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An Eco-Tropical Resort and Conservation Complex

A Thesis Proposal submitted to

The College of Architecture
University of Santo Tomas

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements
For the Degree of
Bachelor of Science in Architecture



MARCH 2017
August , 2016


College of Architecture
University of Santo Tomas
España, Manila

Dear Sir:

I have the honor to submit my thesis proposal entitled, “La Vida Paraiso” as a partial
requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Architecture. With the goal of
designing An Eco-Tropical Resort and Conservation Complex the following are its
project objectives:

1. To house a facility that would cater to the needs of the overworked Filipino
citizen so that they can have nice rest and relaxing time during their stay.
2. To provide guests with a temporary shelter away from their turbulent lives and
be a kind of “home away from home”
3. To provide a place where people can admire the beauty of nature, as well as
be surrounded by them.

Upon the approval of this proposal, it is understood that I shall proceed with the
research work and submit it on the designated date. Justification and other
requirements for the proposal are included herewith.

Sincerely Yours,



Endorsed by:

Ar. Gerwin Ferreras

Thesis Adviser

The Pontifical and Royal

España, Manila



Certificate to Proceed

This Certificate is hereby given to Tagao, Seldon May T. whose thesis proposal entitled
La Vida Paraiso: An Eco-Tropical Resort and Conservation Complex has been carefully
evaluated and endorsed by the Thesis Adviser and has subsequently been reviewed
and approved by this office.

You are now tasked to proceed with your research works in accordance with the existing
guidelines and policies of the College. You are likewise enjoined to submit the said
research work on the time and date designated by the Thesis Adviser this Semester

This Certificate to Proceed is issued on ________


Dean, College of Architecture


Title Page

Letter to the Dean

Certificate to Proceed

Table of Contents

Chapter 1:
1.1 Background of the Problem
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Significance of the Project
1.4 Project Objectives
1.5 Project Scope
1.6 Definition of Terms

Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature

2.1 Foreign Literature
2.2 Local Literature
2.3 Case Study

Chapter 3: Research Methodology

3.1 Research Design and Instrument

Chapter 4: Project Profile and Analysis

4.1 Historical Background
4.1.1 History of Tourism in the Philippines

4.1.2 History of Eco Tourism

4.1.3 Eco Tourism in the Philippines

4.2 Profile of Client/User

4.2.1 User Profile Customers

4.2.2 Client Profile

4.3 Mission and Vision

4.3.1 Vision

4.3.2 Mission

4.4 Organizational Set-up and Personal Functions

4.4.1 Chairman of the Board

4.4.2 Chief Executive Officer

4.4.3 Chief Operating Officer

4.4.4 Chief Financial Officer

4.4.5 Accounting Manager

4.4.6 Director of Budget

4.4.7 Director of Audit

4.4.8 Housing Manager

4.4.9 Maintenance and Security Manager

4.4.10 Staff

4.5 Programs and Activities

4.6 Legal Frameworks

4.6.1 General Regulations Employment Regulations

4.6.2 Permits and Licenses

4.6.3 National Building Code of The Philippines

4.6.4 Classification of and Standard Requirements for Resorts

4.6.5 Zoning Ordinances

Chapter 5: Site Profile and Analysis

5.1 Site Selection and Justification

5.2 Site Description

5.3 Maps

5.4 Environment Impact Analysis

Chapter 6: Data Presentation

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Discussion of Archival Materials

6.2.1 Analysis of Archival Materials

6.3 Discussion of Observation Activity

6.3.1 Details of Observation Activity

6.3.2 Details of Observation Activity (Summer) Interpretation of Observation Activity

6.3.3 Analysis of Observation Activity

6.3.4 Applicability to the Proposed Project

6.3.5 Implications to the Proposed Project

6.4 Survey Activities

6.4.1 Details of Survey

6.4.2 Analysis of Survey

6.4.3 Results (tallying and charts)

6.5 Case Study

Chapter 7: Research Focus

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Design Focus

Chapter 8: Space Analysis and Programming

Chapter 9: Conceptual Analysis

9.1 Design Philosophy

9.2 Design Concept

9.3 Design Objectives

9.4 Design Considerations

Chapter 10: Conclusion



A. Transfer Certificate Title (TCT)

B. Certification from City Planning and Development Office
C. Weather Analysis from PAGASA

Tourism is among the Philippine’s brightest options to speed up its economic

development and hasten the attainment of the goal to become a First World
country in the next two decades.

There are a lot of things positively going for Philippine tourism. For one, Filipinos
are natural tourism assets themselves – warm and hospitable and are largely at
home with English, the world’s language of business.

Their being largely Christians also gives them instant affinity with Christians from
the United States and several European nations, the country’s traditional

The Philippines is never short of natural attractions, which are among the best in
the world. Centuries of foreign rule has enriched its history and culture, which are
now reflected in a wealth of historical sites and cultural festivals.

The Philippines is in need of a structure that can help raise the tourism industry
in the country and to be able to contribute to the image of the country as a
progressive and competitive address for tourism.
CHAPTER 1: Introduction

The Philippines is an archipelago blessed with a rich history, a unique culture and a
wealth of natural resources. Its attractions are as many as they are diverse, with each
island offering something different and special - white sand beaches, lush green forests,
majestic mountain peaks, ancient churches, awesome mountain terraces, secluded
islets. modern cities. rustic countryside; the list goes on and on.

From a long history of Malay villages, Chinese merchants. Spanish colonialism and
American rule evolved a people with a unique culture. Filipinos are divided
geographically and culturally into regions the sturdy and frugal Ilocanos of the north, the
industrious Tagalogs of the central plains, the carefree Visayans from the central islands
and the colorful tribes and the Muslims of Mindanao.

Nature lovers can go mountain climbing. bird watching. spelunking (cave exploration)
and photo safaris. The visitor can learn much about the Philippines and its people when
visiting its museums, centuries-old churches, monuments and city walls spread across
the country. And for a taste of rural Philippine life, a tour of the countryside is an
unforgettable experience.

Whatever your interest. Philippines' 7,107 islands have it.

1.1 Background of the Problem:

Officially. the Philippine Archipelago consists of 7,107 islands, with a land area of
almost 300.000 square kilometers. Each and every island provides different natural
beauties and alluring scenic views for people to experience and explore The wide
array of attractions range from rare and exotic fauna in Calauit Island in Palawan.
Tarsier site in Bohol, Albay Park & Wildlife in Bicol, and Crocodile Park in Davao, to
avian or bird sanctuaries in Olongo Island in

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