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Sentiment Labelled Sentences Data Set

Abstract: The dataset contains sentences labelled with positive or negative sentiment.

Data Set Number of

Text 3000 Area: N/A
Characteristics: Instances:

Attribute Number of 2015-05-

N/A N/A Date Donated
Characteristics: Attributes: 30

Missing Number of
Associated Tasks: Classification N/A 114167
Values? Web Hits:


Dimitrios Kotzias dkotzias '@'

Data Set Information:

This dataset was created for the Paper 'From Group to Individual Labels using Deep Features',
Kotzias et. al,. KDD 2015
Please cite the paper if you want to use it :)

It contains sentences labelled with positive or negative sentiment.

sentence score

Score is either 1 (for positive) or 0 (for negative)
The sentences come from three different websites/fields:

For each website, there exist 500 positive and 500 negative sentences. Those were selected
randomly for larger datasets of reviews.
We attempted to select sentences that have a clearly positive or negative connotaton, the goal was
for no neutral sentences to be selected.

Attribute Information:

The attributes are text sentences, extracted from reviews of products, movies, and restaurants
Relevant Papers:

'From Group to Individual Labels using Deep Features', Kotzias et. al,. KDD 2015

Citation Request:

'From Group to Individual Labels using Deep Features', Kotzias et. al,. KDD 2015


Dataset yang disusun merupakan Kalimat yang dilabeli dengan sentimen positif atau negatif

The dataset contains sentences labelled with positive or negative sentiment

There are no sources in the current document.

Cumah heran saja visi/misi manajemen itu gimana ya.. udah

nemu pelatih bagus malah di pecat apa kurang Respeck atau
prospek kedepanya suram atau gimana...

Kami memang bukan siapa"dan tidak punya apa"... Tapi kami

cuma berharap kepada jajaran manajemen untuk
Memperbaiki diri masing". Untuk kemajuan TIM .

Inilah bukti bahwa fans persib tidak mendukung timnya

ketika timnya sedang dibawah/down..
Fan sejati itu ada saat timnya menang dan kasih semangat
saat timnya kalah.

Anda jangan bahagia ketika kita menang, kalo anda tidak ada
saat kita kalah; -fergie

Raodovic tolong buang lopocik kalo anda ingin dpt respect

dari bobotoh jngn mempertahankan pemain yg gk ada
pengaruh nya,,jngn mentang2 satu negara dengan anda lalu
lopicik d pertahankn buang2 duit ajh

semangat persib.. Kalah menang hal biasa dlm olahraga

walau ada rasa kecewa.. Fans sejati selalu menghargai..

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