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Chinese Fortune Cookies

Here is a recipe presumably everybody is well familiar with. If you were looking for a way to make your winter
holiday table more interesting, this is just what you need! What is required is a bit of imagination and a teaspoon of
cookery 

~What you need:

2 egg whites
3 tablespoons of vegetable oil

8 tablespoons of all-purpose flour

1 ½ teaspoons of corn starch
a pinch of salt
8 tablespoons of sugar
3 teaspoons of water
baking paper

~How to do it:
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1. On pieces of paper write your wishes

2. In one bowl beat lightly egg whites and vegetable oil. The mixture should not be stiff, but not watery either
3. In another bowl add flour, starch, salt, sugar and pour water. Stir it with a spoon first and then add egg whites and oil.
4. Cut baking paper in approximately ten medium squares and put a table spoon of batter on each
5. Batter should be spread out evenly and my suggestion is to put your fingers under the baking paper and use them to move
the batter until it is level
6. Put one half of your cookies in a preheated oven and bake them until golden-brown in colour
7. Remove the cookies from the oven and with a spatula remove them from the baking paper
8. Working quickly, place your wishes in the middle of the cookie and fold it in half. Use the rim of a glass to gently pull the
edges of a cookie downward
9. Put your cookies in small muffin tins or coffee cups to keep their shape
10. Repeat this with the other half of your cookies.


Tamara Koranjic, a student at the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade

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