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To think a boy who grew up in

a small farming community of

roughly 3,000 people at the
Peak Performance in Life
Of small thinking he needed to be thinking bigger. When people think will continue to get bigger as people
People need to learn how
to balance their life
went to college for a out so that when they
time would mount to become too small they waste a lot of time because they understand what can be accomplished
degree in business.
the (vice-executive) chairman do not believe they can do all they want to .A dream or vision paints something achieve all they are
Where in class a buddy
at Transamerica with about working towards they
had a bigger and better accomplish. Bryce learned not only to manage his for people to work towards but a
3,550 registered still have something
business plan that the time but manage his minutes. Often times he goal, plan, and discipline are what
representatives nationwide.
professor loved, but planed five things that needed to get done the get people there. He did not wake up left in their life. If
Bryce Peterson came a long
never executed it. night before that would help him progress towards one morning and find that he had that success is all a person
way from his childhood to get
Bryce’s project, on the focuses on their life
the success he has now. his goals. Putting the most important thing first much money but realized that success
other hand, was was
Having an estate on 2 acres and so on and so forth. Causing him to accomplish was a process to which he learned becomes shallow once
not as grand, but he
and a master bedroom that is they have achieved it.
possessed the grit to the task that needed to be done the most even manythings. Through this process
three times bigger than the
make it happen. He would when it was not the most favorable. He had to Bryce had many ups and down and So instead of striving
two bedrooms, one bathroom,
later survive success to prioritize, get organized, and sacrifice. learned to view failulars as part of for success alone,
and a hallway, where he would
move on to higher people need to strive
play basketball, that made up success not the opposite of it. Some
levels. Reach out of his
his childhood home. Now when for a life that they
his parents visit they can
comfort zone and Picture of Bryce Peterson. people may fail and continue failing
love living.
continue when others because they learn nothing from past
not believe their son owns
would have stopped. mistakes. Not if, but when, people
all he does. “I sure
Learning self discipline fail and learn from it they decrease
wouldn't want to wash your In the book “#Maxout
was key along the way. the possibility of it happening
windows, or I sure wouldn't Your Life” Ed Mylett
After graduation he
want to mow your lawn” his again. When life gives challenges and gives people pointers
still had no clue what
dad often says to which he opposition do not shrink or shut down of how average people
was next or when things
implies “Well dad, I don't can Max Out their life.
would happen. He later but rise to the occasion. Do not
wash my windows and I don’t He says “The real
found his uncle bringing embrace weakness and shortcoming but
not mow my lawn”. Growing up separator between
him into the grow everywhere else and see what
his family did not have a successful people and
Transamerica industry.
whole lot, but Bryce dared to capacity could be filled. Overall average people is that
He surrounded himself
dream of bigger things. That successful people do it
with successful people Sacrifice is viewed as a negative meaning because Bryce Peterson had a wonderful life
is the start of his process people are foregoing a minor thing, but as whether they are
who could mentor and growing up, but he is happier without
towards success. He saw what motivated or not!”
help him improve. Havingsomething is sacrificed people are enabled to focus question now than before. Not because
little his future could be (23). It is perceived
one of their main and gain so much more in a different aspect. of his success alone, but because of
and did not want it. His that the people who
teachings being that he Realize that through sacrifice people are building the man he has become. In a newspaper
parents were stuck thinking have more were more
needed to change his way
small not knowing their was a a better life because it enables people to not hold ad Lieutenant Governor said motivated to stretch
of thinking in order to
bigger way to things. They do out and grasp some of
change his life. When back and commit to something more fully. Bryce cut “Happiness comes from constantly
not realize Bryce does not their goals. Mylett
bryce went from making out the “fat and fluff” in his life to focus more improving ourselves...Band from our
wash his windows or mow his tells us motivation
0-500,000 dollars in the on family, religion, and work. Which has brought lips the saying ‘that’s just who I
lawn because he pays someone comes from doing the
80’s he realized he was him to be worth millions. Bryce became a am’”. Bryce Peterson finds his
else to get the job done. work and feeling the
still thinking too possibility thinker. People can not build something
Bryce got the inspiration to happiness from growing as a person, success sometimes. To
small. Thinking small
make more through the example achieve more out of
was stopping him from if they do not believe in it themselves. So paint raising a family, and helping others.
of his mom’s father. Seeing something bigger to achieve, and through the life continue when
achieving more and if he Success was a symptom of improving
there could be other success other people would
wanted more he process of success the picture will continue to get himself as a person and in his
than being stuck in a tunnel stop.
bigger as people profession.

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