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Date: 29-03-2018

Experiment # 06
To determine the iron content in the given salt by using external indicator.

Potassium dichromate in acid medium oxidizes ferrous sulphate present in Mohr’s salt into ferric
sulphate. In this titration, potassium ferricyanide is used as an external indicator which gives a
blue color due to the formation of ferro ferricyanide.

Potassium dichromate solution oxidizes ferrous ions present in
iron ore (Mohr’s salt into ferric ion in acidic medium .The end
point can be noted by using K3[fe(CN)6] as an indicator.
Potassium ferricyanide indicator gives a greenish blue color with
ferrous ion due to the formation of Ferrous ferricynaide.

Cr2O72- + 14H+ + 6e- → 2Cr3+ + 7H2O

The relevant half reaction is :

Fe2+ → Fe3+ + e-

Hence overall

Cr2O72- + 6 Fe2+ + 14H+ → 2Cr3+ + 6 Fe3+ + 7H2O

2K3Fe(CN6) + 3FeSO4 - Fe3[Fe(CN6)]2 + 3K2SO4

Ferrous ferricynide (blue color)

 Burette
 Pipete
 Conical Flask
 Beaker
 Measuring cylinder

Chemicals Required:
 K2Cr2O7
 K3Fe(CN6)
 H2SO4
 (NH4)2Fe(SO4)2·6H2O(Mohr’s salt)

Material Safety Sheet (MSDS):

Sr Chemicals Hazards
It is irritant and corrosive and hazards to eye.
1 K2Cr2O7
Hazardous in case of skin contact ,No carcinogenic
2 K3Fe(CN6) effect

It is corrosive and irritant for skin and eyes.

3 H2SO4

It has hazardous in case of eye contact and

4 (NH4)2Fe(SO4)2 irritant in case of skin contact.

 First of all took 10 ml iron solution in conical flask( Mohr salt)
 Then Added 5ml dilute H2SO4 in it with the help of pipette and put K3Fe(CN6) on glass plate.
 After adding the potassium dichromate we take a glass rod and dipped it into the solution.
and touched it with the indicator which we first placed it on the glass plate.
 The colour of the indicator becomes dark green.
 Started titration against potassium dichromate and dropped after dropped into the
solution until the indicator gives light yellow colour when we made contact of the glass
rod solution and the indicator.
 Take the initial and final reading of the potassium dichromate which is taken as V2

Observation and Calculation:
Sr. No. Initial Volume (mL) Final Volume (mL) Volume Used (mL)

1. 1 4 3

2. 4 7 3

3. 7 10 3

Average Volume of K2CrO7 used = 3 mL

Volume of Mohr salt = 20mL

Mohr’s salt Vs K2CrO7
M1V1 = M2V2
M1 = Molarity of Mohr salt
M2 = Molarity of K2CrO7
V1 = Volume of Mohr salt
V2 = Volume of K2CrO7
M1= (0.01)(3)/(20)

M1 = 0.0015
Weight per liter of Fe = (Molarity)(Molar mass of Fe containing solution)
Weight per liter of Fe = (0.0015)(392)

Weight per liter of Fe = 0.588g/L

392g of Mohr Salt Containing Iron = 56g

1g of Mohr Salt Containing Iron = 56/392g

0.588g of Mohr Salt Containing Iron= (56)(0.588)/(392)

0.588g of Mohr Salt Containing Iron= 0.084g

Conclusion & Results:

Hence 0.588g of Mohr salt contains 0.084g of iron content.


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