
you were once again warned.
Since that time, there had been three instances in which you were absent without giving
us prior notice. This is an unacceptable situation, the management had agreed to put you
in a three-day suspension effective tomorrow through Wednesday.
Further absences can lead to termination, I hope that you understand the situation at
hand. While I have no wish to see you terminated, it is important that you are willing to
work under the rules and regulations of the company. Your signature below is the
evidence that you have read this document and contents.

Thank You and God Bless!

cc: Human Resource Administration

Pulchra Basirgo
Employee’s Signature

February 21, 2016

Dear Dianne,

It was lovely to hear from you, and this time you had some interesting things to tell me. I
can understand about your parents worrying about you travelling around the world but
you will be pleased to hear that I think you have made the right decision. Now is the good
time for you to travel.

However, I am not sure that you have thought carefully about what travelling involves.
No doubt that is why you are asking me for an advice! You imply in your letter that you
are going to travel alone. Have thought about travelling with someone else? Having a
companion can make things a lot more easier – and safer. Also, why not live, and work,
in one country instead of keeping on the move all the time? Staying in one place means
you can make more friends and get to know a different language and culture much better
and if you have a job, you will always have some money to live on. Your parents would
be happier with that because they would know where to contact you. If you are constantly
travelling, they won’t know where you are. This is a possible compromise that you must

Globetrotting is very exciting – I wish I were going with you! On the other hand, there
are serious dangers. I have just heard from another friend who have been robbed of
everything except for the clothes he is wearing, just because he fell asleep on a long-
distance coach journey. Keep in touch!

Sincerely, Darlene
DATE: 16 MAY ‘

LEVEL: Maintenance Hardware Operation

Reliability Safety Other
Retrofit Manufacturing Software


Distribution: All ULVAC Field Service Engineers/ Pump Customers/ Website
Description: Recommendations to determine Oil Change Frequency and regular
inspection of Oil Levels and color
Reason for Bulletin: Extend the life of Rotary Vane Vacuum Pumps by proper inspection
and maintenance
Required Tools: Operating Manual and sufficient quantity of recommended oil type
depending on the Vacuum Pump Model.
Details: Use the pump Operating Manual to determine the proper oil type recommended
for specific pump model. Read, understand and follow the procedure for inspecting oil
and adding oil if needed. Follow procedure to “Change Oil” as described in the operating
Attached to this TSB are recommended inspection record tags and Oil Color Chart to
assist the technician. These documents will record oil inspection and history of oil
The attached documents will establish a history of maintenance as well as guide the user
on “Recommended Time to Change Oil”. There is no set formula for determining when
to change oil. Each customer has his own frequency. The change interval may be affected
by: Time running, Contamination of the oil, moisture ingested by the vacuum pump,
ambient temperature etc.
“Using Colorimeter to Determine the Effect of Concentration on the Rate of Reaction”


When a light passes through a solution in a tube, electrons absorb light. The intensity of
the light emitted through the tube will be less than the light absorbed.

Copper II powder reacts with hydrochloric acid according to the equation:

Cu(s) + 2HCl(aq) → CuCl2(s) + H2(g)

When the reaction takes place, copper II chloride and hydrogen gas are produced. The
concentration of hydrochloric acid decreases. Colorimeter is used to determine the rate of
reaction by measuring the absorbance of a monochromatic light by the solution that
contains excess copper II and hydrochloric acid. When the absorbance of light is
obtained, the rate of reaction can be determined.
Research question:

How do different concentrations of 5cm3 hydrochloric acid that react with 20g of copper
II powder affect the rate of reaction?


 Independent variables:
- The concentration of hydrochloric acid.
 Dependent variables:
- The absorbance of light during three minutes.
 Controlled variables:
- Temperature of the solution must be kept constant so I will use a thermometer
of check the temperature of the solution and keep it constant.
- Volume of the solution must be kept constant. So I will use the same volume of
hydrochloric acid and the same mass of copper II. - Time should be the same so that I can
compare the absorbance of light between different concentrations.
- Intensity of the monochromatic light should be kept the same.

 Electronic balance to 0.01g.
 Five test tubes for different solutions of hydrochloric acid (of different concentrations).
 Colorimeter to measure the absorbance of light.
 Two temperature sensors
 Five containers, each one contains 20g of Copper II powder
 Five different solutions of hydrochloric acid of these different concentrations: 0.25𝑚𝑜𝑙
𝑑𝑚−3 ; 0.50𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑑𝑚−3 ; 0.75𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑑𝑚−3 ; 1.25𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑑𝑚−3 ;1.50𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑑𝑚3
 Set up the experiment shown in the design above.
 Put 20g of copper II powder in the tube of the colorimeter.
 Set the colorimeter on with the monochromatic light.
 Put one temperature sensor inside the tube that contains copper II to control
temperature of the solution later.
 Put the other temperature sensor in the room to keep room temperature under control.
 Add 5cm3 of hydrochloric acid to the copper II.
 Take the results of the absorbance of light.
 Propagate the graphs and calculate the order of reaction.
 Repeat the experiment using another concentration and then find the order of reaction.

 Compare the results and find out how does the concentration affects the order of
Developing a method for collection of data:
I will repeat the experiment three time for five different concentrations so that I can get
enough data that can be used to find out the effect of concentration on the rate of reaction.

Visit to the Computer Center

Asia Pacific College
Malolos, Bulacan
By means of a telephone, I made an appointment with Engr. Apple Mutuc, the Director of
the Computer Center of the Asia Pacific College. The meeting was set last January 16,
2016 at 3:00 pm. The purpose of the visit was to observe the equipment and their
operations as well as to discuss the qualifications needed to get a job at the Center system
and to observe and take part in operating one of the computers.
Through the discussion I had with Engr. Mutuc, I learned that for one to get a job at the
Computer Center, a person must have a background in Computer specifically data
processing. The more experienced a person is in data processing, the better the chances
are of getting at the Center.
Beginning Positions
A new employee with no data processing work experience would probably start at the
Computer Center with a job in keypunch. This job involves the punching of data on to
cards that are run through the computer. Very often this job includes a lot of night work,
especially for the beginner. As an employee masters certain skills, the chances for a
higher position in the center increases. The new employee with experience or specialized
training can move into responsible high-paying positions within a few months.
Observation of Equipment and Operations
The Computer Center has such a large load of work that it is equipped with two IBM
systems, three computers with model types XT, 286 and 386. Different offices and
departments of Asia Pacific College bring in raw data which are programmed and
processed by the computers and the results are returned to the different offices.

Conclusions and Recommendations

My visit to the Computer Center was very interesting and worthwhile. Engineer Mutuc
encouraged me to continue my education in data processing and to get much out of the
course as I could because that knowledge would help me to get a good job and to
advance. He asked me to be sure to apply for a ready employment at the Computer
Center when I completed my college studies.
I would recommended that anyone interested in data processing visit a company using
computer and observe its operation. The visit led me to feel secure in the belief that there
is a very bright future for me in the field of data processing – if I get good training.


Philippine State College of Aeronautics has a total fee of ₱9210 per semester. If you’ll
make a partial payment of ₱5000, of course you’ll wonder where and how will your
₱5000 be spent for. The figure below will show you the breakdown of your₱5000 (partial





TO: Angela Blanche Fernandez
FROM: Team #7 (Darlene Joyce Enderez, Pulchra Mae Basirgo, Apple Rose
Mutuc, Dianne Faith Degamo)
DATE: February 21, 2016
SUBJECT: Progress On Informational Report
Background: Our team is researching desktop video conferencing technology for
Company A. Our informational report to the company's CIO is due March 1, 2016.
Action Items Completed: In preparation for this assignment, each member of our team
was assigned particular tasks and discussed findings on Friday, February 12. Each
member completed research on specific areas of this technology and completed two
pages of the rough draft.
o Darlene: Surveyed users via the Internet, worked on introduction for rough draft, and
made appointment with writing center for 7:00 p.m. Saturday, February 13th.
o Pulchra: Completed research on desktop cameras and wrote two pages of rough draft.
o Apple: Completed research on software, wrote two pages of rough draft, and took
rough draft to writing center with Jack.
o Dianne: Completed research on microphones, wrote two pages of rough draft, and
contacted Robin with Arrow Electronics for more information and suggestions.
o All members: Held meeting on Sunday, February 14, reviewed each member's two
pages, brought all pages together in a rough draft, reviewed report guidelines and
identified pieces of the report that are still missing.

Action Items To Be Completed: Each member has now been assigned these tasks:

Darlene Interview software user February 23

Pulchra Get product specifications from vendors February 25

Apple Add info from Darlene & Pulchra, then take paper to February 25
writing center
Dianne Fine-tune the rough draft for final printing February 27

Anticipated Problems: Our progress is still on schedule. However, we anticipate

difficulty in cohesively bringing together the two pages each team member has written
for the rough draft. We will overcome this problem through careful proofreading,
revising and editing along with help from the writing center. By February 24, you will
have another updated progress report from our team.

“Using Colorimeter to Determine the Effect of Concentration on the Rate of Reaction”

When a light passes through a solution in a tube, electrons absorb light. The intensity of
the light emitted through the tube will be less than the light absorbed.

Copper II powder reacts with hydrochloric acid according to the equation:

Cu(s) + 2HCl(aq) → CuCl2(s) + H2(g)

When the reaction takes place, copper II chloride and hydrogen gas are produced. The
concentration of hydrochloric acid decreases. Colorimeter is used to determine the rate of
reaction by measuring the absorbance of a monochromatic light by the solution that
contains excess copper II and hydrochloric acid. When the absorbance of light is
obtained, the rate of reaction can be determined.

Research question:

How do different concentrations of 5cm3 hydrochloric acid that react with 20g of copper
II powder affect the rate of reaction?


 Independent variables:
- The concentration of hydrochloric acid
 Dependent variables:
- The absorbance of light during three minutes.
 Controlled variables:
- Temperature of the solution must be kept constant so I will use a thermometer of check
the temperature of the solution and keep it constant.
- Volume of the solution must be kept constant. So I will use the same volume of
hydrochloric acid and the same mass of copper II.
- Time should be the same so that I can compare the absorbance of light between
different concentrations.
- Intensity of the monochromatic light should be kept the same.


 Electronic balance to 0.01g.

 Five test tubes for different solutions of hydrochloric acid (of different concentrations).
 Colorimeter to measure the absorbance of light.
 Two temperature sensors
 Five containers, each one contains 20g of Copper II powder
 Five different solutions of hydrochloric acid of these different concentrations:
0.25𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑑𝑚−3 ; 0.50𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑑𝑚−3 ; 0.75𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑑𝑚−3 ; 1.25𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑑𝑚−3 ;1.50𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑚3
Design of the experiment:

The picture below shows how the colorimeter works:

The picture below shows a real colorimeter:

 Set up the experiment shown in the design above.
 Put 20g of copper II powder in the tube of the colorimeter.
 Set the colorimeter on with the monochromatic light.
 Put one temperature sensor inside the tube that contains copper II to control
temperature of the solution later.
 Put the other temperature sensor in the room to keep room temperature under control.
 Add 5cm3 of hydrochloric acid to the copper II.
 Take the results of the absorbance of light.
 Propagate the graphs and calculate the order of reaction.
 Repeat the experiment using another concentration and then find the order of reaction.
 Compare the results and find out how does the concentration affects the order of
reaction. Developing a method for collection of data: I will repeat the experiment three
time for five different concentrations so that I can get enough data that can be used to
find out the effect of concentration on the rate of reaction

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