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Weekly Journal

Regular evaluation updates are required, as with every unit. Please

remember to take photos and get behind the scenes footage as you film.
You might find it easier if you note down a record of what you did each day
in a diary form.

Please use the following guidance to help you with each week.

Week 1 This week you worked on your research

What have you been asked to We were given a choice to produce one of the
do? following; Music video, Documentary, Short film and
stop motion animation. Our group decided to that It
would be quite fun to do a music video so we went
with it. Next we had to research into the codes and
conventions of other music videos.
How has writing the brief helped Writing the brief helped me think of the role which I
you to finalise your idea? will be most useful to my group. Writing the brief made
me think of the reasons why my group wanted to do
the music video. It also made me think about what
skills I have that will help me produce the best I can.
What did you learn from By researching conventions I successfully managed to
practising the conventions you analyse why certain images and conventions are
researched? used and how effective they were. I also looked into
the narrative of the music videos and explained how
the conventions are effective in that narrative.
Are you on track for this week? If No, need to add more to the convention research.
not, how far behind are you?
What work do you need to Conventions of music videos need more detail.
complete outside of lessons to
stay on track?
Week 2 This week you worked on your planning

How has analysing videos helped Analysing music videos taught me about conventions
you to understand the genre commonly used in the editing and shooting of the
better? video. I learnt about the props that rap music videos
commonly use and that helped to develop our idea
How did making infographics help Making info graphics was an effective way to briefly
you to process your research? sum up all the research that I did. An example of the
research would be that rap videos commonly use low
angles to show the rappers as being powerful.
What did you learn from your Planning the production helped me further develop
planning? How has it helped you the idea. All the planning that we did we did as a
to progress your idea? group. Storyboarding our idea helped us think of the
brief structure of the scenes of the music video. The
story board also helped us to determine the types of
shots, camera movement and angles that we will use.
The shooting script helped us develop what we will
show on what part. While writing the shooting script
we considered things such as narrative and context of
the overall music video. When It came to location
scouting we decided to shoot it local. This is because
we hired actors from the drama department and we
didn’t want to overcomplicate things.
How has your idea At the very beginning it took a while to decide on a
developed/changed during the song for the music video. When we decided on the
planning stage? song we planned to do a love story of a never ending
relationship to show how Tabaco is addictive.
However when it came to filming we didn’t manage
to find a female actor. However we had three male
actors so we decided to change it up a bit. Instead of
showing a relationship we showed peer pressure
which is also relatable to Tabaco.
How did you ensure that your On the story board there was the correct descriptions,
storyboards were to a high the timing for each scene, shot type, camera
enough standard? movement and a brief description with a drawing.
What issues did you have when When planning the production we ran into a few
planning your production? How minor errors. As I mentioned before we couldn’t get a
did you overcome them? female actor so the whole story had to be adapted.
During the editing process we noticed that we simply
don’t have enough footage to fill up the whole song
so we went out and recorded ourselves doing
random things and that matched up with the song
very well.
How much work did you I caught up with whatever I missed out on in class.
complete outside of the lessons?
Are you on track for this week? If Yes
not, how far behind are you?
What work do you need to Need to catch up on unit 5
complete outside of lessons to
stay on track?

Week 3 This week you worked on your production

What The story boarding came in handy when it came to telling our actors what the
practical music video is about and giving them a brief understanding of their roles. The
work story board also helped me remember what shots and camera movement to
have you use in certain parts. The locations that we chose worked very well and the
done weather was lovely on the day we were recording. Checking the weather a
few days before recording is effective as shots during a sunny day give a
and how
brighter tone to the overall production.
was your
Upload Didn’t take any photos.
What One of the issues we encountered during the filming process is that the iso
issues did setting on the cameras wasn’t the same, therefore the colour of the footage is
you not the same. I only realised that when I was finished with my edit. If I noticed
that sooner I could have made sure that the settings on the cameras were the
same or used colour correction in the editing process. The next time I record
er when something on two cameras I will make sure the settings are set the same to
filming make the editing process easier.
and how
did you
e them?
What We recorded around college and in the local skate park. We chose these
locations locations because the location wasn’t very important in this video it was more
did you about what’s going on between the actors. The location we chose was quite
quiet and empty so it was a nice and easy environment to work in.
use and
why did
How did The editing process was fun and challenging at the same time. It was
you find challenging because we didn’t have enough footage to fill up the entire song.
the As a result of this we had to go and record more footage. On the other hand
during the editing process I discovered a few new effects and used them
editing throughout the music video. Where I could I tried to cut to the beat, and
process? looking on my feedback I managed to do that successfully.
What When editing I found out how to use some new effects. For example at the
new skills very begging there is a VHR effect that gives the footage an old feel. I found
did you out how to do this effect by watching a YouTube tutorial. I also found out
about two new effects and how you can play with their settings to get a
different outcome every time. An example of one of these effects would be
when the mirror effect.
ots of the
why you

What I found it quite challenging to cut to the beat on some parts so I in those parts I
issues did used effects. An example of this could be a blackout that I did on one of the
bigger beats. The blackout was well timed and worked well. This helped me to
you use the content else were to fill up the music video till the end. In the editing
encount process I realised that some people were in some shots where they shouldn’t
er when of been. I used the masking tool to remove them and its barely noticeable.
What I didn’t notice was that the footage needed colour correction. To
improve my production I would colour correct the footage.
and how
did you
e them?
How well I think that I added everything that needed to be on the production schedule.
have you The schedule had everyone’s roles on it and the deadlines for the work that
worked we need to complete. It is all filled up to the deadline and includes every task
that I did. Therefore I think that the production schedule has helped me quite
to your
a lot.
Are you Need to finish evaluations and some weekly blogs. Still haven’t caught up with
on track some of the unit 5 work.
for this
week? If
not, how
are you?
What Unit 5 evaluation, unit 6 evaluation.
work do
you need
e outside
of lessons
to stay on
High Grade Tips

Use screenshots to support your analysis – especially when comparing your work to other

Considered and capable demonstration of processes – detailed documentation of your

production process – such as still images, and annotated screenshots of your specific
production and editing process – including ‘what’ and ‘why’ and not just ‘how’.

Specific – be specific! Don’t just say e.g. ‘the lighting was good’ – show us where the
lighting looked good and why you think that.
Week 4 This week you worked on your production

were your

According to the feedback, the strengths in my production were the editing

and the way the video was shot. I think the story line
were your

The shots that I used were very similar, I should of used a wider variety of shots.
I could of used more long shots and close ups. The production had a decent
amount of effects, I tried not to overload the music video with video effects
and only use them on the main drops of the song to make it look snappier.
Looking back at It I could of added more effects at some parts.

How did We worked well as a group, everyone did their share of planning for the
you work production. I feel like I let down my group with my attendance. Other than
as a that everyone took part in the recording and we all got our deas across in
the planning. I believe we worked pretty well, however we left the editing to
the deadline on the last day.

Complete My music video compared to A$AP rocky – Kids turned out fine is similar in
a written some ways. The quality of then editing isn’t near as good however there are
compariso some elements that are pretty similar. For example in the A$AP rocky music
video they show the effects of drugs through the editing, in my music video I
n of your
showed the effects of smoking cigarettes (For example I used the dolly zoom
work to to show the light-headedness that you get at 0:15. Furthermore I used the
profession distortion effect at 1:26 that distorts the footage. This is meant to symbolise the
al blurriness you get when you smoke as well as how it destroys lives.
ns you In A$AP Rocky kids turned out fine the whole music video is filmed with the
researche camera moving right, so all the shots line up and work as transitions when the
subject switches. I could of done this in my music video to add a cool effect
and to make the footage flow better. The BPM of the asap rocky is slower
previously. therefore the camera movement is slow aswell. In my song the camera
Use movement would have to be faster as it has more BPM.
s of both
ns to
High Grade Tips

Use screenshots to support your analysis – especially when comparing your work to other

Considered and capable demonstration of processes – detailed documentation of your

production process – such as still images, and annotated screenshots of your specific
production and editing process – including ‘what’ and ‘why’ and not just ‘how’.

Specific – be specific! Don’t just say e.g. ‘the lighting was good’ – show us where the
lighting looked good and why you think that.

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