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-- --- -- -
NUMBER PALINORO.MES Gru1ituslira�a,;grohH ot
At«l1ii,•ir<t, �Ives 811 .eJ<a�o ot a Number pafindrome:

''Lille the crest of,,,., peacocks, 1111! g1:11L� f>11 1/11!

hood« (Tr the cobras, mathematics is at the
top qf' tiui Vedw1gtt Sustras."
Th(I above \19!'$0 from Vodanga Jyottsa-shows the lmponance Mulllp!Y 142857143 by 7 and,cblaln
!liven to the study-of Mathefhab in ilntietu Indian society. a King·s necklace. Purely numerical T
No wonoo, we have pf"Od\JcQd some QJ931 mathem.atlclaos ptOblen,: 14285-7143 x 7 = 1000000001 00
righ1 from \he Vedic-times. 0 0
THEOREM OF DIAGONALS T�e Vedic $11/ha S;,,,,, The anaent Indian rr,athematiaBJls were lamlliar with ttle"Jact
explain tbe Theorem oJ Oiagonals nlu<:h earlier than BythOgoras: that th& numbcu ct permutalioos of n tilings tak.et1 '1f -til a time: �
faciorfal n, ,.e. rhe prod\jCt; n(n·l)(n·2)..... 1

J:', "Multiply the length (ol lho rigt,1

angle tri{lng,'e) by the (same) The followin9 example is Bgaln laken froi'n
IO"{Jlh and tho br6dll1 by lho 3 Bhaskara•s Lif,;voti
breadih; lhe squa,re root of the
sum of these two (rosults) ,glv6s
the- hypotqnuse; this is alreat:Jy 2
knoavn to scholars.•

PLACE VALUE SYSTEM Evel)'One iS aware that t11e prace .'2. LCrd Siva hOfdS'ten dJ/lsrent woapoa.s tram<Jly a
value $ystem originated in ancient ln®t. Aryabh-ata of 1he S" tf8!),s goa<J, a snake. a drum, a po1she«J. tJ dub. a
oentu,y savs: sptXJr. a missile. an auow and a bow m hJs hands.
Fll'ld the ttvmbe.r of"dffferen1 Sivtt KJoJs;
1(<F " �" mt 'if m Rl.!!nf.lga 1'ell 'lf!!o'l I
"''G'll·�N'q�����11 ANCIENT INDIA DISCOVERS 'ZERO",he discove!Y
ol fndtal')S not only t\elped lo es.lablish lhe place vatue
;j}. "/!Jllmeralsare.asfolloWs 1, to, 100� ,ooo•... ·sfafffn-9/rom I, system but also lo d!Sllnguish bew1een negative and PO$ltlve
each numbe.r(s obtain� by mulhplicalion bY 10, • numbers.

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