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42 MT. Haryono Street, Siliragung – Banyuwangi, (0333) 710 282

This classroom action research was fulfilled in order to know the students’
improvement on the subject



42 MT. Haryono Street, Siliragung – Banyuwangi, (0333) 710 282


“If you wait for inspiration to write you’re not a writer, you’re a waiter”
(Day Poynter)



First of all, I would like to thank Allah SWT, the Almighty, who has given
me His guidance and blessing. Therefore, I can finish my classroom action
research entitled “Improving Students’ Recount Text Writing Achievement by
Using Story Mapping Technique”.
Secondly, I would like to express my deepest appreciation and sincere
thanks to those who had helped me finished this classroom action research.
Finally, I hope this thesis will provide some advantages for the writer as
well as the readers. Any constructive suggestions and criticism would be
appreciated and respectfully welcomed to make this thesis better.

Siliragung, October 8th, 2018

The Writer

DEDICATION ..........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
MOTTO ................................................................................................................ iii
STATEMENT OF THESIS AUTHENTICITY ....Error! Bookmark not defined.
CONSULTANT’S APPROVAL .............................Error! Bookmark not defined.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................... iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................... v
THE LIST OF APPENDICES ........................................................................... vii
THE LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................... viii
THE LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................... ix
SUMMARY ........................................................................................................... x
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 1
1.1 Research Background ................................................................................ 1
1.2 Research Problems ..................................................................................... 2
1.3 Research Objectives ................................................................................... 2
1.4 Research Contributions ............................................................................. 3
1.4.1 Empirical Contribution....................................................................... 3
1.4.2 Practical Contribution ........................................................................ 3
CHAPTER 2. RELATED LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................ 4
2.1 Schema Theory: Theoretical Framework ................................................ 4
2.2 Conceptual Framework ............................................................................. 5
2.2.1 Story Mapping technique ................................................................... 5
2.2.2 Teaching Writing through Story Mapping Technique ....................... 6
2.3 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Story Mapping Technique ....... 9
2.4 Previous Studies on the Enactment of Story Mapping ......................... 10
2.5 Research Hypotheses ................................................................................ 12
CHAPTER 3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .............................................. 13
3.1 Research Design ........................................................................................ 13

3.2 Research Context ...................................................................................... 13
3.3 Research Participants............................................................................... 14
3.4 Intervention Design: Teaching a Recount Text Writing Through Story
Mapping Technique.................................................................................. 14
3.5 Data Collection Methods .......................................................................... 15
3.5.1 Writing test ....................................................................................... 15
3.5.2 Observation ...................................................................................... 16
3.6 Data Analysis............................................................................................. 16
CHAPTER 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ................................................. 17
4. 1 The Results of the Action in Cycle 1 ....................................................... 18
4.1.1 The Results of Observation in Cycle 1 ............................................ 18
4.1.2 The Result of the Observation in Meeting 1 in Cycle 1 ................... 18
4.1.3 The Result of the Observation in Meeting 2 in Cycle 1 ................... 19
4.1.4 The Results of the Writing Test in Cycle 1 ...................................... 21
4.1.5 The Result of the Reflection in Cycle 1 ........................................... 22
4. 2 The Results of the Action in Cycle 2 ....................................................... 23
4.2.1 The Results of Observation in Cycle 2 ............................................ 24
4.2.2 The Result of the Observation in Meeting 1 in Cycle 2 ................... 24
4.2.3 The Result of the Observation in Meeting 2 in Cycle 2 ................... 25
4.2.4 The Results of the Writing Test in Cycle 2 ...................................... 26
4.2.5 The Results of the Reflection in Cycle 2 ......................................... 28
4. 3 Discussion .................................................................................................. 29
CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS .................................... 31
5.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................. 31
5.2 Suggestions ................................................................................................ 31
REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 33

APPENDIX A: Research Matrix .......................................................................... 36
APPENDIX B: Adapted Scoring Rubric by Hughes ............................................ 38
APPENDIX C: The Mean Writing Test Score of the Tenth Grade Students’ at
MAN 1 Jember .............................................................................. 40
APPENDIX D: The Tenth Grade Students’ Names and Pre-writing Score ........ 41
APPENDIX E: Evaluation Sheet .......................................................................... 45
APPENDIX F: The Guide of Supporting Data Instruments ................................. 46
APPENDIX G: Lesson Plan C1M1 ...................................................................... 47
APPENDIX H: Lesson Plan C1M2 ...................................................................... 59
APPENDIX I: Writing Test of C1 ........................................................................ 70
APPENDIX J: Lesson Plan C2M1........................................................................ 72
APPENDIX K: Lesson Plan C2M2 ...................................................................... 83
APPENDIX L: Writing Test of Cycle 2 ............................................................... 94
APPENDIX M: The Results of the Observation in Meeting 1 in Cycle 1……….96
APPENDIX N: The Results of the Observation in Meeting 2 in Cycle 1……… 97
APPENDIX O: The Students' Writing Achievement Test Results in Cycle 1…. 98
APPENDIX P: The Results of the Observation in Meeting 1 in Cycle 2………100
APPENDIX Q: The Results of the Observation in Meeting 2 in Cycle 2…….. 101
APPENDIX R: The Students' Writing Achievement Test Results in Cycle 2….102
APPENDIX S: The Story Mapping of Going to The Cempaka swimming pool
APPENDIX T: The Story Mapping of Going to The Cempaka swimming
pool……………………………………………………………….. 120
APPENDIX U: Letter of Research Permission................................................... 112
APPENDIX V: Letter of Finished Research ....................................................... 124

Table 2. 1 The Basic Elements of Story and the Story Mapping Questions ........... 9
Table 4. 1 The Action Schedule in Cycle 1 .......................................................... 19
Table 4. 4 The Percentage of the Students’ participation in Cycle 1 .................... 21
Table 4. 6 The Improvement of the Students’ Writing Achievement in Each
Writing Aspects in Pre-Cycle and Cycle 1 ........................................... 23
Table 4. 7 The Action Schedule in Cycle 2 .......................................................... 25
Table 4. 10 The Percentage of the Students’ Participation ................................... 26
Table 4. 12 The Improvement of the Students’ Writing Achievement in Each
Writing Aspects in Pre-Cycle, Cycle 1 and Cycle 2.......................... 29


Figure 2. 1 Sample of Story Mapping Technique by Sanchez ................................ 8

Figure 4. 1 The Observation Result for Each Indicators in Cycle 1…………..…21
Figure 4. 2 The Observation Result for Each Indicators in Cycle 1 ..................... 22
Figure 4. 3 The Observation Result for Each Indicators in Cycle 2 ..................... 27
Figure 4. 4 The Observation Result for Each Indicators in Cycle 2 ..................... 27


Improving Students’ Recount Text Writing Achievement by Using

Story Mapping Technique; Anies Maya Rowiyatun Nisa, S.Pd.; 33 pages;
This classroom action research was intended to improve the ninth grade
students’ writing achievement by using Story Mapping technique at SMP
Muhammadiyah 5 Siliragung. This classroom action research was intended to
know the students’ improvement in writing recount text. It was found that the
mean score of writing (63.9) which was the lowest among the other ninth grade
classes. It also did not achieve the minimum of standard score (75) for the English
The data collection methods used was writing test and observation in the
form of checklist. The study was done in two cycles to check the consistency of
the research result. Each cycle covered two meetings of the action implementation
and one meeting for administering the test. Besides, the observational checklist
consisted of 5 indicators, namely 1) Completing the setting; (2) Completing the
characters; (3) Completing the events; (4) Completing the conclusion; (5) Writing
a recount text individually. The students were categorized as active students if at
least 3 indicators were fulfilled. The observation result in Cycle 1 showed that
there was 75.75% students were actively involved during the teaching and
learning process. It means that it improved 40.75% from 35% in pre-Cycle.
Besides, the percentage of the students who achieved the minimum of standard
score (75) sig nificantly increased into 76.06% from the pre-Cycle 6.24% to Cycle
1 82.3%. In other words, Cycle 1 fulfilled the criteria of success because 75% of
students achieved the research criteria. Then, the action was still continued to
Cycle 2 to check the consistency of the students’ writing achievement and their
The result of Cycle 2 showed much better result. It was reported that
81.6% of the students participated actively during the learning process. It means
that there was 5.85% improvement from Cycle 1 which was 75.75%.

Furthermore, the increasing also happened to the students’ writing achievement
test that showed 88.2% of the students passed the standard minimum score.
Based on the result above, it can be concluded that the action in Cycle 2
had achieved the criteria of success of the research. The result of Cycle 1 to Cycle
2 showed an improvement as well as achieved the criteria of success. Finally, it
can be summarized that the implementation of Story Mapping technique could
improve the ninth grade students’ writing achievement.



This chapter presents the research background, the research problems, the
research objectives, and the research contributions.

1.1 Research Background

Writing is one of the important skills in teaching English that was useful to
keep people at a distance. As stated by Gonzalez (2015:65), writing was important
and useful to keep people at a distance from it due to its requirement. In writing,
students could express their ideas, feeling, and information into a good
composition in order to communicate with others by using their written product.
According to Akyol (2006) citied in Sidekli (2013:290), it was very important for
the teachers to activate the knowledge of their students, and teaching basic
language processes such as how to arrange their ideas, prepare a writing draft,
review, improve, and evaluate written drafts. It means that spreading writing
studies into processes will provide improvement in writing skills. Therefore,
teachers need to improve the students’ writing skill and to preserve their interest
in writing.
There were some causes why students did not know how to start their
writing. First, they experienced difficulties in organizing their ideas especially
when constructing the sentences into written form and arranging their writing into
coherent text. Second, the students were not able to select words in relation to
appropriate meaning. Third, they lack grammar mastery. The students were not
able to apply the tenses correctly and consistently. When the students were
assigned to write a recount text that told events in the past time, they did not apply
past tense correctly.
To solve that problem, the researcher could improve students’ writing
achievement and their participation by using Story Mapping technique. Li (2007)
citied in Ibnian (2007:182) noted that story map is a graphic organizer used to
identify the main elements of the story and categorize the main events in
sequential order. In addition, Idol (1987) citied in Sidekli (2013:290) stated that a

Story Mapping can be used as a visual tool that showed the relation between the
important idea, notion and facts in the story. It means that Story Mapping could
improve students’ writing achievement by identifying the elements of their own
story such as where, when, major characters, minor characters, events and
conclusion of their own story.
From the explanation above, the researcher was conducted a research
entitled, “Improving Students’ Recount Text Writing Achievement by Using
Story Mapping Technique”.

1.2 Research Problems

Based on the research background above, the research problems were
formulated as follows:
1. How can the implementation of Story Mapping technique improve the ninth
grade students’ achievement in writing a recount text at SMP Muhammadiyah
5 Siliragung?
2. How can the phases of Story Mapping technique help the ninth grade students
write a well-organized in the teaching and learning process of a recount text
writing at SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Siliragung?
3. How can the phases of Story Mapping technique improve the ninth grade
students’ participation in the teaching and learning process of writing a recount
text at SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Siliragung?

1.3 Research Objectives

Based on the research problems above, the research objectives were as
1. To improve the ninth grade students’ achievement in writing a recount text by
using Story Mapping technique a SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Siliragung.
2. To help the ninth grade students write a well-organized in the teaching and
learning process of a recount text writing by using the phases of Story
Mapping technique at SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Siliragung.
3. To improve the ninth grade students’ participation in the teaching and learning

process of writing a recount text by using the phases of Story Mapping

technique at SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Siliragung.

1.4 Research Contributions

The result of this research was expected to give significant contributions
for the following people:

1.4.1 Empirical Contribution

The result of this research was useful for the future researchers as a
reference dealing with the implementation of Story Mapping technique to
improve the students’ writing achievement. Hopefully, the result of this research
will give knowledge and experience in teaching writing a recount text through
Story Mapping technique.

1.4.2 Practical Contribution

The result of this research could give the students a new learning
experience of writing by using Story Mapping technique to improve their writing
achievement. Hopefully, the implementation of Story Mapping technique
encouraged the students to be actively involved in writing activity. Besides, the
result of this research was useful for the English teacher as information or input to
solve the students’ writing problem and motivated the students to improve their
writing achievement and their participation in the teaching and learning process of

This chapter presents the theoretical framework, the conceptual framework,

the advantages and disadvantages of Story Mapping technique, the previous
studies on the enactment of Story Mapping technique and research hypotheses.

2.1 Schema Theory: Theoretical Framework

Carroll (2008) citied in Tabatabaei & Radi (2012:1) defined schema as a
structure in semantic memory that determined the general or expected
arrangement of information. Student may have their own specific schema for
objects, events or things as ‘story schemata’. Mandler and Johnson (1977) citied
in Tabatabaei & Radi (2012:1) defined a story schema is a set of expectations of
the structure of the stories that can make both comprehension and recall more
efficient. Every student have their own sense of story structures in his or her
mind. This mind structure could help them in comprehending stories. Students
could write a recount text based on their existing schemata. Therefore, students
should develop the appropriate schemas for story structures to be able to write
well. Building story schemata was important for the students who are not familiar
with the targeted language of story structure. Without a well-developed story
schema, students were less likely produce a well-developed story at full length
consisting of all the necessary parts that a story requires. From the explanation
above, we can conclude that students should have their own sense of story
structure in their mind to comprehend stories. Besides, students should develop
their own appropriate schemata for story structure in order to be able to write a
recount text well.
In order to improve learners’ writing performance, it was necessary to look
for way to incorporate schema-building strategies in writing instructions. Story
Mapping technique was based on a logical organization of events and ideas of a
story and the interrelationship of the events and ideas. As a result, it became one


technique that could help learners to develop an appropriate story schemata in the
process of learning.
Carrell (1984) citied in Zhao and Zhu (2012:112) stated that there were
three types of schema, namely linguistic schema, content schema and formal
schema. According to Zhao and Zhu (2012:112), linguistic schema refers to the
readers' prior linguistic knowledge, including the knowledge about phonetics,
grammar and vocabulary as traditionally recognized. Students should decode both
the lexical units and syntactic structures they encounter in texts. Besides, students
should master certain linguistic knowledge to decode the text. Furthermore,
Carrell (1988) citied in Zhao and Zhu (2012:113) defined content schema as the
background knowledge of an essay or the topic it relates to. It involved many
things such as topic familiarity, cultural knowledge, conventions and previous
experience of the domain. According to Carrell (1983) citied in Zhao and Zhu
(2012:113), formal schema is the knowledge of different text genres and their
respective structural organization, language structures, vocabulary, grammar etc.

2.2 Conceptual Framework

2.2.1 Story Mapping technique
Technique was useful to help the students easier got the important
information before starting to write a recount text. In this case, Story Mapping
technique became the effective technique applied during writing activity. Story
Mapping technique could be viewed as a visual depiction of the settings or the
sequence of major events and actions of story characters with the aim of enabling
students to relate story events and to perceive structure in literary selections.
Besides, Story Mapping technique included illustration of the basic elements of a
story in diagrams. Furthermore, Story Mapping technique provided the key
information in recount texts expressed in a visual presentation. It divided the key
points of story into important phases and provided a construction of relation
between these important phases. Therefore, Story Mapping technique could use to
improve students' interpretative abilities by enabling them to visualize the story
characters, events and setting. It could also use to increase students' awareness

that story characters and events were related with the story map questions. Thus,
the map provided students with a visual schema for how most stories were
organized and integrated. From the explanation above, we can conclude that Story
Mapping could use as an effective technique in the planning of stories.

2.2.2 Teaching Writing through Story Mapping Technique

Sanchez (2010) developed Story Mapping technique by consisting of four
phases: 1) setting, 2) characters, 3) events, and 4) conclusion. The phases will be
explained as the following parts.
1) Where : Where refers to the place the story happens.
When : When refers to the time and occasion the story happens.
2) Major characters : A major character is defined as a character that is
central to the development and resolution of the conflict of the story. In
other words, the plot events and resolution of conflict revolves around
these characters.
Minor characters : A minor character is character in the story who lesser
importance rather than the major characters in the development and
resolution of the conflict. In other words, they help move the plot events
3) Events : Events are something that happens at a given place and time.
4) Conclusion : Conclusion is an opinion or judgement reached after

In this research, the students wrote their planning stories of their personal
experiences in chronological sequence by completing the Story Mapping
worksheet. In completing the Story Mapping worksheet, the students was helped
by the questions from the Story Mapping questions. Story Mapping questions
were clues used together to help the students completed the Story Mapping
worksheet related to the basic elements of their own story. The function of Story
Mapping questions was to remind the students of the basic elements of a story,
such as where, when, major characters, minor characters, events and conclusion.

In addition, (Li, 2000:11) stated that Story Mapping questions could use to guide
the students in developing their stories. Below was the example of writing a
recount text by using Story Mapping technique:

Figure 2. 1 Sample of Story Mapping Technique by Sanchez

Title: My Embarrassing Moment

Where: Bedroom
1. When: One day

Major characters: I
2. Minor characters: My mother

Event 1: I slept at 12:00 a.m. I might do my homework alone.

Event 2: I watched television, I also prayed, I forgot that I had many

3. assignments, I started it at 08:00 p.m.

Event 3: I shocked when the clock showed at 11:30 p.m. I put my book, I
went to my lovely bed and my tender pillow, I felt so sleepy.

4. Conclusion: Tired

(Sanchez, 2010)
The following questions would help you complete a Story Mapping.
1. Where did the story happen?
2. When did the story happen?
3. Who were the characters of the story?
4. What happened first?
5. What happened then?
6. What happened finally?
7. How did the story end? (happy/sad)

Below was the relation between the basic elements of story and the Story
Mapping questions.

Table 2. 1 The Basic Elements of Story and the Story Mapping questions
The Basic Elements of Story The Story Mapping questions
Where Where did the story happen?
When When did the story happen?
Major characters Who were the characters of the story?
Minor characters Who were the characters of the story?
Events What happened first?
What happened then?
What happened finally?
Conclusion How did the story end? (happy/sad)

The finished work of writing a recount text by using Story Mapping was in the
My Embarrassing Moment
One day, I slept at 12:00 a.m. I might do my homework alone in my sweet
Before I started to do my work, I had watched a television in a “sinetron”
program. Certainly I also had prayed before I watched it, but I spent my time too
much. I forgot that I had many assignments. So, I did it eventually.I started it at
08:00 p.m.
I shocked when the clock showed at 11:30 p.m. However, my body felt
very sleepy whereas my task had not been finished. Then, I put my books in my
bag appropriate the schedule. I went hurry into my lovely bed and my tender
pillow. I was very sleepy because I felt tired.
Based on the explanation above, it can be said that Story Mapping
technique was useful for the students in guiding them to write. Students could fill
the graphic organizer to help them though the thinking process of coming up with
the story elements that should be put in the organizer (Story Mapping technique).

2.3 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Story Mapping Technique

According to Mendiola (2011) citied in Kurniawan (2013:2), there were
several advantages of using Story Mapping technique such as follows:
1. The story map is a highly effective, practical way to help students organize
story content into a coherent whole.
2. It is an effective strategy for exceptional and low achieving students (it
improves comprehension of materials that are above their instructional
3. Students can more easily see how the story pieces mesh, knowledge they
continually apply when they predict what might happen next in one story
after another.
4. It enables the students to store information in their personal schema more
efficiently and facilitates the recall of story elements more completely and

Therefore, Story Mapping technique has some advantages by helping the

students to organize their ideas into a recount text, make the students easier to
write what they were thinking in their mind and facilitate the students to get the
information of the text through relating the elements of Story Mapping.
On the other hand, Story Mapping also has some disadvantages. Buehl
(2001) mentioned that Story Mapping was appropriate for most recount text. Story
Mapping could not be applied in other types of text such as descriptive,
news item, and report because Story Mapping technique only required elements
of story. It means that Story Mapping will be appropriate to be applied in teaching
writing a recount text. Furthermore, Calderon (2013) added that Story Mapping
was time-consuming because it needed much time to do. The students must
complete their own Story Mapping worksheet with their group through filling out
the elements of Story Mapping. To cope with these disadvantages, the researcher
should manage the time as effectively by looking at the allocation time provided
and the time needed for each main activities in the teaching and learning process
of writing. The teacher could check the time by looking at her watch then

managed her time for each main activities continually. Besides, the teacher could
also decide the appropriate topics to be involved during writing activity by giving
optional topics they were interested with based on their own experience.

2.4 Previous Studies on the Enactment of Story Mapping technique

The previous studies showed and gave more attention to the
implementation of Story Mapping in students’ learning. One of them is Baumann
and Bergeron (1993) who investigated the effectiveness of instruction in Story
Mapping as a means to promote first-grade students' comprehension of central
story elements in children's literature. They involved 74 learners in the four first-
grade students which were randomly assigned to one of four groups. The result
showed that instruction in Story Mapping is an effective instructional strategy for
promoting first-grade students' ability to identify central narrative elements in
authentic children's literature.
Moreover, the similar study was conducted by Daqi Li (2000) who
investigated the effect of Story Mapping and story map questions on the story
writing performance of students with learning disabilities. He conducted the
research to the four students with learning disabilities in the 4th and 5th grade
students from two elementary schools in Texas. The aim of this study was to
know the effect of the instructional strategy of using Story Mapping and story
map questions on the fluency of story writing by students with learning
disabilities. The result found that the strategy of Story Mapping and story map
questions was effective in increasing the story writing fluency of three of the four
subjects in the study.
The next is a research journal that was conducted by Tabatabaei and Radi
(2012). This study was conducted in L2 Iranian learners at Islamic Azad
University, Najafabad Branch, Iran. This study aimed at investigating the effect of
story mapping strategy on writing performance of EFL learners in terms of writing
components (i.e., organization, content, grammar, mechanics, and style). The result
revealed that L2 learners made more progress in all writing aspects. The study

contributes to teaching pedagogy by encouraging teachers to use Story Mapping

strategy in L2 writing classes.
Another similar research was conducted by Ibnian (2010) who
investigated the use of Story Mapping to know the effect of using the Story
Mapping technique on developing the tenth grade students’ short story writing
skill at Amman public education schools. The study followed the descriptive
method in collecting data and used the quasi- experimental design. Two groups
were chosen from Amman public education schools in Jordan which used 84 male
students as the samples classified into four classes, two served as an experimental
group and the other ones as control. The result showed that Story Mapping
technique has a positive effect on developing Jordanian tenth grade students’ short
story writing skills in terms of content and organization, mechanics of writing,
language use and skills emerged from creative thinking abilities (fluency,
flexibility, novelty and elaboration).
The last, Sidekli (2013) investigated the effect of story map on story
writing skills of first grade teacher candidates who study at the Department of
Elementary Education. In this research, the students consisted of 45 (30 females
and 15 males) pre-service teachers. The result found that the stories were written
by classroom teacher candidates as a result of the applied story map activities
within class. It has been observed that all of the classroom teacher candidates have
included the topic, subject, main character, introduction and body sections in the
stories as a result of the applied story map activities within class. It has been seen
that the applied of story map activities within class and the classroom teacher
candidates have described the main character, secondary character, environment
and time at a higher level in their stories.
From the previous studies above, it can be shown that applying Story
Mapping technique in teaching writing gave improvement on students’ writing
achievement. It was because all the results showed a great significance
improvement dealing with the implementation of Story Mapping technique. Thus,
Story Mapping can be said as a technique that was able to be used to improve
students’ writing achievement and students’ participation.

2.5 Research Hypotheses

The action hypotheses of the research were formulated as follows:
1. The implementation of Story Mapping technique can improve the ninth grade
students’ achievement in writing a recount text at SMP Muhammadiyah 5
2. The phases of Story Mapping technique can help the ninth grade students write
a well-organized in the teaching and learning process of a recount text writing
at SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Siliragung.
3. The phases of Story Mapping technique can improve the ninth grade students’
participation in the teaching and learning process of writing a recount text at
SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Siliragung.


This chapter presents the methods used in the research. They consists of
research design, research context, research participants, intervention design, data
collection methods, and data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

This research applied a classroom action research (CAR) because the
objective was to improve the tenth grade students’ writing achievement and
participation by using Story Mapping technique at SMP Muhammadiyah 5
Siliragung. Elliot (1991:69) defined action research was the study of social with
the view to improve the quality of the action. Thus, classroom action research in
this study refers to the solution for the teacher regarding to the students’ problem
in order to improve students’ writing achievement and participation.
In this research, the researcher applied the design of classroom action
research by McTaggart. This research was divided into four stages in each cycle,
namely planning (planning the action before implementing the action), acting
(implementing the action), observing (observing the students’ participation in the
teaching and learning process of writing a recount text), and reflecting (reflecting
the result of the first cycle that was the result of observation and writing test
during the implementation of the actions.

3.2 Research Context

The research was conducted at SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Siliragung. That
school used the KTSP 2006. This classroom action research was conducted to
know the studets’ improvement in writing recount text. Moreover, this research
was intended to enhance the students’ performance in writing recount text for the
better result.


3.3 Research Participants

The purposive method was applied to determine the research participants
in this research. According to Fraenkel and Wellen (2012:100), purposive method
was how the researcher used personal judgement to choose a sample that
represents the research participants. There were four classes of the ninth grade
students, which consisted of IX-1, IX-2, IX-3, and IX-4. The participant of the
research was IX-3 grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Siliragung who had
problem in writing skill.

3.4 Intervention Design: Teaching a Recount Text Writing Through Story

Mapping Technique
There were some steps in teaching writing a recount text by following
procedures of Story Mapping technique. In the first meeting, the researcher gave
the example of recount text and invited the students to ask questions about the
definition, the social function and the characteristics of recount text. Then, the the
English teacher guided the students to mention the definition, the social function
and the characteristics of recount text based on the example given. Next, the
English teacher distributed the Story Mapping, guided the students to mention the
use and the function of Story Mapping, guided the students to mention the
meaning of each elements of the Story Mapping, and guided the students to
mention how the elements of Story Mapping are related with the story map
questions. After that, the students were asked to complete a Story Mapping
containing the elements of recount text related to the topics and discuss the Story
Mapping they made in groups. Then, the students were asked to write a recount
text based on the Story Mapping they completed besed on their own experience.
In this case, the students were asked to write a recount text individually. Next, the
teacher explained the students how to check their writing. After that, they were
asked to check their writing based on the guidance from the teacher.
For the second meeting, the English teacher gave another example of a
recount text and invited the students to review questions some questions about the
definition, the social function and the characteristics of recount text. Then, teacher

guided the students to mention definition, the social function and the
characteristics of a recount text as a process reviewing the previous material.
Next, the teacher distributed the Story Mapping to the students. After that, the
students were asked to complete the Story Mapping based on the topics and
discuss the Story Mapping they have been made in groups. Then the teacher asked
the students to write their own story into recount text individually. Next, the
students were asked to check the writings and submit their work. Hopefully, the
process of creating the Story Mapping containing the elements of recount text
could help the students to improve their writing achievement and the use of Story
Mapping itself gave the beneficial in the teaching and learning process of writing.
3.5 Data Collection Methods
The methods of collecting the data were writing test and observation.
3.5.1 Writing test
The English teacher conducted the writing test at the end of each cycle
after the actions given to measure the students’ achievement after they were being
taught writing by implementing Story Mapping technique. In the writing test, the
students wrote a recount text in the form of essay that consisted of approximately
200 words.
A good test must be valid and reliable. The validity that was used in this
research was content validity in which the material of the test was constructed
based on the need of this research and K13 particularly standard competence and
indicators of writing for the tenth grade students. Dealing with the reliability,
Hughes (2003:50) noted that to be valid, a test must provide consistently accurate
measurement that must therefore be reliable. In this case, the reliability were
being scored by two scorers, both were the English teachers at SMP
Muhammadiyah 5 Siliragung. There were some procedures to get the reliable
score such as follows: (1) discuss the scoring rubric, (2) decide the difference gap
between the first scorer and second scorer in giving the score for the students’
writing test, (3) copy the results of the students’ writing test to be scored by the

In this research, inter rater technique was used in the scoring of writing to
less subjective scoring. The English teacher involved two scorers that were the
English teacher as scorer 1 and the the other English teacher as scorer 2. To assess
the students’ writing, the researcher used analytical method. According to Hughes
(2003:100), analytical method refers to the method of scoring which requires a
separate score for each number of aspects. In this case, there were five aspects of
writing scored analytically, they are grammar, vocabulary, mechanics, content
and organization.

3.5.2 Observation
In this research, observation was used to gain data about the students’
participation during the application of Story Mapping technique. The observation
guide was in the form of a checklist. The checklist provided a series of brief
statement in which the respondents could evaluate the students’ participation by
putting a checklist () in the prepared place. The students were considered as
active participants in the classroom if at least three indicators were fulfilled and
the students were considered as passive participants if less than three indicators
were fulfilled. There were five indicators observed in this research. They were: (1)
Completing the setting elements; (2) Completing the characters; (3) Completing
the events; (4) Completing the conclusion; (5) Writing a recount text individually.
3.6 Data Analysis
Data analysis method was used to analyze the data which gathered during
the teaching and learning process. There were two kinds of data analysis methods
in this research, namely product evaluation analysis and process evaluation
1. Product Evaluation Analysis
The product of evaluation was carried out at the end of each cycle in the
form of recount text writing test. Here was the formula that the English teacher
used in analyzing the product evaluation analysis.
E = N x 100%

E = the percentage of the students who get score ≥ 75 in the recount text writing
n = the number of the students who get score ≥ 75 in the recount text writing test.
N = the total number of the students as the research participants.

2. Process Evaluation Analysis

The process of evaluation was done by conducting the observation of the
tenth grade students’ participation in the process of writing by using observational
checklist. Here was the formula that the English teacher used in the process of
evaluation analysis.
E = N x 100%

E = the percentage of the students who actively participate in the teaching and
learning process of recount text writing by using Story Mapping.
n = the number of the students who actively participate in the teaching and
learning process of recount text writing by using Story Mapping.
N = the total number of the students as the research participants.
(Adopted from Ali, 1993:39)


This chapter reports the result of the action in Cycle 1 and Cycle 2. Each
cycle covers the results of observation, the results of writing test, the reflection
and the discussion.

4. 1 The Results of the Action in Cycle 1

The action in Cycle 1 was conducted in three meetings. The first and the
second meetings were for implementing Story Mapping technique in the teaching
and learning process of writing which each took 2 x 45 minutes. The actions were
conducted based on the Lesson plan I and Lesson plan II. Meanwhile, the third
meeting was for writing test in 2 x 45 minutes. The English teacher was
conducted the research three times in a week because it near with the holiday time
at that school.
Table 4. 1 The Action Schedule in Cycle 1
The Teaching Activity
Activity Day/Date Time
Teacher Observer
Meeting 1 Monday, 28th May, 10.00-11.15 The English The other
2018. teacher English teacher
Meeting 2 Wednesday, 30 May, 08.10-09.30 The English The other
2018. teacher English teacher
Test st 07.00-08.10 The English -
Thursday, 31 May,

4.1.1 The Results of Observation in Cycle 1

In the form of observational checklist, the observation in Cycle 1 was done
by the English teacher in order to obtain data related to the contribution of the
phases of Story Mapping technique in writing. It had been conducted in two
meetings. The focus of the observation was the students’ activities in doing all the
tasks given. The observation consisted of five indicators, they were 1) Completing
the setting, 2) Completing the characters, 3) Completing the events, 4)
Completing the conclusion, 5) Writing a recount text individually. The students
were categorized as active participants if at least three indicators were fulfilled.

4.1.2 The Result of the Observation in Meeting 1 in Cycle 1

The observation in Meeting 1 in Cycle 1 was conducted on Monday, 28th
May, 2018. The action was conducted by the English teacher while the other

English teacher became an observer. The action was based on the lesson plan (See
Appendix G). During the writing activities, the English teacher observed the
students’ participation by using observational checklist which had 5 indicators.
The students were considered as active participants if at least 3 indicators had
fulfilled.The results of the observation in meeting 1 in Cycle 1 (Table 4.2) is
enclosed in Appendix M.
In the first meeting, the students were asked to complete the Story
Mapping worksheet based on the topics given by the researcher. The topics were
consisted of going to the recreational places or going to the public places. They
were chosen the freedom topics based on their own experience in the past. Before
starting to write a recount text, the students were asked to complete the Story
Mapping worksheet with their group. The students were guided by the help of
story mapping questions to fill the basic elements on the Story Mapping
technique. The students seemed excited in the teaching and learning process of
writing by using Story Mapping technique because the English teacher had never
applied this technique in the classroom. It can help the students to find their ideas
and helped them to organize their ideas into written form.

4.1.3 The Result of the Observation in Meeting 2 in Cycle 1

The observation in Meeting 2 in Cycle 1 was conducted on Wednesday,

30th May, 2018. The English teacher was the observer, while the researcher was
the doer. The action was based on the lesson plan (See Appendix H). The results
of the observation in Meeting 2 in Cycle 1 (Table 4.3) is enclosed in Appendix N.
In the second meeting, the researcher reviewed the materials about a
recount text by giving oral questions. Then, the researcher also asked the students
to complete the Story Mapping worksheet based on the topics given by the teacher
with their group. The topics were consisted of holiday with family or holiday with
friends. They enjoyed the teaching and learning process of writing a recount text
by using Story Mapping technique. Most of the students were fulfilled the basic
elements of the story easily.

Table 4. 2 The Percentage of the Students’ Participation in Cycle 1

No. Meeting
Active Passive
1 Meeting 1 75% 25%
2 Meeting 2 76.5% 23.5%
Average 75.75% 24.25%

To observe the progress of students’ participation in the first meeting and

the second meeting in Cycle 1, the result of their process of writing in each
indicator is presented in the following figure.

Figure 4. 1 The Observation Result for Each Indicators in Cycle 1

26 Meeting 1
Meeting 2
Mentioning Mentioning Mentioning Mentioning Writing a
the setting the the events the recount text
characters conclusion individually

Figure 4. 2 The Observation Result for Each Indicators in Cycle 1

Meeting 1 Meeting 2

From the result above, it was found out that some students were making
progresses. The students’ participation increased 1.5% from the first meeting to
the second meeting. However, the average results of the first meeting and second
meeting in Cycle 1 was 75.75%. Therefore, it could be concluded that the results
of Cycle 1 achieved the target percentage of the students’ participation. The
researcher did the Cycle 2 to check the consistency of the research.

4.1.4 (The Results of the Writing Test in Cycle 1

The writing test in Cycle 1 was administered in the third meeting on
Thursday, 31th May, 2018. The test was given to measure the students’ ability in
writing a recount text. The result of the test was scored by two raters, the
researcher as the first scorer and the English teacher as the second scorer. After
the students had the writing test, the researcher collected the students’ works to
photocopy it and given it to the English teacher to be scored. The researcher
scored the original students’ works and the English teacher scored the photocopy
In the third meeting, the students were asked to write a recount text based
on the topics given by the researcher consisting of approximately 200 words
within the time allocation of 2 x 45 minutes individually. The topics were
consisted of visiting beloved people or going to the favorite place. They were
chosen the freedom topics based on their own experience in the past. The students
seemed easily to write a recount text because they wrote the important
information of their story in the Story Mapping worksheet implemented in their
answer sheet. From the explanation above, we can conclude that the teaching and
learning process of writing run well.

The result of writing test in Cycle 1 found that the highest score achiever
had very few errors in her writing test, meanwhile the lowest score achiever got
lots of errors in his writing test, he had plenty of grammatical mistakes,
misspelling, wrong punctuation and capitalization. Besides, he did not select the
words in relation to the appropriate meaning, the content of his writing was not
achieved 200 words, did not organize the sentences and link the ideas correctly.
The results of the students’ writing test in Cycle 1 (Table 4.5) is enclosed in
Appendix O)
The improvement of the students’ writing achievement could be seen from
the average score of the writing aspects. The improvement of the students’ writing
achievement in each writing aspects is shown in the table below.

Table 4. 3 The Improvement of the Students’ Writing Achievement in Each

Writing Aspects in Pre-Cycle and Cycle 1
No. Cycles The Writing Aspects Criteria of Success
G V M C O Achieved Not achieved
1 Pre-Cycle 3.80 3.48 3.30 3.25 3.59 35% 65%
2 Cycle 1 4.1 3.70 3.7 3.65 3.80 82.3% 17.6%

4.1.5 The Result of the Reflection in Cycle 1

Based on the observation, it was found that the students were able to
complete the Story Mapping worksheet with their group. After they completed
the Story Mapping Worksheet, each student discussed their result of their writing
with their group. It made each student have better result after discussed it. The
observation in meeting 2 showed that the students’ participation was improved
rather in meeting 1. It happened because the students more known about the
implementation of Story Mapping technique in the second meeting. Besides, the
students’ writing test also improved because they wrote the important information
of their story in the Story Mapping worksheet implemented in their answer sheet.
The result in meeting 1 showed that 24 students of 32 students (75%) had
participated actively in the process of writing, while in meeting 2 showed that

there were 26 students of 34 students (76.5%) were actively involved during

teaching and learning process. Moreover, there were 28 out of 34 students
(82.3%) who got score ≥75 as the minimum standard score. It means that the
research had fulfilled the success criteria of the action. However, the researcher
decided to continue the action in Cycle 2 to check the consistency of the success
achieved in Cycle 1.
There were several factors which influenced the success of the action
implemented in this cycle. Those factors were as follows.
1. Story Mapping technique provided the illustration of the basic elements of
a story in a diagram.
2. Story Mapping technique provided the key informations of recount texts
into important phases and provided a construction of relation between
these important phases.
3. There were story mapping questions to help students in finding their ideas
and make their ideas organized well.

4. 2 The Results of the Action in Cycle 2

The action in Cycle 2 was conducted in three meetings. The first and the
second meetings were for implementing Story Mapping technique in the teaching
and learning process of writing which each took 2 x 45 minutes. The actions were
conducted based on the Lesson plan III and Lesson plan IV. Meanwhile, the third
meeting was for writing test in 2 x 45 minutes.

Table 4. 4 The Action Schedule in Cycle 2

The Teaching Activity
Activity Day/Date Time
Teacher Observer
Meeting 1 Monday, 4th June, 10.00-11.15 Researcher English teacher

Meeting 2 Tuesday, 5th June, 11.15-12.30 Researcher English teacher

Test Wednesday, 6th 08.10-09.30 Researcher -

June, 2018

4.2.1 The Results of Observation in Cycle 2

The observation in Cycle 2 was done by the English teacher. The
researcher taught writing by using the Story Mapping technique,meanwhile, the
English teacher did the observation when the students were in the writing
activities. The activities done by the students had been quite similar with those in
Cycle 1. The allocation time was about 2 x 45 minutes in each meeting.

4.2.2 The Result of the Observation in Meeting 1 in Cycle 2

The observation in Meeting 1 in Cycle 2 was conducted on Monday, 4th

June, 2018. The action was based on the lesson plan (See Appendix J). The action
was still conducted by the researcher while the English teacher became an
observer. The results of the observation in meeting 1 in Cycle 1 (Table 4.8) is
enclosed in Appendix P.
In the first meeting, the researcher thought writing based on the Lesson
III. The researcher reviewed the materials about recount text by giving oral
questions in the beginning of learning process. Then, the students were asked to
complete the Story Mapping worksheet based on the topics given by the
researcher. The topics were consisted of good unforgettable experience or bad
unforgettable experience. They were chosen the freedom topics based on their
own experience in the past. Before starting to write a recount text, the students
were asked to complete the Story Mapping worksheet with their group. The
students were guided by the help of story mapping questions to fill the basic
elements on the Story Mapping technique. The students seemed more excited
rather than before because they more known about the implementation of Story

Mapping technique. Moreover, they become more enjoyable in the teaching and
learning process of writing.

4.2.3 The Result of the Observation in Meeting 2 in Cycle 2

The observation in Meeting 2 in Cycle 1 was conducted on Tuesday, 5th
June, 2018. The action was based on the lesson plan (See Appendix K). The
English teacher was still the observer, while the researcher was the doer. The
results of the observation (Table 4.9) is enclosed in Appendix Q)
In the second meeting, the researcher thought writing based on the Lesson
IV. The researcher was still reviewed the materials about a recount text by giving
oral questions in the beginning of the learning process. Then, the researcher also
asked the students to complete the Story Mapping worksheet based on the topics
given by the teacher with their group. The topics were consisted of funny
experience or embarrassing experience. They still enjoyed in the teaching and
learning process of writing a recount text by using Story Mapping technique.
Most of the students were fulfilled the basic elements of the story easily.
Table 4. 5 The Percentage of the Students’ Participation
No. Meeting
Active Passive
1 Meeting 1 78.8% 21.3%
2 Meeting 2 84.4% 15.6%
Average 81.6% 18.4%

To observe the progress of the students’ participation in the first meeting

and the second meeting in Cycle 2, the result of their participation in each
indicator are presented in the following figure.

Figure 4. 3 The Observation Result for Each Indicators in Cycle 2


Meeting 1
Meeting 2
Mentioning Mentioning Mentioning Mentioning Writing a
the setting the the events the recount
characters conclusion text

Figure 4. 4 The Observation Result for Each Indicators in Cycle 2

Meeting 1 Meeting 2

From the result above, it was found out that some students were making
progresses. The students’ participation increased 5.6% from the first meeting to
the second meeting. However, the average results of the first meeting and second
meeting in Cycle 1 was 81.6%. Therefore, it could be concluded that the results of
Cycle 2 achieved the target percentage of the students’ participation.

4.2.4 The Results of the Writing Test in Cycle 2

The writing test in Cycle 2 was administered in the sixth meeting on
Wednesday, 6th June, 2018. The result of writing test in Cycle 2 found that the

highest score achiever just had errors in her writing test which resulted her to get
score 96, meanwhile the lowest score achiever from cycle 1 kept improving
himself in cycle 2.
In the third meeting, the students were asked to write a recount text based
on the topics given by the researcher consisting of approximately 200 words
within the time allocation of 2 x 45 minutes individually. The topics were
consisted of best experience in my life or worst experience in my life. They were
chosen the freedom topics based on their own experience in the past. The students
seemed easily to write a recount text because they wrote the important
information of their story in the Story Mapping worksheet implemented in their
answer sheet. From the explanation above, we can conclude that the teaching and
learning process of writing run well and the students’ writing achievement was
From the result of his writing test, it showed that the lowest score achiever
still had plenty of grammar mistakes but he reduced his errors in spelling, the use
of punctuation and capitalization. Besides, he did not select the words to the
appropriate meaning, the content of his writing was better complete already
because he wrote more than 200 words and he did not organize the sentences and
link the ideas correctly. The results of the students’ writing test in Cycle 2 (Table
4.11) is enclosed in Appendix R)
The improvement of the students’ writing achievement could be seen from
the average score of the writing aspects. The improvement of the students’ writing
achievement in each writing aspects is shown in the table below.

Table 4. 6 The Improvement of the Students’ Writing Achievement in Each

Writing Aspects in Pre-Cycle, Cycle 1 and Cycle 2
No. Cycles The Writing Aspects Criteria of Success

G V M C O Achieved Not achieved

1 Pre-Cycle 3.8 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.6 35% 65%
2 Cycle 1 4.1 3.7 3.1 3.6 3.8 82.3% 17.6%
3 Cycle 2 4.1 4.1 4.0 3.6 3.8 88.2% 11.7%

Based on the data above, it could be known that the students’ writing
achievement kept improving from 82.3% in Cycle 1 to 88.2% in Cycle 2.
Therefore, this could convince us that the application of Story Mapping technique
could improve the students’ writing achievement test in Cycle 2 as well.
4.2.5 The Results of the Reflection in Cycle 2
The results of students’ participation and writing test got higher than the
results in Cycle 1. Based on the observation, the teaching and learning process of
writing a recount text ran well. Since the students understood more about the
implementation of Story Mapping technique, the students still choosen their
familiar topics and had enough time to write a recount text. They become more
motivated during the teaching and learning process. The result of the students’
participation in Cycle 2 showed that in the first meeting, there were 26 students of
33 students (78.8%) were actively involved during the action of meeting 1. Then,
27 students of 32 students (84.4%) were actively involved during the action of
meeting 2. Furthermore, the average of the students’ participation percentage in
Cycle 2 showed 81.6%.
The results of writing test in Cycle 2 also got higher score. There were 30
students of 34 students (88.2%) who achieved the standard minimum score (≥75).
The average score of the students was 78.2. The results of the students’ writing
test in Cycle 2 achieved the research objective, that was at least 75% of the
students achieved the scores at least 75.

Based on the results above, it could be concluded that the result of the
students’ participation and writing test had achieved the target criteria of the

success in this research. Cycle 2 showed the consistent results with Cycle 1.
Therefore, action was stopped in Cycle 2.

4. 3 Discussion
After conducting two cycles in the classroom action research, the
observation result showed that the implementation of Story Mapping could
improve students’ achievement and participation at the tenth IPS 4 students of
MAN 1 Jember. The implementation of Story Mapping technique contributed to
the organization of ideas and grammatical accuracy. In organizing their ideas, the
students were guided by story mapping questions. They could organize their ideas
in sequential order based on Story Mapping questions. For example, Story
Mapping question about what happened first? could help the students to organize
the first ideas of their story written for event 1. The same thing happened for the
Story Mapping question about what happened then? could help the students to
organize the second ideas of their story written for event 2 and so on. Besides,
Story Mapping technique contributed to the grammatical accuracy. Story Mapping
technique was the planning stage of the writing activities. Therefore, the students
could plan their grammatical used before implementing it to their answer sheet.
The students could arrange their writing in the Story Mapping worksheet to
reduce errors and made their writing meaningful.
Moreover, the results of this action research was relevant with the theory
from Foley (2010) citied in Tabatabaei & Radi (2012:2) who stated that Story
Mapping technique gave the learners the opportunity to distinguish different parts
of a story, and focus on how these parts are combined together to make a story. It
was because the implementation of Story Mapping technique was based on logical
organization of events and ideas of a story and the interrelationship of the events
and ideas. In addition, Ibnian (2010) said that Story Mapping technique used to
help tenth grade students identify elements of the short story in EFL composition
classes. Further, the previous researcher supported that the use of Story Mapping
technique could improve the students writing achievement and participation. The
previous study was done by Tabatabaei (2012), he was conducted an experimental

research and had proved that L2 learners made more progress in all writing
Based on the theories and the previous researcher, the researcher also
proved that the implementation of Story Mapping technique could help the
students to find ideas and arrange well-organized recount text writing. Besides, it
could make the students easier to write what they were thinking in their mind and
facilitate the students to get the information of the text through relating the
elements of Story Mapping. Indeed, the implementation of Story Mapping
technique in this research could improve the students’ participation and their
writing achievement at MAN 1 Jember. It was proven by looking at the result
from the pre-Cycle to Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 which significantly improved.


This chapter deals with the research conclusion and the suggestions for the
English teacher, the students and the future researchers.
5.1 Conclusion
Based on the result of the data analysis and discussions, it can be
summarized that:
1. The implementation of Story Mapping technique can improve the tenth
IPS 4 students’ achievement in writing a recount text at MAN 1 Jember.
The result of the students’ achievement showed that the percentage of the
students who get the minimum standard score (≥75) improved 5.90%. It
can be seen by looking at the average of the result in Cycle 1 was 82.3%
and Cycle 2 was 88.2%.
2. The phases of Story Mapping technique help the tenth IPS 4 students write
a well-organized in the teaching and learning process of a recount text
writing at MAN 1 Jember.
3. The phases of Story Mapping technique can improve the tenth IPS 4
students’ participation in the teaching and learning process of writing a
recount text at MAN 1 Jember. The result of the observation showed that
the students’ participation by using Story Mapping technique improved
5.85%. The average result of Cycle 1 showed 75.75% while Cycle 2
reached 81.60%.
5.2 Suggestions
Based on the results of the action research, some suggestions are proposed
to the future researchers, the students, and the English teacher.
1. The Future Researchers
The future researchers are recommended to conduct a similar research
design dealing with Story Mapping technique. Teaching writing a recount text by
using Story Mapping technique could improve the students’ writing achievement
and participation. The guidances of story mapping questions could help the
students to complete the Story Mapping worksheet. Therefore, the students could
organize their ideas and helped them to arrange their writing into coherent text.

2. The Students
The students are suggested to be involved actively during the teaching and
learning process of writing by using Story Mapping technique. This technique can
be used as a guide to generate and organize their ideas in writing a text. In
addition, Story Mapping gave students a chance to develop their ideas and
feelings in increasing their motivation to write.
3. The English teacher
The English teacher is suggested to use Story Mapping technique as an
alternative in the teaching writing a recount text or narrative text to improve the
students’ writing achievement and participation. Other genres except a recount
text and a narrative text are not suggested. It is because Story Mapping technique
only facilitates the students to identify the elements of the story which belong to
the genre of text that have elements of story.

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Research Matrix


Improving 1. How can the 1. Independent: 1. The implementation 1. The research 1. Research design: 1. The
Students’ implementation of The of Story Mapping participants: the Classroom action research with implementation of
Recount Text Story Mapping implementation technique in teaching tenth IPS 4 the cycle model that consists of Story Mapping
Writing technique improve of Story writing covers the students at four steps: technique can
Achievement the tenth grade Mapping elements of: MAN 1 Jember. a. Planning improve the tenth
by Using students’ technique in a. Where and when 2. The informant: b. Acting grade students’
Story achievement in teaching a b. Characters the English c. Observing achievement in
Mapping writing a recount recount text c. Events teacher of the d. Reflecting writing a recount
Technique text at MAN 1 writing d. Conclusion tenth IPS 4 2. Research context: text at MAN 1
Jember? (Sanchez:2010) students at The purposive method Jember.
MAN 1 Jember 3. Research participants:
2. How can the 2. Dependent: 2. The students’ 3. School The purposive method 2. The phases of
phases of Story a. The tenth grade writing documents: 4. Data collection method: Story Mapping
Mapping technique students’ achievement that a. The names of the Writing test & observation technique can help
help the tenth grade achievement in consists of: research 5. Data analysis method: the tenth grade
students write a writing a  Grammar participants a. Product evaluation analysis: students write a
well-organized in recount text  Vocabulary b. The tenth grade The results of the writing test will well-organized in

the teaching and b. The tenth grade  Mechanic students’ be analyzed by using the formula the teaching and
learning process of students write a  Content previous text below. learning process of
a recount text well-organized  Organization writing scores E= x 100% a recount text
writing at MAN 1 c. The tenth grade Notes: writing at MAN 1
Jember? students’ 3. The students’ E = the percentage of the students Jember
3. How can the participation achievement in who get score ≥ 75 in the writing
phases of Story writing process test. 3. The phases of
Mapping technique which consists of: n = the number of the students Story Mapping
improve the tenth 1. Completing the who get score ≥ 75 in the writing technique can
grade students’ setting elements test. improve the tenth
participation in the 2. Completing the N = the number of the students as grade students’
teaching and characters the research participants. participation in the
learning process of 3. Completing the b. Process evaluation analysis: teaching and
writing a recount events The results of the observation will learning process of
text at MAN 1 4. Completing the be analyzed by using the formula writing a recount
Jember? conclusion below. text at MAN 1
5. Writing a recount n Jember.
E= x 100%
text individually
E = the percentage of the
students who actively participate
in the teaching and learning
process of recount text writing by

using Story Mapping.

n = the number of the students
who actively participate in the
teaching and learning process of
recount text writing by using
Story Mapping.
N = the number of the students as
the research participants.

(Adopted from Ali, 1993:39)


Adapted Scoring Rubric by Hughes (1996: 101-102)
No. Criteria Score
1. Grammar
 Few (if any) errors of grammar or word order. 5
 Some errors of grammar or word order but do not interfere 4
 Errors of grammar of word order frequent; re-reading is necessary 3
for full comprehension.
 Errors of grammar of word order very frequent; readers own 2

interpretation is needed.
 Errors of grammar of word order so severe as to make 1


2 Vocabulary
 Use few (if any) inappropriate words. 5
 Use some inappropriate words but do not interfere comprehension. 4
 Use wrong or inappropriate words frequent; expressing of ideas 3
 Use wrong or inappropriate words very frequent; readers own 2

interpretation is needed.
 Vocabulary so limited as to make comprehension impossible. 1

3 Mechanic
 Few (if any) misspelling, wrong punctuation, and capitalization. 5
 Some misspelling, wrong punctuation, and capitalization but do not 4
interfere comprehension.
 Misspelling, wrong punctuation, and capitalization frequent; re- 3
reading is necessary for full comprehension.
 Misspelling, wrong punctuation, and capitalization very frequent; 2

readers own interpretation is needed.

 Misspelling, wrong punctuation, and capitalization so severe as to 1

make comprehension impossible.

4 Content
 Few (if any) lack of Substantive Knowledge and Relevant to 5

assigned topic.
 Some lack of Knowledge and Relevant to assigned topic but do not 4
impair communication.
 Lack of Knowledge and assigned topic frequent. 3
 Lack of Knowledge and assigned topic very frequent; readers own 2
interpretation is needed.
 Lack of Knowledge and assigned topic so severe as to make 1

communication impaired.
5 Organization
 Few (if any) lack of Organization and link to ideas. 5
 Some lack of Organization and link of ideas but do not impair 4
 Lack of Organization and link of ideas frequent; re-reading is 3
required for clarification ideas.
 Lack of Organization and link of ideas very frequent; readers own 2

interpretation is needed.
 Lack of Organization and link of ideas so severe as to make 1

communication impaired.
SCORE: Grammar+Vocabulary+Mechanic+Fluency+Organization x 100
(Adopted from Hughes, 1996:101-102)

The Mean Writing Test Score of the Tenth Grade Students at
MAN 1 Jember
No. Class Mean Score
1. X MIPA 1 68.4
2. X MIPA 2 66.5
3. X MIPA 3 65
4. X MIPA 4 64.6
5. X MIPA 5 66
6. X IPS 1 67.5
7. X IPS 2 67
8. X IPS 3 65
9. X IPS 4 63.9
10. X BAHASA 68.6
11. X MANPK 1 72.8
12. X MANPK 2 76

The Tenth Grade Students’ Initial Names and Pre-writing Score
1 AH 70 AAM 55 ATH 55 AFS 55 ATR 60 AFM 70
2 A 70 AWS 68 AWW 50 ABK 66 AF 70 AML 65
3 AKW 80 AAPP 55 AIU 55 ASA 50 ARN 75 AM 65
4 ARS 75 AS 63 ATS 75 AB 60 ANMA 70 AAA 50
5 BANF 70 AS 70 AQNT 78 ARZ 78 AAK 50 ADP 60
6 DS 70 AKMH 56 AHT 70 ALW 70 BM 73 AIN 70
7 DIF 72 ANC 70 AAM 80 ARF 80 DP 75 APWH 55
8 EM 52 CPNA 65 AOF 70 ADA 70 FNF 70 BW 65
9 FM 69 FM 65 FM 55 FM 78 FM 60 FM 55
10 FAN 70 EW 55 APM 75 BNA 75 FZWR 70 DLR 75
11 HA 75 EZL 75 ABN 72 EAW 78 FZT 65 DLYB 60
12 HM 70 FFH 75 BAK 75 FA 55 HM 64 FI 70
13 IAM 58 FZ 75 DYW 72 GDR 68 HAP 58 FS 75
14 ISM 60 FJAS 78 DAA 72 IJH 70 IKI 80 IFP 65
15 IMA 69 FFA 75 DN 75 JMA 58 II 45 IDP 75

16 KR 72 FRKA 78 FBH 50 MBAW 50 K 50 KA 70

17 LAN 50 FF 55 IR 65 MAZZ 65 KZS 50 LH 55
18 MSP 65 HAS 55 IZ 50 MEFP 55 NIS 55 MIFI 65
19 MF 70 IUK 75 IM 55 MNH 65 NM 75 MNA 75
20 MA 65 KN 70 KMS 65 MNA 55 PAQM 75 MAF 65
21 MA 75 LA 70 KM 75 MRVA 70 RRS 75 MIE 75
22 NFM 75 MAD 65 LWN 60 NBI 55 RA 78 MSAH 80
23 NIA 70 MNS 55 MFAM 85 ZU 60 RAR 75 MT 70
24 NNI 50 MDPA 75 MY 70 SM 75 NA 70
25 NI 80 MFA 70 MFSAG 65 SWS 70 SAW 75
26 RW 70 NN 60 NAJ 65 WDA 60 SAR 75
27 RLA 70 NWAG 70 NLFF 55 YD 60 SSD 75
28 SDA 75 NM 65 RR 78 WFA 65
29 SZS 75 RMBBA 65 R 68
30 SAMS 72 SDYA 58 SNCI 55
31 SS 75 SFM 75 UZF 55
32 TNH 70 SEN 75 VZH 60
33 WRN 55 WF 60 WSS 40
34 WK 60
35 ZDAP 70

68.4 66.5 65 64.6 66 67.5


1 AFIFH 65 ARAN 70 AD 60 AFH 65 AAD 72 IR 75
2 ABP 65 AFZDS 60 APY 55 ASO 70 ARF 70 AQA 78
3 ADR 65 AAHS 75 AAS 66 ABPA 78 ABP 72 AAA 70
4 ADD 58 AOPA 60 ASRNH 55 ASIM 78 AMA 72 ANNS 80
5 BRN 70 AAS 60 AHF 62 ARSP 60 AFA 60 BZ 70
6 BAMWW 75 AL 80 APR 70 AMN 75 FMR 70 DRW 75
7 CWU 75 ADA 70 BIW 56 CEL 70 FARM 70 EM 78

8 EEW 75 AFNR 60 DRMR 65 DFH 70 HS 85 IMA 75

9 FM 75 FM 55 FM 65 FM 65 HKA 75 IM 75
10 FYR 78 DKS 50 EDS 65 FATCS 55 MIL 70 LM 70
11 FDF 75 DACK 55 HUIR 58 HMN 78 MMH 75 MI 88
12 HL 75 IA 70 IAH 75 IED 70 MFF 72 MR 80
13 ID 70 INR 54 IDF 75 KAA 80 MMR 77 NCA 75
14 IR 58 IFP 50 IMA 58 MHA 82 MAAA 72 NM 75
15 KR 60 JPS 50 INDP 60 MCIA 75 MA 72 NU 75
16 MF 70 MAF 60 KDM 70 MAFA 60 MFNH 70 NQ 75
17 MRA 72 MLAB 75 MHZ 72 NSD 65 MI 80 SSAN 78
18 MMH 52 MRBY 65 MS 52 NTM 65 MI 75 SFM 75
19 MZF 68 MEAHA 72 MHY 70 NFF 72 MNRZ 72 SDWS 75
20 NNA 70 MIS 60 MMA 70 NNA 52 MNKF 75 SMH 75
21 NAAH 75 MFA 85 MZL 58 NFN 70 MR 72 TNHN 78
22 ODAH 70 MAG 70 MRS 56 RAB 75 MSH 72 TIL 75
23 PNA 50 MFUA 65 MZSR 65 RRA 70 RASR 75 UMDQN 78
24 RMA 60 MGF 70 NQKN 52 RFT 75
25 RLR 70 MIHA 80 NPII 65 RIAM 70
26 RF 70 MNNR 70 NAAO 60 RZ 58
27 SAB 50 QAP 60 N 68 SM 60

28 SMS 60 RADP 65 SMK 60 SAKP 70

29 SSA 70 ROP 70 SPRD 70 SFZ 72
30 SRMS 65 RH 70 SI 70 SMF 52
31 SNH 70 TFH 58 SPDL 70
32 WHMR 60 TM 78 WYS 70
33 YO 75 VVN 75 ZFD 68
34 YD 50 YNH 60
67 65 63.9 68.6 72.8 76

The process of evaluation was conducted during the teaching and learning
process. Observational notes of the students’ participation was as follows:

1. Completing the setting
2. Completing the characters
3. Completing the events
4. Completing the conclusion
5. Writing a recount text individually
A = The students will be considered as active participants if at least 3
indicators are fulfilled.
P = The students will be considered as passive participants if less than 3
indicators are fulfilled.

The Guide of Supporting Data Instruments
1. The Interview Guide
NO. Questions Respondent
(the English teacher)
1. What curriculum is used in this school? The curriculum 2013
2. What is the minimum score for English at The minimum score for English is 75
this school?
3. How often do you teach English in a week? Once a week
4. Which class has the lowest writing score? The X IPS 4
5. How many students who have the lower 14 students
score in writing?
6. What difficulties do the students have in Most of the students still get difficulties
writing? in expressing and organizing their ideas,
then developing the text. Besides, they
were not able to select words in relation
to appropriate meaning and they lack
grammar mastery.

7. What do you usually do to overcome the I usually try to lead the student to find the
students’ difficulties in writing? difficult words in the text and find the
synonym. Besides, I give more
explanation and exercise.
8. What do you think about the students’ The students’ participation was still low
participation during the teaching and because there were only few students
learning process of writing? who participated actively in the writing
9. Have you ever applied Story Mapping in No, I have not.
teaching writing? I do not know the steps to implement the
Story Mapping technique during the
teaching and learning process of writing.

10. What English book do you use in teaching I use the English textbook curriculum
English? 2013 of Ministry of Education and
Culture of Republic Indonesia, the
revision edition of 2017 Grade X.

2. The Documentation Guide

No. The Supporting Data Required Resources
1. The initials names of the research participants The School Document

2. The scores of the students’ writing test from the teacher The School Document

(First Meeting)
School : MAN 1 Jember
Subject : English
Class/Semester : X/2
Language Skill : Writing
Language Focus : Recount text
Theme : Historic events
Sub-theme : It is Time for Holiday
Time Allocation : 2 x 45 minutes

I. Standard Competence
KI 1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
KI 2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli
(gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan proaktif, dan
menunjukan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam
berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam
menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.
KI 3. Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,
prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu
pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan
kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena
dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang
spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.
KI 4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait
dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri,

bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai
kaidah keilmuan.

II. Basic Competence and Indicators

Basic Competence Indicators
3.9 Menganalisis fungsi social,struktur teks, 3.9.1 Identifiying the social function of
dan unsur kebahasaan pada teks recount recount text
sederhana tentang 3.9.2 Identifiying the generic structure of
pengalaman/kejadian/peristiwa,sesuai recount text
dengan konteks penggunaannya 3.9.3 Identifiying the language features of
recount text
4.1.4 Menyusun teks recount lisan dan tulis, a Story Mapping
pendek dan sederhana tentang containing the elements of a
pengalaman/kegiatan/kejadian/peristiwa, recount text related to the topics
dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, a recount text based on the
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, Story Mapping that has been made
secara benar dan sesuai konteks their writing

III. Learning Objectives

3.9.1 Identifiying the social function of recount text
3.9.2 Identifiying the generic structure of recount text
3.9.3 Identifiying the language features of recount text The students are able to complete a Story Mapping containing the
elements of a recount text related to the topics correctly The students are able to write a recount text based on the Story
Mapping that has been made correctly The students are able to check their writing correctly

IV. Materials (enclosed)

V. Teaching Learning Technique

Approach : Scientific approach
Method : Group work, discussion, and questions & answers

Technique : Story Mapping

VI. Media/Learning Source

Media : Laptop, LCD viewer, Whiteboard, Power Point Presentation,
Boardmarker, the outline of Story Mapping, Students’ answer
Source :

VII. Teaching Learning Activities

No. The Teacher’s Activities The Students’ Activities Time
1 Set Induction Activities 5’
1.1 Greeting the students Greeting to the teacher 0,5’
1.2 Asking the students to pray together Praying together 0,5’
1.3 Checking the attendance list Responding to the teacher 1’
1.4 Asking some leading questions Answering the questions 2’
1.5 Stating the learning objectives Stating the learning objectives 1’
2 Main Activities 80’
2.1 Giving the example of recount text Receiving the example of a 1
and asking the students to read recount text and reading slowly
slowly 2
2.2 Inviting several students to ask Students ask questions about the
questions about the definition, the definition, the social function and
social function and the the characteristics of recount text
characteristics of recount by giving by giving oral questions
oral questions 4
Questions from the students are what
the definition of recount text is?,
what is the social function of

recount text?, what are the

characteristics of recount text ? 1
2.3 Asking the students to mention the Mentioning the definition, the
definition, the social function and social function and the 2
the characteristics of recount text characteristics of recount text
Questions from the teacher are does
a recount text retell events or
experiences in the past ?, Does a
recount text tell about someone’s
experience or someone’s past
events ?, Does a recount text use
simple past tense ? 2
2.4 Distributing the Story Mapping to Receiving the Story Mapping
the students
2.5 Guiding the students to mention the Mentioning the use and the
use and the function of Story function of Story Mapping
Guidances from the teacher are do
you know what is the use of Story 2
Mapping technique?, can Story
Mapping technique help the 1
students to get the important
information before starting to write 10
a recount text?, do you the function
of Story Mapping technique?, is the 3
function of Story Mapping 30
technique to identify the main
elements of the story and 3
categorize the main events in 5
sequential order?
2.6 Guiding the students to mention the Mentioning the meaning of each 1
meaning of each element of Story element of Story Mapping and
Mapping and giving example to giving example to complete the
complete the map map
Guidances from the teacher are is
the meaning of where telling us

about where the story happens?, is

the meaning of characters telling
us about people who involved in the
story?,is the meaning of events is
telling us about something that
happens at a given place and
time?, is the conclusion telling us
about an opinion or judgement
reached after consideration?
2.7 Guiding the students to explain how Explaining how the elements of
the elements of Story Mapping are Story Mapping are related with
related with the story map the story map questions.
2.8 Dividing the students into several Sitting with their groups
groups ( 1 group consists of 4
2.9 Asking the students to complete a Completing a Story Mapping
Story Mapping containing the containing the elements of
elements of recount text related to recount text related to the topics
the topics in groups in groups.
2.10 Discussing the Story Mapping that Discussing the Story Mapping
has been made in groups that has been made in groups
2.11Asking the students to write a Writing a recount text based on
recount text based on the Story the Story Mapping individually
Mapping individually
2.12Explaining how to check the Paying attention
2.13Asking the students to check their Checking their writings
writings and guiding them how to (individually)
2.14Asking the students to submit their Submitting their work

3 Closing Activities 5’

3.1Asking the students to make a Making a conclusion about the 2’

conclusion about the material that material that they have learned.
they have learned
3.2Giving feedback to the students Paying attention 2’
3.3Parting Responding teacher’s parting 1’


First Meeting
Pre-instructional Activities
Set induction
Leading questions
1. Is a recount text telling us about someone’s past events?
2. What is “tamasya” in English?
3. Do you know what the biggest temple in the world?
4. What is the name of the biggest temple in the world?
5. Can you guess what topic we are going to learn today?

Main Activities
Learning Materials
1. Definition of recount text.
Recount text is a text which retells events or experiences in the past.
2. Social function
Retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining. The specific purpose
is to tell about someone’s experience or someone’s past events.
3. Generic structure

Orientation Information about an event and its setting.
Events A sequence of events which happened in a
chronological order.
What happened? First…, Next…, Soon…, During…,
After…, Later…., Eventually…, Finally…
Closing Conclusion/ summary of the events
(reorientation) What you think, feel or decide about the occurred

4. The example of recount text

Generic Text
A Trip to Borobudur Temple

Orientation Three years ago, I and my classmates visited

Borobudur Temple. We went to Borobudur temple by bus.
We left our school at nine o’clock. It took us 24 hours to
arrive there. I arrived there nine o’clock the next day.
Along the road, we saw many vehicles, unique houses,
prominent buildings, and some other tourists.
Events After we arrived at the Borobudur temple, one of my
teachers went to buy tickets. After we waited him for a
moment we entered into Borobudur temple area. Then we
went up to the top of the temple. Borobudur temple was
built at Budur Village, Magelang, Jawa Tengah by

Syailendra Dynasty. Borobudur Temple is the biggest

temple in the world. It has 504 statues and 1.400 reliefs.
From the top of the temple we can see such beautiful
scenery. I and my friends went around the temple together.
Finally, after having some visits, we should go to the hotel
to stay and continue our study tour the next day.
Reorientation We felt tired at that day but we felt so happy to visit
Borobudur temple which is well-known as one of the
greatest legacies Indonesia has ever had. I hope the temple
can be loved by all of the visitors and the government.
Taken and adapted from:
5. Language features
a. Using simple past tense
Function: to express an event or activity that has completed in the past.
a) Verbal sentence has the following patterns:
(+) Subject + Verb 2 …
(-) Subject + did not +Verb 1 …
(?) Did + Subject + Verb 1 …? (for yes no question)
 Three years ago, I and my classmates visited Borobudur Temple.
 Then we went up to the top of the temple.
 We felt tired that day but we felt so happy to visit Borobudur temple

b) Non-verbal sentence has the following patterns:

(+) Subject + was/were + …
(-) Subject + was/were + not + …
(?) Was/were + Subject + … ? (for yes no question)

b.Adverb of time and place

 Time (when the story happens) : Three years ago
 Place (where the story happens): Borobudur temple
c. Using action verb (a verb that expresses action), such as visited, arrived,
when, and etcetera
d.Focus on specific participants (people who involved in the story), such as I
and classmate
e. Using chronological connection (it is used to arrange the details in
chronological order), such as then, next, after that.
 Then we went up to the top of the temple.
6. Story Mapping technique
 The use of Story Mapping technique: to help the students get the impotant
information they should write before starting to write a recount text.
 The function of Story Mapping technique: to identify the main elements of
the story and categorize the main events in sequential order.
 The elements of Story Mapping technique
a. Where (where the story happens) and When (when the story happens) :
Where did the story happen? and when did the story happen?
b. Major characters and Minor characters (people who involved in the
story) : Who were the characters of the story?
c. Events (something that happens at a given place and time) : What
happened first?, what happened then?, and what happened finally?
d. Conclusion (an opinion or judgement reached after consideration) :How
did the story end? (happy/sad)



With your own group, complete a Story Mapping by choosing one of the topics
below related to recreational places or public places:
1. Going to the recreational places, such as beach, mountain, lake, park, zoo,
plantation, or botanical garden
2. Going to the public places, such as mall, post office, library, cinema,
traditional market, supermarket, swimming pool, bookshop, or hospital

Sample of Story Mapping




Major characters:

Minor characters:

Event 1:

Event 2:

Event 3:


The following questions will help you complete a Story Mapping.

1. Where did the story happen?
2. When did the story happen?
3. Who were the characters of the story?
4. What happened first?
5. What happened then?

6. What happened finally?

7. How did the story end? (happy/sad)
With the answer sheet provided by the teacher, write a recount text based on the
Story Mapping that you have made consisting of approximately 200 words

Answer Sheet
Name :
Class :

Student’s number :


Aspects Score

Answer Model Organization

Story Mapping of “A Trip to Tanjung Setia Beach”

Title: A Trip to Tanjung Setia Beach

Where: Tanjung Setia beach, Bandar Lampung, store, Labuan Jukung beach,

When: Last year, the next day, the third day.

Major characters: I, my friend.

Minor characters: People, tourists.

Event 1: saw the beautiful view of the beach, having a quick dip in the ocean,
it was Christmas holiday so almost all of tourists who are used to
spending time there went back to their country.

Event 2: bought some hot chips at the takeaway store nearby, rode our bikes
down the beach for a while, see the high wave owned by this beach
on the next day.

Event 3: went home

Conclusion : happy

Recount Text of “A Trip to Tanjung Setia Beach”

A Trip to Tanjung Setia Beach

Last year, my friend and I decided to spend our holiday at Tanjung Setia
beach, which located around 234 kilometers from Bandar Lampung.
When we arrived at the beach, we were surprised to see the beautiful view
of the beach. After having a quick dip in the ocean, which was really cold and
windy, we realized that there were not many people there. We thought that it
happened because it was too windy there during that time but we finally realized
that it was Christmas holiday so almost all of tourists who are used to spending
time there went back to their country.
After spending few times swimming in the beach, we bought some hot
chips at the takeaway store nearby, and we rode our bikes down the beach for a
while, on the hard, damp part of the sand. The next day we visited Labuan
Jukung beach. There, we were amazed to see the high wave owned by this beach.
Because it was so high that no one was brave enough to surf on it that time.
The third day, we decided to go home when we finally made it back home,
we were both totally exhausted because of the trip but we were so happy to travel
such an amazing beach Lampung province has.


(Second Meeting)
School : MAN 1 Jember

Subject : English
Class/Semester : X/2
Language Skill : Writing
Language Focus : Recount Text
Theme : Historic Events
Sub-theme : Holiday with Beloved People
Time Allocation : 2 x 45 minutes

I. Standard Competence
KI 1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
KI 2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli
(gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan proaktif, dan
menunjukan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam
berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam
menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.
KI 3. Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,
prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu
pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan
kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena
dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang
spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.
KI 4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait
dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, bertindak
secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah

II. Basic Competence and Indicators

Basic Competence Indicators
3.9 Menganalisis fungsi social,struktur teks, 3.9.1 Identifiying the social function of
dan unsur kebahasaan pada teks recount recount text
sederhana tentang 3.9.2 Identifiying the generic structure of
pengalaman/kejadian/peristiwa,sesuai recount text
dengan konteks penggunaannya 3.9.3 Identifiying the language features of
recount text

4.1.4 Menyusun teks recount lisan dan tulis, a Story Mapping
pendek dan sederhana tentang containing the elements of a
pengalaman/kegiatan/kejadian/peristiwa, recount text related to the topics
dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, a recount text based on the
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, Story Mapping that has been made
secara benar dan sesuai konteks their writing

III. Learning Objectives

3.9.1 Identifiying the social function of recount text
3.9.2 Identifiying the generic structure of recount text
3.9.3 Identifiying the language features of recount text The students are able to complete a Story Mapping containing the
elements of a recount text related to the topics correctly The students are able to write a recount text based on the Story
Mapping that has been made correctly The students are able to check their writing correctly

IV. Materials (enclosed)

V. Teaching Learning Technique

Approach : Scientific approach
Method : Group work, discussion, and questions & answers
Technique : Story Mapping

VI. Media/Learning Source

Media : Laptop, LCD viewer, Whiteboard, Power Point Presentation,
Boardmarker, the outline of Story Mapping, Students’ answer
Source :

VII. Teaching Learning Activities

No The Teacher’s Activities The Students’ Activities Time
1 Set Induction Activities 5’
1.1 Greeting the students Greeting to the teacher 0,5’
1.2 Asking the students to pray together Praying together 0,5’
1.3 Checking the attendance list Responding to the teacher 1’
1.4 Asking some leading questions Answering the questions 2’
1.5 Stating the learning objectives Stating the learning objectives 1’

2 Main Activities 80’

2.1 Giving another example of a Receiving the another example of a 2
recount text and asking the students recount text and reading slowly
to read slowly 2
2.2 Reviewing the materials about a Making notes, asking and 3
recount text by giving oral responding teacher’s question.
2.3 Inviting several students to ask Students ask questions about the
questions about the definition, the definition, the social function and
social function and the the characteristics of recount text 5
characteristics of recount text by by giving oral questions
giving oral questions 5
Questions from the students are what
the definition of recount text is?,
what is the social function of
recount text?, what are the
characteristics of recount text ?
2.4 Giving feedback to the students’ Paying attention
previous writing of recount text by
showing the mistakes that most of 1

the students have in their writing 1

2.5 Asking the students to mention the Mentioning the definition, the
definition, the social function and social function and the 10
the characteristics of a recount text characteristics of a recount text as a
as a process reviewing the previous process reviewing the previous 5
material material 30
Questions from the teacher are do
you still remember about recount 5
text?, Does a recount text retell 10
events or experiences in the past ?,
Does a recount text tell about 1
someone’s experience or someone’s
past events ?, Does a recount text
use simple past tense ?
2.6 Distributing the Story Mapping to
the students Receiving the Story Mapping
2.7 Dividing the students into several
groups (1 group consists of 4 Sitting with their groups
2.8 Asking the students to complete a
Story Mapping containing the
elements of recount text related to Making a Story Mapping
the topics in groups containing the elements of recount
2.9 Discussing the Story Mapping that text related to the topics in groups
has been made.
2.10 Asking the students to write a Discussing the Story Mapping that
recount text based on the Story has been made.
Mapping individually Writing a recount text based on the
Associating Story Mapping individually
2.11Explaining how to check the
2.12Asking the students to check their Paying attention
writings and guiding them how to
check Revising their writings
Communicating (individually)
2.13Asking the students to submit their

Submitting their work

3 Closing Activities 5’
3.1 Asking the students to make a Making a conclusion about the 2’
conclusion about the material that material that they have learned.
they have learned
3.2 Giving feedback to the students Paying attention 2’
3.3 Parting Responding teacher’s parting 1’


Second Meeting
Pre-instructional Activities
Set induction
Leading questions
1. What is “tamasya” in English?
2. What is “pantai” in English?
3. Do you like to go to the beach?
4. With whom do you usually trip to the beach?
5. What is “orang terkasih” in English?
6. Can you guess what topic we are going to learn today?

Main activities
Learning materials
1. Definition of recount text.
Recount text is a text which retells events or experiences in the past.
2. Social function
Retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining. The specific purpose
is to tell about someone’s experience or someone’s past events.
3. Generic structure
Orientation Information about an event and its setting.
Events A sequence of events which happened in a
chronological order.
What happened? First…, Next…, Soon…, During…,
After…, Later…., Eventually…, Finally…
Closing Conclusion/ summary of the events
(reorientation) What you think, feel or decide about the occurred


4. The example of recount text

The example of recount text
Text Generic
A Trip to The Beach with My Beloved People

One day, my sister named Putri said to me that she really wanted Orientation
to go to the beach. So I promised her that the next week we would go
to Mutun beach in Lampung.
The next week, we prepared everything needed in the morning. Events
We brought some foods and beverages, such as chocolate wafers,
potato chips, water and orange juice. Before going to the beach, I ask
our brother, Bayu, to join us. He agreed to join and we went there
together with our parents. We went there by car. It took 3 hours to
arrive there. Then, we bought tickets in the entrance gate. Before
swimming, we changed our clothes first. We swam there for more than
one hour. We felt so tired that we decided to eat the foods that we had
brought. Next, three of us created a very big sand castle, while my
parents were enjoying the beautiful scenery there. After that, we
decided to go home because it was getting dark.
On the way home, we still felt hungry. So, we stopped at a Reorientation
restaurant to have dinner. I ordered sruit, Lampungnese traditional
food, while my brother, my sister, and my parents ordered fried rice.
After finished eating, we paid our bills. Then, we went home. We
arrived at home at 9 o’clock. We were tired but we were absolutely
Taken and adapted from:

5. Language features

a. Using simple past tense

Function: to express an event or activity that has completed in the past.
 Verbal sentence has the following patterns:
(+) Subject + Verb 2 …
(-) Subject + did not +Verb 1 …
(?) Did + Subject + Verb 1 …? (for yes no question)
 One day, my sister named Putri said to me that she really
wanted to go to the beach.
 We brought some foods and beverages.
 We stopped at a restaurant to have dinner.
 Non-verbal sentence has the following patterns:
(+) Subject + was/were + …
(-) Subject + was/were + not + …
(?) Was/were + Subject + … ? (for yes no question)

b. Adverb of time and place

 Time (when the story happens) : One day, the next week
 Place (where the story happens) : Mutun beach, swimming pool, home,
c. Using action verb (a verb that expresses action), such as arrived, stopped, paid
and etcetera
d. Focus on specific participants (people who involved in the story), such as I and
my sister (Putri)
e. Using chronological connection (it is used to arrange the details in
chronological order), such as then, next, after that.
 Then, we went home.


With your own group, complete a Story Mapping by choosing one of the topics
below related to holiday with family or friends:
a. Holiday with family, such as mother, father, sister, brother, or cousin
b. Holiday with friends, such as classmate, elementary school’s friend or close
Sample of Story Mapping




Major characters:

Minor characters:

Event 1:

Event 2:

Event 3:



With the answer sheet provided by the teacher, write a recount text based on the
Story Mapping that you have made consisting of approximately 200 words

Answer Sheet
Name :
Class :

Student’s number :


Aspects Score

The Answer Model


Story Mapping of “My Vacation with My Beloved Sister and Boyfriend”

Title: My Vacation with My Beloved Sister and Boyfriend

Where: Maron beach, Javaness restaurant, home

When: One day, the next day, on the way home

Major characters: I

Minor characters: My sister and my boy friend

Event 1: Went to Maron beach in Semarang.

Event 2: Brought some foods and beverages, went to the beach, bought tickets
in the entrance gate, we swam in the beach, created a very big sand
castle with my boyfriend, we decided to go home.

Event 3: We stopped at a Javanese restaurant to eat something, paid our bills,

and went home

Conclusion: Happy


Recount text of “My Vacation with My Beloved Sister and Boyfriend”

My Vacation with My Beloved Sister and Boyfriend

One day, my sister said to me that she really wanted to go to the
beach. So I promised her that the next day we would go to Maron beach in
The next day, we prepared many things in the morning. We brought some
foods and beverages. After that, we went to the beach with my sister and my
boyfriend by motorbike. It took 25 minutes to arrive there. Then, we bought
tickets in the entrance gate. Before swimming, we changed our clothes first. We
swam there for more than one hour. Next, my boyfriend and I created a very big
sand castle, while my sister continued swimming. After that, we decided to go
On the way home, we still felt hungry. So we stopped at a Javanese
restaurant to eat something. I ordered gudeg, while my boyfriend and my sister
ordered rames rice. After finished eating, we paid our bills. Then, we went home.
We arrived at home at 6 o’clock and we were absolutely exhausted.
That was a very exhausting day, but I felt so happy that I could have a
vacation with my sister and my boyfriend.

Writing Test of Cycle 1
(Meeting 3)

Subject : English
Class/Semester : X/2
Language Skill : Writing
Language Focus : Recount Text
Theme : Historic Events
Time Allocation : 2 x 45 minutes

Read the following instructions carefully:

Write a recount text individually about a Historic Events that you are interest in
consisting of approximately 200 words covering the orientation in the first
paragraph, events in the second paragraph, and the reorientation in the last
paragraph. Choose one of the following topics.
1. Visiting beloved people, such as an old friend, grandmother, cousin,
classmate, elementary school’s friend and close friend.
2. Going to the favorite place, such as mall, post office, library, cinema,
traditional market, supermarket, swimming pool, and bookshop.
(You can specify the topic above based on your own experiences)

The answer model

Recount text of “My First Time In Yogyakarta”

My First Time in Yogyakarta

My family and I went to my grandmother’s house in Yogyakarta last
month. It was my first trip to this city. We arrived at Yogyakarta at night. We
spent a week staying at my grandmother’s house which is 5 minutes away by foot
to Malioboro street.
In the first morning, we were still too tired after a long trip from Semarang
to Yogyakarta. So we decided to stay at home. I walk around the neighborhood
with my sister just to experience how it is like to be in Yogyakarta.
On the second day, all of us went to Malioboro street. We saw so many
merchants with various of product which they claim to be a traditional product of
Yogyakarta. I bought some wooden figurine and T-shirt with the word
“Yogyakarta” printed on it, while my sister bought some leather handbag. My
mom and dad were busy choosing some merchandise to be brought home when
we go back.

On the third day, we went to Taman Sari and Keraton Ngayogyakarta

Hadiningrat to see some historical building in Yogyakarta. We found someplace
providing Yogya traditional food around the building and we jumped in right
We spent the rest of our week in Yogyakarta by visiting some Shopping
Malls such as Jogja City Mall, Malioboro Mall, Hartono Mall and Ambarrukmo
Plaza. We realized that Yogyakarta turned out to be very warm during the day,
that was the reason why we decided to spend more time in the air conditioned
building like this.


(First Meeting)
School : MAN 1 Jember
Subject : English
Class/Semester : X/2
Language Skill : Writing
Language Focus : Recount text
Theme : Historic events
Sub-theme : Unforgettable experience
Time Allocation : 2 x 45 minutes

A. Standard Competence
KI 1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
KI 2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli
(gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan proaktif, dan
menunjukan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam
berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam
menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.
KI 3. Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,
prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu
pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan,
kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian,

serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai
dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.
KI 4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait
dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, bertindak
secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah

B. Basic Competence and Indicators

Basic Competence Indicators
3.9 Menganalisis fungsi social,struktur teks, 3.9.1 Identifiying the social function of
dan unsur kebahasaan pada teks recount recount text
sederhana tentang 3.9.2 Identifiying the generic structure of
pengalaman/kejadian/peristiwa,sesuai recount text
dengan konteks penggunaannya 3.9.3 Identifiying the language features of
recount text
4.1.4 Menyusun teks recount lisan dan tulis, a Story Mapping
pendek dan sederhana tentang containing the elements of a
pengalaman/kegiatan/kejadian/peristiwa, recount text related to the topics
dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, a recount text based on the
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, Story Mapping that has been made
secara benar dan sesuai konteks their writing

C. Learning Objectives
3.9.1 Identifiying the social function of recount text
3.9.2 Identifiying the generic structure of recount text
3.9.3 Identifiying the language features of recount text The students are able to complete a Story Mapping containing the
elements of a recount text related to the topics correctly The students are able to write a recount text based on the Story
Mapping that has been made correctly The students are able to check their writing correctly

D. Materials (enclosed)

E. Teaching Learning Technique

Approach : Scientific approach
Method : Group work , discussion, and questions & answers
Technique : Story Mapping

F. Media/Learning Source
Media : Laptop, LCD viewer, Whiteboard, Power Point Presentation,
Boardmarker, the outline of Story Mapping, Students’ answer
Source :

G. Teaching Learning Activities

No. The Teacher’s Activities The Students’ Activities Time
1 Set Induction Activities 5’
1.1Greeting the students Greeting to the teacher 0,5’
1.2Asking the students to pray together Praying together 0,5’
1.3Checking the attendance list Responding to the teacher 1’
1.4Asking some leading questions Answering the questions 2’
1.5Stating the learning objectives Stating the learning objectives 1’
2 Main Activities 80’
2.1 Giving the example of recount text Receiving the example of a 1
and asking the students to read recount text and reading slowly
slowly 2
2.2Reviewing the materials about a Making notes, asking and
recount text by giving oral questions responding to the teacher’s 2
about the definition, the social question

function, the characteristics of

recount text
2.3Inviting several students to ask Students ask questions about the
questions about the definition, the definition, the social function and
social function and the the characteristics of recount text 4
characteristics of recount text they that tells about holiday
still do not know by giving oral experiences in the past by giving
questions oral questions
Questions from the students are what
the definition of recount text is?,
what is the social function of 1
recount text?, what are the 2
characteristics of recount text ?
2.4 Asking the students to mention the Mentioning the definition, the
definition, the social function and social function and the
the characteristics of recount text characteristics of recount text
Questions from the teacher are does
a recount text retell events or
experiences in the past ?, does a
recount text tell about someone’s
experience or someone’s past events 2
?, does a recount text use simple
past tense ? 2
2.5 Distributing the Story Mapping to Receiving the Story Mapping
the students
2.6 Guiding the students to mention the Mentioning the use and the
use and the function of Story function of Story Mapping 1
Guidances from the teacher are do 10
you know what is the use of Story
Mapping technique?, can Story 3
Mapping technique help the 30
students to get the important
information before starting to write 3
a recount text?, do you the function 3
of Story Mapping technique?, is the

function of Story Mapping 1

technique to identify the main
elements of the story and
categorize the main events in
sequential order?
2.7 Guiding the students to mention the Mentioning the meaning of each
meaning of each element of Story element of Story Mapping and
Mapping and giving example to giving example to complete the
complete the map map
2.8 Guiding the students to explain how Explaining how the elements of
the elements of Story Mapping are Story Mapping are related with
related with the story map the story map questions
Questions from the teacher are is
the story map question about who
were the characters of the story can
help you to mention the elements of
Story Mapping about the
2.9 Dividing the students into several Sitting with their groups
groups ( 1 group consists of 4
2.10 Asking the students to complete a Completing a Story Mapping
Story Mapping containing the containing the elements of
elements of recount text related to recount text related to the topics
the topics in groups in groups.
2.11Discussing the Story Mapping that Discussing the Story Mapping
has been made in groups that has been made in groups
2.12Asking the students to write a Writing a recount text based on
recount text based on the Story the Story Mapping individually
Mapping individually
2.13Explaining how to check the Paying attention
2.14Asking the students to check their Checking their writings
writings and guiding them how to (individually)

2.15Asking the students to submit their Submitting their work
3 Closing Activities 5’
3.1Asking the students to make a Making a conclusion about the 2’
conclusion about the material that material that they have learned.
they have learned
3.2Giving feedback to the students Paying attention 2’
3.3Parting Responding teacher’s parting 1’

First Meeting
Pre-instructional Activities
Set induction
Leading questions

1. What is “tamasya hebat” in English?

2. What is “gunung” in English?
3. What active mountain in cetral java started by the word “M” and ended
by the word “I”?
4. Can you spell that word?
5. Can you guess what topic we are going to learn today?

Main Activities
Learning Materials
1. Definition of recount text.

Recount text is a text which retells events or experiences in the past.

2. Social function
Retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining. The specific purpose
is to tell about someone’s experience or someone’s past events.
3.Generic structure
Orientation Information about an event and its setting.
Events A sequence of events which happened in a
chronological order.
What happened? First…, Next…, Soon…, During…,
After…, Later…., Eventually…, Finally…
Closing Conclusion/ summary of the events
(reorientation) What you think, feel or decide about the occurred

4. The example of recount text

Generic Text
Wonderful trip to Merapi mountain
Two days ago I went to the Merapi Mountain. It was the
Orientation first time I climbed the mountain. I did it with some of my
friends. We start climbing at 8 p.m. It was so dark and we
only used flashlight to get the way. I felt no worry because
all of my friends were professional climber. I just followed

their instruction.
Events We climbed slowly and enjoy the night there. After 7
hours walking in the dark, we could reach the top of the
mountain. It was at 3 a.m. early in the morning. We were
not alone. There were a lot of people who reached that top
before us. We waited the sun rises by cooking some food
and making some hot drink to get back our energy. We
sang some songs together, shared stories and got
acquainted with people there. After that, we had to go back
home. Getting down the mountain was not as hard as the
climbing process because we only spent a few energy and
time even we had to be more careful to do this process.
However, it was great experience I had ever done so far.
Reorientation After all, that was my great experience I had ever have.

Taken and adapted from:

5.Language features
a.Using simple past tense
Function: to express an event or activity that has completed in the past.
a) Verbal sentence has the following patterns:
(+) Subject + Verb 2 …
(-) Subject + did not +Verb 1 …
(?) Did + Subject + Verb 1 …? (for yes no question)
 Two days ago I went to the Merapi Mountain
 We climbed slowly and enjoy the night there.
b) Non-verbal sentence has the following patterns:
(+) Subject + was/were + …
(-) Subject + was/were + not + …
(?) Was/were + Subject + … ? (for yes no question)

Example: There were a lot of people who reached that top before us.
b. Adverb of time and place
 Time (when the story happens) : Two days ago
 Place (where the story happens): Merapi mountain
c. Using action verb (a verb that expresses action), such as climbed, shared, and
d. Focus on specific participants (people who involved in the story), such as I and
my friends
e. Using chronological connection (it is used to arrange the details in
chronological order), such as then, next, after that.
Example: After that, we had to go back home.
6. Story Mapping technique
 The use of Story Mapping technique: to help the students get the impotant
information they should write before starting to write a recount text.
 The function of Story Mapping technique: to identify the main elements of
the story and categorize the main events in sequential order.
 The elements of Story Mapping technique
a) Where (where the story happens) and When (when the story happens) :
Where did the story happen? and when did the story happen?
b) Major characters and Minor characters (people who involved in the
story) : Who were the characters of the story?
c) Events (something that happens at a given place and time) : What
happened first?, what happened then?, and what happened finally?
d) Conclusion (an opinion or judgement reached after consideration) :How
did the story end? (happy/sad)


With your own group, complete a Story Mapping by choosing one of the topics
below related to good unforgettable experience or bad unforgettable experience:

1. Good unforgettable experience, such as having a new motorcycle or

winning make-up artists competition.
2. Bad unforgettable experience, such as losing my phone or getting accident
with motorcycle.

Sample of Story Mapping




Major characters:

Minor characters:

Event 1:

Event 2:

Event 3:


With the answer sheet provided by the teacher, write a recount text based on the
Story Mapping that you have made consisting of approximately 200 words

Answer Sheet
Name :
Class :

Student’s number :


Aspects Score
Answer Model Content
…………………………………………………………………………… Grammar
TASK 1 Mechanics
…………………………………………………………………………… TOTAL
Story Mapping of “Losing My Phone”

Title: Losing My Phone

Where: Bus

When: Two days ago, in the afternoon

Major characters: I

Minor characters: My brother, ticket keeper

Event 1: I was in the bus station, my mom was not at home, I just brought my
phone and my wallet.

Event 2: I felt bored in bus lonely, I was playing my phone all the time, I
checked social media, I sat on the bench right, I bought a bottle of
water, I forgot to take my phone with me, Then I saw my brother out
of the bus , I ran to him, In that time I thought I lost my phone, my
brother was shocked, he told me to check my phone in the place
before, I came back to my chair of the bus, the ticket keeper told me
that he saved the phone for me.

Event 3: I thanked him and we said our good bye. I was afraid that I would
lose my phone.

Conclusion: Lucky

Recount Text of “Losing My Phone”

Losing My Phone

Two days ago, I was in the bus station to pick up my brother for his
arrival. I went there by myself. My mom was not at home so she told me to pick
up my brother. I just brought my phone and my wallet.
I felt bored in bus lonely. No one I knew. I was playing my phone all the
time in that afternoon. I checked social media such as my Email, Instagram,
Facebook and Whatsapp. I sat on the bench right near the ticket keeper. Then, I
bought a bottle of water across the ticket keeper. I forgot to take my phone with
me when I bought water. Then I saw my brother out of the bus. I ran to him and
we were about to go. In that time, I thought I lost my phone. My brother was
shocked. He told me to check my phone in the place before. I came back to my
chair of the bus. The ticket keeper told me that he saved the phone for me.
I thanked him and we said our good bye. I was afraid that I would lose my
phone. How lucky I am, I still had it back.

(Second Meeting)
School : MAN 1 Jember
Subject : English

Class/Semester : X/2
Language Skill : Writing
Language Focus : Recount Text
Theme : Historic Events
Sub-theme : Funny and Embarrassing experience
Time Allocation : 2 x 45 minutes

I. Standard Competence
KI 1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
KI 2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli
(gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan proaktif, dan
menunjukan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam
berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam
menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.
KI 3. Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,
prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu
pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan,
kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian,
serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai
dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.
KI 4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait
dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, bertindak
secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah

II. Basic Competence and Indicators

Basic Competence Indicators
3.9 Menganalisis fungsi social,struktur teks, 3.9.1 Identifiying the social function of
dan unsur kebahasaan pada teks recount recount text
sederhana tentang 3.9.2 Identifiying the generic structure of
pengalaman/kejadian/peristiwa,sesuai recount text
dengan konteks penggunaannya 3.9.3 Identifiying the language features of
recount text
4.1.4 Menyusun teks recount lisan dan tulis, a Story Mapping

pendek dan sederhana tentang containing the elements of a

pengalaman/kegiatan/kejadian/peristiwa, recount text related to the topics
dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, a recount text based on the
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, Story Mapping that has been made
secara benar dan sesuai konteks their writing

III. Learning Objectives

3.9.1 Identifiying the social function of recount text
3.9.2 Identifiying the generic structure of recount text
3.9.3 Identifiying the language features of recount text The students are able to complete a Story Mapping containing the
elements of a recount text related to the topics correctly The students are able to write a recount text based on the Story
Mapping that has been made correctly The students are able to check their writing correctly

IV. Materials (enclosed)

V. Teaching Learning Technique

Approach : Scientific approach
Method : Group work , discussion, and questions & answers
Technique : Story Mapping

VI. Media/Learning Source

Media : Laptop, LCD viewer, Whiteboard, Power Point Presentation,
Boardmarker, the outline of Story Mapping, Students’ answer
Source :

VII. Teaching Learning Activities

No The Teacher’s Activities The Students’ Activities Time
1 Set Induction Activities 5’
1.1 Greeting the students Greeting to the teacher 0,5’
1.2 Asking the students to pray together Praying together 0,5’
1.3 Checking the attendance list Responding to the teacher 1’
1.4 Asking some leading questions Answering the questions 2’
1.5 Stating the learning objectives Stating the learning objectives 1’

2 Main Activities 80’

2.1 Giving another example of a Receiving the another example of a 2
recount text and asking the students recount text and reading slowly
to read slowly 2
2.2 Reviewing the materials about a Making notes, asking and
recount text by giving oral responding teacher’s question. 3
questions about the definition, the
social function and the
characteristics of recount text by
giving oral questions
2.3 Inviting several students to ask Students ask questions about the 5
questions about the definition, the definition, the social function and
social function and the the characteristics of recount text 5
characteristics of recount text by by giving oral questions
giving oral questions
Questions from the students are what
the definition of recount text is?,
what is the social function of
recount text?, what are the
characteristics of recount text ?
2.4 Giving feedback to the students’ Paying attention 1
previous writing of recount text by 1
showing the mistakes that most of

the students have in their writing 10

2.5 Asking the students to mention the Mentioning the definition, the
definition, the social function and social function and the 5
the characteristics of a recount text characteristics of a recount text as a 30
as a process reviewing the previous process reviewing the previous
material material 5
Questions from the teacher are does 10
a recount text retell events or
experiences in the past ?, does a 1
recount text tell about someone’s
experience or someone’s past events
?, does a recount text use simple
past tense ?
2.6 Distributing the Story Mapping to
the students Receiving the Story Mapping
2.7 Dividing the students into several
groups (1 group consists of 4
students) Sitting with their groups
2.8Asking the students to complete a
Story Mapping containing the
elements of recount text related to Making a Story Mapping
the topics in groups containing the elements of recount
2.9 Discussing the Story Mapping that text related to the topics in groups
has been made.
2.10 Asking the students to write a Discussing the Story Mapping that
recount text based on the Story has been made.
Mapping individually Writing a recount text based on the
Associating Story Mapping individually
2.11Explaining how to check the
2.12Asking the students to check their Paying attention
writings and guiding them how to
check Revising their writings
Communicating (individually)
2.13Asking the students to submit their

Submitting their work

3 Closing Activities 5’
3.1 Asking the students to make a Making a conclusion about the 2’
conclusion about the material that material that they have learned.
they have learned
3.2 Giving feedback to the students Paying attention 2’
3.3 Parting Responding teacher’s parting 1’


Second Meeting
Pre-instructional Activities
Set induction
Leading questions
1. What is “lucu” in English?
2. Can you spell that word?
3. What is “experience” in English?
4. Do you have funny experience in schoolbus?
5. Have you ever bullied with your friends?
6. Was bullying good?
Main activities
Learning materials
1. Definition of recount text.
Recount text is a text which retells events or experiences in the past.
2. Social function
Retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining. The specific purpose
is to tell about someone’s experience or someone’s past events.
3. Generic structure
Orientation Information about an event and its setting.
Events A sequence of events which happened in a
chronological order.
What happened? First…, Next…, Soon…, During…,
After…, Later…., Eventually…, Finally…
Closing Conclusion/ summary of the events
(reorientation) What you think, feel or decide about the occurred

4. The example of recount text

The example of recount text
Text Generic
Funny Experience in My Schoolbus
I was picked on every morning when I rode the bus to school by
this group of older kids whose first names were all either David or Orientation
They'd call me fat and expound upon that theme relentlessly, Events
and sometimes this one guy would peek his head out from the seat in
front of me and say "Howdy, doody!" which, admittedly, is very
funny. But when I was little, going to school in the morning was awful.
I told my parents about being bullied, and in response, my dad came
onto the schoolbus with me in the morning to yell at the jerks to knock
it off. When he left, the Dannys and Davids ripped into me like they
were coyotes and I was fresh toy poodle meat. "I'm gonna call my
daaaaddy!" went an impression of me.
You know, as I write this, maybe it wasn't embarrassing as much Reorientation
as it was traumatic. Oops!
Taken and adapted from:
5. Language features
a. Using simple past tense
Function: to express an event or activity that has completed in the past.
 Verbal sentence has the following patterns:
(+) Subject + Verb 2 …
(-) Subject + did not +Verb 1 …
(?) Did + Subject + Verb 1 …? (for yes no question)

 I rode the bus to school by this group of older kids whose first
names were all either David or Danny.
 I told my parents about being bullied
 Non-verbal sentence has the following patterns:
(+) Subject + was/were + …
(-) Subject + was/were + not + …
(?) Was/were + Subject + … ? (for yes no question)
 I was picked on every morning
 When I was little, going to school in the morning was awful.
b. Adverb of time and place
 Time (when the story happens) : Every morning
 Place (where the story happens) : Bus
c. Using action verb (a verb that expresses action), such as rode, told, and ripped
d. Focus on specific participants (people who involved in the story), such as I and
older kids
e. Using chronological connection (it is used to arrange the details in
chronological order), such as then, next, after that.


With your own group, complete a Story Mapping by choosing one of the topics
below related to funny or embarrassing experience:
a. Funny experience, such as failed to give surprise in birthday celebration.
b. Embarrassing experience, such as getting wrong in understanding the expired
date of drink or getting wrong when greeting the name of certain person.

Sample of Story Mapping




Major characters:

Minor characters:

Event 1:

Event 2:

Event 3:



With the answer sheet provided by the teacher, write a recount text based on the
Story Mapping that you have made consisting of approximately 200 words

Answer Sheet
Name :
Class :

Student’s number :


Aspects Score

Aspects Score

The Answer Model


Story Mapping of “My Embarrassing Experience”

Title: My Embarrassing Experience

Where: Bus

When: On our trip going back to school

Major characters: I

Minor characters: My classmates

Event 1: We gave a big hurrah when two of our friends distributed soft drinks.

Event 2: I found the taste of the soft drink some kind of funny, I felt
suspicious and quickly looked for the expiry date printed on the back
of the cartoon, I stood up and cleared my throat, Some of my friends
even threw their half empty drinks.

Event 3: I heard a voice shouting, I found out later that the drinks tasted sour
because they had a new lime flavor.

Conclusion: Terrible


Recount text of “My Embarrassing Experience”

My Embarrassing Experience
I was on a tour bus with my classmates. We were on our trip going back to
school after a long day visiting museums and an amusement park. We felt very
thirsty. We gave a big hurrah when two of our friends distributed soft drinks.
Soon the bus was noisy with gulping sounds. Everyone was enjoying
his/her own drink. Everyone ? Well, no … I found the taste of the soft drink some
kind of funny. It was sour. I felt suspicious and quickly looked for the expiry date
printed on the back of the cartoon. May 20! Gosh … that was nearly two months
ago. I stood up, cleared my throat and said, “Stop drinking! This soft drinks are
already expired. The expiry date is last May.” At once almost everyone stopped
drinking. Some of my friends even threw their half empty drinks into the garbage
bins along the bus aisle.
Then, I heard a voice shouting, “ You fool, that’s May next year, not May
this year!” Now everybody gave me a dark look. I felt terrible because I knew that
we were still thirsty. I found out later
hat the drinks tasted sour because they had a new lime flavor.

Writing Test of Cycle 2
(Meeting 6)

Subject : English
Class/Semester : X/2
Language Skill : Writing
Language Focus : Recount Text
Theme : Historic Events
Time Allocation : 2 x 45 minutes

Read the following instructions carefully:

Write a recount text individually about an Historic Events that you are interes in
consisting of approximately 200 words covering the orientation in the first
paragraph, events in the second paragraph, and the reorientation in the last
paragraph. Choose one of the following topics.
1. Best experience in my life, such as graduated from my Senior High School
or becoming the speaker on Educational seminar.
2. Worst experience in my life, such as having the lowest score of English in
the examination or the death of my grandfather.
(You can specify the topic above based on your own experiences)

The answer model

Recount text of “My terrible experience”

My terrible experience

That Saturday morning on December 12 2009, my family and I were

getting ready to go to my cousin’s wedding in Jakarta. We arrived safely at the
church and followed the ceremony. Then suddenly, my mom got a phone call
from my aunt. She said that grandpa got sick, he got a heart attack, so my mom
and dad went to the hospital, leaving the wedding ceremony at church. My mom
left me and my brother with my other aunt, we followed the ceremony in the
church until it was finished.
Suddenly, my aunt called me and told me that my grandpa has died. I was
shocked. I cried loudly after hearing that news. My aunt tried to cheer me. My
brother looked like he did not care, but I ignored him. I wanted to see him, but my
mom did not allow me, she said that I had to join the wedding until it was
finished. It’s not easy to smile when all you wanted is to cry. But I tried, and I did
I spent that night at my cousin’s house. I went to the grief house on the
next day. It was a really unexpected tragedy that time. But I’m sure it’s the best
thing for our family.

Table 4. 7 The Results of the Observation in Meeting 1 in Cycle 1
1 AD      5 
2 APY      5 
3 AAS   2 
4 ASRNH      5 
5 AHF      5 
6 APR      5 
7 BIW      5 
8 DRMR      5 
9 FM      5 
10 EDS   2 
11 HUIR      5 
12 IAH   2 
13 IDF     4 
14 IMA   2 
15 INDP - - - - - - - -
16 KDM   2 
17 MHZ      5 
18 MS   2 
19 MHY      5 
20 MMA      5 
21 MZL      5 
22 MRS      5 
23 MZSR      5 
24 NQKN   2 


25 NPII      5 
26 NAAO      5 
27 N - - - - - - - -
28 SMK      5 
29 SPRD      5 
30 SI      5 
31 TFH   2 
32 TM      5 
33 VVN      5 
34 YNH      4 
TOTAL 30 28 25 27 25 24 8
AVERAGE 93.7% 87.5% 78.1% 84.3% 78.1% 75% 25%

Table 4. 8 The Results of the Observation in Meeting 2 in Cycle 1
1 AD      5 
2 APY      5 
3 AAS      5 
4 ASRNH      5 
5 AHF     4 
6 APR   2 
7 BIW      5 
8 DRMR      5 
9 FM      5 
10 EDS    3 


11 HUIR   2 
12 IAH   2 
13 IDF      5 
14 IMA      5 
15 INDP   2 
16 KDM      5 
17 MHZ      5 
18 MS   2 
19 MHY      5 
20 MMA   2 
21 MZL   2 
22 MRS    3 
23 MZSR      5 
24 NQKN      5
25 NPII      5 
26 NAAO      5 
27 N      5 
28 SMK      5 
29 SPRD      5 
30 SI      5 
31 TFH   2 
32 TM      5 
33 VVN      5 
34 YNH      5 
TOTAL 28 29 29 29 26 26 8
AVERAGE 82.3% 85.2% 85.2% 85.2% 76.5% 76.5 23.5%

Table 4. 9 The Students’ Writing Achievement Test Results in Cycle 1
Rater 1 Rater 2
Initial Category
No Writing Aspects ∑ WS Writing Aspects ∑ WS AS
1 AD 3 4 4 4 4 19 76 3 4 4 4 4 19 76 76 

2 APY 4 4 4 3 5 20 80 3 4 4 4 4 19 76 78 

3 AAS 3 4 4 5 4 20 80 3 4 3 5 4 19 76 78 

4 ASRNH 4 4 3 4 4 19 76 4 4 3 4 4 19 76 76 

5 AHF 5 3 4 4 4 20 80 4 3 4 4 4 19 76 78 

6 APR 4 5 3 3 4 19 76 4 5 3 3 4 19 76 76 

7 BIW 4 5 4 3 3 19 76 4 4 4 3 4 19 76 76 

8 DRMR 5 3 4 4 4 19 76 5 2 4 4 4 19 76 76 

9 FM 3 4 4 4 4 19 76 3 4 4 4 4 19 76 76 

10 EDS 4 4 3 3 3 17 68 4 4 3 4 3 18 72 70 

11 HUIR 4 5 4 3 3 19 76 4 5 4 3 3 19 76 76 

12 IAH 5 3 4 4 4 19 76 3 3 4 4 4 18 72 74 

13 IDF 4 4 3 4 4 19 76 4 4 3 4 4 19 76 76 

14 IMA 4 2 4 4 3 17 68 4 2 4 4 3 17 68 68 

Rater 1 Rater 2
Initial Category
No Writing Aspects ∑ WS Writing Aspects ∑ WS AS
15 INDP 5 4 4 4 4 21 84 4 4 3 4 3 18 72 78 

16 KDM 4 4 3 3 2 16 64 4 4 3 3 3 18 72 68 

17 MHZ 3 4 4 4 4 19 76 3 4 4 4 4 19 76 76 

18 MS 2 3 2 3 3 13 52 2 3 3 3 3 14 56 48 

19 MHY 3 5 4 4 4 20 80 3 5 4 4 4 19 76 78 

20 MMA 5 3 4 4 4 19 76 4 3 4 4 4 19 76 76 

21 MZL 5 3 4 4 4 20 80 4 3 3 4 4 18 72 76 

22 MRS 5 3 4 4 4 19 76 5 3 4 4 4 19 76 76 

23 MZSR 4 3 5 3 4 19 76 4 4 4 3 4 19 76 76 

24 NQKN 4 3 3 3 4 17 68 4 3 3 3 4 17 68 68 

25 NPII 4 4 3 5 3 19 76 4 4 3 5 3 19 76 76 

26 NAAO 5 3 4 4 4 19 76 4 3 4 4 4 19 76 76 

27 N 4 3 5 3 4 19 76 4 4 4 3 3 19 76 76 

28 SMK 4 5 3 3 4 19 76 4 5 3 3 4 19 76 76 

29 SPRD 5 3 4 4 4 19 76 4 3 4 4 4 19 76 76 

30 SI 4 3 5 3 4 19 76 4 3 5 3 4 19 76 76 

Rater 1 Rater 2
Initial Category
No Writing Aspects ∑ WS Writing Aspects ∑ WS AS
31 TFH 4 5 3 3 4 19 76 4 5 3 3 4 19 76 76 

32 TM 4 5 4 5 5 23 92 4 5 4 5 5 23 92 92 

33 VVN 5 3 4 4 4 19 76 5 3 4 3 4 19 76 76 

34 YNH 5 4 3 3 3 18 72 4 4 4 4 4 20 80 76 

Total 140 127 127 125 129 2552 130 127 124 127 129 2548 2550 28 6
Average 4.1 3.7 3.7 3.6 3.8 75 3.8 3.7 3.6 3.7 3.8 74.9 75 82.3% 17.6%

Table 4. 10 The Results of the Observation in Meetings 1 in Cycle 2
1 AD      5 
2 APY      5 
3 AAS   2 
4 ASRNH   2 
5 AHF      5 
6 APR      5 
7 BIW      5 
8 DRMR      5 
9 FM    3 
10 EDS   2 
11 HUIR      5 
12 IAH    3 
13 IDF      5 
14 IMA      5 
15 INDP      5 
16 KDM      5 
17 MHZ      5 
18 MS   2 
19 MHY - - - - - - - -
20 MMA   2 
21 MZL      5 
22 MRS      5 
23 MZSR      5 
24 NQKN   2 
25 NPII      5 
26 NAAO      5 
27 N      5 
28 SMK      5 
29 SPRD      5 
30 SI      5 
31 TFH      5 


32 TM      5 
33 VVN   2 
34 YNH     4 

TOTAL 28 29 27 28 27 26 7
AVERAGE 84.8% 87.9 81.8% 84.8% 81.8% 78.8% 21.3%

Table 4. 11 The Results of the Observation in Meetings 2 in Cycle 2
1 AD      5 
2 APY      5 
3 AAS      5 
4 ASRNH    3 
5 AHF      5 
6 APR      5 
7 BIW   2 
8 DRMR   2 
9 FM      5 
10 EDS      5 
11 HUIR      5 
12 IAH      5 
13 IDF      5 
14 IMA      5 
15 INDP      5 
16 KDM      5 
17 MHZ      5 
18 MS   2 


19 MHY      5 
20 MMA - - - - - - - -
21 MZL      5 
22 MRS    3 
23 MZSR      5 
24 NQKN      5 
25 NPII      5 
26 NAAO      5 
27 N      5 
28 SMK   2 
29 SPRD - - - - - - - -
30 SI      5 
31 TFH      5 
32 TM   2 
33 VVN      5 
34 YNH      5 
TOTAL 28 26 28 30 29 27 5
AVERAGE 87.5% 81.2% 87.5% 93.7% 90.6% 84.4% 15.6%

Table 4. 12 The Students’ Writing Achievement Test Results in Cycle 2

Rater 1 Rater 2
Initial Category
No Writing Aspects ∑ WS Writing Aspects ∑ WS AS
1 AD 4 4 5 4 4 21 84 4 4 4 4 4 20 80 82 

2 APY 4 5 3 3 4 19 76 4 5 3 4 4 20 80 78 

3 AAS 4 5 4 3 3 19 76 4 4 4 4 4 20 80 78 

4 ASRNH 5 3 4 4 4 19 76 5 3 4 4 4 19 76 76 

5 AHF 3 4 4 4 4 19 76 3 3 4 4 4 18 72 74 

6 APR 4 5 4 3 3 19 76 4 5 4 3 3 19 76 76 

7 BIW 4 4 5 4 4 21 84 4 4 4 5 4 21 84 84 

8 DRMR 5 5 4 4 4 22 88 4 4 4 4 4 20 80 84 

9 FM 5 3 4 4 4 19 76 5 3 4 4 4 19 76 76 

10 EDS 4 3 5 3 4 19 76 4 3 5 4 4 20 80 78 

11 HUIR 4 5 4 3 3 19 76 4 5 4 3 3 19 76 76 

12 IAH 4 4 4 4 4 20 80 4 4 4 3 5 20 80 80 

13 IDF 4 4 4 3 5 19 76 4 4 4 3 5 19 76 76 

14 IMA 4 4 5 4 4 21 84 3 5 4 4 4 20 80 82 

15 INDP 4 4 4 4 4 20 80 3 4 4 4 4 19 80 80 

16 KDM 4 4 4 4 4 20 80 4 4 4 5 4 21 84 82 

17 MHZ 5 3 4 4 4 19 76 5 4 4 3 4 19 76 76 

18 MS 2 3 3 3 3 14 56 2 3 3 4 3 15 68 62 

19 MHY 5 3 4 4 4 19 76 5 4 4 4 4 20 80 78 

20 MMA 4 4 3 3 3 17 68 4 4 3 3 3 17 68 68 

21 MZL 4 5 3 3 4 19 76 4 5 3 4 3 19 76 76 

22 MRS 4 5 4 3 3 19 76 4 4 4 3 4 19 76 76 

23 MZSR 5 4 5 4 4 22 88 5 4 4 4 4 21 84 86 

24 NQKN 4 5 4 3 3 19 76 4 5 4 3 4 20 80 78 

25 NPII 4 5 5 4 5 22 88 4 4 4 4 4 20 80 84 

26 NAAO 5 3 4 4 4 19 76 5 3 4 4 4 19 76 76 

27 N 3 4 5 4 4 20 80 3 4 4 5 4 20 80 80 

28 SMK 4 4 3 3 3 17 68 4 4 3 3 3 17 68 68 

29 SPRD 4 5 3 3 4 19 76 4 5 3 4 4 20 80 78 

30 SI 4 5 4 3 3 19 76 4 5 4 3 3 19 76 76 

31 TFH 4 4 4 4 5 21 84 4 4 4 4 4 20 80 82 

32 TM 4 5 5 5 5 24 96 4 5 5 5 5 24 96 96 

33 VVN 4 3 5 5 4 21 84 4 3 4 5 4 20 80 82 

34 YNH 5 4 3 3 3 18 72 5 4 4 3 4 20 80 76 

Total 140 140 138 123 130 664 2656 137 138 132 130 132 663 2664 2660 30 4
Average 4.1 4.1 4 3.6 3.8 78.1 4 4 3.8 3.8 3.8 78.3 78.2 88.2% 11.7%


The Story Mapping of “Going to The Cempaka swimming pool"


The Sample of the Students’ Recount Text Writing Cycle 1

Highest score
The First Scorer (The Researcher) The Second Scorer (The English Teacher)

The Story Mapping of “Watching a movie with my sister”


The Sample of the Students’ Recount Text Writing Cycle 1

Lowest score
The First Scorer (The Researcher) The Second Scorer (The English Teacher)

The Story Mapping of “Going to The National Youth Scientific Camping”


The Sample of the Students’ Recount Text Writing Cycle 2

Highest score
The First Scorer (The Researcher) The Second Scorer (The English Teacher)

The Story Mapping of “My English score”


The Sample of the Students’ Recount Text Writing Cycle 2

Lowest score
The First Scorer (The Researcher) The Second Scorer (The English Teacher)



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