Copmuter: Organic Agriculture

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ORGANIC AGRICULTURE use in livestock husbandry are

Organic farming is an
alternative agricultural system which COPMUTER
originated early in the 20th century in
reaction to rapidly changing farming A computer is a device that can be
practices. Organic farming continues to instructed to carry
out sequences of arithmetic or logical operati
be developed by various organic
ons automatically via computer
agriculture organizations today. It programming. Modern computers have the
relies on fertilizers of organic origin ability to follow generalized sets of
such as compost manure, green operations, called programs.These programs
enable computers to perform an extremely
manure, and bone meal and places
wide range of tasks.
emphasis on techniques such as crop
Computers are used as control systems for a
rotationand companion
wide variety of industrial and consumer
planting. Biological pest control, mixed devices. This includes simple special purpose
cropping and the fostering of insect devices like microwave ovens and remote
predators are encouraged. In general, controls, factory devices such as industrial
organic standards are designed to robots and computer-aided design, and also
general purpose devices like personal
allow the use of naturally occurring
computers and mobile devices such
substances while prohibiting or strictly as smartphones.
limiting synthetic substances.[2] For Early computers were only conceived as
instance, naturally occurring pesticides calculating devices. Since ancient times,
such as pyrethrin and rotenone are simple manual devices like the abacusaided
permitted, while people in doing calculations. Early in
the Industrial Revolution, some mechanical
synthetic fertilizers and pesticides are
devices were built to automate long tedious
generally prohibited. Synthetic tasks, such as guiding patterns for looms.
substances that are allowed include, for More sophisticated electrical machines did
example, copper sulfate, specialized analogcalculations in the early
elemental sulfur and Ivermectin. Geneti 20th century. The first digital electronic
calculating machines were developed
cally modified
during World War II. The speed, power,
organisms, nanomaterials, human and versatility of computers have been
sewage sludge, plant growth increasing dramatically ever since then.
regulators, hormones, and antibiotic
1. Create a 2 column Word document and apply different Font Styles, Text Alignment and Borders

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