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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XI
Division of Davao del Sur

Try to think of something that doesn't involve energy and you won't get
very far. Even thinking—even thinking about energy!—needs some energy to
make it happen. In fact, everything that happens in the world uses energy of
one kind or another. But what exactly is energy?

Energy is a bit of a mystery. Most of the time we can't see it, yet it is
everywhere around us. Revving car engines burn energy, hot cups of coffee
hold energy, street lights that shine at night are using energy, sleeping dogs are
using energy too—absolutely everything you can think of is using energy in
one way or another. Energy is a magical substance that makes things happen.
Everything in the world is either energy or matter ("stuff" around us) and even
matter, when you really get down to it, is a kind of energy!

Study this material and you will know and define the differences between
two kinds of energy- potential and kinetic. And also, you will give examples
of these energies.

How to learn from this SIM?

1. Read and follow theinstructions very carefully.
2. Read the different lessons about motion in two
3. Perform all the activities, as these will help you
have a better understanding of the topic.
4. Take the assessment.
5. Be very honest in taking the test so you know how
much knowledge you already have about the topic.
6. Your answers will be checked by your teacher at
the end of the day.
7. Take the self-tests at the end of each lesson to
determine how much you remember about the lesson.
8. Finally,
4 take the posttest at the end of this module.

Look at the pictures below and label them potential or

kinetic based on what type of energy they are showing.

1 2

3 4

By definition, Kinetic energy is a form of energy that
results from an object's motion. There are many types
of motion that use kinetic energy: translation (moving
from one place to another), rotation, and vibration.
The measurement of kinetic energy in an object is
calculated based on the object's mass and velocity.
Potential energy is a form of energy that results from
an object's position or arrangement of parts. It is
stored energy that can become kinetic energy. It
includes potential electrical, chemical, and nuclear
energy. The measurement of potential energy in an
object is calculated based on the object's mass and its
height or distance.
Both are measured in Joules.

1. _____________ is an energy that results from an

object’s motion

2. _____________ is an energy that results from an

object’s position or arrangement of parts.

3. Kinetic and Potential Energy are measured in terms

of _________________________
Kinetic Energy

Definition The energy of a body or a system with respect to the motion of the
body or of the particles in the system.

Relation to Kinetic energy of an object is relative to other moving and

environment stationary objects in its immediate environment.

Transferability Kinetic energy can be transferred from one moving object to

another, say, in collisions.

SI Unit Joule (J)

Determining factors Speed/velocity and mass

Potential Energy

Definition Potential Energy is the stored energy in an object or system

because of its position or configuration.

Relation to Potential energy is not relative to the environment of an object.


Transferability Potential energy cannot be transferred.

SI Unit Joule (J)

Determining factors Height or distance and mass

Based on the given Chart above answer the following questions below.
1. Which energy can’t be transferred?
2. What is the unit of measurement for both type of energy?
3. The determining factors of kinetic energy are ___________ and
4. It is a stored energy in an object.
5. It is not relative to the environment of an object.
Interconversion of Kinetic and Potential
The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be
destroyed but can only be transformed from one form into another. Take
a classic example of a simple pendulum. As the pendulum swings the
suspended body moves higher and due to its position potential energy
increases and reaches a maximum at the top. As the pendulum begins
its downward swing, the stored potential energy is converted into kinetic
When a spring is stretched to one side, it exerts a force to the other side
so it can come back to its original state. This force is called restoring
force and acts to bring objects and systems to their low energy level
position. The force required to stretch the spring is stored in the metal
as potential energy. When the spring is released, the stored potential
energy is converted into kinetic energy by the restoring force.
When any mass is lifted, the gravitational force of the earth (and the
restoring force in this case) acts to bring it back down. The energy
needed to lift up the mass is stored as potential energy due to its
position. As the mass is dropped, stored potential energy is converted
to kinetic energy.

Write true if the statement is correct and false if it is not.

_____1. Energy can be destroyed and converted to another form.
_____2. Energy can be transformed from one form to another.
_____3. When the pendulum begins its downward swing, potential
energy is converted to kinetic energy.
_____4. When the spring is released, the stored kinetic energy is
converted into potential energy by the restoring force.
_____5. The energy needed to lift up the mass is stored as potential energy
due to its direction.

Types of Kinetic Energy
Kinetic energy can be classified into two types, depending on the
type of objects:

• Translational kinetic energy

• Rotational kinetic energy

Rigid non rotating bodies have rectilinear motion. Thus translational

kinetic energy is kinetic energy possessed by an object moving in a
straight line. Kinetic energy of an object is related to its momentum
(product of mass and velocity, p= mv where m is mass and v is
velocity). Kinetic energy is related to momentum through the relation
E = p^2 / 2m and hence translational kinetic energy is calculated as
E = ½ mv^2. Rigid bodies which rotate along their center of mass
possess rotational kinetic energy. Rotational kinetic energy of a
rotating body is calculated as the total kinetic energy of its different
moving parts. Bodies at rest also have kinetic energy. The atoms and
molecules in it are in constant motion. The kinetic energy of such a
body is the measure of its temperature.

Answer the following questions

1. What type of kinetic energy is possessed by an object moving in a
straight line.
2. Rotational kinetic energy of a rotating body is calculated as the
_____________ of its different moving parts.
3. It is related to its momentum (product of mass and velocity, p= mv
where m is mass and v is velocity).
4. The formula used in calculating the translational kinetic energy.
5. Rigid bodies which rotate along their center of mass possess what type
of kinetic energy?

Types of Potential Energy
Potential energy is classified depending on the applicable restoring force.

• Gravitational potential energy – potential energy of an object which is

associated with gravitational force. For example, when a book is placed on
top of a table, energy required to raise the book from the floor and energy
possessed by the book due to its elevated position on the table is
gravitational potential energy. Here gravity is the restoring force.
• Elastic potential energy – energy possessed by an elastic body like the
bow and catapult when it is stretched and deformed in one direction is
elastic potential energy. The restoring force is elasticity which acts in the
opposite direction.
• Chemical potential energy – energy related to arrangement of atoms and
molecules in a structure is chemical potential energy. Chemical energy
possessed by a substance due to the potential it has to undergo a chemical
change by taking part in a chemical reaction is chemical potential energy
of the substance. When fuel is used, for example, chemical energy stored
in fuel is converted to produce heat.
• Electrical potential energy – energy possessed by an object by virtue of
its electric charge is electrical potential energy. There are two types –
electrostatic potential energy and electrodynamic potential energy or
magnetic potential energy.
• Nuclear potential energy – potential energy possessed by particles
(neutrons, protons) inside an atomic nucleus is nuclear potential energy.
For example, hydrogen fusion in the sun converts potential energy stored
in solar matter into light energy.

Fill in the blanks

1. ____________ is an energy related to arrangement of atoms and
molecules in a structure is chemical potential energy
2. ____________ is a potential energy of an object which is associated
with gravitational force.
3. There are two types of electrical potential energy –__________ and
___________ .
4. _________ is an energy possessed by an elastic body like the bow
and catapult when it is stretched and deformed in one direction is elastic
potential energy.

I. Directions: Read the questions carefully. Encircle the correct
1. Kinetic energy is the energy of________________
a. motion and position c. position
b. stored energy d. motion
2. When a sling shot is pulled back all the way it has.......
a. gravitation potential energy b. kinetic energy
c. elastic potential energy d. chemical energy
3. f you increase _________ and __________ then you will
increase the objects amount of potential energy.
a. mass, acceleration b. mass, velocity
c. mass, height d. mass, speed
4. Which one has more kinetic energy and why? A baseball or a
soccer ball
a. a baseball because it is smaller
b. a baseball because it has more mass
c. a soccer ball because it is bigger
d. a soccer ball because it has more mass
5. The ability to cause change is.....
a. kinetic energy b. potential energy
c. energy d. gravitational potential energy

Discuss what is the law of conservation of energy and site examples


II. Directions: Read the questions carefully. Encircle the correct letter.

1. What type of energy is stored in a stretched rubber band?

a. rubber band potential energy b. chemical potential energy
c. elastic potential energy d. gravitational potential energy

2. what type of energy is stored in the molecular bonds of a substance?

a. elastic potential energy b. gravitational potential energy
c. kinetic energy d. chemical potential energy

3. What happens to an object's kinetic as you increase it's speed?

a. it stay the same b. it decreases
c. it increases d. it multiplies

▪ 4. If an object can fall, what sort of energy does it have before falling?
a. falling energy b. gravitational potential energy
c. elastic energy d. kinetic energy

Fill in the blanks

1. _________________ is a form of energy that results from an object's

position or arrangement of parts.

2. _________________ is an energy possessed by an object by virtue

of its electric charge is electrical potential energy.

3. _________________ is a potential energy of an object which is

associated with gravitational force.

4. _________________ is a form of energy that results from an object's


5. _________________ is kinetic energy possessed by an object

moving in a straight line.

1. Potential Energy 1. Kinetic Energy
2. Potential Energy 2. Potential Energy
3. Kinetic Energy 3. Joules
4. Kinetic Energy


1. Potential Energy 1. False
2. Joules (J) 2. True
3. Speed and Mass 3. True
4. Potential Energy 4. False
5. Potential Energy 5. False


1. Translational Kinetic 1. Chemical

Energy Potential Energy
2. Total Kinetic Energy 2. Gravitational
3. Kinetic Energy Potential Energy
4. E=½mv2 3. Electrostatic
5. Rotational Kinetic Potential Energy
Energy 4. Electrodynamic/
Potential Energy
5. Elastic Potential


1. D 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. C

The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot
be destroyed but can only be transformed from one form into

1. C
2. D
3. C
4. B





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