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Southville International School and 1

Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia Arts


Demesa, Dominique Marie R.

Southville International School and 2
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia Arts

Segregation for Every-JUAN

Chapter 1


Proper Segregation of waste has always been implemented in the

Philippines but it has was never really encouraged to the point where every

establishment, household, or individual are taking part of it as well. We leave

waste management of trash to local government units to collect our trash

and do the segregating for us, which sometimes doesn’t get sorted anyway

and some or most of our trash to end up polluting our environment. If not

most, but more households and individuals start to segregate their trash at

home, this will greatly reduce waste that could have been recycled and not

ending up polluting our surroundings. A mobile game application that can be

playable by the general public will be created it to spread proper information

on the importance of the topic and encourage them to do so.

Southville International School and 3
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia Arts

Background of the Study

Segregation is specifically the act of separating garbage according to

their groups. The most popular known way of segregation are the three R’s:

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle (Essays, UK, November 2013). This act makes

waste disposal much more convenient for local government units to collect

trash and reduce land pollution.

In the year 2000, Republic Act 9003 or Ecological Solid Waste

Management was passed specifically mandating that the collection, transport

and disposal of solid wastes are the responsibilities of the local government

units (LGUs). At present, most LGUs administer their own collection systems

or contract out this service to private contractors (SEPO, 2017). However,

most LGUs don’t have the technical and financial support to go through with

the said plans.

Any support, help or aid between local government units, private and

public institutions will impose will never truly reduce improper waste

management if not everyone will contribute and follow that. The effects of

ineffective solid waste management is prevalent especially during rainy

seasons, when typhoons and other

natural calamities that hits the Philippines every year and waste piles up to

join the flood, and it affects Filipinos living in all sectors especially those that
Southville International School and 4
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia Arts
pass by heavily polluted areas. If most Filipino households will comply and

help start properly segregating their waste at home before the collection of

garbage, it will truly help reduce waste and pollution.

Mobile learning on the other hand is a type of learning that takes place

when the learner has any kind of mobile handheld device that can access to

educational content. It is more convenient because you can study anytime

and anywhere you want to. Though it may be distracting for some people

because of how easy it is to switch between apps and games, games are a

better way of incorporating learning in mobile learning (University of Sydney,


The output of the study will be in an app form using mobile learning as

a platform to send the message and information to its audience. The game

concept will be inspired by the famous “Dumb Ways to Die” Campaign which

was designed to spread the message to be careful in railway stations and

more ways a person can carelessly die.


The researcher chose this topic to show that it is in every Filipino’s

responsibility to maintain and keep our environment clean.

Southville International School and 5
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia Arts

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

The theory that this study will use is Media Richness Theory (MRT) proposed

by Richard Daft and Robert Lengel.

This theory was chosen for the study because it effectively explains how

multimedia can communicate messages better and more quickly that is also

easy to understand for the general public.

The game application will communicate the message on basic ways how to

segregate waste in game form. The game will convey its main message along

with tips and tricks so that anyone can help the environment in their daily

lives using the four (4) factors of MRT.

4 Factors of MRT:

1. Ability of the medium to transmit multiple cues

- A game application is an uncommon way of communicating

messages to players, especially concerning environmental

causes but it’s effective.

Southville International School and 6
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia Arts
2. Immediacy of Feedback

a. Visual cues- The game will immediately notify if you effectively

swiped/tapped into the right direction with the use of different

color schemes, characters that will encourage you and give

positive feedback and vise versa with negative outcomes such

as committing a mistake or pressing a wrong button.

Examples of these are

b. Audio cues- Audio cues will be played after you make a right or

wrong move in the game.

3. Variety of Language

a. Art/Themes – As the game progresses, different themes and

customization options will be available such as different objects

to sort, different backgrounds from places all over Metro Manila,

and color schemes that will best suit your mood.

4. Personalized Message

- When the game starts, it will start to ask you your name and

basic information such as age and birthday. It will eventually

ask you “random” questions about yourself such as favorite


- what single-use plastic products do you usually use on a day

to day basis, or even ask how you are feeling, which it will

use as the game progresses.

Southville International School and 7
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia Arts
- The game will then use this information which will adjust in

your gameplay experience such as changing backgrounds

according to where you live near, the objects or character

customization you would like or the mood and setting of the

game based on the

- information the game will ask you to provide, if you choose to

do so.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to evaluate and the act of segregation as a part of the

everyday lives of the general public.

1. How will individuals and households in every faction contribute

in segregating waste in their own homes?

Southville International School and 8
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia Arts
2. Will segregation soon be a stricter implemented policy

nationwide if more individuals will take part in the movement?

3. Will a game application encourage the act of proper segregation

of waste?

4. Will the act of proper segregation of waste hinder or be a hassle

to daily lives in individuals, most especially households?

5. Will more public and private institutions and organizations follow

with implementing proper segregation in their respective


Scope and Limitation

The study is focused and limited only in the act of Segregation of solid waste

that are divided into 4 categories:

1. Organic Waste

2. Toxic Waste

3. Recyclable

4. Soiled/ Infectious Waste

Southville International School and 9
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia Arts
These are only some of many of the solid waste categories that this study

will focus on as these four (4) are the easiest and most basic categories that

can be properly segregated by Every-Juan before it is disposed of in land fills.

It is also limited to land pollution such as trash illegally dumped in

private sights, the increase of mass of landfills containing unsegregated

waste, or casual litter that is seen in polluting the streets of Metro Manila.

The respondents of this study will be Filipinos of all ages (from 8 – 50) and of

different living conditions as it will contribute to the output of the study.

Significance of the Study

Local government units who are mostly in charge of waste collection, when

the act of segregation is made aware and is practiced in every Filipino

household and public places, will manage waste more efficiently will see the

change of less waste being polluted on the streets.

Public and Private institutions that will be aware of the app, whom will bring

the practice of segregation to their perspective institutions and encourage

the act.
Southville International School and 10
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia Arts
Every Filipino household that will also be made aware of the app, for taking

action upon awareness, which is the act of segregation, as it will also help

households save on money.

The Less fortunate experience a change in their surroundings for more people

in the city will become aware of the cause and take action to not litter,

therefore not polluting in the streets where they call home.

Every Filipino individual will benefit from this because of the insight and

knowledge they will gain and awareness on the importance of the act of

segregation which saves you money and reduces carbon footprint.

Southville International Schools and Colleges. The study will be included in

their archives for future reference for other students who might be interested

in similar topics such as this.

Definition of Terms
Southville International School and 11
Luxembourg St., BF Homes International, Las Piñas City 1740
Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia Arts

Segregation. Segregation is specifically the act of separating garbage

according to their groups.

Waste. Any type or form of solid garbage that is usually thrown in the streets

which contributes to pollution.

Every-JUAN. Play on words for “Everyone” and “Juan” for “Juan dela Cruz”,

which is the national personification of the Philippines. The term “Every-Juan”

thus pertains to every Filipino individual.

Public or Private institutions. Any public or private company such as the

government, schools and offices that provides either jobs or education for the

Filipino people.

Organic Waste. Solid waste that is mostly discarded from the kitchen such

as kitchen waste and leftover food, fruits and vegetables, and leaves.

Toxic Waste. This includes old medicine, paint, chemicals, spray and aerosol

cans, or any solid waste that includes chemical in it.

Recyclable. Paper, Glass, Metal and Plastics that are unsoiled and cleaned

before disposing.

Soiled or Infectious Waste. Any waste that includes bodily fluids such as

tissue and cloth soiled with blood.

Less fortunate. People who live in the streets that don’t have anywhere to


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